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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Distantly, Gina could hear the commotion at the Lab, but she was too far away right now to do anything about it. Dragonfly was there, with the resources of the whole building at her disposal. She would be able to handle the disturbance, whatever it was. Right now, she needed to continue blocking progress on this rocket until they could get a better look at it and decide how to deal with it. Sliding her consciousness down the metal wires inside the gantry, she found her way to the motor that powered the gantry elevator. It was a powerful motor, with a major power connection to the wiring system for the whole thing. Using nothing but the power of her mind, she convinced the motor to rev, rev as hard and as fast and as long as ever it could! The elevator shot to the top of the shaft, where it was caught by the emergency braking system even as the cable snapped and rocketed back down the shaft. Loud shrieking metal noises filled the air as the motor strained beyond its capacity until the whole thing burnt out in a cloud of black smoke!
  2. Erin pursed her lips, able to follow his train of thought. "The universes don't line up perfectly,'' she pointed out, "and our universe's school has proven to be pretty good at detecting infiltrators. Maybe in our world, the plant never got in, or was expelled before any of us could notice. Or maybe we'll learn something," she allowed grimly. If the face they saw was familiar, it could mean they needed to do some housecleaning back on Prime. She brushed a hand lightly over Trevor's arm as they walked down the subterranean passageway, as though to reassure herself that they were both still the people they'd been before coming here.
  3. Erin spent the evening helping Trevor repair robots, finally nudging him and the rest of the team to get some sleep in the wee small hours of the night. She had a difficult time following her own advice, and could easily have gone without, but it was important to sleep now, while they were still in friendly territory. If they had to stay longer than expected, who knew when they'd get the chance to rest again? In the end, she settled in next to Trevor and managed a few hours of uneasy sleep, but was glad to be roused by Talos. Rising to her feet, she brushed herself off and checked to make sure beacon and belt were still in place. Pulling her cap on to hide her hair once again, she headed out after the robot supergenius.
  4. When Dragonfly got back to the biolab, she could see only the goats, who were behaving pretty much as they had been, and Miss A, still and unresponsive, bathed in a nimbus of electric blue light. Far away, Gina used the base's own cameras to get a look around, and quickly spotted the rocket and the gantry that held it. A quick probe revealed that the rocket was still in the construction stages and didn't have the sort of machinery needed for her to get into it, but the gantry certainly did! She gathered herself and moved her mind out of the computer and through the pathways of wireless data, streaming through the air until her consciousness landed inside the gantry itself. She immediately locked down the arm holding the rocket in place, scrambling the code so that nothing short of a manual detachment would lift the arm to allow a launch.
  5. Miss A is going to move from the control room computer into the rocket gantry, where she is going to attempt to lock the arm holding the rocket into place, for starters. Computers is a 42, Craft Mechanical is the same, if you want that instead.
  6. While he stretched out, Miss A went into the booth, invisible to Gabriel, but still clearly audible over a speaker system. "All right, whenever you're ready, I'd like you to destroy the target I'm sending out now. Use whatever power you like, and your usual technique." As she spoke, a door in the far wall opened up, and a transparent ballistic dummy rolled out on treads, stopping about thirty feet away from where Gabriel stood. "Whenever you're ready." In the booth, Miss A sat in a chair with her pad in hand, totally unmoving and apparently mesmerized by the performance. There was, for the moment, no technician, yet somehow everything was being activated just as it should.
  7. Miss A laughed, an infectious, merry sound as they walked along a secluded corridor between laboratories. "Have you noticed how many female superheroes work here?" she asked him. "We have produced some of the finest anti-wedge technology the world has ever known. And don't worry about the technician being discreet, all our techs are investigated thoroughly and sign comprehensive non-disclosure agreements when they're hired. All your secrets are quite safe." She led him into a large empty room, longer than wide, with one long wall covered in reflective impervium-fused glass and the far wall dotted with various targets. The other long wall was colored in black and white stripes, while the floor contained distance markings and a thick red line marking off the near quarter of the room. "This room is highly reinforced," she explained, "nothing you do should be able to damage it unless you were to concentrate on doing so and spend some time on it. I'm going to leave the room and go back to the observation booth," she gestured to the glass wall," and let you do your testing in here. You'll stand behind the red line and I'll explain to you what I'd like to see from you. You need to let me know if anything makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. All right?"
  8. "We need to find the main players," Erin told Sage. "Fletcher Beaumont first, but then also Hex, Blank, Pathos, and Singularity. We need to know what they're doing and where they are. If you can find your counterpart without tipping your hand, that would be good too. We need as much current information as we can get before we go. But don't push yourself too hard," she added with some concern, knowing her teammate. "This is a nasty world, and we're probably going to spend all of today just helping Talos and gathering information anyway."
  9. As the trees intervened to try and block the wrestler's progress, Fleur once again raised her hands and sent the vines after him. This time they were even less effective, sliding around the wrestler's ankles before getting hung up and torn on the broken bits of masonry from the blown-out wall. Blowing out a breath of frustration, she looked to her ally. "So if you know this guy, do you know what it is he wants in there? Where's he heading, anyway?" She began to follow the criminal, keeping back at a safe distance even so.
  10. The Pine Tree minions are going to aid attack for Stesha against Khuitan, two of them succeed. Thus bolstered, Stesha's Snare attack becomes 1d20+11=17. Does that hit?
  11. Outwardly, Miss A did absolutely nothing as the missile was launched and diverted and the second one queued up, as her colleagues chattered and the situation became more dire. She stood in the lab, still bathed in blue light, one perfectly manicured hand resting on the console as though she'd merely paused for a moment in thought. Inwardly, Gina felt as though her mind was being pulled apart. Far away, she could feel her own physical body, uncomfortably cold and wet, painfully hungry, careening towards exhaustion and chemical deprivation, all of which she was powerless to address right now. She could feel the cool metallic safety of the cybernetic matrix that was the Miss Americana shell, ordered and powerful, but not built to be interfaced with this way. She could hear the chatter of communications but could not respond any more than she could go upstairs for a sandwich at home. She tried to shove aside all these distractions and concentrate on what really mattered, the massive and well-protected computer matrix at Lonely Point, the one that was even now preparing to fire another missile at the Lab. She snuck in past the security programs behind a shield of innocuous code, then shut them down from inside, allowing her free access to the streams of data that made up the state of the art network. It was the work of long and agonizing seconds to find the programs that anchored the entire system, the cyberneticist's answer to the big red button, and another long moment to ensure that what she was going to do would not be dangerous or irreversible. She surgically incised blocks of code that were essential to system function, tipping the first domino that signaled the rest of the system to collapse rather than risk bombing the wrong target. The lights began to go out on the consoles at Lonely Point, one by one, then in great waves until all the boards were dark.
  12. Miss A is going to spend this turn attempting to entirely disable the missile launching capability of the Lonely Point facility. Again with the skill mastered 42 Computers check. Good enough?
  13. With no one around to see, Miss A might as well have been a statue in the Hero Museum, still and lovely and semi-lifelike for a long few seconds of quiet. As she concentrated all her attention, a blue light began to spill out of the computer console and up her arm, till her entire body was encased in a crackling blue nimbus. When she opened her eyes, they too glowed blue behind the whites, and what they saw was obviously nothing even in the room. Miles away at Lonely Point, so subtly that it was hard to notice, an invisible force began rewriting the orders programmed into the guidance computer, so neatly and quickly that it was only when the missile veered from its course and headed for the Bay did it become obvious that anything was amiss.
  14. Ha,got an 18! So there, vengeful GM of doom! :argh:
  15. Miss Americana has 26 pp in her Energy Systems array. She's going to stunt: Datalink 10 (Earth to Moon) (Extra: Machine Control) (PFs: Rapid 5 (10m), Subtle) [26 pp] and use that to try and take over the missile's guidance systems and send it into the ocean. Skill Mastery Computers gives me a 42 against the guidance system.
  16. "You can wear the underwear, but it may just make you more uncomfortable," Miss A advised. "The outfit is designed to work with your bare skin." She looked him over approvingly when he emerged, touching his arm to evaluate the fit of the material. "It's snug," she agreed, "but it needs to be in order for the electrodes to maintain contact. The method I've seen used before this became available was running around in your underpants with the electrodes taped to you, so it's really quite an improvement." She gave him a quick smile of reassurance. "In any case, you aren't going to be performing in front of a big audience. I've got one tech and Mavis, my droid, down there to help take the readings, but beyond that, nobody's going to be watching. Ready?"
  17. "That's what we're here to find out," Miss A told him cheerfully. "Like I said, all I have at this point are preliminary hypotheses. I've only seen you in action a couple of times, and never with scanning equipment trained on you. Once we put you through your paces and I start seeing the mechanics of what you do, I'll be able to make a more informed conclusion. If you can just change into this, we'll go down to the range." The outfit she handed him was like a cross between a super uniform and a child's footie pajamas, a close-fitting single-piece outfit that covered him from neck to toes, including his hands, and had a snug hood as well. The fabric was shot through with silver wires and electrodes, and various parts were colored different bright primary colors, presumably to allow for better video pickup.
  18. Miss A shook herself a little when he was finished, slightly annoyed at herself for allowing her mind to wander into the beauty of the singing, rather than staying put in the science of things. He did have an amazing voice. At least the instruments had caught it all. "That's very good," she told him a bit distractedly, running through the results one more time. "Harmonics and subharmonics are all within the normal vocal range. My preliminary theory is that your voice provides a carrier wave for other power frequencies, which are what actually create the physical effects you've produced while using your powers. Are you ready to go down to the firing range and try a few tests?"
  19. "That was very good," Stesha told Edge encouragingly as she followed him into the building, puffing just a little from the exertion. She could've done the teleporting, but it was important to let the young folks develop their skills, even if the idea of sending teenagers into danger was a little off-putting. Dark Star's students were nearly grown men now anyway, and capable of making their own decisions. "What's the plan?" she asked the others, "are we just going to confront them and try to take them down?"
  20. "You do seem to be doing well for yourself," Miss A agreed. "I'd like to measure the range of your voice, first off, a simple mechanical test that you shouldn't need to exert yourself for." She handed him something that looked like a microphone, with a cord that led into a machine. "I've got a tuner here, and I would like you to sing along with it as low and high as you can go. Stop if you feel like you're going to start straining anything, but don't worry too much about breaking anything. I've got baffles up, and I haven't programmed the tuner to go to dangerous levels. Whenever you're ready."
  21. "Here you are indeed," Miss A repeated with a small smile. "And we're lucky to have you. You got your powers when you were just a youngster, then. That must have been difficult, to come into such amazing abilities so early." Honestly, his story reminded her just a little of her own, where a teenager received powers out of the blue from an apparently benevolent stranger, and then was left to learn to use them. "So you'd been praying fervently for the power to make a difference and change the world, and suddenly one night when you were alone, someone appeared to you and gave it to you?" Definitely familiar when you put it that way. "Did you ever see him again?"
  22. Miss A murmured a curse word and brought up the Lab cameras, which were sensitive enough to pick up the missile, for all the good that would do them. "Guided," she muttered, staring at the screen. "But if I try to get in, I might lose my connection here..." She closed her eyes, her face going blank as a marble statue. "Dragonfly," she said distantly, her voice sounding unconcerned, vaguely monotone, "we could really use better shielding on the Lab."
  23. Miss A is going to attempt to datalink to the control station at Lonely Point and redirect the missile harmlessly into the ocean. Unfortunately, she cannot technically do that because Gina can't abandon her connection with Miss A without risking losing herself to the Mind. AA has ruled that's worth an HP, so she's going to spend this round getting ready to try and stunt the crap out of her cyberkinetic powers next round.
  24. Miss A pursed her lips tightly together as Dragonfly made her suppositions plain, the pressure enough to whiten the skin around her perfect lips. It was a perfect simulacrum of human physiological response, and yet she would've much preferred if no one had ever noticed. Distractions pulled at Gina's extraordinarily efficient brain like static, momentarily leaving her without words to say. "You are a talented engineer," she finally said, her voice tight, "and we have work to do. We're going to need to get these receivers mobile and see if we can get a triangulation going based on the relative strengths of signal, and I think we'll need Protectron for that, unless you have a spare jetpack laying around." She looked over at the clock. "We're going to lose the light very soon too. We should start thinking about where we're going to spend the night."
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