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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Nicely done," Wander told the professor, barely seeming winded by the fight. She put her bat away and hauled the unconscious rock man out of the elevator, dumping him down next to his fiery colleague. "Guess we call the STAR Squad to come pick these guys up now. Do you have any idea who they are, or what they wanted?" Now that the battle was over, there was time for talking and answering questions, in Wander's lexicon. "I mean, you've got lots of stuff here, but they seemed to have something in mind."
  2. "Communications..." Erin mused. "I know a guy who can build me a jammer, if we know enough about the system in advance. I'm not bringing him with me, though, so if we're wrong, it could be tough." She looked at the nurses again, then up at the building. "How many victims are in the building at any given time?" she asked Harrier. She'd had some time to steel herself to that reality at least, after what Phantom had told her. It was hard, very hard, to accept that there might be people who could not be saved, but she wasn't going to plan that way unless she had to.
  3. "The secret is to talk and fight at the same time," Wander advised him, even as the bad guys bore down on them again. Erin watched with some bemusement as the air lady circled around her head. "Are you really trying to suffocate me?" she asked, sounding amused. "You should probably know I can hold my breath for like twenty minutes without a problem. That's plenty of time to go find a Shop Vac or something." She looked down at Supercape and jerked her thumb in the direction of the air person. In the meantime, since she couldn't do anything about the pesky breeze, Wander went for the firebrand instead. "Look what I can do!" she told the man, turning a flip and standing her entire body up with the tips of one hand's fingers. "And this!" She flipped over in the air and landed neatly on the fingertips of the other hand. "And this!" Without further warning, she sprang to her feet and charged him, pummeling him with both ends of her bat until the tips turned bright red with the heat and he fell down to the floor.
  4. Okay, Wander is going to do an acrobatic bluff as her move action, and then a charge attack. She will gain two to attack, lose two to defense, and power attack for five. Pyre has nothing with which to counter the bluff. He is flat-footed and has Defense +4 Attack is a 25! That beats his defense by 11, for a +5 to damage. 30+5+5 means a toughness DC of 40. Oooh, bad news for Pyre, his defensive roll means that flat-footedness drops his toughness to only +6! He rolls a 16. Gone baby, gone!
  5. Erin nodded, hugging her arms to her chest as she watched the world come to life, such as it was. "It's got very intuitive programming, you don't have to put in a lot of parameters for it to start figuring things out on its own. It's probably got some data on the Terminus stored in its memory banks, stuff that I can't access, but that the program can tap into." She stepped forward and began walking towards the Hospice, barely conscious of her bat suddenly being in her hand. Even in simulation, this was no place to be unarmed.
  6. "I'm still working on that," Erin admitted. "I need to know more first before I can make a plan, and I need to have something to show my friends before I ask them to possibly give their lives. It's going to be a small, surgical strike team of heroes. Myself, I'm just a brawler, but I can dish out and take hits with the best of them. I'm hoping to bring along people with more versatile talents. A blaster, a dimension hopper, maybe a reality warper. If you come with me, I'll take you to our holoroom," she told him. "You can make as big a map as you need, and I'll be able to save it and use it for simulations later. It's this way."
  7. "He killed my world," Erin said flatly, her face cold, but her eyes betraying the unspeakable sorrow. "He released a virus, a tailored virus that killed all our heroes, and wiped out the population. We couldn't come up with a vaccination. When we tried, it created a massive wave of human zombies that finished the work the virus didn't. For all I know, he had his hand in that, too. And then, when everything was gone, Omega came for the dead planet, my planet, my world. I was the only one who made it off alive. And no one knows better than me that he needs to die before he does that to any more planets. I'm going to kill him."
  8. "All right." Erin pursed her lips, pulling back hard on her own emotions. Steelgrave was terrible, and the things he did were hideous, but they weren't as freshly, viscerally horrifying to her as Friendly and his crew. "Can you tell me anything about Physician Friendly's compound? Where it's located, and what the security is like? I've been told it's very tight, and would be difficult to penetrate. What are Nightmare Nurses like? Are they Omegadrones in different skins, or do they have different strengths and weaknesses?"
  9. "Now now, let's not fight," Stesha chided teasingly, laying the refreshments out on the coffee table. "I'm sure cricket is a fascinating game, but it's probably not exactly what Jill was hoping to learn today. I did want to ask you though, Supercape, if you might be able to make me up some windows. The dome looks so amazing, and all I've got for windows now is plastic sheeting. It looks tacky, and it doesn't insulate very well," she admitted. "I've been playing with translucent leaves, but it just isn't the same."
  10. "Did you work for Physician Friendly?" Erin demanded, her eyes fixed on his face, burning with intensity. "Were you one of his goons, did you go to the planets that he was working on?" She hadn't seen any Omegadrones on her world, but she'd known they were there, thanks to Doctor Atom. Who knew how many, or what they'd done, or what they knew? It was a dangerous question, though, because how could she just let someone who'd worked for that monster go, no matter how sorry he claimed to feel about it now?
  11. Erin shook her head and didn't bother to lie. "I'm not going to use it. I was asked to keep an eye on your sparring match, to make sure things didn't get out of hand. Whenever people start sparring, student or not, it's safer if there's someone there who can stop the fight if things go wrong. I can see you're an Omegadrone," she told him, though right now he looked startlingly human. "Do you remember what it was like inside the Terminus?" It seemed, from his instructions, that Harrier knew a lot more than Prometheus did about what things were like where they came from.
  12. Miss Americana did not like leaving jobs half-done, or shoddily done. It just wasn't her nature. So when she saw the villain she'd belted start to get up without a scratch on her, that was very disappointing. It was a situation that had to be rectified immediately, before her failure to properly dispatch the unsavory character led to someone else getting hurt. Flying down low over the street, she blasted the lucky villain twice, once with the laser beams of each hand, determined that this time she would ensure her own handiwork.
  13. Screw Number 2. I hate her now. She is the focus of all my rage for the idiotic rules of this system, and tonight that rage knows no bounds. She's lucky Miss A is too good for lethal damage, or she'd be a fine red mist. Laser blast! 1d20+12=19 It hits, that's a DC 27 toughness save for her. Spending an HP to surge, same attack. Second laser blast! 1d20+12=20 It hits, that's another DC 27 toughness save.
  14. Erin looked over just in time to see Professor Cape get hit and go down. He obviously wasn't very strong, which made sense for a scientist, and he definitely wasn't a fighter. She wasn't sure how she was going to deal with the floaty one, but she'd deal with that when she had to. For now, she concentrated on the watery one, smashing her bat right into his midsection! He looked watery, but he was still solid enough to double over in pain when she smashed him. That was good enough for her. The smarter fighting strategy would've been to stay toe to toe and fight him until he crumpled, but Erin instead left the water man to his own devices, racing across the room to where Professor Cape had fallen. Standing over him with her bat raised, she told the villains, "Nobody comes at him without going through me. Do you really want to try it?"
  15. Erin's going to hit Professor Fathom! Just a regular bat attack this time, and we'll see how it goes. Attack roll is a 24. That beats his Defense by 4, giving her +2 to the damage. Damage DC 32, rolling for Fathom: A 25! Bruised and stunned! For her move action, Erin will run to Supercape and Interpose for him on any attacks.
  16. Erin had been a little bit surprised when Mr. Archer had sent her to keep an eye on the Omegadrone as he sparred with Prometheus. She knew Prometheus, who was a nice kid, if mentally slow and easily confused. He'd had a hard life, and she did her best to make things easier for him the few times they'd been assigned to work together. Now there was another freed Omegadrone in town, this one bigger, stronger, and smarter than the Claremont student. Summers had allowed the meeting, but Erin could understand the staff's caution in letting him actually spar. She supposed that if something bad did happen, it made sense that Archer would want someone there who could actually stop the fight. In her own practice uniform, with a water bottle in her hand and a towel over her shoulder, Wander looked like she was just coming to work out. Instead of heading to the equipment though, she hung out near the practice ring, keeping a sharp eye on how things were going. As long as it was nothing more than a lesson, she would just watch.
  17. Taylor's widened perceptions told her that the whole world was not like this, that Stesha's work so far covered a space about the size of New Jersey and not much further. Beyond that was still the barren landscape she remembered, but it was a start. "I have lots of plans," Stesha told her, almost skipping as she led the way down the path. "I've already started doing a few things with it. I built the holding area I wanted, to keep civilians when I have to teleport them out of danger. You remember at your wedding, when I had to send all the guests to the park in the freezing cold? This is much better than that, and much better than just shoving them into plants and making them stay there." They came upon the holding area as Stesha spoke, a large structure the size of a football field and about three stories tall. The walls were made of hedges, considerably taller than either woman, with leaves going red and gold and bronze for the autumn. Above the hedge soared a massive crystalline dome, suspended on pillars of the same substance, which enclosed the space while still letting in plenty of sunlight. "Isn't it pretty?" Stesha asked with great satisfaction. "Supercape made it for me."
  18. All right, changing it all up now. If it does not take a move action to get into the elevator, Erin is going to use Acrobatic Bluff against Granite to catch him flat-footed. That's a DC 28 skill mastered acrobatics check, and since she has Fast Acrobatic bluff, she doesn't take the penalty. He's got nothing to counter with, so he's flat-footed. She's going to do an actual damage attack against him, power attacking for 2. Result is a 24. His flat-footed DC is a 13, I believe, so since she hits 11 over his defense, that's a +5 from Autofire. 30+5+2, that's a DC 37 toughness check for him.
  19. "Did it hurt?" Miss A asked, using a little penlight from her pocket to examine the hand. It looked more like a museum artifact than something that had just come off a moving sentient being, and the fact that the fingers were still flexing was slightly... well, more than slightly off-putting. Miss A stood very still for a moment, studying the hand intently, before she seemed to shake herself and offered the discarded hand back to him. "That's a very interesting ability, I'd like to see how it reads on my sensors. Can I give you a lift?"
  20. Okay, I asked AA and operated according to his interpretation, but I think there's enough ambiguity that it could go either way. It's kind of funny, I realize now, that Erin has had Redirect in her feat list since the first version of the character, but this is the first time I've ever tried to use it. Let's see, if I can only do one, let's have Sylph attack Granite.
  21. When Taylor arrived, Stesha was already there, waiting by the largest crypt in the cemetery. She was in uniform, but she didn't look as carefully put together as she usually did when she went out. Strands of green hair fell down around her face, which seemed pale under her domino mask. She was looking around nervously until she saw Taylor, at which point she broke into a smile. "Taylor, I'm so glad you could come today," she said with great sincerity. "I've been putting this off, but I've got to do it now, before the weather gets any colder. The Beekeeper has a lair under Providence Asylum, can you even believe that?" she asked. "What kind of security do they have there?"
  22. "Should we be in uniform for this?" Erin asked. Napping before fully drying off had left her hair standing up on one side, but she was already working to smooth it down with her hairbrush. "Or would it be better if we wore dress clothes or something like that?" She had both in her suitcase, just to be on the safe side, she just hoped her uniform didn't have any scorches or tears or burns in it that she'd forgotten about. Her uniforms rarely lasted long in good condition.
  23. Two missed attacks! Erin is going to attempt to redirect both of them. A successful Trick, I believe, will cause the attackers to need to make a new attack roll against the colleague of my choice. Erin has Acrobatic Bluff, so she can use Acrobatics for her trick. I'm going to use Skill Mastery and say that both the Tricks have a DC of 28, as she bobs and weaves and does her best to get both her assailants to attack the man on fire.
  24. "Can you meet me by Providence Asylum?" Stesha suggested. "That's where we have to go anyway, and it's pretty easy to find. You've probably been there before, but it's out in Port Regal, on the south side of the city. There's a cemetery attached to the property, if you could meet me there, that would be great." She hesitated another moment as another concern presented itself to her. "Um, you're not allergic to bees or anything, right?" she asked Taylor.
  25. Miss A followed him along gamely as he gave his tour, listening avidly as he described what he knew about graveyards in general and this one in particular. They weren't exactly her area of expertise, but you never knew when a tidbit of information was going to come in handy. "I'll be happy to pay you for your time," she told him as the tour was winding down. "What happened when you went to Doktor Archeville's lab?" She couldn't help but ask, and hoped it wasn't anything that would doom her own research.
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