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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin stiffened when Jill touched her and started to use her powers, but remained still to let the healer do her work. It felt really weird, but it didn't hurt. The pain in her chest began to ease immediately, and she could almost feel the bones moving back into place and her body knitting itself back together again. She took an experimental breath, pleased when it didn't even twinge. "It's true," she acknowledged with a half-nod. "Feels a lot better already. Thanks."
  2. Stesha arrived on the scene just in time to see Gabriel being thrown across the field of battle by a giant robot maid! With a soft cry, she ran to him, kneeling down next to him and opening one of her pouches. "Here," she murmured, stuffing a ball of what seemed to be leaves and maple sap into his mouth. "Eat this, it will help." She patted his hair reassuringly and looked around at the situation, hoping that somebody was going to stop the robot before anything else fell over or got blown up.
  3. Stesha's move action will be to go to Gabriel. Her standard action will be healing. He's flat footed and prone (?) so she doesn't need to make an attack roll. That's a Rank 13 healing effect to add onto his con bonus, with Total. Stop getting hurt, darn you! :D
  4. Miss A followed his gaze around the room, then gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry," she told him, "I'm not going to try any radical experiments on you. Your limbs are entirely your own. Would you be willing to provide a small cell sample though, for analysis? It would be very helpful to us in analyzing your metahuman physiology. Have you ever reproduced?" she asked, avoiding the more conversational question about children. Not all children were biological, but she wasn't particularly interested in any of that variety.
  5. Gina listened intently to the instructions he gave, then shook her head, pocketing the card even as she drew out her wallet to pay. "It seems straightforward enough. I have unscented Lubriderm lotion at home, and I don't go out too much, so it'll heal well. It doesn't hurt as much now as I thought it was going to. Do you take American Express?" she asked as she drew out a platinum-colored card and looked around for a credit card sign.
  6. Miss A nodded with great interest, picking up her data pad and making a few notes on it, the better to catalog the fascinating zombie's abilities. Sure, it was somewhat disturbing, but it wasn't as though she weren't constantly disassembling and reassembling the body she inhabited now herself. This was obviously some organic or meta-organic version of the same principle. "That's very interesting!" she told him with enthusiasm. "Have you ever been permanently deprived of a body part?" she asked curiously. "Did it grow back, or were you forced to live without it?"
  7. Even in the blue light from Jill's powers, it was easy to see Erin's flush of embarrassment at being caught injured. "I'm okay," she told Corbin and Jill at the same time, even as her ribs seemed to be trying to poke every internal organ they could reach. "Got sucker punched in a fight out on patrol. You should see the other guy, not to mention the street all around us. But I've gotten a lot worse than this before. I just need to rest for a little while and I'll be fine."
  8. "Anywhere on the quad is fine, as long as it's a gentle drop," Erin told him ruefully. "I'll be fine with a night's rest, it just sucks for now. Damn thing sucker punched me. At least it didn't get a chance to hurt anyone. You did well tonight," she told him seriously. "That was a tough situation, and you kept cool and reacted just like you needed to. That's not easy when you're not used to being in real life situations. I'm glad I had you there backing me up."
  9. Erin nodded. "That's fine, CT." She'd been carried with telekinesis more than once, and knew that the best way to ride was by staying entirely still and making it easy for the carrier to get a good hold. That was absolutely fine with her battered body. She took one more look at the bank, where the police were already forming a cordon, then nodded to her classmate. "I"m ready when you are," she said, and relaxed into the telekinetic grip.
  10. Wander was not looking well after the battle with the giant robot. She couldn't stand up straight, and something cracked inside her was making her wheeze when she breathed. It was obvious that she was in no fit condition to take the fight inside, where there could be a standoff, or security protocols they didn't know about. She looked at her two grass-green compatriots, then towards the bank. "Let the police handle it," she told them. "We took out the big one, and enough of the little ones to weaken their force. The cops can do the rest, and they'll already know the layout and the security inside." She looked over at Pax. "Get in touch with us sometime, use the Young Freedom website. Put it to my attention and I'll get it." Turning, she studied the building she'd jumped down from, and listened to her body telling her how painful it would be to make the return jump. "I've got to get back to the school," she admitted quietly to Corbin.
  11. Seeing as how it's been two weeks since the last response and looking to be another week before we hear anything else from you, I think this fight is looking good for a wrap.
  12. Miss A jotted that down as well. "Have you ever tried to separate any part of your mass from your body entirely?" she asked, thinking of another recent patient and his amazing wandering hands. "Either through a shapeshifting amputation, or simply by having cell samples taken? It would be interesting to see whether your cells retain their amazing properties once separated from your body. "And is that oily secretion a cellular waste product?"
  13. "I'd prefer you didn't, since it's got my IRL powerword on it," Gina said dryly, getting up and going over to look at the tattoo. "My real full name," she explained, realizing that most people probably didn't speak internet nerd. "You've got far better pieces in your portfolio than some simple letters anyway. I researched you extensively before I decided to come here." She looked over the tattoo in the mirror and nodded. "Good. It looks like I wanted.
  14. "Yes, of course, you wouldn't want to shed any of your body mass just to shrink down temporarily. Have you ever deliberately put on or lost weight the normal way in order to be more suited to a shape?" she asked curiously, going off the script for her own curiosity. "Does your mass even work that way? Do you still need to eat?" She jotted down more notes, her pen moving faster now that her interest was piqued.
  15. "Again!" Miss A called to the other two, looping around in a blur of red and blue to come in at the robot from a different angle. "One more good hit and it'll be down! Together with me!" With that, she aimed straight for the most damaged area of the robot, extended fists that glowed with multicolored light, and flew in at top speed to punch the robot into oblivion!
  16. "Fascinating," Miss A murmured again, grabbing a sensor to record the startling performance. "Did you tell it what to do?" she asked, stepping closer to look at the hand, and giving the ghost dog a look that said it would be unwise to get too rambunctious in her lab. "Can you command it remotely, or does it react randomly when not attached to your body? I felt the fingers wiggling earlier when I was holding it, but I assumed that was merely nerve artifact."
  17. "Blowing up the jailer sounds good to me," Stesha said very emphatically. She'd recited all of what she'd seen in a voice that had gradually grown tighter with anger and sickness. "I have a message to give to the queen that will hopefully convince her of our bona fides, but I want to blow that thing up anyway. And I have some serious words to say to the Beekeeper when I see him next. He's a sick, sick, sick man! Who the hell does this anyway?" Hearing her own voice made her realize she was precariously close to tears, so Stesha shut it down for the moment, took a deep breath, and went to stand near Taylor for the teleport.
  18. "I'm sure you haven't got any of the stuff I like," Gina replied flatly, squeezing the ball in her hand. She wasn't very strong, though, and didn't look to be in much danger of doing it any harm. "How long do I have to keep a bandage on this until it heals up?" she asked him. "Should I stick to loose pants or shorts until it's better?" She kept her eyes closed, but turned in the direction of his voice as though she could see him anyway.
  19. Miss A nodded, jotting notes on her pad. "So you are susceptible to normal human diseases, interesting. Have you felt any of the effects of aging in your body?" she asked, looking up again. "I must say you look fantastic for a man your age. Or should I say, person your age. I assume that part of your shapeshifting is the ability to assume different gender, age and ethnic background as you see fit?" she asked. "Can you change your body mass in those transformations?"
  20. "That's all right," Miss A told him, her manner softening with sympathy. "I understand completely. We can just skip past the family health history questions, then." She tapped the pad with her stylus, clearing away a page. "Do you remember ever getting sick as a child?" she asked instead. "Colds, flu, chicken pox, any other more serious diseases? Did you see a doctor or a dentist regularly during your childhood?" It was somewhat hard to believe that the youngish looking man in front of her was old enough to have grown up before regular pediatric checkups, but she of all people knew how looks could deceive.
  21. Erin wasn't so sure about Jack's assertion that anyone who wanted to could go back now, but in any case, she'd already come this far and death held few terrors for her. She'd rather stay alive though, all things considered. She landed on her feet after the long fall, and was immensely relieved to see little JJ, unharmed and with his mother. It was plain, though, that the peril was not yet over. Using her staff to test the ground, Erin tried to pick her way over to where Taylor and JJ were stuck.
  22. "Sorry, never on a first date," she told him with a smile and just a hint of an eyeroll before returning to consummate professionalism. "Let's go back to your health history for a moment. You were born in 1940, right around the dawn of the first large wave of metahumans. Do you know if either of your parents were metahumans or potentials, or if they were exposed to any substance known to spark powers?"
  23. Gina didn't look as though she believed him, especially when he started the tattooing, but although she grimaced, she didn't flinch or protest. "Another reason not to use color," she said, keeping her eyes closed while he did his work. "Though I think you're going to have to include a few shots with the tattoo if you want people to believe the part about not feeling it. I'm just going to have to wait till afterwards for mine."
  24. Miss A observed the petrochemical with interest, but didn't do anything more to analyze it, for the moment, anyway. "So you can change your entire body when you shapeshift, then? Do you assume only humanoid forms, or can you take on any shape you choose? Do you have a natural state you return to when at rest or unconscious?" She jotted a few notes on her pad without looking down, keeping all of that amazing attention totally focused on her patient.
  25. Stesha hung back while Taylor did her work, careful to avoid any flying debris. "He obviously didn't know who he was dealing with. Which tends to be his problem most of the time, really." She flinched a little as the door flew across the room, resting her hands over her belt buckle. "Anyway, that's two birds with one stone, I don't think those suits are going anywhere soon. Let's see what's in there." She tossed a handful of seeds through the open door, sprouting them into traveling vines, then looking through them to get an idea of what was going on.
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