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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Jesus Christ!" Miss A's eyes opened wide as she snapped back into control of her body, spine and limbs stiffening as she looked around. "They were running away from something. Something huge, big enough that it destroyed one of the planets they were absorbing. These are just goddamn noobs here, they're children who were kidnapped and shoved into the chambers while the ship was bailing." She was obviously deeply shaken by what she'd seen, words tumbling over each other half-intelligibly as the normally erudite paragon tried to explain the horror. "Something was in space, in orbit of the planet, but orbit's not the right word for something the size of the planet itself. It was like a ball of snakes, but each one was hundreds or thousands of kilometers across, and they began to just tear into that planet like it was a popcorn ball. It had weapons, and one shot at this ship here as it flew through the dimensional warp, threw it off course, severed it from the Terminus. The big one, the one who'd rounded up the kids, he snapped out of it and started breaking things, screaming, praying." She looked at Murdock then. "He caused most of the interior damage. My god, if what this ship was running from followed them... we wouldn't have a chance in hell," she said bleakly.
  2. Wander stared at the diagrams for several long minutes, blinking only when the smoke from the fire began to sting her eyes. "So our objective is to get Midnight to the bomb and give him time to disarm it. Secondary objective, once that's done, is to let Edge send the whole place to hell and, if possible, escape with out lives. Stealth is going to be our best option, if there's any hope of maintaining it." She looked at Red Falcon. "Do you know how far their sensors go, into the sky, under the ground? Freedom City's got tunnels, or we could loop around, come in by sea and up the Wading River. We could be near Midtown before anyone spotted us."
  3. Erin stayed mostly silent through the meal and the preparations for rest, speaking to answer questions or to give instructions on how to handle and heat the canned and dehydrated camping supplies. Most of it wasn't too seriously out of code yet, and was still reasonably palatable, even to those who were spoiled by regular access to fresh foods. When the meal was finished and people began to bed down for the night, she unfolded a camp chair and found a spot with a clear view, not far from the tents or the fire, but enough that people could get up and over to the chemical toilet with some privacy. The rest on Disco Earth would see her through until... until whatever happened. The quiet of the night washed over her, a sort of silence that was alien to her new life on Prime, and for a moment it was hard to remember that she wasn't fifteen anymore, and that she wasn't alone here. Erin found herself listening again and again for the sound of voices in the tents, then the sound of breathing, just to reassure herself of that fact. Maybe coming here first was good, she told herself in the small hours of the night, when clouds had washed away the moon and the world was velvet darkness but for the red embers of the fire. A visit to Seattle reminded her of what was at stake. Her world was lost, and there was no changing that, no saving it. But maybe if she was good enough, strong enough, smart enough, after tomorrow there wouldn't be any more worlds like this. If she died for that, well, that would be okay.
  4. Stesha managed an exhausted chuckle at that, dropping her head back against the cushion of the recliner as the baby nursed. "I thought those first few days and nights with Ammy were crazy," she admitted wryly. "Heck, I thought I was busy when all I was doing was hero work and weddings. This... this is going to be pretty insane, I think." She cracked an eye open and looked his way. "Once we catch up on the backlog, hopefully it won't be so bad. But we need to seriously consider getting some help, I think. Even if it's just another person we can drop the baby with if there's a crisis."
  5. Miss A looked around the interior of the ship, assessing its condition with a glance even as she listened to the commands and requests being put forward by the various Omegadrones. Affecting a cowed mien, she stepped back to stand at Harrier's shoulder, whispering into his ear. "Tell them we can fix the ship, then demand to know what happened. Act with authority," she advised. "Buy some time while I try and get control." To Dark Star she murmured, "Try not to let me fall." With that she closed her eyes, body swaying slightly as she gave up control of it to work on securing the craft itself. Terminus tech was not anything she was keen to mess with, but it was the fastest, safest way she could think of to shut this situation down.
  6. "Yes, it seems like they're hardly trying," Miss A agreed, a frown marring her lovely face. "You're right, Murdock, something is very off here. This isn't at all what I'd expect to see based on previous records of encounters with the Terminus. Despite the risk, we may have to get in close enough to actually interact with the drones if we want to solve this puzzle. Just obliterating them from space might solve our current problem, but we won't know where they came from, or if more are coming behind them."
  7. "I know you will," Miss A told him sedately, as though she hadn't an ounce of worry. "Now go have fun, learn a lot. Send a postcard if you've got time." She returned the hug with a quick squeeze before stepping back, giving the others a smile as well. "It sounds as though you've all got an adventure planned for this summer. I wish you all the best of luck. Remember, if any of you are ever in trouble, just give me a call. The Lab exists to help all heroes and future heroes to be their best." Unless anyone had more to say, she then turned back to her work, busying herself and letting the teens depart on their journey.
  8. It was just a few moments before Fleur de Joie appeared, stepping out of a suddenly jumped-up weed growing in the cracks of the tarmac. She hurried over to where Dark Star was working, giving him a quick smile before plucking the baby from the telekinetic basket. "Oh boy, mummy has been missing you!" she cooed to the infant. "You have no idea! Let's go home and we'll both feel much better. We'll wait for you," she told Dark Star, then, with a quick smile for the bemused congratulations from Derrick's coworkers, poofed away as quickly as she'd come, leaving only the scent of flowers... and the diaper bag.
  9. "The pleasure was mine," Miss A told Eve, giving the young heiress a brilliant smile as they shook hands. Although Eve could tell there was plenty of mental activity going on behind those amazing blue eyes, the genius paragon's brain was entirely closed off, even from the most casual of glances. "I had a wonderful time at the auction, and I'm happy we raised so much money. At least half the credit goes to Gabriel, though. He brings out my competitive streak." With a cheerful wink, she turned her attention to Corbin, giving him a megawatt smile as well as she shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too," she told him. "I've heard nothing but good things about Claremont. If I had any doubts, I wouldn't be sending him along with you." Her voice was light and teasing, but something behind it made it apparent that she was quite sincere. "Do you have all your things packed?" she asked Sharl. "Your projectors and the emergency power supply I gave you?"
  10. "We should all go together," Miss A said firmly, her attention focused on the unusual objects in the crater. "That large metal object may be the ship they arrived in, or some sort of survival dome they're staying in. Either way, it needs to be dealt with, and quickly. We have to get a closer look,though, to see exactly what we're dealing with." Miss A had been a bit nervy on the trip out, though only Dragonfly, who worked with her often, would probably have noticed. The radio connection that anchored her to Earth was holding so far, but if it went, reestablishing it would be problematic, perhaps impossible. That was a problem she didn't need.
  11. "I'm sure the school will help him obtain whatever patents he needs to get," Miss A told Sharl placidly. "And if there are any problems, you can always bring something here, Cole, and we'll help you work through the process. The Lab applies for a great many patents on behalf of the various creators, we have a very streamlined process for it." She finished the scan and held out a hand to Cole to help him sit up again. "Excellent, that's a perfect set of scans for the file. Why don't we go ahead to the testing room and I'll record any power demonstrations you care to give. I always hope we'll never need to use any of what we collect here, but if your suit does become damaged, these scans will help in the recalibration process." She gestured towards a door in the back of the room, one that led into a private hallway.
  12. The telekinetic cradle got more than one person looking twice at Dark Star as he landed at ASTRO Labs, but the gentle rocking was just the thing for keeping a little one asleep while her father was working. The gantry crane in question was leaning at a rather alarming angle for some reason, but a little telekinetic persuasion got it pointed the right way again, and just in time. He heard Stesha's voice over his internal radio. "Where are you guys at?" she asked. "I'm done at the park and I really need to feed the baby." As though this were a cue, Ammy woke in her basket and began fussing, apparently in full agreement.
  13. "Because a lot of the buildings have rotted corpses in them," Erin told Corbin shortly, pushing a last tentpeg into the ground with one hand. "That's the thing about everybody dying, eventually the bodies don't get taken away. And even the ones that don't have been untended since 2007 in Seattle weather. You've got your mildew, your black mold, animal waste, rotten food, structural instability, you name it. Not to mention no water or power or gas, anything that would make you want to sleep in a building. I'm just hoping like hell the League was right about the plague itself being gone." She gave the tent a shake, her face an inscrutable blank mask. "We're as safe as we're going to get right now, right where we are. I'll keep watch tonight. If something does come, a building wouldn't be any protection anyway. Boys, girls," she said, tapping each tent in turns. "I'll start the fire."
  14. The sunshine seemed to have given Amaryllis a burst of energy, even if all she did with it was squirm and kick her legs. Her repertoire was a bit limited at this point, after all. She then went one better and filled her diaper noisily, leaving Dark Star with the problem of where and how an all-powerful energy being changed his infant daughter while out on the town. Fortunately, there was a diaper-changing setup at Stesha's Midtown apartment, which did the job just fine. He was just wielding the wipes when a call came through on the radio that was effectively embedded in his head. "Dark Star, this is ASTRO again. If you're still in the area, we could use your expertise. It's about the gantry crane again..."
  15. "If you designed that suit yourself, at your age, you're being much too modest," Miss A said with a small smile, "but I'm including the functions of the suit in my questions as well. Many battlesuit wearers come to see it as such an extension of themselves, there's hardly a difference. I think you mentioned it has offensive and defensive capabilities, is it also capable of superspeed travel? What about life support and first aid?" Those were all very important things to know when one might be faced with said battlesuit-wearer coming in on a stretcher some day in the future.
  16. "I don't like the idea of using you as bait, Murdock," Miss A said with a frown. The transformation hadn't seemed to faze her, but the rationale behind it did. "I made you a perfectly good disguise for a reason, and it wasn't so you could go wandering into a nest of rattlesnakes to see if one bites you. We've got several world-class intellects right here all ready to figure out what's going on with those drones. I'm sure we can do it without you risking yourself to do it. If they are connected to the Terminus still, anything they learn about you will get shunted back to Omega, isn't that right?" The beautiful paragon put her hands on her hips. "The last thing any of us need is for an expedition to come along and try to pick you up."
  17. "Now now," Miss A said pleasantly, walking back into the room with a few more pieces of equipment. "We only have room for so many scanners at one time, and I need Sharl assisting me." Her face was entirely bland, but it was clear she was protecting her assistant for whatever reason. "All right Cole, go ahead and lay back down on the table. This won't take too much longer, and I'll have you in the testing room for some range of motion and power exercises." She began to run a piece of equipment about a foot away from Cole's body, noting down readings as she went. "What exactly can you tell me about your powers and how they work?" she asked him while she scanned.
  18. "Yes" Erin said shortly, glancing once at Trevor and then back to the pile of gear they'd collected. "This will hold us for the night. I'll start setting up." She carried the large collection of stuff to the overgrown remains of a small park across the way, then began using a brush machete to clear a space. Moving much quicker than even the most experienced woodsman, she soon had a space cleared big enough for two large tents and a fire pit, which she then began to set up as well. It was clear that anyone trying to help would probably only get in her way, nor did she seem to want company.
  19. Miss Americana didn't turn a hair at the admission, and indeed didn't even seem surprised. She'd heard it all before, and seen the show besides. "Murdock's escape from Omega's grip is an inspiring story," she told Dark Star, "but probably one that should wait for another time. If there are Omegadrones on the moon, there may be an invasion fleet not far behind. We can't afford to waste even a minute more. Is there anything else we need to know?" she asked Star Knight, rising from her seat.
  20. "Thank you," came a woman's voice from over the radio, the sort of voice that belonged on a high-quality national radio network. "We're waiting for them in my central lab, go ahead and send them up." With their invitation secured, the two teens were allowed to enter the elevator that would take them to the fourteenth floor where Miss Americana had her lab space. Upstairs, Miss Americana had spent time that morning working on her projects, but had mostly been distracted by Sharl's pending departure. "Remember," she told him, "no matter where you are in the world, I'm never more than a few seconds away by internet. If you get into any trouble, activate the emergency beacon on your projector, or just shoot yourself right back here. You'll have a good time," she told him with a smile that was perhaps just the tiniest bit forced. "This will give you a chance to see much more of Earth, and with people your own age as well."
  21. "I believe Dark Star should have no trouble getting us out to the moon, from what I've read of him," Miss A told Dragonfly, giving Dark Star a look that was a combination of scientific interest and scientific glee. "I know we haven't met," she told the glowing black figure, "but I've followed some of your work. I'm fascinated to see some of it in person, even under the current grave circumstances. Do we have a containment plan in place for the partially assimilated?" she asked Star Knight. "I know the prognosis is grim, but there's always hope, if we're in time."
  22. Stesha blinked with surprise as she took the baby, barely getting a chance to open her mouth before Dark Star was gone again, off to save the galaxy. Next to her, Doctor Mihambrath gaped a little, first at Dark Star, then at her and the baby. "Was that..." "Yes," she told him with a slightly rueful smile. "Looks like we're going to have to accommodate my daughter for a little while as well. But that's all right, she likes sun and plants." Indeed, Ammy's green hair was visibly darkening in the sun, just like her mother's was wont to do."Now let's look at those fields..." Working with a newborn in tow wasn't easy, but she would rather have the baby with her than gallivanting around in space, or wherever Derrick had gone off to! Just as she was finishing up in Africa, though, a call came over the Freedom League line. A crowd of animated recycling bins were running amok in Liberty Park! Stesha hastily called Derrick. "Are you home yet?" she asked anxiously.
  23. Prioritizing emergencies was nothing new to a hero of Dark Star's caliber, it was something he was forced to do all the time. There simply were too many emergencies, and he was only one man, powerful though he was. Prioritizing was more difficult, however, when the top spot was thoroughly claimed by a creature the size of a sack of potatoes with a voice like a wailing banshee. Midway through his listmaking, Ammy decided that she was done eating and had a tummyache, an entirely unbearable situation. While Derrick was rocking and burping her, another message came in on the communicator! A Lor vessel a mere few light years from Earth was in trouble, its engines offline, its life support failing! Without quick intervention, the outlook was grim!
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