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Everything posted by Electra

  1. He was so absorbed in his work that it took him awhile to notice when someone else entered the scene, just a little ways away. For her part, Stesha didn't notice one more large shape in the dark, concentrating as she was on laying in bulbs and clearing away dead greenery. The dead plants dissolved away as she passed, while the live one perked up even in the darkness. Tonight Stesha was wearing her Fleur de Joie uniform, but underneath the cowl and green clothes she had leggings and an extra shirt, and had added a green scarf and mittens for the weather. It was cold out! Even so, she amused herself by growing a circle of flowers around herself, just for a lark.
  2. Despite her earlier plays to the camera, Miss A didn't wait for the reporters to get set up before leaping into action, not when there were people who needed saving! At the same time, though, the presence of two other heroes and all those cameras meant she couldn't just shut down and make the robot do whatever she wanted. They'd have to do it the hard way. Rocketing into the air, she massaged her wrists lightly, then flexed her fingers, increasing the gain on her lasers to increase their potency. That was a tough-looking robot. "Stand down!" she commanded the robot. "The heroes of Freedom City are here!" When it totally ignored her, she aimed and fired, intense beams of red, white and blue light streaming from her fingertips to score the metal skin!
  3. Miss A is going to use her blast on the robot, rather than inhabiting it, because it's much flashier! I'm going to use her inherent ability to Power Attack, since this robot is a toughie. +2 to Damage, -2 to attack. 1d20+10=21 DC 29 Toughness Save
  4. Erin took a moment to turn away from the window and shake off old memories, then she shrugged. "I live at Claremont," she told him. "They train people to be superheroes." That was only some of it, though, so after a moment she continued. "I guess I wanted to be able to use my powers to save people. And I don't have much in the way of cool powers, I just hit really hard and fast. So, um, fisticuffs was the natural way for me to go."
  5. "I'm sure Shockwasp has already thought of all those things already, Gabriel," Miss A told him smoothly. "His ball will be a credit to him and his entire company, and a benefit to the city as a whole. I can't wait to see how it turns out!" As the police cars pulled away, she stepped away from the other heroes a little bit, surveying the situation. "But for now, it looks like the scene here is entirely secure. Thank you both for stopping to check in," she told Shockwasp and Gabriel graciously. "It's always good to know I have backup."
  6. Erin went back to the rear cabin along with Alex, grabbing her uniform from her suitcase. She knew better than to bother her roommate while she was meditating though, so simply changed into her own simple blue and gold uniform, then finished brushing her hair and put it back in the blue fabric band that would keep it out of her face. Fastening her bat to her belt completed her uniform, and with that finished, she returned to the main cabin with the others. "Is there any, um, protocols and stuff we should know about before the dinner?" she asked.
  7. "Yeah, I guess," Erin said a little dubiously, "but what do you do when you're in the field, if your leader can't leave the house? Or is it more like us, where we have a "leader," but everybody pretty much listens to whoever has the best idea? I mean, Mark's a great person and really, really good to have on our team, but he's not always the guy you want to be listening to in the middle of a battle, especially if you don't have luck control powers yourself." She chuckled at that, polishing off the last of her own stack of waffles.
  8. "It's mostly just a holding area for people I move out of danger, till I can drop them back on Prime," Stesha confirmed. "I figure it might come in handy for other things, heck, I could throw a party there sometime, but mostly it's just to be a better solution than dumping people somewhere random. There's food in there, and some sleeping bags just in case, and first aid kits. I used the heck out of it, without the dome on top, at Halloween, getting people out of the way of the zombies. It worked really well." She walked along the hedge, perking up wilted leaves here and there as she thought about Taylor's problem. "Maybe you guys could get away together?" she suggested. "If he's been bummed because you haven't gotten a lot of time together, it might be worth it to try and clear your schedule for a romantic weekend, just for the two of you." It was a little bit galling to give relationship advice on how to make Jack happy, especially when her own relationship was in limbo, but Taylor was her friend. "If you need someone to watch the baby, I can pitch in some time, I'm sure."
  9. Stesha shook her head, pulling off the domino mask and stuffing it into her pocket. "I'm fine," she told Taylor. "Besides, I promised I was going to do this personally, so I'm going to do it. The Beekeeper left some of his bees in captivity when he was taken to jail, including the queen. I promised the bees that live on my world that I would bring her and the rest back to them, so they have a sustainable colony. I went to Blackstone, which is never much fun, and got the Beekeeper to tell me where they were." She went up to the large crypt, pressing a hand against the door. "I know where they are," she told Taylor, "but I don't know if there are any traps along the way. I don't want to be stuck down there with the bees until the Beekeeper serves his sentence."
  10. Erin almost said she'd go ahead and jump, just because she'd need the practice, but reconsidered. It would be a long trip up, even with her own leaping, and she would need to find some lifting mechanism anyway to bring anyone with her. Besides, she didn't want to risk exhausting the Omegadrone's patience. It was obvious he did not like being here, not that she blamed him. It was only a matter of time before he would find it necessary to leave, and she needed to learn it all before then.
  11. "That's a wonderful idea!" Miss Americana said enthusiastically. "You're Gabriel, aren't you?" she asked, searching her mental files for information on the flying hero. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Half the cameras were on him now, thanks to his good looks and impressive personal magnetism, but she didn't mind that. He was on her side, however unawares. "A thousand dollar donation per plate will surely draw the movers and shakers of Freedom City, even on short notice. That will raise far more money. I know I myself will gladly purchase a ticket."
  12. Erin really hadn't needed to know what happened to the last survivors of her world, but she listened unflinchingly anyway. She hadn't saved them, this was the very least she could do. "No distractions," she murmured with a nod, forcing herself to ignore the screaming and the smell. It wasn't that hard, she'd become inured to those things long ago, so it was merely a matter of recapturing that cold, hard feeling inside, where nothing mattered but the goal. "What if I go to my world first, and then leave from there?" she asked him. "Would that give one more level of protection to Prime, in case I fail?"
  13. Miss A looked up at her new rival consideringly. She kept tabs on the major social functions of the city, especially charity functions, mostly because it was such fun to get dressed up. But even with her finger on the pulse, she hadn't heard anything about this. Which probably meant he was making it up. And on Veteran's Day, no less, when everything was closed up. Well then, it was obviously time to be gracious! "Oh, how wonderful!" Miss Americana exclaimed with great sincerity. "I'm sure you've gone to great effort to put together a marvelous ball celebrating the hard work of Freedom City's emergency services. It should be the affair of the season, I'm sure. I know that every news outlet will want to cover it, the better to support such a worthy cause." She looked to the reporters for affirmation and found it easily enough.
  14. "Sounds unpleasant," Miss A said with a chuckle, shrugging a white lab coat on over her uniform. "I won't offer you a snack, then. I don't actually live here, but I do spent about as much time here as I do at my house most days. If you don't mind, go ahead and strip down and lay on the table over there, in front of the MRI scanner. If you feel modest, there's a blanket under the table that you can use. I'll be over there in just a few moments."
  15. "Absolutely," Miss A said with great enthusiasm, her eyes sharp even as her smile remained big and blithe. "I couldn't be more pleased to see you up in the sky, working to keep the city safe. Let's give a hand to Shockwasp, shall we?" she encouraged the audience, who all clapped politely, even the reporters. "Every superhero in Freedom City does their part to keep the city safe. But credit should go to the real heroes, our boys in blue, without whom we couldn't do a thing!" She gestured in the direction of the police officers and led the clapping herself with great enthusiasm.
  16. "I'm the only one who got out," Erin told him grimly. "I only met a dozen people in the eighteen months I traveled, and they wouldn't have taken my help. Doctor Atom estimated five thousand survivors worldwide, in pockets too isolated for us to find. Several malevolent groups were fighting over the world when I left. If there were survivors then, I doubt there are any now. I couldn't have done anything to help them," she said, with the emphasis that meant she was trying to believe it. "I could barely save myself."
  17. The hero standing in front of him was perhaps the most beautiful woman Shockwasp had ever seen, perfect in every detail, except for the unimpressed look on her face as she took him in. "Miss Americana," she told him, a brilliant and easy smile for the camera returning to her face within a split second. "It's a pleasure to meet you, but you just missed the action." She gestured over to where a gaggle of sullen-looking characters in handcuffs were being led off by police.
  18. "Well then, alley-oop!" Miss A swept Dead Head up in her arms and took to the sky, flying the short distance to the office park where she kept her personal laboratory. Even now that she had access to the labs at ArcheTech and the group project in Hanover, she preferred working on her own much of the time. The building her lab was in was entirely nondescript from the outside, but inside was a sophisticated technology laboratory. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" she asked as they walked in and she turned on the lights. "Do you need that anymore?"
  19. Since Professor Cape didn't seem to need help putting his face back in order, Erin wandered around the infirmary, looking into the rooms and at the beds. "This is a lot like the stuff at the Goodman Building," she observed idly. "The same sort of layout and everything." She walked into one particular alcove, a state of the art medical bay with positive pressure and forcefield quarantine potential, able to handle almost anything modern science could throw at it. She ignored all the technology, and instead looked out the small triple-glassed window. The view was different, of course, but the rest of it was all practically the same, just newer.
  20. Erin shrugged. "Some people are smart and are good at science and math. I'm good at punching things till they fall down." She shifted from foot to foot as the elevator rose. "And when you're fighting for your life, the last thing you worry about is fighting by the rules. That's why they took you down so fast," she told him artlessly. "You stood there and tried to get them to surrender, even though you couldn't take a hit. That bubble thing you do is pretty cool, you've just got to learn to get to cover first."
  21. "Yeah, sure," Erin said a little uncertainly. This wasn't typically her role to fill after a fight, and she'd rather have gone after that water guy or at least monitored the prisoners. She wasn't in charge today, though, and she needed a good review. Dusting herself off, she checked one more time that the rock man and the fire guy were contained for the moment, used her radio to confirm that the squad was on its way, then helped the scientist to his feet and over to the elevator. "If you've got a cough that bad though, maybe you should go to the hospital. You might have singed your lungs or something."
  22. Erin followed the Omegadrone as he walked, trying to take in everything of strategic importance without internalizing it more than necessary. "Can you tell me anything about restrictions on dimensional travel here?" she asked. "If I can bring in a dimensional controller or something, will they be able to open portals in and out of here, or are things locked down somehow? I don't know much about how that stuff works," she admitted, "but I'm going to learn."
  23. "Tens of thousands," Erin murmured, staring up at the huge edifice. "God..." She shook herself and headed for the doors once again. She couldn't let herself think too hard about the scope of this, or she'd never be able to accomplish it. Even in the vague and fuzzy theoretical, the idea was terrifying. But in her heart, in her gut, she knew she could never live with herself if she didn't make the attempt. In some ways, she wished she'd done all this two years ago, when she'd had much less to live for.
  24. "He got away," Wander admitted with a frown. "I stunned him momentarily, but I came over to make sure they didn't hit you again, and he escaped down the elevator shaft. But I'm sure he didn't get whatever he came for. You should probably have your security make a sweep of the building, just to make sure he doesn't hang around as a puddle or something and try again later. And maybe figure out how they got in here in the first place." Walking over to the water cooler, she filled a paper cone with cold water, then brought it to him. "Here, this should help some."
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