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Everything posted by Electra

  1. After a moment passed with no Ironclad to be found, Miss A rescued the moment by resuming the podium. "So go ahead," she encouraged with a smile, "explore, eat, socialize. We hope you enjoy your time here today, and that this is the start of a long and beautiful friendship." It wasn't hard to get a bunch of reporters mobilized to eat food and nose around, so not much more had to be said. She smiled for a few more pictures, then stepped down, sitting informally on the edge of the low stage and looking approachable for questions.
  2. Suddenly, from the middle of the Bumble-scrum, a voice began to sing, in the dulcet tones of a classic torch singer. "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...." Depositing Dragonfly on the ground near Jill, Miss A rose into the air, holding her candy-colored microphone as all eyes were irresistably drawn her way. "Just like the ones I used to know, Where the treetops glisten, and children listen, to hear sleighbells in the snow..." For a moment the fight stopped, for who could keep on fighting when faced with that sort of force of personality when it demanded attention? "I know you know what I mean," she crooned to the Bumbles, and even to the Snow Queen. "It's so beautiful, isn't it, all the white?" She waved to all the snow around them. "It makes you want to lay down and have a few dreams of your own. May your days be merry and bright, And may all your Christmases be white...."
  3. Miss A will use her spiffy little Area Mind Control thingummy to command the baddies to stop flying and lay down. Yay, prone! Yay, IC takes pity on me for once! 1d20+10=29
  4. Okay, since this is Erin's final update (before it all starts being revisions instead), I figured I'd rip her into the present tense of the site by putting her on the new template. I did include her final batch of edits in the new sheet, but I've also listed them so you don't have to go hunting. The entire current sheet can be replaced by this new one. Updates: 3 pp to Device 2 pp to Reflex Save 1 pp to Fortitude Save 1 pp to Ultimate Toughness 1 pp to Luck [b][u]Player Name[/u]:[/b] Electra [b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b] Keeley Erin White (goes by Erin) [b][u]Power Level[/u]:[/b] 15 (250/250PP) [254] [b][u]Trade-Offs[/u]: None [b][u]Unspent PP[/u]:[/b] 0 [b][u]Progress to Platinum Status[/u]:[/b] 104/120 [b][u]In Brief[/u]:[/b] A survivor of plague and apocalypse in her home universe, Wander is a dimensional refugee working to make a place for herself both on Earth Prime and among the heroes of Freedom City. [b][u]Alternate Identities[/u]:[/b] Wander, Erin Keeley White (her original name, legally changed to distinguish her from her Prime-native counterpart) [b][u]Identity[/u]:[/b] Secret, though she does little to protect it [b][u]Birthplace[/u]:[/b] Seattle, Washington, Earth EZO1(e) [b][u]Occupation[/u]:[/b] High School Student, Extreme Babysitter [b][u]Affiliations[/u]:[/b] Young Freedom [b][u]Family[/u]:[/b] Father: Roger White (1962-2007), Mother: Clarissa (Anderson) White (1967-2007), Sister: Megan White (1999-2007), Paternal Grandparents: Martin and Cecily White (1937-2002)(1942-2007) Maternal Grandparents: Donald and Eileen Anderson (1942-2007, 1945-2007) [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 18 (DoB: November 11, 1992) [b][u]Apparent Age[/u]:[/b] 18 [b][u]Gender[/u]:[/b] Female [b][u]Ethnicity[/u]:[/b] Caucasian [b][u]Height[/u]:[/b] 5'8 [b][u]Weight[/u]:[/b] 175 [b][u]Eyes[/u]:[/b] Brown [b][u]Hair[/u]:[/b] Auburn [b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] Tall and solidly built, Erin's average appearance allows her to blend into the background behind her more spectacular teammates. Her eyes are medium brown, her hair auburn and shoulder-length, usually held back clips or in a blue hairband when she's working. Her physical invulnerability gives her the pale, smooth skin of someone who's never gone out in the sun or worked with her hands, but it also means she never gets acne or freckles anymore. Most people would say Erin looks and moves like an athlete, but anyone who's been in a theater of combat would say she moves like a special-forces veteran, a somewhat dissonant description for a girl still on the cusp of adulthood. Erin's wardrobe is quite limited, and most of her clothes have obviously seen many washings and even some mending. Unlike the other members of Young Freedom, Wander does not have a distinctive individual uniform, instead wearing the blue and gold spandex uniform that Claremont provides to students for superpowers training. [b][u]Power Descriptions[/u]:[/b] Wander's powers, while formidable in their own way, are not the flashy and world-shaking displays that many superheroes possess. Fast but not a speedster, strong but not a powerhouse, able to leap but not to fly, and enduring without transcending physical needs, she is the jack of all trades who is master of none. The one thing she is really good at is melee combat, in which she is unmatched one on one or in large groups. [b][u]Abridged History[/u]:[/b] Erin was born in an Earth-variant universe that would eventually be classified Earth-EZO1(e). Her universe split off from Prime in 2006 when a contagious and fast-acting disease arose that began wiping out huge swaths of the world population. A vaccine was quickly developed and widely distributed, but instead of curing victims, it destroyed the higher brain functions of all vaccinated individuals and rendered them superpowered and homicidal zombies. Erin, who at the time time vaccine was distributed was sequestered on the ranch of her eccentric genius uncle, was protected from its ravages. Instead she received a vaccine her uncle devised, one that gave her enhanced immunities and superpowered strength, speed, and endurance. It was enough to keep her alive, even as the rest of her family and her world died. Eventually she reached Freedom City and was able to contact Prime, with the help of Doctor Atom, and was brought over as a refugee. Once on Prime, Erin was placed into quarantine for several months, then spent more months trying to acclimate to the world. She was introduced to the Prime counterparts of herself and her family, but although they are on cordial terms, the decision was made that she should not live with them permanently. Instead, she was given a place at the Claremont Academy, where she worked very hard to catch up on a year and a half of missed schooling, as well as training her powers for a world where survival usually didn't require lethal force. She made friends at school and joined Young Freedom, the second Claremont superteam, where she has had many adventures. (For Erin's complete history, visit her News Thread.) [b][u]Personality & Motivation[/u]:[/b] Erin is a serious young woman with a strong tendency towards singlemindedness, though she shows occasional flashes of an offbeat sense of humor, especially around her friends. She has a reputation around school for being dangerously unstable, thanks to her early jumpiness and ultraquick reaction time, but in truth has never actually injured another student outside of sparring, and these days is not nearly as easy to startle. Prone to occasional lapses into depression for obvious reasons, she remains in comprehensive therapy with the school psychologist. Generally she is fairly easy to get along with, and is far more likely to live and let live than to pick a fight, at least in social situations. She is extremely protective of her friends, to the point where it can be a problem when they are in a dangerous situation and she must stop protecting them in order to let them do their work. Motivation has been a continuing theme in Erin's story at Claremont. She has struggled with the idea that she is merely doing hero work because it is expected of her and she wants to be on good terms with the people who pay her room and board, or that it's because of the guilt she feels at failing to save her family and world despite her powers. She is gradually becoming comfortable with the truth that hero work itself makes her happy, and that in alleviating or averting the fear and pain of others, she is slowly coming to grips with her own. Although she frequently claims she'll start a one-woman moving company after graduation if she does not make the cut for the Freedom League, the truth is that she is deeply invested in being a hero now, and not much is going to stop that. [b][u]Powers & Tactics[/u]:[/b] Wander is a seasoned melee fighter whose preferred tactic is to hit fast and overwhelmingly hard, in the hopes of disabling her opponent before they have a chance to hit her back. Her weapon of choice is a five-foot-long expandable baton that is designed to prevent her from using lethal force against enemies, while simultaneously extending her range and allowing her pinpoint control of the damage she causes. Her lightning-quick fighting style allows her to pick off many less-skilled opponents at one time, but if given the option, she will usually target the biggest, baddest villain first and allow her teammates to take care of the goons. [hr][/hr] [b][u]Complications[/u]:[/b] [b]Can't Pay the Rent:[/b] Erin has a couple of part time jobs, but she doesn't make much, and what she makes, she tends to squirrel away. She doesn't have a lot of clothes or possessions, and can't pay her way to do a lot of things her classmates wouldn't think twice about. [b]Loyalties:[/b] Wander is a member of Young Freedom. She has to be available when the team is called on and able to work with her teammates. She also must maintain a public image to comport with being a superhero, as much as anyone ever notices her. Her teammates are very important to her, and she would do just about anything for them. Trevor, though not technically a teammate, is also very important to her for different reasons. [b]Double Trouble:[/b] Erin is an extra copy on Prime, there is already one perfectly serviceable Erin Keeley White going about her non-powered business in Seattle. Legally, Erin has new papers as Keeley Erin White, but there's still tons of room for confusion. [b]Overprotective:[/b] After one miserable failure to protect someone she cared about, Erin isn't about to let it happen again. She will step in front of a teammate or a civilian whenever possible, even if it would be objectively unwise or unnecessary. She may also underestimate peoples' abilities to take care of themselves, something that can cause friction when working with her peers. [b]Post Traumatic Stress:[/b] Violence and death in Erin's past has resulted in PTSD that tends to express itself mostly in combat situations. Therapy has allowed her to overcome the worst of her instinctive reactions, but when her life or the life of a friend is threatened, or when she is very afraid, she may lose the ability to modulate her attacks or correctly read situations. [b][u]Abilities[/u]:[/b] 10 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 24PP Strength: 40/20 (+15/+5) Dexterity: 20/14 (+5/+2) Constitution: 30/16 (+10/+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 10 (+0) [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +13 Attack: +10, +15 Melee Grapple: +30/+20, +36 Super-Strength Defense: +15 (+10 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Knockback -14/-1 [b][u]Saving Throws[/u]:[/b] 0 + 3 + 6 = 13PP Toughness +15/+4 (+10/+3 CON, +5/+0 Protection, +1 Leather Jacket) (14/0 Impervious) Fortitude +11/+3 (+10/+3 CON, +1) Reflex +10/+5 (+5/+2 DEX, +5) Will +7 (+1 WIS, +6) [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 80R = 20PP Acrobatics 13 (+18) Craft (Electronic) 4 (+5) Craft (Mechanical) 2 (+3) Drive 2 (+7) Knowledge (Tactics) 2 (+3) Intimidate 10 (+10) Notice 16 (+17) Perform (Dance) 2 (+2) Sense Motive 14 (+15) Stealth 6 (+11) Survival 9 (+10) [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 34PP Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 5 Challenge (Fast Task) 1 (Acrobatic Feint) Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 5 Equipment 2 (10EP) Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 2 Interpose Luck 4 Minion 0(10) (Super-Kitty, 150PP) (+10 Veteran Reward) Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Notice, Survival) Takedown Attack 2 Track Ultimate Save [Toughness] Uncanny Dodge (Audio) [quote name="Equipment 2PP = 10EP"] 5EP toward Young Freedom HQ Binoculars [0EP] Communicator/Teleporter beacon [2EP] Handcuffs (Feats: Masterwork) [2EP] Leather Jacket (Protection 1) [1EP][/quote] [b][u]Powers[/u]:[/b] 4 + 3 + 14 + 6 + 40 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 14 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 13 + 2 = 120PP [b]Device 1 ([/b]5PP, [i]Flaws:[/i] Easy-To-Lose 2, [i]Feats:[/i] Subtle [Collapsible][b])[/b] (Wander's Bat) [4PP] [device][b]Strike 0 ([/b][i]Feats:[/i] Extended Reach 2 [15ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Throw, Stunning Attack, [i]Drawbacks:[/i] Non-Lethal[b])[/b] [5PP][/device] [b]Device 1[/b] (5DP, [i]Flaws:[/i] Easy-To-Lose)(Sunglasses and Earrings from Midnight) [3PP} [device][b]Super Senses 3[/b] (Infravision, Visual Counters Obscure [fog/mist]) [3DP] [b]Sensory Shield 2[/b] (Auditory)[2DP][/device] [b]Enhanced Constitution 14[/b] [14PP] [b]Enhanced Dexterity 6[/b] [6PP] [b]Enhanced Strength 20 ([/b][i]Extras:[/i] Autofire 2 [Rank 10, +1 Damage per 2 points over targets Defense DC, Max +10 Damage][b])[/b] [40PP] [b]Features 1 ([/b]Temporal Inertia[b])[/b] [1PP] [b]Immunity 2 ([/b]Disease, Poison[b])[/b] [2PP] [b]Immunity 2 ([/b]Need For Sleep, Starvation/Thirst, [i]Flaws:[/i] Limited [1/2 Effect][b])[/b] [1PP] [b]Impervious Toughness 14[/b] [14PP] [b]Protection 5[/b] [5PP] [b]Quickness 4 ([/b]x25, [i]Flaws:[/i] Limited [Physical Tasks][b])[/b] [2PP] [b]Regeneration 6 ([/b]Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 [1/round/no action], Injured 3 [1/minute][b])[/b] [6PP] [b]Speed 4 ([/b]100MPH / 1,000ft per Move Action, [i]Feats:[/i] Alternate Power[b])[/b] [5PP] [list][u]Alternate Power[/u]: [b]Leaping 4 ([/b]x25, Running Long Jump: 625ft, Standing Long Jump: 312ft, High Jump: 156ft[b])[/b] [4PP][/list] [b]Super-Senses 2 ([/b]Normal Hearing, [i]Extras:[/i] Accurate 2[b])[/b] [2PP] [b]Super-Strength 6 ([/b]Lifting STR 70, Light Load: 64 tons, Medium Load: 125 tons, Heavy Load: 200 tons, Max Load: 400 tons, Push/Drag: 1,000 tons, [i]Feats:[/i] Alternate Power[b])[/b] [13PP] [list][u]Alternate Power[/u]: [b]Flight 6 ([/b]500MPH / 5,000ft per Move Action, [i]Extras:[/i] Total Fade; [i]Flaws:[/i] Fades[b])[/b] [12PP][/list] [b]Super Movement 1 ([/b]Safe Fall[b])[/b] [2PP] [b][u]Drawbacks[/u]:[/b] -0PP [b][u]DC Block[/u][/b] [code]ATTACK    RANGE  SAVE            EFFECT Unarmed    Touch  DC30 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical) Bat      15ft   DC30 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical, Non-Lethal) Bat (Stun)  15ft   DC30 Fortitude (Staged)  Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious Abilities (24) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (20) + Feats (34) + Powers (120) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points Edits done by Geez3r
  5. Miss A nodded, looking quite pleased with her artistry. The image was perfect, and there was no hint of the Omegadrone under the shining silver armor. "Just stay low," she advised him, "there's only about sixteen feet of clearance." Stepping back to give him room to maneuver, she continued taking readings and watching him closely, looking for any tiny errors that could give the game away. Making one kind of armor look like another kind of armor wasn't rocket science, well, not difficult rocket science, but it did require careful attention and thought. If she was going to give Harrier, no, Caradoc a new lease on life, she would have to be on top of her game. Luckily, she had experience.
  6. "In combat, definitely," she assured him. "The glue is very strong, someone would have to peel each one off you to get them off. For bathing, you can use the solvent to remove them if you feel comfortable, but you can bathe with them on, no problem. Each application of the glue should last about thirty days before you have much chance of failure." She stepped back, turning her monitors on him. "All right, I want you to activate your armor now. If all goes well, that energy will trigger the holographic generators automatically."
  7. "Just strip to your underwear and hold still," she told him, her manner very professional and exceedingly calming as she walked around him. "I'm going to apply these holoemitters to your skin with some biostatic adhesive. It's very sticky, but I have a solvent that will take it right off if and when that's necessary. I'm going to put them in places that will be covered by your clothes, so you can wear them at all times." When Harrier had taken off most of his clothes, she went to work, affixing little gray discs just under his left collarbone, then next to his right shoulderblade. Each disc was the size of a quarter, and felt almost weightless once applied. She applied one just above his buttocks, and just below his navel. Harrier could see that she was deliberately choosing places where the armor covered, but did not come out of, his skin at that point. The eruption of his armor would not shake them loose. She attached one to each thigh, then one to each bicep, nodding slightly. "That should do for now. I'd like to build in a little more redundancy later, but we're still testing right now. How do they feel?" she asked him. "Any itching, burning, prickling sensations?"
  8. She returned the kiss just as lightly, the music and the candlelight creating a dreamy, romance-novel atmosphere that made her mind fuzzy in a much more pleasant way than Alex's drinking binge had. For a moment, it was like stepping out of her own life into one much nicer, a fantasy of being grown-up and in love, dancing on the terrace of an exotic palace in the moonlight. Giving in to the feeling, she continued and deepened the kiss, sliding one hand up into Trevor's hair. He smelled of shampoo and chocolate and faintly of motor oil, an appealing combination that she thought suited him perfectly. Thoughts about the future and saving the world melted away, leaving just the two of them for this one perfect moment.
  9. Miss A watched from the corner of her eye as Doktor Archeville and his companion walked in her direction and then suddenly veered away. It looked as though there'd be no further socialization from that quarter this evening. Just as well, since all she wanted to do was get out of here and settle in at home with a book. She continued to schmooze the elderly investor she'd been working over for the past ten minutes, until she was sure he was desperate to contribute more money to ArcheTech's new projects, then carefully extricated herself with many promises to stay in touch. Her steps quickened as she neared the door, absurdly happy for the chance to return to obscurity. She really needed to check her calculations anyway. If the good doctor's reaction to her was any indication, something about them was entirely off.
  10. Erin scooped Mark up and looked back at Trevor. "We need a cage for that thing if we have any hope of containing it," she told him. "Edge and I can drive it back here!" With that, she was off in a single great leap, following the monster down off the mountainside and trying to get it in range for a hit. Mark's presence made just slugging the thing a lot more complicated, but his powers would make actually being able to catch the thing a lot more likely, so it was a decent trade, she figured.
  11. Miss A didn't seem to mind his measured pursuits, and there didn't seem to be much of interest to find. All the interior measurements matched up, no hidden rooms or secret floors made themselves apparent here, not that he'd actually been searching with those in mind. After a couple of hours of near-total stillness from the heroine, she suddenly straightened in her seat, stretched, and looked over at him. "All right, I think I've got something," she told him. "Come over here, and bring the sword." She'd noticed he hadn't done much practicing with it, but hoped that once he had the whole costume in place, his confidence would grow.
  12. Miss Americana stepped forward, every eye and camera in the place instantly focusing on her. "Thank you, Estelle," she said politely, then turned to the guests. "Good afternoon, everyone. On behalf of myself and my colleagues, I'd like to add my welcome to Doctor de Havilland's. The lab we've built here has been a lifelong dream for many of us, an opportunity for us to fully utilize our skills, knowledge and powers in service to humanity. I'd like to thank everyone who's supported us in the endeavor." She took a moment to list the names of the major contractors and a few donors who had assisted in the speedy construction of the Lab, not bothering with a written note but remembering every name nonetheless. "And most of all, I would like to thank the citizens of Freedom City for their support and encouragement of our efforts here. There is no finer city in the world in which to be a scientist or a superhero, and we are all grateful for your presence here today. Please feel free to look around and ask any questions you wish. We are all eager, maybe even too eager, to talk about our pet projects." She gave the audience an endearing smile. "There are refreshments being served in the rotunda, and the Freedom City Orchestra has provided a string quartet as well. Again, welcome, and enjoy yourselves!" She stepped away from the podium, but remained near the crowd and accessible for questions, hopefully drawing heat away from her more reticent colleagues.
  13. Erin looked around at the lanterns and grinned, shaking her head a little at Trevor's continuing ingenuity. Talking with Alex last night had helped, but maybe what she really should keep in mind was that Midnight was always operating two or three well-prepared steps ahead of everybody else, whether it was on a date or in a fight. That had to count for something when it came to his chances of staying safe and unharmed. It was also really nice in a lot of other ways. Taking his hand, she stepped into his arms with an ease that wouldn't have been there even just a few weeks ago. "Well, I guess we should obey the rules," she murmured, "seeing as how it's an important night." With her in heels, they stood eye to eye, which might also have been an intimidating prospect weeks or months ago. The eyes had taken some getting used to, but now they just seemed like part of him, and she could read his expressions better now than when they'd been brown and white. "Good call on the slow song, though. Trying to swing dance here would be just asking somebody to go over the railing again," she joked.
  14. Gina shouldn't have had that eggnog! Miss A's master plan is only 21.
  15. Excellent question! Civilian garb only, please. Stesha and Derrick will be getting hitched in their civilian identities, and there will be about a zillion members of Stesha's family and family friends present.
  16. The Night Cycle was distinctive enough that its occupants were waved through the gate without question, letting them return to the spot where they'd started, where Erin leapt them back to the balcony. She overshot by one on the first try, but luckily whoever owned that balcony was asleep and didn't notice the silent invasion. Another quick jump brought them back to the half-melted candles and a meal still keeping warm in the chafing dishes. Erin was pleased to see that her dress was still in fairly good shape, given the rough treatment of the riding and fighting she'd done. "It's getting late," she murmured a little wistfully, looking at the guttering candles. "And we've had a long day. Are you tired?" she asked him.
  17. "I am," she told him with neither pride nor modestly. "You won't see me on the television though. My hero name is Cyberknife, and the work I do is in cyberspace, the word we give to the internet and the worlds inside computers. I was working when I chased you down, because you were causing so much damage. I thought you were a malicious program and dropped you into this partition, but obviously you're nothing like what I was expecting. You can learn a lot from watching the heroes of Freedom City, though. They're a rare lot, they do a great many wonderful things without much reward for it. Good people."
  18. "I imagine not," Stesha said ruefully, creating massive fuzzy leaves to help dry off the chilly bees. "That symbol is a sign of danger. It means there's poison in the air and ground and water around there. If you ever see it again, you should come and tell me right away, and stay far away from it. Now that you know it's there, you have to make sure that everyone avoids going to that place. If you stay far enough away, you should be all right." She still looked worried; she really didn't have much idea how to clean up radioactive waste, and in her condition, she certainly wasn't going to get too close!
  19. Miss A goes on 11. She must be carrying Dragonfly. :-P
  20. As the darkness grew around them in the disabled vehicle, Erin held her breath and opened her mask for a moment, just long enough to put on the sunglasses Trevor had given her for her birthday. As the sealed mask cleared the accumulated water and allowed her to breathe again, the world came into sharp focus and she followed Trevor to the hatches. It was an imposing sight, but she focused in on the immediate mission at hand, lest she be overwhelmed by the alien strangeness of their surroundings, or the sheer number of undead foes. "I'm going to go for the ones close to the boat first," she told the others. "Anyone who can shoot at the ones further away, do it. For God's sake, nobody get bit." With that, she unfolded her bat and took off like a shot, forsaking the dubious safety of the ship for the cold waters and the enemies outside. They had to get the ones closest to the ship before it was disabled entirely!
  21. "Keep doing what you're doing," Gina told him, brusquely but not unkindly. "You're going to have to stay calm, and be brave, and not let yourself get overwhelmed by what's probably going to seem very strange to you. You've got a flexible mind, which is probably what got you into trouble in the first place and saved you from insanity in the second place. I'm going to keep working on decoding your program, and when I can, I'll see if I can set up a holoemitter so you can at least look around in my house and lab. It won't be much, but it'll give you a look at the organic world. For now, though, you're going to have to sit tight."
  22. Hey, it's almost January 2, which means it's Stesha and Derrick's wedding day (rescheduled!) I had really been hoping Cy was going to be around for this one, but in the interest of Stesha not dumping Derrick for leaving her at the altar twice, we're going to go ahead and finesse the wedding anyway. Hopefully important characters like Derrick and Taylor will be able to make appearances eventually, and all will be well! The wedding is taking place in Chicago, on the afternoon of Sunday, January 2. Teleportation will be available for those who can't make it on their own. As for who is invited, if your character has ever been invited to Sanctuary, Stesha's HQ planet, you're invited. The Knights of Freedom and the Freedom League Auxiliary are invited. If your character doesn't fall into these categories and you still think they'd get an invite, talk to me about it. This is going to be a primarily social thread to commemorate two of Freedom City's Silver-Ageiest heroes finally tying the knot. Don't look for any big battles, because I ain't gonna run one. The thread should go up in The Lands Beyond sometime this week. Any questions?
  23. (Note: Since Wander has 248pp already, she only needs the vignette pp and 1 post this month to max out. I'd like her remaining 49 posts divided among the other two, which should bring both of them over 100. Gina's posts, of course, go to Miss A.) Wander: (Vignette) Kill A Man: Eighteen (29) The Dark Mother (7) Kill A Man: Rusty Cage (5) KIll A Man: Boys, Boys, Boys (8) All Your Bank Are Belong to Us (1) Fleur de Joie: (Vignette) Through the Grapevine (18) Bee it Ever So Humble (21) Vision in White (16) White Saturday (9) Bee Okay (5) Friendly Neighbors (8) Miss Americana: (Vignette) Security Precautions (20) Crisis on Infinite Holidays (9) Medical Matters (18) Welcome to the Lab (3) DOA? A-OK! (5) Dog Fight (1) Bats of Unusual Size? I Don't Think They Exist (2) The Things We Do for Charity (8) The Hypoteneuse is Equal to the Sum (14) NPC: The Real World (27/13)
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