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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Animation is fine," Erin called back, shooing one of the peskier ghosts away from the stove. The ghosts didn't bother her much, unless one popped out at her by surprise, but they tended to leave her alone anyway now that they knew she was friendly with the household. The stove ghost, though, who looked like he or she had been cooked for a few hours at 475, was particularly persnickety about anyone messing around in the kitchen. When it ignored her shooing and came over to moan in her ear, Erin ignored it, shoving the popcorn into the microwave and starting it up while she dug for sodas in the unlocked refrigerator. "Anything's okay, really."
  2. Erin hesitated, catching the drift of his thoughts as she watched the expressions play over his face. Her own cheeks flushed with embarrassment when she realized what she'd said, and how it could be interpreted. She didn't want to be a tease, but boy, she was really bad at this. The kissing was nice, way more than nice, but she really wasn't sure, for a lot of reasons, exactly where she was ready to go from there. "Another movie sounds good," she said in a rush, gesturing to the cabinet where the Farettis kept their entertainment selections. "Pick something out with a lot of action. I've got a bag of popcorn in my backpack, I'll go pop it, and grab some sodas." She dug into her backpack and found the bag of microwave popcorn she'd squirreled away at the dorm's last movie night, and hustled off into the kitchen, clipping the baby monitor to her belt as she went.
  3. Stesha smiled at his ambition and reached into another pouch on her belt. "I tell you what," she said, opening a slim case and withdrawing a white card. When she handed it to him, the faint smell of flowers came with it. "This is my card, you can use the number on it to get in touch with me. In the spring, when the whole world is green and amazing, give me a call, and I'll give you a ride to see the things you want to see. It really is beautiful out there. Just make sure it's early spring, I have some commitments later on in the year."
  4. Erin had cleaned up on the plane, so she didn't take long to get dressed and ready. In deference to the occasion, she french-braided her hair in a single plait, then put in small blue earrings and added a careful touch of makeup, just so she looked a little more dressed up. Hooking her bat to her belt, she headed out into the hallway and walked down to Trevor's room. She nodded to Mark, then knocked on the door. "Hey Trev, you ready?" she called softly.
  5. Erin shut the book with a satisfying smack, scattering a few loose papers. "If I study too much now, I'll be overstudied by then," she decided. "Nobody else does their homework on Friday night, it's practically sacrilegious or something." She leaned an elbow on the coffee table, turning to study Trevor instead. "So... that leaves me with more free time than I thought. What do you want to do? Besides, you know, watch Love Actually, because I've heard it's really confusing."
  6. "Um, yeah, maybe," Erin admitted with a small smile, looking back at him. "Can't help it, chemistry is just boring. Especially when there's more interesting stuff around." She smiled bigger, the corers of her eyes crinkling. "Guess it's because I'm brilliant, right?" With some effort, she turned enough of her attention back to work long enough to jot down the mnemonic and correct the errors in her equations. "Anyway, it's only Friday. The test isn't till Monday."
  7. "Oh, no," Erin said quickly enough that it was just as well Edge wasn't around. Not that Edge would've noticed to be insulted, anyway. "He's just a friend, and my teammate on Young Freedom. He's very useful to have around, if he'd been here, those villains would've gotten stuck in the elevator, probably before we even knew they were there. Things always tend to work out that way for him."
  8. "Yeah, tell that to Miss Harcourt," Erin groused, but she smiled a little at the encouragement. "You'd think after she shot us all to opposite-gender world, she'd owe me one, but no dice." She bent her head close to Trevor's as he looked over her work, which was mostly stuff he'd seen in his own chemistry class a year earlier. Though she made a game effort to pay attention to her work and absorb any advice, it was more entertaining to look over at Trevor out of the corner of her eye, watching him as he looked over the equations.
  9. "Um... he doesn't really have one," Erin admitted, actually chuckling. "He's one of my classmates. Most of what he does sort of ignores science, so it's not exactly his specialty. He's a reality warper," she explained. "But he's the kind of guy who really appreciates a good cape and a super-phone and business card and stuff. He loves that sort of thing," she added with a nod.
  10. While her colleagues took off after the fleeing villain, Miss a kept her attention concentrated on the battered, woozy, but still conscious woman who'd attacked her first. With her hands brilliant with multicolored laser light just waiting to be unleashed, she swooped in, backing Number 2 against the ruined van. "All right, listen up," Miss A snapped, instantly capturing her foe's full attention. "Another blast from me, and you won't be awake to go to jail. But that's the least of what I can do to you." She smiled, showing a full set of perfect white teeth, brilliant and sharp. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and if you answer them promptly and truthfully, I'll let the police and prosecutor handle things however they see fit." Miss A idly studied one glowing fingernail. "But if you don't, I'm going to take a very personal interest in the case. By the time I'm done making sure that the very fullest measure of justice is meted out against you, they're going to put you so far underground at Blackstone that you could mine for geothermal taps. And you'll be a very old woman before you see the sun again. So," she continued, turning her full regard back to Number 2, "who are you working for, and what was in that briefcase?"
  11. Since my burning and righteous wrath has cooled ever so slightly, instead of sending Number 2 to meet her maker, Miss A is going to shake her down for some info, with a little intimidation. First roll was pathetic for someone with Miss A's charisma and who watches as much TV as Gina. HP Reroll is 26. If she wets her pants, I will be okay with that.
  12. "As long as he's housebroken," Miss A said, sounding a little amused. She took a hand scanner off the table and began waving it around, looking for any trace of the ghostly pooch. "So it sounds as though you were inhabited by a powerful metaphysical entity, who imbued your cells with regenerative abilities too subtle for me to pick up on in the MRI." She hmmed. "Would you be willing and able to give me a small tissue sample? Or would that merely dissolve and reappear back on your body before I could test it?"
  13. Erin sighed. "Chemistry," she told him, lifting her textbook to give him a glimpse of the cover. "And I'm really bad at it right now. I can't get these chemical equations to balance. They look right, but that's what I thought on the last quiz, and I got half of them wrong. The test is Monday, and I can't afford to fail it." She shoved her hair out of her face in frustration. "I don't know why I even have to learn this stuff. I'm never going to go into science or engineering."
  14. A soft couch and a soft lullaby were a potent combination, especially for someone who'd been running for much longer than his design specs called for. When Trevor woke up from his doze, Erin was back, sitting on the floor with her homework spread around her, and the air smelled like coffee. "Hey," she said, looking over as he stirred, "I didn't want to bug you, you looked pretty comfortable. The coffee's instant," she admitted with a grimace, gesturing to the mug on the table in front of him, "so I didn't know if you'd want it, but it's caffeinated."
  15. "In a way," Stesha said, letting the trees settle back into their places as the danger appeared entirely passed. "I help to maintain the parks in Freedom City, make them more beautiful, keep them growing. It's my power." She scattered a handful of seeds at his feet, then extended a hand and turned it palm-upward. The seeds immediately sprouted and turned into assorted wildflowers. "It's late in the season now, but not too late."
  16. Well, an Omegadrone certainly wouldn't have done that. Convinced, Stesha let the vines loose, and immediately they slipped away, hanging off his shoulders or falling limply to the ground. "Sorry," she said, only a little bit halfheartedly. "I saw you in the dark, and I didn't know, and well, I thought the obvious, I suppose. Are you all right?" The trees around her didn't stand down their vigilance, but they didn't loom quite so menacingly over the ex-drone, either.
  17. "He's tired, for real this time," Erin told him, even as JJ let out a loud belch. "And he needs a new diaper. I'm just going to go up and put him to bed, it'll just take a few minutes. I hope." With a wry smile, Erin stood up and cuddled the baby against her shoulder, where he immediately latched onto her neck the way another baby might take to a pacifier. "No, JJ!" she said firmly, sticking a finger into the corner of his mouth to break the suction as they walked out of the room. A few moments later, the high end baby monitor on the end table began picking up movement and noise, letting Trevor listen in as Erin cooed to the baby and sang him a lullaby about cowboys on the range and moonlight ladies.
  18. Still suspicious, Stesha cleared away enough of the vines to give her a clear view of the helmet, and to give its occupant a good view in return. "You don't sound like an Omegadrone," she allowed, still clearly skeptical. "but you sure look like one. And I can't afford to make a mistake about you. I know you're not the boy from Claremont, though. What's your name?" she pressed, half question, half demand.
  19. "Heroism comes in many flavors," Fleur agreed. "And it doesn't have to be very big. If I didn't think that beautifying the parks was worthwhile, I certainly wouldn't be out here tonight freezing my bottom off!" she laughed. "And I won't be for many more nights till spring," she allowed. "Here." Reaching into a pouch on her belt, she withdrew a little case and opened it to take out a plain-looking business card that smelled faintly of flowers and bore the simple name "Fleur de Joie," along with a phone number and an email address. "If you ever need anything, you can reach me here. We all need to help each other out."
  20. Hearing the voice coming from the Omegadrone startled Stesha so thoroughly that she forgot to go for her communicator for a moment. "You can talk?" she blurted out, staring at the encapsulated drone. "How can you talk? Everyone knows you can't talk!" Her voice was just a little high, a little panicky for the air of cool heroism she wanted to project, but at least there was no one else around to hear. "What are you?"
  21. Stesha sucked in a quick breath of shock when she saw what had intruded upon her park. Omegadrone, her mind whispered to her as she hugged herself with a sudden spurt of panic. Omegadrones didn't come singly, though! Where were all the rest of them? No time to worry about that now, she decided. The immediate thread had to be dealt with, as quickly as possible! "Help me," she murmured aloud, "help me..." Around her, the largest trees in the clearing stirred, heeding the call of their mistress. Even as they began to move, vines show up from the ground beneath the drone's feet, instantly entangling it, then wrapping its entire body like a leafy green birthday present! Stesha stumbled into the clearing to check on her handiwork, the animate trees moving closer towards her protectively as she moved. "Gotta call the Freedom League," she said aloud, fumbling for her communicator. "Gotta let them know..."
  22. Stesha is going to attack in the surprise round, using Snare. She's going to use her natural power attack ability as well, for a +2 to snaring. Spending an HP to reroll bad first attack Attack roll is a 16 Snare 20!
  23. Curious, and just a little bit alarmed, Stesha shoved the box of cereal into a nearby flower and got up to investigate. She moved soundlessly off the path and through the trees, with the bushes and branches moving aside to allow her easy passage. It was probably another superhero, one she hadn't met yet, just doing an evening patrol. If that was the case, it was always fun to say hello and learn about the new arrival. But it could be a supervillain as well, so it paid to be cautious in her approach.
  24. Erin stretched out on one of the big, soft beds, enjoying the novelty after her narrow bunk at school. "This is really nice," she told Alex, looking up at the ceiling. "Living in a palace is definitely the way to go. I think this bed is the size of most of our dorm room." She stretched her arms up into the air and dropped them back down above her head, closing her eyes. "If only I weren't waiting for the monster or the supervillain or the natural disaster that's going to come along and mess everything up." She sighed melodramatically. "How long do we have before dinner?"
  25. She laughed again, a pleasant sound, not as though she were laughing at the question, but rather at herself. "Oh, I started very small," she confided. "I was afraid to try catching crooks too soon, so most of my early months were spent doing the same thing I'm doing now, visiting the green spaces of the city and making them more beautiful and healthy. The population of a city lives and thrives when its natural beauty is preserved, and I wanted to help that along. Eventually I took on a couple of thieves at a museum, and a villain called the Beekeeper started harassing me and I had to fight him before he started in on my civilian friends. Eventually I started getting the hang of fighting when I needed to, but it's never been my strongest suit."
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