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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin clears the stun and heals the bruise, but she is still staggered, so can only make a standard action. She's going to do an all-out power attack on the robot, hoping to take it out before it takes her out. She rolls a 25 for the attack. DC 34 toughness save. And because she is staggered and got whomped so thoroughly, she is going to burn the last of her strength and her last HP to surge again, in a desperate bid to take out the robot before it takes her or her buddies out, even though she is technically uninjured. She is also all-out attacking, which drops her defense to dangerously low levels, again because this is to her a do-or-die situation. I think it may qualify her for her Post Traumatic Stress complication, at the ref's discretion. Surge attack: CRITICAL HIT! She rolls a 34. That's a DC 39, plus the autofire bonus damage.
  2. Wander is bruised, stunned, and staggered. Spending that HP to clear the stun, and she'll lose the bruise at the top of the round.
  3. As Carson took flight again, this time he went a little higher, heading out towards the ocean, and he noticed what he hadn't seen before. There was certainly plenty of acreage that was lush, forested and beautiful, several thousand square miles, if he had to guess. But beyond that, the terrain seemed to change abruptly, as though this beautiful area were an island in a sea of blight. The sea, too, looked troubled and unhealthy, with a rime of scum clinging to the foam on the waves, and not even a gull in sight.
  4. "Maybe he can find some way to do the same thing," Stesha said, sounding as though she were trying her hardest to hope for that. "He's so powerful, but he's not the only hero out there, and he's entitled to have a life of his own, no matter how strong he is. We all need to have real lives, or how do we remember what's worth fighting for?" She stood up and went to the kitchenette, plugging in the coffee machine and letting it run. "For instance," she added, moving the subject along, "you have to tell me all about what the baby's been up to. I can't believe he's already so big!"
  5. Upon closer inspection, the crystalline dome was really a roof, supported with pillars and covering a massive hedge wall that surrounded a large field of grass. It took him a minute to find a way into the structure, till he realized that he could simply climb through the hedge at any of a few thin spots in the wall . Inside, the temperature was noticeably warmer than the cool and breezy day outside, warmed by the sun and protected by the dome and plants. His attention was caught by several signs, the first of which explained that this was Sanctuary, that his host was Fleur de Joie, and that he was safe here, but it was better to not go wandering. The sign gave instructions on where in the structure to find food, medicine, and sleeping bags if desired, and on how to do a headcount to ensure that everyone who was transported here made it safely and timely back to Prime. It didn't take long to figure out that this was the holding area Stesha had spoken of, where she could move displaced civilians.
  6. Erin had started sliding off her shoes before being asked, obviously familiar with the routine here. "Is JJ in bed yet?" she asked Taylor, taking off her jacket as well and hanging it up near the door. She kept her knapsack with her, it had her homework and snacks for both of them for later. The Farettis never kept much of anything in their kitchen, so if she got hungry, she was pretty much on her own.
  7. "Well then," Miss A said brightly, "as a friend, I'd appreciate very much if you'd keep any speculation under your hat. I just want to be a hero like everyone else, and do the best I can! It doesn't matter what we're made of, does it? It's what's here," she tapped her temple, then her heart, "and here that counts. I..." Her tone faltered just a little bit. "I don't want anyone to think differently about me, or think of me as less than human. You understand, don't you?" she asked, looking at him with still-lovely blue eyes that pleaded for understanding.
  8. Okay, Erin's hitting the wardroid. She's going to start off with an acrobatic bluff to catch it flat-footed. Skill mastery in Acrobatics means it must make a DC 28 check or be flat-footed. Using the challenge feat to make that her move action. After that, she will power attack the wardroid. Power Attack for 5. 1d20+9=19 That's a DC 34 toughness save, plus any autofire if applicable. Spending an HP to surge and hit it again. Same power attack, and it it still flat-footed. 1d20+9=17 Another DC 34 toughness save.
  9. The view just got more impressive the higher Carson got. The forest stretched out for miles, interrupted in places by other features, most notably a giant crystalline dome the size of a football field, only a little ways away from the treehouse. It gleamed in the sun like a diamond or an impossibly large ice sculpture. In the other direction, he could see distant fields with flowers that had to be the size of houses themselves, their heads bobbing ponderously in the breeze. And surely the faint buzzing was just his imagination. Off to the east, he could see the ocean, dull and gray, looking almost slimy from where he was.
  10. Wander spun when she heard the pop of air, her body in motion before her mind had even processed the sound. Arcing her body into a backflip to avoid the wash of fire that coated the street where she'd been standing, she turned a series of flips almost too fast for the eye to catch, moving here and there, up and down, until she fetched up behind the wardroid with its head turned the other way. In another series of blindingly fast moves, she delivered a pair of absolutely punishing blows to its joints, trying to smash the thing in half with her bare fists! "We've got a big one!" she called a warning to the other heroes.
  11. Toughness Save: 1d20+14=33 SUCCESS
  12. "Yeah, the whole place has some kind of magic on it," Erin told him, knocking on the door. "You can't really find it unless they tell you it's here. Oh, and the yard is full of ghosts, but they're harmless, so don't worry about them." She kept an eye out in case Avenger was planning to jump out from the bushes to test Trevor's mettle, but things seemed to be quiet, at least for now. She just hoped everyone was going to get along.
  13. Erin collapsed her bat, still hanging in the air like a scruffed puppy, dripping water from her civilian clothes and looking thoroughly uncomfortable. "Could we maybe discuss this on land?" she suggested, wiping her face with the back of one hand. "I wasn't exactly prepared to come out doing hero work tonight. Avenger's got the baby, by the way," she told Phantom belatedly. "I don't know where they went, but he's safe."
  14. "Keep an eye out for Avenger," Erin murmured as they walked up to the door. "He likes to, um, test people, I guess, to see what they're made of. I got the job here because I dislocated his jaw during the interview. You probably won't have to do that, but don't let him intimidate you. Phantom is mostly nice though, and she'll keep him from doing anything really weird, probably." She hefted her knapsack up on her arms, looking a little bit nervous.
  15. Stesha watched him go, listening for any crashing noises, then stretched out on the couch herself. She was very glad that Carson was awake and doing well, both for his own sake and so she wouldn't have to worry about him so much anymore. She'd lost count of the times she'd wondered if she should take him to a hospital and see what modern medicine could do for him, instead of just using her own powers on him again and again, hoping it would work. But her strategy had paid off, and he was getting better, and now she'd have a little time to recharge, well, soon anyway... She was asleep long before he came back from the bathroom.
  16. Miss A stiffened at that, and the electrical current flowing within her body increased perceptibly, almost like an adrenaline reaction in a human. The reaction only lasted a second though, before she turned to him. "Really?" she asked with mild interest. "That's fascinating. What do you make of it?" She bent down and began to pack the equipment, signals and current traveling through her hands and arms as she worked.
  17. Miss Americana gave him an arch look. "Well, I am more than just a pretty face," she told him. "I told you that the goggles would work. Not for more than a couple of hits, but we didn't need any more than that." She accepted the goggles back, then turned to survey the equipment. "Well, this looks like it can be broken down for transport. Want to give me a hand?"
  18. Just as it seemed that Pax would be blasted clear across the street, Wander came running, knocking him to the side and absorbing the beam with her own super-tough skin. It singed her costume a little, but left her mostly unharmed. "You need to find cover," she told him shortly, before vaulting back into the fight! She targeted the other large robot this time, giving it a punishing double-fisted punch in the head before kicking off against its chest and leaping back out to stand between the robots and her less-experienced allies.
  19. Erin is going to interpose for Pax, then launch her Round 2 attack on the other large robot. Again, just a regular move-by action attack. Invisible Castle is not my friend! She's going to spend another HP, and I'm going to ask for the HP from her "Overprotective" flaw as she refrains from acrobatic bluff or power attacking in order to preserve her defensive capabilities for Interpose. Second Attack Roll: is also awful, but comes out to 26. Autofire on top of DC 29 once again. Erin ends the turn by returning to Pax and preparing for another Interpose if necessary.
  20. A quick call to the Star Squad had Dr. Simian squared away very quickly, the remains of his evil weapon entrusted to the heroes to deal with and disassemble. Miss A was more than happy to take over custody of the items, and before the paddwagon had even pulled away, she was looking over the slagged aerial and the battered components, trying to determine how much of the pieces would be salvageable to repurpose for something less sinister. "Are you all right?" she thought to ask Supercape when they had a little privacy.
  21. Erin waved off Trevor's concern good-humoredly. "'Sokay, I only need to breathe every few -hic- minutes anyway. I'll be fine." She looked over at Mike, torn between hilarity and sympathy. "It's okay Mike, you shouldn't -hic- be embarrassed. Everybody does it. I mean, oops." She giggled again at the inadvertent admission, her cheeks going red. "Smoke animals! " she hastily agreed. "Do an alligator."
  22. With the aerial destroyed, Miss A turned her attention to Dr. Simian. "Looks like playtime is over!" she said brightly. "Your toy is all gone now, and it's time to go home." Quick as lightning, she dove down onto the rogue supervillain, bearing him to the ground and doing her best to pin him down and render him harmless. 'Your gun is gone, there's no point in fighting us any longer," she reminded him reasonably.
  23. Miss A is going to make an attack with intent to grapple and pin. Attack roll is great, a 30! Grapple Check is bad, spending HP to reroll. HP reroll is a fricking one, but at least I get a minroll. Final result is 33.
  24. "Not yet," Wander said calmly, still hanging onto her soaking wet bat. Aiming it like a javelin, she threw it down with great force at the unconscious monster, skewering it with the Euclidean rigidity of its streamlined shape. It bubbled and hissed the way the others had while hitting the sidewalk, leaving her bat floating on top of the waves. "Now it is. Could you get that for me?" she asked Phantom politely, pointing at her bat.
  25. "That's perfectly all right," Stesha reassured him with a smile, deciding not to mention the part about the fire-breathing bees to Carson. "If you just fly east instead of west, you'll head away from the bee fields and it's very unlikely you'll see any of them. They're really concentrating right now on building their winter nests. We're not far from the ocean here, this place corresponds to Freedom City on Earth Prime. Just make sure to finish eating before you start anything else," she told him with mock sternness. "You need to keep your strength up!"
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