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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "That's unfortunate," Cyberknife said, sounding interested but somewhat distracted, not surprisingly. Her face was unreadable under the featureless costume, but the voice was easy to recognize. "We'll talk to her later, for now I just want her out of this system and somewhere secure. Luckily, one thing we brought plenty of is stand-alone storage media." She waved a hand again, and the bound, unconscious figure of Rogue seemed to dissolve into a sheet of glowing code, then fold away into a tiny box about the size of Sharl's hand. Cyberknife picked it up. "You'd better go help the others," she told him. "I have to get back to the procedure. Good luck."
  2. On the other side of the fight, Miss A is going to stunt a quick dimensional pocket effect, to model taking the unconscious Rogue and downloading her to a zip drive for later inspection. I'll spend an HP for it, but since she's unconscious and going to be in there until it is plotty for her to get out and no longer, I won't do the numbers unless you really want me to.
  3. Erin nodded at that. "We can definitely make sure that the place where they're holding the bomb isn't open for business after we get done, if you think that will help." Even as she watched the situation unfolding, she was remembering conversations she'd had with Hope, conversations that had included things about the old superheroes. Maybe 1953 hadn't just been picked by chance by Omega and his goons. Midnight's last stand had been that year, and after his death, there were no more heroes for a long time. It was a terrible thought, but what could they do now, when they had too many worlds and so little time? "Do you have a way to get out of the city?" she asked the older hero.
  4. "His ego is enormous," Fleur told the others, rocking from foot to foot to alleviate the discomfort of yet another hit to her center of gravity. "If you want to get on his good side, treat him like a big shot. Make him feel important, compliment him on the bees, whatever. He wants to be in the big leagues, but I think, though I don't actually know, that he wants to do it like they did in the old days, without killing, just causing a lot of noise and confusion and mess. At least that's what I'm banking on." She headed towards the stairs with a sigh, walking slowly enough that it would be a trivial matter to catch up or pass her.
  5. Erin shook her head. "I'm responsible for her," she told Eve resolutely. "I knew it would be hard when I started making plans to go and get her, but I did it anyway. She hasn't got any other... well, family, sort of, to look out for her, and at least she knows me. And I just... I have to help her. I couldn't save anyone else." There was a note of pain in those words that Erin had managed to suppress in the rest of her speech. "Maybe I can save her." With a sigh, Erin looked out into the lobby. "Thanks again for your help. Guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" She didn't need a car to get home, but she wouldn't mind a ride. It would give her time to think.
  6. Up in the operating theatre, Miss A kept working with a calm hand and a steady mind, for all that some of her formidable attention couldn't help but be elsewhere. She had a job to do, but she also had a sidekick who was still just a kid, out there in danger while she was safe in here. So if she kept her tablet on the table next to her, set to monitor the readings from his program, who could really blame her? She'd expected to see him skate through the network and out to help fight the intruders, but as moments passed and he remained in, with his simulated vital signs showing increasing amounts of stress, she knew something was wrong. Stepping back from the table for a moment, she motioned to her most trusted tech to step forward. "Keep monitoring the procedure, alert me if there is even the slightest divergence in any reading." Carrying the tablet over to a chair, she sat down and focused her eyes on it as though studying something. An instant later, she was in the computer. Gina wore many guises when she walked through the internet, online identities as changeable as a startup IPO, but there was only one she even thought to assume this time. As she raced through the building's network to find Sharl, her body coalesced into a luminescent black form, feminine but featureless, shot with glowing green circuit patterns throughout. In the center of the chest, all the circuit patterns came together to form the shape of a blade. Cyberknife was on the move. In an instant, she'd found the arena where Sharl was facing off with his opponent. She didn't catch most of the conversation, but she didn't really need to. Sharl was bloodied but game, and she was sure he could've prevailed eventually, but there wasn't time for that. "Bad day to try and hack in here, Trinity," Cyberknife said dryly, and extended a hand. Reality seemed to warp in waves that extended from her hand, and suddenly Rogue's own arms were stretching like snakes, warping and wrapping around the luckless program's body into an impenetrable binding. "Are you all right, Citizen?" she asked coolly.
  7. Okay, Miss A (or rather, Cyberknife) is going to drop in on Citizen and Rogue's fight in the computer. Gina doesn't have much statted to actually allow her to deal with sentient rogue programs, so I'm going to stunt off her Machine Animation array to come up with something. Snare 13 (Extras: Constricting, Range [Perception], Transparent) (Flaws: Action [Full], Side-Effect [Fatigue]), (PF: Covers Sense (visual) [41 pp]
  8. By May 22, Stesha is too fat too wear any of her dresses and Derrick is never around anyway, so she's going to send her regrets, along with a glorious flower arrangement and a nice present. Any flowers or plants present at the ceremony and reception will be exceptionally lush and beautiful that day.
  9. Stesha looked more than a little dubious at the idea of as many stairs as would be needed to take them down into the prison itself, especially while wearing body armor, but there was no point in complaining about it now.She would just put all of this on Beekeeper's tab to settle up later. As she was fitted for some extremely poorly fitted armor, she asked Wallace, "What happens if we actually wind up finding he's got some credible evidence? Can we promise him he'll get a new trial with all the evidence? I know he's not getting out of jail just because he didn't commit every crime he was accused of. We need some bargaining chips besides me, because I'm not really interested."
  10. Erin glanced over at Trevor as they descended the stairs. "You never mean to worry me when you do stuff like that," she muttered acerbically, but ran a light hand over his hair as they headed into the dark, settling it on his shoulder for mutual reassurance as they took in their first view of what Midnight Manor had become. It was overwhelming at first, more than the eye could take in. Erin had been to Erde before, she knew what it was like, but seeing the evidence of all the death and destruction firsthand was a very different thing. "We don't know anything about your operative, but we took out the tanks and helicopters," Erin told Midnight I, focusing on tactics as a respite from history. "You have a little more time now. We're here because there a being called Omega trying to destroy all the universes, and we need to stop him. He planted a... it's a sort of bomb, but worse, somewhere on your world, and we have to find it and neutralize it before it's too late. If we can't do it, everything is going to be destroyed."
  11. Erin winced a little at the indelicate question, but she guessed it was fair to ask. What made one Erin sane when the other was not, why did she get better and Singularity had been destroyed? She wasn't sure she had any answers for that in the grand scheme of things. But maybe even just knowing how she herself had gotten better would be helpful. "I wasn't, for awhile," she said with some difficulty. "There was a period of time that I was just sort of out of my mind, angry and sad and afraid and suicidal." She shrugged her shoulders uneasily. "That was the same period where our timelines split off, and when they found Singularity. She never had a chance to get better. But I did. I was all alone, but eventually... I don't really know. Eventually I started to work through it, and to want things again, and to see a future again, and that was enough to get me started. And I've had so much therapy and counseling and training since I got here to Prime, and that's done a lot for me. Making friends and meeting Trevor and finishing school doesn't replace everything that was, but it's something new and that I care about. I guess that's what Singularity needs too, sort of. I mean, she needs a lot of mental help, but she needs some reason to care enough to get better, because it's really hard."
  12. "That would be my preference," Fleur admitted with a rueful smile, rising from her stony chair and sighing again over the back pain that pretty much everything was causing lately. "Unfortunately, we already used the "get a shapeshifter to play me" trick once, and even if we could somehow get a shapeshifter in there whose powers would keep working, I don't think he'd buy it. And we need to get him out of commission before somebody really gets hurt. I've read about escapes and riots here, and it's never pretty." Rubbing her side absently, she stepped down from the rock platform and smiled at GK. "Thank you for the lovely ride," she told him with a smile. She turned to Wallace then. "How are we going to get down there, she asked, "and what sort of support will we have?"
  13. Erin pursed her lips, reluctant as always to speak about her past. But it was necessary, she reminded herself. She wanted Eve's help, and it wasn't fair to ask her to help in one breath and keep her in the dark with the next. Eve deserved to know what she'd be signing up for. "Her memories will be very dark," she said again, "even before she was picked up by the Syndicate. She lost her whole family. Her mother died violently while protecting her, and that's going to be a vivid one. She was supposed to protect her own younger sister, but she failed, and her sister died a bad death, a slow death. I'm sure you'll see a lot of that as well." She took a deep breath and went on. "All the rest of her family died, but she didn't see those, so they're not as... as visceral, I guess, and you might not see as much of it. She'll have spent a lot of time fighting zombies, but that's going to be really problematic to sort out. From what I can gather, Pathos took those memories and sort of laid them over reality, so that when they wanted her to fight, they made her see zombies. When Pathos wanted Singularity to protect her, she made her see Megan, the little sister. I'm sure there are a lot of false memories like that, and I don't know how you'd excise them from the real memories, or if you can. I don't know how much she remembers that's real anymore. Sometimes she doesn't seem to remember much at all from one day to the next, maybe because she's crazy, or maybe it's the only way to cope." Erin shrugged helplessly. "I don't know, I'm not a doctor."
  14. "That's as much an invitation as we're probably going to get," Erin decided, bounding onto a porch that was all at once familiar and strange. "I'll clear for traps." Without hesitation, she led the way through the house and towards the large grandfather clock she remembered so vividly from another day when the world had been about to end. Even in the dark and confusion of the night, it didn't take long to reach the clock, but she waited for Trevor to actually move the hands and open the door. It was his house after all, sort of.
  15. Fleur hugged Gabriel back, giving him a rueful smile. "I'm afraid there's not much resting these days anyway, but I appreciate the sentiment. We aren't really going to know what's going on until we get in there, so we're playing things by ear, but with a team like this I'm sure we'll be fine. Not to mention the entire resources of the prison itself behind us. So," she continued, looking around at the three men, "Who wants to give me a lift?"
  16. Erin didn't look Trevor's way as the team regrouped, keeping all her attention on the task at hand. If she paid him any attention, all the feelings she'd just managed to stuff away would come back, and she didn't even know what she would do then. So instead she looked at Mark as he handed out instructions, then nodded. "Watch out for friendly fire," she suggested, "the Manor's definitely going to have defenses and they aren't going to know that we're the good guys. If we can get in and secure the place, we'll have a base to work from." She took off, leaping into the darkness in the direction of the Manor.
  17. Erin was quiet for a few moments, seeming to weigh her words. "It was before Pathos," she agreed finally. "A lot of the bad memories you'll probably find if you look in her head are real, or at least mostly real. Pathos and other members of the Tyranny Syndicate took her memories, our memories, and used them to terrorize her and drive her more crazy. It took me years of therapy to be able to deal with the memories that I have. I don't know what, if anything, is going to help her. I'm just hoping that if we keep trying to help, eventually something will start working." She sighed, rubbing her forehead with her fingertips. "At least she's happier now. They're taking good care of her, and they say she's calm most of the time, even smiles when she gets a favorite food or TV show. It's got to be some kind of progress."
  18. "After last time with Ace, I don't think he's going to buy that again," Stesha told Heyzel, sighing at another twinge in her back. Who knew that carrying around an extra 25 pounds of shifted center of gravity would cause so many spinal problems? "Anyway, I can't help but feel just a little curious. The thing with the murder... I know there was proof, but it just seemed so completely out of character for him," she said, a little reluctantly. "This is the same man who carries an epinephrine pen when he commits crimes, just so no one goes into shock on accident. Cold blooded murder doesn't seem like him. This on the other hand," she added, waving towards the prison, "is right up his alley."
  19. "He's still in Blackstone," Stesha replied grimly. "There was a security breach, and he was able to create or smuggle in a large number of robot bees. The Beekeeper's greatest asset has always been that people don't take him seriously, including me, until it's too late." She pressed her lips into a frown. "Either someone got lazy or someone was paid off, but either way, he's created a standoff in there, and he's demanding to see me. If he did anything drastic in there, it could start a riot, or an escape, and people could die. I'll take us," she told Tarrant, "I know the way. Freedom Angel is meeting us at the jetty." Taking his hand, she teleported them both back to Earth Prime.
  20. "Um, sure," Erin said, mostly because he seemed so enthusiastic about it. Seattle hadn't had anything like ArcheTech, obviously, but she remembered her share of field trips to significant places for culture, art and science. She'd mostly seen them as a way to get out of class for a day and have fun with her friends than as a real learning experience, but she'd probably picked up a few nuggets of knowledge along the way. As she walked towards the group, she was easily able to pick out individual voices and conversations, forming a mental picture of where all the speakers were located. From the sound of things, not a lot had changed, at least in this one area, since she'd been in middle school.
  21. Stesha gave him a rueful smile. "Well, the baby didn't come yesterday, for one thing," she pointed out, resting her hands on the mountain of her tummy. The most she could manage for a uniform these days was a green tunic and her domino mask shoved in a pocket, nothing else was going to fit. "And Derrick's out defusing another border skirmish in Lor space. But the big problem is the Beekeeper. He's back in action again and causing a lot of trouble. He's demanding to see me again." She sighed. "I could use a little backup, if you're available."
  22. Despite the fact that the Beekeeper was probably the last person on earth she wanted to deal with today, Stesha was almost grateful to get the priority message from the Freedom League in her home on Sanctuary. Anything was a welcome distraction from the fact that she was now at T+1 days and counting for baby, she was sore and tired and cranky, and Derrick was gone again. She knew he wouldn't be gone if it weren't a matter of life and death, and she had the communicator to get in touch with him even halfway across the galaxy if need be, but it still didn't make her at all happy. She thought back often on the words his future self had shared with her, and wondered if he was going to miss everything. But first time mothers averaged forty-one weeks, she reminded herself. She could go do this mission, Derrick could do his mission, and they would both be home on time. But for all her optimism, she wasn't going without a backup plan. Touching the flowers in her hair, she teleported herself to the floating castle that was her neighbor's impressive home. Stesha paused at the door long enough to rub the nagging ache of a practice contraction from her back, then knocked on the door. "Tarrant, are you home?" she called.
  23. Wander Please discard everything Wander has for Equipment (it's all YF stuff anyway,) and put those 2pp towards Midnight Manor DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
  24. Wander is charge power attacking the tank, which I'm assuming is not going to be able to dodge that well. A critical 18, for a total of 30! That'll be a DC 40 toughness save, plus any autofire that may apply, up to a max of 10. Her defense is at -2 for the rest of the round. Also, Trevor is a complication.
  25. Erin barely had time to get her bearings before they were on the move, running up out of the basement and into the middle of a fight. She recognized Trevor's home, saw the Nazi vehicles.., and then watched Trevor race towards one and explode in a cloud of black smoke. A small, involuntary cry escaped her throat as suddenly every other loss came crowding in on her. Too many people she cared about had died before her eyes for her to believe it couldn't happen, and for a moment, she relived each one again in all-too-vivid detail. The whole universe was gone, all the universes were gone, Alex, Oliver... how could Trevor be gone too? The horrific images in her head were so clear and immediate, she almost missed Trevor's reappearance until the helicopter began to fall out of the sky. Her heart began to beat again as she watched him grapple the second chopper and swing away from the crash, relief tangling with anger that he'd done that to her, mixed with fear that this wasn't over yet and anything could still happen. They were all far from safe. Ruthlessly Erin took all those emotions and shoved them far away back into her head. Now wasn't the time. It was time to fight. Leaping through the air, she opened her bat and plowed into one of the tanks at full speed, silent, focused, and deadly.
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