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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "ZZZO YOU ARE FRIEND OF ZZZTEZZZA," the bee boomed, sounding pleased. "I AM CALLED EBEE-BEEZZZER! WE ARE ALZZZO FRIENDZZZ OF ZZZTEZZA. ZZHE BROUGHT UZZ HERE, GIVEZZZ UZZZ FOOD AND ZZZHELTER!" The bee nodded, and considering it had no neck to speak of, accomplished this by bobbing up and down in place. "ZZZHE WILL BRING UZZ OUR QUEEN, BUT ZZHE IZZ QUEEN NOW HERZZZELF! IT IZZZ DIFFICULT! YOU ZZZHOULD HELP HER, CARZZZON!" The massive bee buzzed a little higher, checking out the top of the flower and scraping off a little bit of remaining pollen while he was in the area anyway.
  2. "What are beady dubs?" Erin asked Jill, sounding mystified. "And the getting the spaceship thing was kind of weird, he brought it back with him from another reality where everything was sort of trapped in a Leave it to Beaver kind of mentality, and it's got an AI who acts like she's from Lost in Space and who doesn't like me very much. But that's sort of a lot of information to try and convey all at once, so it's easier to just say he got the spaceship."
  3. As Carson looked around, he noticed movement near the top of one of the large mounds. A massive shape, easily the size of a semi-truck, came through the opening, the fat black and yellow stripes clearly indicating what it was. It did, he couldn't help but notice, fly considerably faster than he might have expected from such a big body and comparatively small wings. As it approached, it called out on a booming voice "WHO GOEZZZ THERE?"
  4. Stesha had apparently not gone back to sleep after being so rudely awakened, as when they came in she was over in the kitchenette, arranging cookies on a tray. "There's more water that can be heated up," she told him, "and you can toss the spent leaves from the strainer on the compost heap in back." She carried the cookies over to the coffee table and adjusted the space heater, turning it down a little to keep the house comfortable. "How's progress on the creation going?" she asked.
  5. "It's okay," Erin murmured back, rocking from foot to foot to keep JJ happy while he drank his bottle. "Trevor can handle it." She was perfectly confident of that, having seen Trevor in far more awkward social situations, many of them ones that she herself had caused. And the last thing she wanted was to have Avenger hiding in the corner all night to watch what they were doing... again. That had been creepy enough the first time, feeling eyes on the back of her neck all night but never being able to find anyone there.
  6. Erin reacted instantly, hoisting herself up to see where her teammate had gone. "Mark, are you o- oh, yuck!" She hastily pushed herself away from the edge, her eyes squeezed shut. "Somebody throw him a towel, guys. I'm sure he didn't crack his head cause he's Mark, but he's totally naked now. Unless you want a look," she offered graciously to Alex, still not daring to open her eyes more than a crack.
  7. A light, cool rain began to fall as Carson flew through the trees, a rain that smelled slightly metallic, not quite normal, but seemed clear and clean enough. It wasn't a long flight to the fields of giant flowers, which grew in abundance over many acres of land. Most of them were set close to the ground, but a few rose on stalks thick as tree trunks to wave in the breeze. Beneath them, grass and smaller flowers bloomed, for all they were losing a bit of color with the chill of fall. Further in the distance, he could see what seemed to be large mounds of earth or plant matter, big as mansions, set in a rough and asymmetrical grouping.
  8. "Yes," Erin admitted. "After Trevor and I started going out, things with James got a little, um, awkward. Not like he'd ever even made a move or anything, but I dunno, I guess he thought he was biding his time or something. He said he was happy for me, and that he didn't want things to be weird, but after that, I started seeing a lot less of him. It's been awhile since he's come around. He's probably just busy, now that he's got a spaceship and all, traveling around the galaxy.Anyway, you're unlikely to see him in the library."
  9. "A bit," MIss A agreed dryly, brushing herself off and picking up the scattered cases. "This will take quite a while to sort and catalog, but it's really a one person job," she suggested. "You should probably be having a rest after the strain put on your brain today between one thing and another. I'll give you a call and let you know if I find anything that might explain the genesis of your new powers in the intersection of the two beams."
  10. "No, that's Trevor," Erin told her. "He's my boyfriend, he's cool." She was rather pleased that now she could say the words without even a blush. "You probably haven't even met James, Hellion. He graduated last spring, but he was Young Freedom and he used to come around to hang out with us still. But he hasn't been by in ages. Too busy, I guess. But we used to be pretty close friends." She shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable with the topic.
  11. "Yeah, last time we went to the public library, we ended up in a supervillain battle," Erin said dryly. "Thank God for interlibrary loan, I guess. In our library I've almost gotten stabbed, but almost doesn't really count. And that was an accident anyway." Erin waved that away, taking another bite of waffle. "It's not usually like that, so don't worry. Just don't wake James up if you find him sleeping there. Which is not likely." She stabbed a piece of waffle with sudden vigor, a frown crossing her face.
  12. Erin yawned, her roommate's intoxicated relaxation and the hot water beginning to catch up with her. "Come on Trevor," she urged, running a damp hand over his hair, leaving it somewhat tousled. "It's your turn again, remember? You gotta truth or dare someone, or we're all gonna fall asleep and Mark's gonna jump out of the plane. Then we'll have to go find him, since Mike and I aren't on the ground to catch him like usual."
  13. Erin juggled baby and bottle with the ease that came from practice, not to mention a helpful amount of superhuman agility. "Trevor and I work together on Young Freedom," she told her employers. "He's always good in a crisis, and adaptable and stuff. You and he have sort of the same kind of style," she added, looking between Jack Sr. and Trevor. "Not exactly, you know, but with the shadows and the sneaking and scary voice."
  14. Wander: +1 to Attack (2pp) +1 to Defense (2pp) +1 to Protection (1pp) +2 to Strength (2pp) Fleur de Joie +1 Feature (Flowers and plants grow perceptibly when she is nearby and at rest) (1pp) +2 Defense (4pp) Miss Americana Additions to Gina (1pp) Online Research (1spp) Beginner's Luck (1spp) 4 ranks Diplomacy (1spp) Speed of Thought (1spp) Well-Informed (1spp) Illusion 1 (biometrics field/Technology; All Senses; Flaws: Limited: "I'm a real boy!" 2; Drawbacks: Limited: Does not effect normal un-enhanced vision) [1pp] Equipment: Headquarterses! (5pp) House Size: Medium; Toughness: 10; Features: Computer, Concealed 3 (+20), Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System. Workshop Cost: 11 equipment points. Lab Size: Medium; Toughness: 15; Features: Laboratory, Library, Personnel, Power System, Security System, Workshop. Cost: 9 equipment points. +1 pp to communal Lab Done By Angrydurf
  15. "I'd be happy to, Doctor," Miss A said, "just give me a minute or two to square away this project here." She waved the foot in explanation, disappearing back into the alcove she'd come from. "I'm sending my results from this series of tests your way, Doc," she called as she worked. "the new phalangeal movement actuators are looking very promising. We're seeing neuron response that is within microseconds of the organic equivalent, and that's before we've even finished fine-tuning." She chuckled as she came back out with a travel-sized case of ArcheTech tools. "We could see amputees wiggling their prosthetic toes faster than they ever could the originals. All right, where are we headed?"
  16. "Just a moment!" came an unmistakably feminine voice from the depths of the laboratory. There was a clattering noise, then some quick, light footsteps from the far side of the lab. Suddenly, Rift was confronted with a staggeringly beautiful blonde woman, perfectly complected and proportioned, wearing a body-hugging blue suit under a white lab coat. She gave the boy a friendly smile, showing off perfect teeth and sparkling eyes. There was a small smear of grease on one cheek to proved she'd been working, and also what appeared to be part of a metal foot in her hand, complete with metal toes. "Hello there," she told both visitors in a friendly way. "I'm always up for meeting guests, and especially for new challenges. What's the story?"
  17. "Not really," Erin said with a shrug. "Lots of the townies come over on weekends sometimes. To train or use the library to to hang out with friends. I don't even know what's going to be going on this weekend, since Young Freedom's all going to be gone on this field trip or whatever they're sending us on, but there'll still be a lot of people around. And maybe some weekend you can hang out with me and Alex, play video games or something." It was awkward trying to be the friend who invited, but she felt bad for Jill feeling all alone and out of place. It wasn't as thought she couldn't sympathize.
  18. Thanks. That second save should actually be a DC 39 toughness save, not DC 34, thanks to the crit. Also, if her attack roll of 34 beat the robot's hit DC by even 2 (which I believe it would), that ups the toughness DC to 40, which means the robot is destroyed.
  19. Miss A hung in the air for a moment, cases still in hand, then abruptly fell out of the sky and crashed into the ground like a rock. After a moment, she pushed herself to her feet, looking a little dazed. "What the hell was that?" she blurted, looking around at the laboratory. "You didn't mention that you had a teleportation ability... or that you were going to use it just then. That's not very polite," she complained with a frown.
  20. "The weight is no problem," she assured him, "It's merely a matter of bulk, If you wouldn't mind picking up that case over there, I can get the rest." Miss A pointed him in the direction of the lightest case, the one mainly full of protective panels to shield the device from weather and tampering. Hefting all the other cases herself, she lifted off, carefully tempering her speed this time to keep well within his flight tolerances. "We'll just take all this back to my lab."
  21. "I know we can," she said with a chuckle. "In the interest of reciprocal honesty, I should mention that there were only a very few civilian men at the brunch we attended, and only one of them had your height and accent. I have an eidetic memory, so it wasn't a great leap once it became clear you were there. And also, your evident discomfort with mentioning Supercape in your civilian identity was somewhat...diagnostic. I'm sure you'll be a great asset to the communal lab project." She began disassembling the device into its carrying cases, sorting pieces as she went.
  22. "I appreciate that," Miss A told him, obviously happy to turn her attention back to the task at hand. "I can use some of these parts for projects I'm working on, and I'm certain I can part out the rest of it for various things. I'll take some readings and get some plans written down first, because you never know when an idea will come in handy, even a villainous idea like this one. But it's simply too dangerous and with too little benefit to simply leave laying around, as I'm sure you'll agree."
  23. "No thanks," Erin said as well. "I can take him for you so you can put the bottle together," she offered, reaching for the baby. "You need to be careful," she reminded Trevor conscientiously. "Don't put your hands too near JJ's mouth, especially when he hasn't had his bottle yet. He bites, and he's really fast. He's still too little to teach not to, though, so it's more a matter of trying not to let him get in the habit."
  24. "I like it," Erin said, reaching out a hand towards the figures but not touching the mist. "They're cool, like looking at shapes in the clouds, except I guess they'd be storm clouds. And they're really close to the ground." She sighed with relief that she'd managed to get out an entire set of ideas without being interrupted by the hiccups. "Who's up next?" she asked Trevor, looking around the tub at their friends.
  25. Wander doubled over with the blast, clutching her midsection as the invisible wave of energy smashed into her, turning the pavement around her into rubble with a force that would've killed most people. For a moment, she couldn't straighten at all, unable to breathe and nauseated with the force of the impact. She sucked in a wheezy breath, even as panic tumbled in from the darkest corners of her mind, whispering to her that this could be the end, that she was about to be overwhelmed, that she would fail again, and someone she'd undertaken to protect would die, and it would be all her fault... Erin forced herself upright, closing the few feet between herself and the robot. This time there were no tricks, not that she could've managed them right now. No flips, no fancy moves, no padded bat. She walked straight up to the thing and drove her fists into it as hard as she could with a gutteral scream of defiance! As she struck, she noticed a seam that was pulling apart, up near the join of head and neck. Mustering all her strength, she concentrated on that place, hitting as hard as she could, again and again!
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