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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Wander hastily reached into her holster and pulled out the earrings and sunglasses that had been her birthday present from Trevor. She donned them quickly, then looked to her teammates. "Midnight, Sage, either of you can take Wonder. You know how." She herself made a dive straight for Breakdown, flipping across the floor like a bouncing toy as she went. At the last moment, though, Wonder did the same thing Wander would've done for any of her teammates, even Breakdown once upon a time, and dove into the path of danger. In this case, who could say how voluntary it was? At any rate, the mind control made Wonder just slow enough that Wander smashed into her bat-first, and once the attack was joined, Wander knew better than to stop hitting. By the time the flurry of blows had landed. Wonder looked dazed and not ready to get up anytime soon.
  2. Wander is going to spend a standard action to don her protective eye and earwear that were gifts from Trevor. I've mentioned before that they are a standard part of her equipment, like the bat, so she'll have them. Move Action for Acrobatic Bluff on Breakdown, Skill mastery DC 28 Spending an HP for a surge action, charging Breakdown, full power attack, all out attack for 3. That's a +15 on the attack roll. First roll, utter crap! Spending another HP. 1d20+15=27 Not great. DC 35 toughness plus Autofire up to +10.
  3. All right, Wander has Uncanny Dodge, so she is not flat-footed even though her initiative hasn't come up yet. And she saves, with a 34! She will also be interposing for her teammates in any applicable situation this round.
  4. "Eira, your uncle Maggy and I need to talk to your parents about a few things now, all right?" Miss A told the little girl. "Sharl's going to show you how to change the way your room and your clothes look, so you can have things exactly as you like. We'll be back in just a few minutes." Even as she spoke aloud, she was composing a message back to Dragonfly, sent in the same style. Her message appeared with a small cartoon robot face, an inside joke or simply a nod to her specialty. The sentient program Sharl fought is a native of Tronik. I captured her on some of our spare stand-alone memory, so it's good we didn't end up needing it. She's a foreign citizen anyway, so I think we may as well take her back and try and learn more about what happened to her and how she got out.
  5. Miss A smiled as she watched the joyful reunion, even as she kept one eye on the readouts that showed the actual workings of the program that was Eira. <"Very good, Eira,"> she told the little girl encouragingly. <"I'm glad you're feeling so well. I want to do a few simple tests with you to make sure that everything is working the way it should. After that, Sharl is going to come visit you. He will help you decorate your room and find something nice to eat."> She ran the virtual little girl through a series of simple exercises, from tests of coordination to basic cognition to memory tests. It was important to make sure that nothing had been missed, especially now that there was no going back. As she worked, she briefly acknowledged the Baron's message. They would only go forward from here.
  6. The operating room was quiet as a chapel, the tension and frenetic activity of earlier replaced by an expectant sort of waiting. Eira's body still lay in the center of the room, breathing shallowly, assisted by the many pieces of equipment hooked to the frail shell. Now, though, the attention of the techs, the family, and Miss Americana was on a wall screen the size of a large window. In a digital room very like the one where Sharl spent his downtime, a CGI animation of a healthy little blond girl was curled up sleeping in the bed. Miss Americana turned and gave the new arrivals a faint smile. "I'm still running the final diagnostics and building the tertiary backups. It's looking good though, very good. She should wake up any minute now, as soon as her mind realizes it's not drugged anymore." The beautiful paragon was unrumpled and unruffled as ever, only her eyes showing the weariness of the last intense hours of work.
  7. "You weren't really talkin' jive back there, were you?" Wonder asked her counterpart, the two young heroines balancing the flying disc as easily as though they were riding a moving sidewalk. "That's some heavy stuff, man. And if you just got here, how do you know about the statue?" "I've been here before," Wander admitted with a shrug. "About a year ago, over Memorial Day weekend. We came by accident, sort of. You called me Rednaw and chased me all over the city with your friends, Things looked a lot different then," she observed. "Oh yeah!" Wonder said, remembering. "Man, that was so far out. Crazy stuff was going down all over the city, everything got all freaky-deaky, you get me? It was pretty scary," she admitted. "People disappearing and coming back, things all rearranging themselves... but then it all settled down, and we were totally groovy!" She eyed her own costume with great satisfaction. "Huh, that's weird," Wander agreed. "That's not quite the way it happened where I'm from," she told her counterpart, then thought to answer the original question. "And no, I wasn't, um, talking jive. Omega killed my family, and he's been trying to kill me, you, versions of us, in a lot of universes. I ran into a copy of myself awhile back who said it's happened in a bunch of universes. This isn't the same thing, though. This time Omega is trying to destroy all the universes, and we're trying to stop him." "Far out," Wonder murmured. "That's super heavy. Good thing the best team around is going to kick his ass, in every universe."
  8. Fleur did not smack her forehead with her palm, but it was a close-run thing. "I'm here because you demanded I be here, remember?" she told him, making her way to the front of the group. "You're putting a lot of innocent people in danger by what you're doing here, Beekeeper. If you'd wanted the Freedom League's attention, you could have asked. There was no need for all this." She shifted from foot to foot, took a deep breath. "Why don't you tell us exactly what it is you want to say."
  9. "Well enough," Miss A agreed, "busy as usual, but you know how it goes. I've asked Dragonfly to sit in on this meeting as well," she told him, nodding over to her colleague, "since she's been helping me with the data analysis. We've got a fairly comprehensive set of readings from you for the past two weeks, which is the sort of sample I was hoping to get in order for us to start determining exactly how your brain chemistry has been altered." Not wanting to waste any time, she got right into it. "Feel free to have a snack or drink if you'd like," she offered offhandedly, gesturing to her mini-fridge. She brought up a variety of charts and graphs on the wall screens, pointing to them as she spoke. "We were able to note several times when you shifted your mental patterns in the way you demonstrated in the lab, and noted the times and length of time of the changes. Most of the other fluctuations we saw fit within the normal parameters of expected activity and, though we've flagged them, I'm not terribly concerned. There are a few interesting aberrations, however." She brought up another screen, this one highlighting three different sets of readings. "Here, here and here, all separate nights, all when you gave the impression of being deeply asleep, we started to see some very strange readings. At this point I don't know whether there was some sort of malfunction in the equipment or whether it's an aberration we haven't seen so far."
  10. "We're not here for a fight," Wander called up, deliberately still not reaching for her bat. "We're from another universe, and we're trying to stop a disaster that will destroy both our worlds. I know you guys know Omega, we've seen your statue. He's come back, but this time he's not going to stop with one world." She looked her own double right in the eyes, partially because it was easier than looking at that costume. "He already killed my family," she told Wonder flatly. "He'll get yours if he can. We need your help."
  11. Fleur plodded along at the back of the group as they continued the trip, puffing as she walked but doggedly continuing on. The giant bee robot seemed to be matching its pace to ensure she didn't fall behind, which meant the group as a whole wasn't making great time. The last thing Stesha wanted to do, though, was miss a step she couldn't see and go tumbling down the stairs, especially with no powers to catch her. "Where did the Beekeeper find all the materials to create you?" she asked the bee, sounding winded.
  12. Wander allowed herself the brief luxury of massaging her temples at their return to the topsy-turvy world of Rick Lucas' senile imagination. Things had changed superficially, but it looked like they were about to face the Rednaw problem all over again. "Edge, could you maybe reassure our friend the policeman that we're not Counter-Freedom?" she asked. "And Kid Midnight, if you've got a sensor that can track what we're looking for?" She kept her hand off her bat but it took some effort. Prior experience told her that the heroes here were at least as powerful as their Prime counterparts, if considerably more prone to wasting the beginning of combat on speeches.
  13. Wander looked very thoughtful at that, saying nothing for a few minutes as he described the facilities. "That sounds like a more structured version of what they did for me at the Goodman Building when I came to Prime," she finally said. "I guess if I'd shown up later, I'd probably have come here instead." She pursed her lips, wondering if it was even a good idea to ask, then asked anyway. "How secure are the basement facilities? I mean, could they really hold a metahuman who wanted to get out?"
  14. "We're done," Erin confirmed after shooting a look at Trevor and Mark for confirmation. She was more than a little annoyed with herself for getting caught up in the placing of the explosives and not watching the Nazis enough, but what was done was done. "We've got to get out of the building though before they blow this thing into harmless parts. And even though we can't stay, we've got a parting gift for you." She gave the unconscious Doktor Archeville a little shake for emphasis. "I didn't know what you'd want to do with him, but I figure you know better than me what the best thing would be."
  15. "We could've just asked it to lead us there," Stesha pointed out acerbically, squirming around the people who'd stepped in front of her when the bee had descended. "He wants us to come to him, and heck, he might even have spared us the rest of the walk." She grimaced and rubbed her side as she stepped over to the rail herself and looked down. "Can you behave yourself and take us to the Beekeeper with no taking prisoners or other funny business?" she asked it sternly, in the same voice she might've used with one of its organic brethren who was being unruly. "I'm not in the mood for games, so if the Beekeeper wants me, he'd better be civil about it."
  16. "Do not tell me you're working with the Terminus," Wander muttered, tapping the evil genius' head smartly against the grating for emphasis. "Isn't this place enough of a craphole already without annihilating the whole planet? Midnight!" she called. "Get that thing turned off as fast as you can! Edge, give him a hand. We'll cover you." Unsheathing her bat, she used it to give Archeville a single stunning blow to the back of his head, knocking him unconscious and inert. Rising, she looked around for any trace of new threat.
  17. Fleur is distracted and slow. She goes on 6.
  18. "It's his identity," Fleur said with a shrug. "He doesn't take it off, far as I know, it's who he thinks he is. I mean, this is the same guy who spent years developing a colony of semi-truck sized bees to use as weapons, then when a lucky accident meant that some of them started breathing fire, he rejected them for not being bee-ish enough. That's his mentality there, he is not as interested in what works as in what fits. But he is a bona fide genius, if a crazy one, and he's very resourceful. He's already escaped more than once, despite not having any natural superpowers." She stopped again for another breather, but this time didn't hang onto the soiled railing.
  19. Wander watched as Edge seemed to anticipate the fight even before it started, in the strange way he sometimes had. Madame Blitz didn't pose any sort of threat, as far as she could see, and none of the others seemed to be any more threatening. She was willing to bet that her friends could handle them. As for herself, well, there was no reason to let the big bad guy just watch the show! With a single bound, she leapt into the catwalks, tumbling around and around on the railing to build up momentum before launching herself at Archeville. In an instant she had him pinned down, hands behind his back, his cheek pressed against the grating of the catwalk. "What are the defenses of this building?" she demanded. "Tell me, and I won't have to give you what my friends are giving your goons."
  20. Wander is going to let her flying and ranged-attack friends deal with the flying types and go straight for the guy in charge. Move Action: Fast Acrobatic Bluff, DC 28 with skill mastery Standard Action: Charge attack against Archeville, moving to grapple. That' a +2 to attack, -2 to defense. 1d20+17=36. Assuming that is successful, the Grapple Check is a 45.
  21. Stesha, too, was feeling the effects as they moved deeper into the prison. Not only did her connection to the plant life all around weaken and then snap, but the superhuman physiology that regenerated her body and let her skip out on food and sleep began to give way as well. There was no use in complaining about what couldn't be changed, but she muttered under her breath as they walked down the many, many stairs. While Freedom Angel delivered his speech to the prisoners, she took a moment to rest, hanging onto the railing and taking deep breaths, trying to relax the muscles that were aching and contracting from the long walk. "I'm betting he already knows we're here, or can make a good guess," she said, her voice unusually tight. "He'd need some method of surveillance to hold this place."
  22. Wander goes on 27. Hope she's got a book tucked away for while she's waiting for the bad guys.
  23. Erin didn't have nearly the technical expertise of the two Midnights, but she had a solid enough grasp of the fundamentals to be able to help some with the work on the car. She could see that the situation was affecting Trevor, and how could it not, really? Making a big deal about it would only embarrass him and slow things down, but she stayed close by as quiet support. She resolved internally that whatever time they had on this world, she would personally devote to screwing up as much Nazi military and infrastructure as possible. Maybe it wouldn't help in the long run, but it sure couldn't hurt.
  24. "You too," Erin replied, turning back before heading for the car. "Even after I graduate, it's not like I'm going to be far away. We should, you know, do stuff sometimes, when we're not trying to do all this hard stuff." She gave Eve a half-smile, then headed out of the lobby. She was drained and headachy from the stress of the encounter at the prison, but she was feeling just a little more hopeful than she had before, and that was progress.
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