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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Perhaps on another day Erin might have been a little quicker on the uptake, but it had been a strange few days already. Besides, the idea of herself ever hooking up with Mark was so entirely foreign that it took a few minutes for it to really register. "Wait," she said, taking another, much closer look at Lucky Strike. "Are you saying that I'm your..." Her words were cut off by the sudden appearance of the villains stealing the bomb right from under their noses. "Track it!" she told Trevor urgently. "We can't let them get away! Who are they?" she asked her... daughter, then shook off the exceedingly bizarre thought. Deal with that after the saving the universe part.
  2. "That," Fleur told The Beekeeper, taking a few deep breaths as she tried to balance on the metal bee, "is a most excellent baby gift. Good luck with your legal issues, and maybe try joining the good guys for once? You've got so much talent." She closed her eyes for a few moments and took long, slow breaths, then addressed Gaian Knight. "I'm not delivering in the hospital if I can help it," she told him with a faint smile. "Though this wasn't what I had in mind. My mom is a midwife, I need to pick her up, or Derrick will, and bring her to Sanctuary. Everything is all prepared there. And Derrick will make it home, I know he will."
  3. "Okay," Stesha agreed with a nod, raising her hands to be assisted to her feet. "I was at five minutes apart by the time we hit the bottom of the stairs," she admitted, "but I was hoping we'd get everything wrapped up quickly. First labors are supposed to take ages, right? But this is starting to feel pretty damn serious." She looked up at the bee, running her hands over her stomach uneasily. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to get up there and hold on without some help. And somebody... somebody has to go and find Derrick." For the first time, she sounded really worried.
  4. What Jill probably knows about labor in disadvantageous conditions: Rupture of membranes (water breaking) can occur at pretty much any time during labor, and is not necessarily a sign birth is imminent, though typically contractions become heavier afterwards. The risk of infection increases slightly from this point, and anyone checking for dilation of the cervix must have sterile hands or gloves. If Jill feels truly compelled (and knows how) to do a manual check for dilation, Stesha is at four centimeters and fully effaced. Looking Stesha over will show that the amniotic fluid is clear and flowing at a moderate rate, which are both good signs for the progression of normal labor. Her contractions are strong and regular at approximately three and a half minutes apart, so it's definitely about time for her to be getting settled in where she's going to give birth. She should be encouraged to walk and use any birthing relaxation techniques she has been practicing. Basically, there is time to get her out of the prison if they do not waste any more time about it, but this is serious labor time.
  5. Erin stayed close to Trevor as they teleported, not really taking in everything that was being said as she looked at the murals and tried to correlate them with what she knew. "Zoe told me that Alex and Mike in her future died in a massive explosion in Freedom City, right before she was thrown into the past. She said... she said most of the heroes based in Freedom City died, and many civilians." She took his hand as they walked past the memorials for the fallen heroes. "Are we all dead in this timeline?" she asked Mark's daughter, speaking up now. "Is that why our own counterparts didn't meet us this time?"
  6. Wander gave the oddly familiar leader of the group a hard second look, but couldn't exactly pin down the similarity. Most of her attention was thoroughly diverted by the healing wound that was Freedom City, looking worse than it had after the Grue invasion, worse than it had after Hellion's father's visit. "Who briefed you?" she asked, then suddenly everything clicked into place, the date, the damage, the overwhelming gestures of remembrance. "Zoe's world," she guessed aloud, then took a step forward. "Do any of you know a hero named Zephyr, about our age? Psyche and Phalanx's daughter?" It didn't really matter, wasn't pertinent to the mission, but she had to know.
  7. "It's all right, Heyzel," Stesha told the injured angel, steering her cover bee over to him and Jill. She knelt down next to him, not an easy proposition. "We'll get you out of here, or they'll turn off the blockers and everything will..." She trailed off as another pain hit, this one sharper and longer than the ones before it. It took her breath away for a moment, and when it eased, she didn't resume her thought, but instead looked down at herself with a rather striken expression. "I don't suppose the floor was wet before I sat down?" she asked Jill quietly.
  8. The question drew a faint smile from Erin even as she mirrored his movements, cupping her hand behind his head as they kissed. "If not now, then when?" she asked rhetorically. "Wonder was telling me earlier about how she was planning to track Nightlife down at his pad so he couldn't get too bummed out about the fight earlier. If they're not even here tonight, he probably wouldn't mind if we borrowed his room for the evening." Wonder's room would be the other obvious choice, but for its problematic decorations. Closing the tiny distance between them, she kissed Trevor again, this time longer and deep enough to let some of the fear retreat for a few moments.
  9. "I love you too," Erin told him, studying his face with sober eyes as though she were trying to memorize him. "We've come through bad situations before, but not anything like this. If we go up against the Terminus, just the five of us... I believe we can win," she said, her voice flat. "I think it's the sort of fight you don't win without paying a hard price for it. This is the second time we've gotten thrown out of the universe to save it. Eventually we're not going to be able to get back in again, even if we win, even if we live." She shook her head, then reached out a hand to lace her fingers with his. "It's just hard to think about. Easier just to have the fight and be done with it, I guess."
  10. Erin looked startled for a minute, then smiled as she took the folder. "Thank you," she told him sincerely. "I really appreciate you giving me a chance. I'll do a good job." Holding the weight of the envelope in her hands, she felt as though a weight on her chest was starting to evaporate. She had a job, she was going to have a way to make money and pay for her own rent and food and clothes. Things were going to be okay. She wondered a little what background checks he'd run and what they'd turned up, but maybe she didn't really want to know. The important thing was that she'd passed. "Is there anything I should do before then to get ready?"
  11. "I stopped being mad when I realized you hadn't known you could do it," Erin replied, absently stroking his hair. "I mean, you've done some crazy stuff in the past, but you wouldn't have done something like that without telling me if you'd known. It just scared me so much." Her fingers went still as she remembered. "I thought they'd shot you with something and disintegrated you, just like that. It was like my heart stopped beating." She turned her face against his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. "That's the worst part of all of this," she told him. "I would be okay with dying to save the world, but I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. And this mission may well kill us."
  12. "Shut up," Erin muttered, even as she cracked a half-smile. "At least it's clean. Maybe I can get Mark to fix it for me without turning it pink and sparkly." She lifted a hand to run her fingers through his dark hair, then rested her head on his shoulders. "I don't think I'm going to sleep much either. We've come this far, but it's probably not going to get any easier. And... the idea of going back bothers me," she admitted. "It was one thing I told myself I'd never do, and now I'm going and taking all of you, too."
  13. "It's possible," Miss A allowed, "but there's no physiological reason for your strong emotions to have produced that kind of fluctuation on our equipment. If that is the case, then there's some unmapped abnormality in your brain chemistry still and we're going to need to run some more tests. For the moment, I think we'll proceed by the Occam's Razor route, and first check to make sure that the equipment is still functioning as intended." She approached the doctor, extending one perfect hand. "With your permission, I'll use my powers to check the sensors without going to all the trouble of detaching them. You won't feel a thing, all the sensors are entirely passive."
  14. Wander was very happy for the chance at a real meal and a shower, even if she found her counterpart's living space bizarre and a little bit disturbing. This Erin White had lived the way Rick Lucas thought she should've, with a wall full of sports awards and academic achievements and her healthy, happy family living close by. Erin found herself drawn to a framed photograph of Wonder in flight with a middle-school aged girl on her back, both of them laughing as they mugged for the camera. She stared at it for a long moment, then had to look away. Her counterpart didn't catch the momentary interlude at all, busy digging through her own closet for replacement clothes. In the end, Wander ended up wearing the very first version of Wonder's outfit, one very much like her own but with several rows of sequins and bell cuffs added on, as well as a neckline that went several inches lower than Wander was used to. She hoped she could get Mark to take off some of the shiny stuff, but for now she was just glad to be clean and dressed. While Wonder went off to read DJ Breakdown the riot act in his brand-new cell, Wander made her way to the main living area of Radio Freedom's clubhouse. Sitting down next to Midnight on the couch, she drew her legs up into the lotus position and sighed. "You awake?" she murmured after a few moments.
  15. "Um, well... how soon will I know when you make your hiring decision?" Erin asked diffidently. What the doctor had been saying definitely seemed encouraging, but she wasn't quite sure that he didn't give this tour to everyone who came to visit him. He was a really enthusiastic guy, a lot more so than she remembered, actually. And he'd lost his bizarre accent too. Maybe he'd taken advantage of the company-sponsored therapy too. "I need to get an apartment and stuff set up for after I graduate, so I'm hoping to have my job stuff settled quickly."
  16. Wander made a disgusted face as she realized what Eddie had done to himself, quickly disentangling herself from the unconscious villain. Her costume was in very sad shape by now, burned, ripped, and dirty, but she herself was undamaged. Dropping from the catwalk, she landed next to her counterpart, who was sitting up by now and looking much more herself. "I can't believe that jerk made me take the hit for him!" Wonder exclaimed, rubbing the side of her head where a dent was rapidly smoothing itself out. "Ungroovy, man. Totally squaresvillainy. He's never done anything like that before," she assured her counterpart. "He's always been a jerk, but he's been our jerk, dig?" "Yeah, I dig," Wander assured her. "Kind of the same way it happened on our world, but with slightly less peeing himself. I don't know how long we're going to be here now that the bomb is disarmed, but if we have any time, we could use a little rest and food, and maybe a chance to clean up. We've been at this for a lot of hours now."
  17. "Heyzel, no!" Fleur cried, flinching as her friend was struck by the small, inoffensive, hardly credible flying missile. She automatically reached for the crown of pink flowers in her hair, but they were only petals now, none of them opening to move them all to the safetly of the surface. Before she could think of what to do, Jill had gone to the ground with the fallen angel and was taking care of him as best as could be managed under the circumstances. Doing her best to ignore another deep stab of pain, she turned her attention to the fight. Moving as quickly as she could, Fleur took cover behind one of the robot bees, who obligingly held still to allow it. She reached into her pocket and pulled out one of her healing poultices, which was for the moment nothing more than a ball of sticky sap and herbs. It was better than nothing. Peeking out from behind the bee, she whipped the poultice at the stabbing villain, smacking him in the face with the gummy lump.
  18. Fleur is going to find cover behind one of the giant robot bees, who presumably have orders from the Beekeeper to keep her safe. Might as well use his creepy obsession for her benefit for once! That's her move action. Her standard action will be an aid action on behalf of Gaian Knight's next attack. DC 10 Aid Attack: A success, if not a resounding one.
  19. Now that the procedure was completed and a success, Miss A could afford a little more relaxation and patience. She leaned against the counter, keeping one eye on the action on the screen. "Have Eira's folks decided whether or not they're going to come to the States with us right away? I want to keep Eira's program close to hand so I can monitor her, but I suspect they'll want to be near her as well. We can find accommodations for them near the Lab, or you can put them up somewhere. If they want to stay here, we can arrange a communication link so they can keep in touch. The robot skeleton is done, but we're still looking at six weeks to two months of work, barring any major science emergencies in Freedom City."
  20. "Yeah, they all say that," Wander shot back, still standing next to her fallen doppelganger. In a sudden burst of movement, she launched herself at the nearest support pole and grabbed onto it with her free hand, swinging around and up the pole in a singularly improbable fashion that was equal parts superhuman strength, exhaustive training, and an extra dose of luck in the air. When she reached the level of the catwalk, she braced her legs on the pole and leapt at DJ Breakdown, bat-first. They tumbled across the catwalk in a confusion of limbs and bat, not stopping until they both fetched up against the far railing, Wander's bat pressed down hard against the villain's throat. He was clearly unconscious. "I've owed you that for a long time," she muttered, too quietly for her colleagues below to hear.
  21. Wander is going to test Eddie's claims of invincibility the only way she knows how, with hitting. Move Action, Acrobatic bluff, skill mastery, DC 28. Standard Action, charge with leaping as movement power. Full power attack, full all-out attack, inspired. So, when all is said and done, that's 15-5+5+5+2= 1d20+22 for the attack. Spending an HP because I'm not wasting that on a crappy roll. That's a 38. With the Power Attack, DC 35 before a max of +10 autofire.
  22. Erin blinked, her eyes widening a little bit at the impressive display of technology. She'd seen enough in the past two years that it wasn't as flabbergasting as it might have been, but it was still something to see. "That's amazing," she said sincerely, looking over the pictures and schematics that she could only vaguely understand. "How will you make it pay?" she asked curiously. "I mean, if the other one is for doing experiments and stuff, and this one is all for diplomacy. Are you going to lease it to the government or the UN or something?"
  23. "I see," Wander said, sounding interested and a little bit disappointed all at once. Though ArcheTech might have the proper infrastructure to contain Erin's so-problematic counterpart, it didn't sound like the sort of project they'd be at all interested in. Not that she could blame the doctor for that one. It looked like it was going to continue to be Blackstone for the foreseeable future. "You're really trying to build a space station?" she asked instead. "Like a big one, not just a Freedom League outpost? When are you going to do it?" Despite everywhere Erin had been, a trip to space had thus far eluded her.
  24. While the others were speaking, Fleur made her way over to one of the tables anchored into the floor and leaned against it. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. The trip down here had taken a lot out of her, she told herself, and the loss of her powers as well. That was all that was going on right now. She opened her eyes. "It doesn't prove anything," she told the others. "He doesn't believe he did it, but he's been judged mentally unsound once. He could believe any number of things that aren't true. And if he didn't do it, then who did, and why? If there's a murderer on the loose at Providence, and he's already tried to frame the Beekeeper, sending him back there could mean his death or someone else's. We need some sort of proof,or at least a clue. Think back, Barry," she told the honey-covered man. "Do you remember anything else about what happened? Anything that could help us identify this dark man?"
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