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Everything posted by Electra

  1. It's "Wander" by the way, not "Warder." Wander is going to launch a stunning attack against Granite. Going to keep it a regular attack this round, till we see what he's made of (besides rock). 1d20+15=22 Blargh, but Mr. Rock is toughness shifted, so she hits fine anyway. She also gets +2 from autofire out of it! The DC for Stunning Attack is 10+strength modifier+anything else, so that's a DC 27 Fortitude save.
  2. "Got it," Wander murmured, eyes focused on the door. "I'll go for the big one. I can't do anything against insubstantial, so if you've got something up your sleeve, go for it." The instant the door began to open, she was in motion, taking in the situation as she went. The big one was right in front, which made things much easier. From the side of the door, she went low, tumbling in and not straightening until she was directly in front of his face. She grabbed her bat by the center and began raining blows down on him, almost faster than the eye could see. Maybe she wasn't good at science, but this was something she knew how to do!
  3. "Not I," said Miss A, shaking her head. "I'd like to learn more about you though. You seem to have a very unique physiology, and that intrigues me." She sat down on a nearby bench, folding her long legs decorously. "You see, in my day job, I work at ArcheTech, helping to create medical prostheses for amputees. One thing we always have to watch out for with our implanted prostheses is cell degredation, where the damaged tissue continues to degrade, despite our best efforts, and eventually the nerve tissues are destroyed. I wonder if I could persuade you to visit my lab sometime?"
  4. Erin pulled her bat from her pocket, looking at the lift, then at the lab around them. She's already given it a once-over for exists and defensible positions, just as a habit, but now she looked more closely. "Do you want me to take them out?" she asked the professor with understated confidence. She wasn't going to brag, but it was obvious that she was completely sure of her own ability to handle whatever came through that elevator door. Just to be on the safe side, she twirled her bat, opening it to its full five-hoot length.
  5. "I am now," Miss A told him with an easy smile, even as she tested the ground for other traps and began removing the spikes that had impaled Dead Head. "I'm a little bit new to the heroing game, but so far I enjoy it immensely. I'm just glad I happened to be passing by tonight. You're Dead Head, aren't you?" she asked, just for confirmation's sake. She doubted there were many heroes with his look or M.O. running around. "I've heard a little bit about you. Are you really a zombie?"
  6. Miss A smiled broadly at her two assailants, her smile sharp and bright as the edge of a blade. "Oh my," she said with mock disappointment, "you didn't really think you were going to hurt me, did you? That's so sad. You really should've stayed home today." She threw out her hands like a magician about to perform a trick and blasted both hapless villains with her red, white and blue laser beams, one with each hand!
  7. Miss A is going to blast Number 2 with her lasers! Pew-pew! She rolls a 21! DC 27 toughness save! In fact, that went so well, she's going to spend an HP and take out 5 as well. Taking ten actually gives her a better result than rolling did, a 22. DC 27 toughness save!
  8. The OOC thread for Stesha and Taylor rescuing the queen!
  9. The week before Thanksgiving, on a cold and drizzly Sunday morning, late enough to be after sleeping in but too early for lunch, Stesha worked up her nerve and gave her best friend a call. Not that it should've taken a lot of nerve to call her best friend, but things were... things were weird these days. "Hey Taylor," she started the call, her voice sounding just a little odd. "I was just wondering, are you busy today? I've got this thing to do that I could use some help with. I don't think it should be dangerous, but I need some backup, just in case."
  10. "Most of it," Stesha said, leading the way out the door. "I've had a little help here and there. Supercape did all my glasswork, the windows and the dome you'll see pretty soon here. It's gorgeous stuff, and he just makes it out of nothing!" They stepped outside onto a pathway made of seashells and small stones, leading through a clearing in the middle of a thick forest of trees. The change from the last time Taylor had been here was immense. Then, this place had been a wasteland, almost totally barren, with nothing growing but scattered hardy grasses and the occasional gnarled tree. Now it looked like the woods from a fairy tale, complete with the houses of woodland gnomes or something fanciful like that. Stesha's house was the biggest and most complete of the structures in the clearing, others were half-finished or completed but small and windowless, obviously for practice or storage. "It's a lot of work," she continued, "but I've really enjoyed it. It's great practice and I've really sharpened some of my skills. And," she admitted ruefully, "working hard helps me take my mind off things. I just worry all the time, and at least when I'm doing this, I work till I'm exhausted, and then I actually sleep."
  11. Erin wiped water off her face, not inclined to give out any freebies tonight, though it would've been her duty to fight the monsters anyway. Avenger had abandoned her, and she'd had to run halfway across town, and then Phantom had dunked her in the ocean, all because nobody in this household could make a regular doctor's office appointment! "Well, it's a hundred for the sitting, then I took out three of the monsters the doctor unleashed, that's another three hundred, plus I delivered a finishing blow to another one, which is probably half. I also knocked out the doctor, but I don't know if you'd count that."
  12. "Oh my god," Miss A murmured, more shocked now than she had been by Dead Head's rotting interior. "Look after them for a moment, would you?" she asked Dead Head. "I need to make a phone call." She stepped away for a few minutes, and though she kept her voice low, her gestures were animated as she talked on her cell phone. By the time she came back, the police had arrived and were affixing more proper restraints to the three mooks. Miss A stepped up to the officer in charge, her charm on, if not full blast, certainly enough to hold his attention. "Detective, the man in the underwear is deranged and may have some metahuman powers. You'll need to handle him carefully. The other two are damaged, but loyal to the first. When you've finished booking them, if you could call this number at ArcheTech, someone is going to come and look at the damage that's been done to their bodies. I appreciate it so much."
  13. Erin immediately perked up. Suboptimal intelligence or not, she knew what that meant. "Intruders?" she asked almost hopefully. "In the elevator?" Her hand went to her bat, still inside her pocket, as she looked over towards the elevator they'd come up through. "There's lots of valuable stuff here, but it would be awfully brazen to try and take any of it out in the middle of the day with so many people around. Maybe somebody got lost," she concluded, deflating slightly.
  14. With her only theory on quantum matter discarded, Erin simply nodded along to the explanation, watching as the remote-controlled gun shot blasts that did nothing to dent or disrupt the weird material. She doodled a radiation symbol in her notebook, then a raygun. "What else do they do here?" she asked Professor Cape when he didn't seem too absorbed in fiddling with buttons and dials.
  15. Miss A rolls 31 exactly. Justice prevails again! She will just smile bigger when they hit her.
  16. Erin thought about that while the motors whirred and Professor Cape took his readings, her brain doggedly chewing over the information. "So it doesn't really exist, but because we believe it exists, it's there anyway, like magic?" she asked tentatively. "And if you made a plane out of that stuff, it would fly people to where the wanted to go on Prime, because a crash would be spun off to some other Earth?"
  17. Erin blinked as she looked at the ball, but she brought it over anyway. "Um, I'm not immune to radiation either, as far as I know," she told the scientist. She was pretty sturdy, but the idea of having her insides microwaved still wasn't a reassuring one. She set the ball in place and backed quickly out of the way, looking down at herself as though she'd be able to see her hands glowing in the dark or something like that. Despite her misgivings, she kept her mouth shut and watched the test, pulling a little notebook from her pocket to take notes for her report.
  18. Erin cautiously caught the bubble of matter, holding it in her cupped hands, then giving it a gentle bat so that it rose like a balloon and floated back down again. "It's cool," she said, "but it doesn't seem that strong. Why doesn't it have any physical properties?" she asked, bouncing it into the air again with the flat of her hand. "Aren't those things like color and texture and mass and stuff? I thought everything had at least some of those." Erin caught the ball in her hands and held onto it, lest she start looking too silly playing with it.
  19. "Consider it a twofer," Miss a murmured back. "Without pants or shoes, they're substantially less likely to attempt escape. And I would consider it a fair trade, since they ruined your pants on purpose, and tried to kill you in the process. But if you don't want them, I'll hand it all over to the police." Taking her keys from a uniform pocket and palming them, she raised her voice to a normal level as she went over to them. "All right, boys, just a little poke now. Be brave!" Perfectly straightfaced, she poked each one in the thigh with the pointy end of her house key, just enough so they would feel something. While she was at it, she collected the discarded clothing and the staff with the light in it, even as the police cars pulled up.
  20. Erin watched from the front window as the Farettis left, absently rocking from foot to foot to soothe the baby. JJ had already powered through a good percentage of the bottle, with his little fangs providing extra channels for milk to travel through. "That went okay," she decided. "Avenger is kind of weird, but he's okay if you can get him to respect you. I think he liked that thing about how you'd deal with unholy monsters and stuff. And he pays really well. He's the only person who's ever paid me for taking out a monster, that's for sure. You wanna go watch movies?" she suggested. "You've got to see the TV they've got. It's huge."
  21. As sobriety and sanity returned, Erin reluctantly pulled away from Trevor before their five minutes had entirely elapsed. She was smiling, but looked somewhat embarrassed nonetheless. "That was really a weird experience," she said with a small laugh, "being drunk, I mean. It was like not having any sense at all for awhile, and I guess I can see why people think it's so fun. But I think Alex has the right idea, even a fast plane takes awhile to cross the ocean. I think I'm going to catch a little sleep. In bed," she added dutifully.
  22. Carson's bruised and battered body kept him under through the evening and into the early morning light of the next day. When he woke, Stesha was in the room checking on him. "Hey, you're looking much better today," she told him with a smile. "I think you'll do. I've got some more soup for you out in the main room, and then I think if you want, I can send you home. Not that I'm rushing you out of here," she added with a chuckle, "but there's no place like home." She fed him again, gave him tea and more Sprite, and a bunch of flowers to take home with him. "Let me know if you start feeling poorly again," Stesha told him. "And try to take it easy for a few days. We've all earned a break." She gave him a hug and patted his back. "Take care of yourself now, Carson. Be safe."
  23. Miss A is going to bluff the robbers into taking off their pants and laying face down in the mud. Result is a 32.
  24. "That's okay," Miss A assured him. "We can take care of that." As sirens began to sound in the distance, Miss A went up to the three graverobbers, who were now all laying on the ground with their legs in the air. One of them was moaning about how lightheaded he was, and the spots in front of his eyes. "All right,' she told them urgently, "I have the antidote, but there isn't much time! I need to inject it into each of your upper thigh, the large amount of muscle tissue there will allow for optimal absorption and save all your lives. Hurry now, take off your shoes and pants, then lay on your stomachs."
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