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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "You remember the Beekeeper, right?" Stesha asked, grinning a little. "Last time we fought him, he brought in bees the size of semi-trucks to fight us. It was pretty intense. We beat him, thanks to some clever and sort of creepy disguise work by Ace, but while he went off to Blackstone, we had a dozen sentient bees the size of semi-trucks to deal with. So we sort of parleyed with them and I told them that they could come live here, where I can make flowers big enough for them to eat from without much problem. Then we found some fire-breathing bees who'd been kicked out of the hive, and I brought them here too. It's not the whole hive, but they're doing pretty well here." Touching Taylor's arm, she moved them all the ten miles or so to the bee meadow, where flowers the size of houses waved on redwood stalks or sat cozied in leaf cups that covered football fields. In the distance, gigantic black and yellow shapes flew through the air.
  2. Erin brushed her cheek against the top of his head for a moment, then settled back herself, smiling a little. Asleep or awake, it just felt really good to have someone be there, someone trustworthy and who cared. It was so good not to be alone. Deep inside, a little pessimistic voice worried about how ruinously bad it would feel if something happened to leave her alone again, but she ruthlessly squelched it for tonight. It wouldn't hurt anything just to be happy for awhile. Eventually she dozed off herself, baby monitor still on her belt, fingers linked loosely with Trevor's.
  3. "Well, that's why they call it experimenting," Miss A told him cheerfully, going over to a bank of cabinets to gather some supplies. She came over with a specimen jar and a very sharp scalpel. "I know you don't feel pain, but is there a particular area you'd prefer I take the sample from?" she asked him. "Or if you like, you can take the sample yourself and just put it in the jar. Even if the sample simply degrades, that still tells us something about the way your powers work. Every bit of data is useful somehow."
  4. Gina shrank back into her chair as though trying to blend in with the wallpaper when the rest of the employees came in, but seemed to relax fractionally when none of them paid much attention to her. She kept a close eye on what Wesley was doing as he drew, watching as he added a tiny bit of artistry to the stark design in the form of balance and curve. It didn't look very different from the typed lines she'd brought in, but it did look like someone had put some care and thought into it. She nodded, approving the design on paper.
  5. "Blow 'em off," Stesha said with a firm nod. "If they cared much about this crypt, they'd have noticed when a supervillain used it to build his lair in. Not that I think Beekeeper is going to be out of Blackstone anytime soon, but I don't want him to have any secret hidey-holes to come back to, or other supersuits to climb right into." She hugged herself, looking resolute. "He's not going to come after me again. I just won't have it." She followed Phantom, staying at a safe distance to avoid any flying debris when Phantom did what she did so well.
  6. "Goodbye, Harrier!" Stesha called, then turned back to devote her full attention to Derrick. "Let's go home," she said with a sigh of pleasure at the words. Taking a handful of seeds from her pocket, she tossed them into the air, letting them explode into flowers before they ever touched the ground. Grabbing hold of one, she teleported them to her treehouse in the blink of an eye. The treehouse was a very inviting spot tonight, with most of the leaves of the walls an appealing golden-red color bathed in the yellow light of the lamps, and the heater keeping things toasty warm. Stesha tugged off her hat, and scarf, mittens and cowl, grinning like a fool the entire time.
  7. Annoyance flashed into Gina's hazel eyes, though it seemed mostly self-directed. "I'm not nervous," she assured him brusquely, deliberately raising her voice to a more conversational level. "Your license is current and your building seems clean. I'll of course ask to see the needle as you're unwrapping it, but I'm sure there won't be any problems. I have a very high tolerance for pain. If you don't mind, I do prefer you stencil the design on first so I can approve the spelling and layout. I'm not very comfortable with having it freehanded."
  8. She followed his hand with her own, kneading the knot in his shoulder. "It's not wasted time," she told him. "Even if you're sleeping, it's still time I get to spend with you. And you'll feel better when you wake up." She moved her hand to rub the back of his neck, then the other shoulder. "Know what you mean about the days blurring together, though. It's worst in the wintertime, when the nights are so long and the days never get that bright. It's really easy to lose track."
  9. "It's... it's the uncertainty principle," Gina told him, her voice getting even more quiet, if that were possible. "It's complicated, but it really comes down to the fact that the more you look at what something is doing, the harder it is to see where it's coming from. And if you try to see where it's located, you could let it speed away. And my name is... just my name. For identification." She shrugged a little bit, knotting her fingers more tightly in her lap.
  10. "Yes, I do." She reached into the purse she had with her, an understated but quite expensive name brand messenger bag and withdrew a folded sheet of paper, handing it to him. "I'd like these, traced as precisely as you can." The tattoo was not of a picture or an abstract design, but instead was two lines of characters. The first line was her name, "Regina Elaine Evans," all in capitals and in a neat font with a slight serif. The second set, down on the next line appeared to be an equation. "I'd like it on my thigh. Can you do that?" she asked him.
  11. "My name is Gina Evans," she told him, taking a seat when he did. She sat like a lady, legs crossed at the ankle, and even though she wore jean rather than a skirt, she reflectively ran her hands over her knees as though smoothing a hem before folding them in her lap. "I've looked at your portfolio, you do good work," she told him. "I want to know if you can fit me in today for a small tattoo." The shop was empty now, sure, but that didn't mean it wouldn't fill up in another hour at lunchtime.
  12. "I meant it about giving you a ride," Stesha reminded Harrier with a smile. "Just give me a call and let me know. I can show you the best places in the world to look at natural greenscapes. Spring is beautiful on Earth, there's just nothing like it." She looked up at Dark Star and smiled. "Want to go home?" she suggested in a murmur. "I'll take you to the new place, you can see everything I've done with it since you've been gone."
  13. The young woman's eyes darted over to Wesley as soon as he began speaking, and stayed glued to him the entire time, as though she were trying to look into his head and size him up. The look was quite at odds with the way she carried herself, but her voice, when she spoke, was soft enough to hardly be audible. "You're the proprietor here, right?" she asked, with no real doubt in her voice. "I want to get a tattoo."
  14. "It's okay," Erin assured him, reaching up to stroke his shaggy brown hair lightly. "I don't mind if you fall asleep. You push yourself pretty hard, staying up for days at a time just on coffee." She chuckled. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure you've probably seen this movie before, and the Farettis probably won't be home for awhile yet. Seems like the perfect time to catch a nap." She leaned over and brushed a light kiss that tasted faintly of popcorn across his lips, then leaned back comfortably against the couch.
  15. It was the very beginning of the work day at Knight's Ink, which of course mean that most businesses had been open for a few hours already. Strange hours were ever the domain of the tattoo artist. Almost as soon as the door was unlocked, a mousy young woman walked in, wearing faded jeans and a black t-shirt where a stick figure proclaimed that he was about to try science. With her hands cupped against her elbows, she hugged her arms to her chest and surveyed the shop through the few loose strands of dishwater-blond hair that had fallen into her eyes. Despite her casual, near-slovenly appearance, the attention she paid the shop was very keen indeed. Before she spoke a word to anyone, she walked around the waiting room, checking out the trash cans, the license posted on the wall of the shop, and the portfolio book on the front counter. Only then did she look around for employees.
  16. A mid-month edit, hurrah! Fleur de Joie: I'd like to temporarily remove her immunities to sleep and starvation/thirst. That should free up 2pp, leaving her with 6 unspent total. I'd like to take those PP and plow them into her HQ, using them in place of six of the nine Platinum Reward points I used to buy that thing, so that the end total is 6pp/3 reward pp. That should leave me with 6 Platinum reward points to spend. Wander: Spend 6 Platinum reward points on Oliver, in place of the 6pp spent on him, bringing him to 0pp/12 reward pp. Remove four ranks of Autofire 1 off Strike 0 Use that total 10pp to buy Autofire 2 on her Strike 0, with the +10 ceiling effect. DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
  17. "Hey James," Erin said, giving him a smile that was a little uncertain. It was good to see him, and he was looking great, but the months without contact had hurt, and here he was again like nothing had ever happened. She had no idea where he'd been or what status their friendship was at anymore. He was still her friend, though, and that made it complicated. "We didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad you came. Are you sticking around awhile, or just in tonight for the party?"
  18. "Oh, I like that one," Erin decided approvingly. She snickered at the maneuver and settled in against his shoulder, immensely pleased that things hadn't gotten weird. The Farettis' setup was way too nice to waste, and the baby was even being quiet. It was perfect, just like she'd hoped on the many nights she'd hung around in here by herself and wished for company. She was happy enough about that to brush a quick kiss along his square jaw, then offered him a handful of popcorn as the previews started up.
  19. Stesha held on as well, and tried to put her head on his shoulder, but gave up on that when the buzzing energy feeling against her face was just too strange. She wanted to go home, where she could see his face and hold him for real. At least the uncomfortable buzzing reassured her that she was awake, and that this wasn't just yet another dream where he'd come back to her. The thought of home reminded her of what she'd been doing before Derrick had showed up, and she looked belatedly back down at Harrier. Wiping a few stray tears from her cheeks, she made proper introductions. "Oh, Dark Star, this is Harrier. I just met him, he's a new hero in town. Harrier, this is Dark Star, my fiance."
  20. "Thanks," Erin murmured to Trevor as she took his arm and followed Mark and their Dakanan escort into the ballroom. She wasn't quite prepared for the grand introduction, but she tried to do it justice, straightening up and looking around at the crowd as she stepped out. Erin was really glad that Mark and Alex were both there to handle any formalities or speeches that needed to be made. As she looked around, she noticed a familiar face, just for a second before it was lost in the crowd. Pausing in her tracks, she looked carefully out at the audience, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her.
  21. "I thought I might have lost you," she whispered, holding him with enough intensity it was clear she had no intention of letting go despite the energy crackle. "I didn't know how I'd ever be able to get along without you. I'm so glad you're here." She shed a few tears before lifting her face to him, practically glowing in the moonlight. "We have so much to talk about. Are you... are you home for good now?" she asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. As wonderful as it was to see him back, she wasn't sure how she could stand to let him go again if his work wasn't done.
  22. Erin came back as Trevor was setting up the movie on the surround-sound HDTV entertainment center. She sat down cross-legged on the couch with the big popcorn bowl in her lap and opened a bottle of Coke. By the time everything was set up, she was feeling more settled, with only a little bit of embarrassment left for her slip. Trevor was the person she felt the most comfortable around, and there was no way she was going to let that be spoiled by a poor choice of words at an inopportune moment. "What are we watching?" she asked as he returned to the couch, passing him the other soda.
  23. Stesha froze in place when she heard the voice she'd been hearing in her dreams, the one she'd been longing for all these months. "Dark Star?" she whispered, looking up at the hazy figure, half-lost in the darkness. If he hadn't spoken, she might not have seen him at all. She pulled off her mask and pushed back her cowl to look up at him. "Oh my god, Dark Star! You're home!" With a cry of joy, she raised her arms, and the plants that had so recently entangled Harrier were beneath her feet in an instant, forming a platform that raised her up to her long-lost love. Heedless of the consequences, she threw her arms around him, and this time, they didn't pass right through! He felt vaporous and crackly with all sorts of weird energies, but underneath, Stesha swore she could feel Derrick's warm, solid form. "I missed you so much," she told him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was so afraid for you."
  24. Stesha spends an HP to power stunt Affects Insubstantial on her strength. Descriptor: True love. :D
  25. "Um, wherever," Erin said with a shrug. "If the villains are gone, I guess your lab is probably safe to go back to now. Or if there's something you particularly want to show me, maybe." She didn't look at all inclined to take a leadership role now that the battle was over and talk had turned away from fighting. Science was most definitely not Erin's forte, and she was working as hard as she could simply to not make a fool of herself.
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