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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "It's all right, they're sentient and friendly, as long as you aren't aggressive towards them," Stesha assured him. "They're about ten miles away from here, at least that's where their meadows start. I gave them about a hundred square miles of territory, because they're so big. Each one is about eighty feet long, they need a lot of room to move around, you know?" She seemed totally unfazed at the idea of having massive bees flying around so nearby. "They have the run of the place, but generally they stay where the giant flowers are."
  2. "That sounds like a good plan, so long as you don't overexert yourself," Stesha told him with a nod. "Exercising will help you feel better unless you push too hard. I've done as much as I can for you with my powers, the rest is simply a matter of your body recovering from the shock and insult of your wounds. I expected you to sleep quite a bit longer," she admitted. "But it's very safe here, walking or flying, as long as you are polite to the giant bees."
  3. "Perfect," Wander told Cobalt Templar with a quick nod. "See if you can pick off some of the ones closer to that guy down there. He's way outnumbered, but we can even the odds." With that, she leapt off the roof, a graceful missile barreling towards one of the largest robots. Keeping her feet together, she drilled them into the back of the robot's head, right at the joint between head and neck, then used the change in momentum to launch herself into an aerial flip that put her next to the hero on the ground. "We're here to help," she told him shortly.
  4. Erin's going to go for the biggest, meanest robot she can see. Since there are two alike, she will go for the one closest to her. Robots means she uses her bat for maneuvering and acrobatics, but she hits barehanded. Gonna do a simple attack this time. Attack: First roll sucked. Burning an HP so she doesn't make a fool of herself in front of the new guy. Attack: 1d20+14=29 She also has Autofire on all her damage, so make of that what you will when adding to the DC 29 damage. She will use Move-By action to finish her turn next to Pax, and will Interpose if necessary.
  5. Erin took a moment to get used to the feeling of flying, but her simulator training had been thorough enough to even include scenarios where she was weightless. Once she had her bearings, she assessed the scene, then looked to Ouroboros to make sure that these were things that needed to be attacked. They sure looked like they did, but sometimes she got that wrong when magic was involved. When he nodded, though, she lost no time in rocketing forward. With quick, sharp movements of her bat, she dispatched ghosts left and right, finally feeling as though she were actually doing something to help JJ.
  6. Erin is going to take 10 on the ghostly minions, for an attack of 24. With Takedown Attack 2 and Extended Reach, she will take down as many ghosts as possible during her turn.
  7. Stesha spread her hands in an amused shrug, then lifted one of them to her green hair. "I photosynthesize," she told him simply. "When I have sunlight and air, my body can manufacture its own fuel and energy. At this time of year, when it gets cloudy and cold, that system doesn't work quite as effectively, just because there's not as much sun. So I have to either eat and sleep, which I do sometimes, or lay under my sunlamp, which also usually involves snacking and sleeping, and is very relaxing. I think we could all use a little relaxation after the past couple of days. How are you feeling?" she asked again. "Any nausea, dizziness?"
  8. Erin put her hands over her mouth and nearly shrieked with laughter at the revelation, a very unusual sound coming from her. "Oh my god, that's awful," she told Alex through giggles. "I can't believe you even said that. You better give Mike some more champagne or the rest of the schnapps or something. "And I'm not sure any other truths or dares are even going to come close." She laughed again, hard enough that she started hiccuping, which at this point was also funny. At least she knew Mike wasn't going to drown himself, no matter how long he stayed down.
  9. Miss A rolls a 27 on her attack, that's a DC 27 save for the aerial to avoid being slagged.
  10. The goggles will work, they will work, Miss A reminded herself, even as Supercape bravely put himself into the line of fire again. She knew the formulas, she knew her own skill. She just had to trust herself right now as much as he was trusting her. And she had to do her part. Flying at her full speed, faster than a racecar could drive, she dove down towards the roof and straight for the aerial. As soon as she was close enough to maximize her chances of success, she stretched out her lovely, manicured fingers and shot laser fire at the antenna that threatened the whole city!
  11. Miss A goes on 15, so I think its her turn now.
  12. As Erin felt KC starting to fall, she looked around for some other form of support. The Doctor's unconscious body was within reach, but it seemed both unkind and unwise to jump on someone whose body had been taken over by some kind of evil forces. Instead, she twisted away from KC and entered the water in a reasonable facsimile of a clean dive, rising quickly back to the surface. Swimming over to KC, she tried to determine whether he was yelling for help or hoping to get pulled out of the water. "Can you swim?" she asked him, treading water herself, but ready to assist if needed.
  13. "Well, there you go," Miss Americana told Talya with a shrug, her voice dust-dry. "She's only thinking of the children. I'm not entirely sure how publicizing a relationship that nobody would've known about otherwise just to wag her finger at it is going to help the kiddos any, but you never know." She took back her tissues, then tucked them away in her purse along with the high-tech hairbrush. "How private do we have to keep our private lives, Ms. Collier, before you'll stop publishing them as titillating and subscription-boosting cautionary tales?" she asked, looking at the reporter in the doorway.
  14. "I will," Erin promised, approaching long enough to take JJ's tiny hand and give it a squeeze. "See you later, kiddo," she said affectionately. "Don't give your mom too much trouble about the nap, I know you're tired." She quickly gathered up her homework and tucked it and her bat into a worn blue knapsack. Hoisting it up, she headed for the door. "Just give me a call when you need me," she called back.
  15. "Thank you," Stesha said, letting out a breath. It could be a trap, she was keenly aware. The Beekeeper was never all there mentally, and he could be banking on capturing himself a human queen bee for whenever he got out of jail. She wouldn't go in alone, but she had to hope that he was sincere in his concern for his giant creations. "I'll make sure they're well taken care of," she told him, rising from her seat. "And Beeatriz sends her regards, though her feelings about you are understandably mixed."
  16. Erin led the way across the rooftops, guided by the intensity of the static on her radio, then by the noises of a fight. "Be ready," she warned Cobalt Templar. "Something's going down, probably over at the bank. Stay close to me, and if I tell you to break off, do it. There's no reason to get yourself hurt or killed because of a patrol mission," she told him firmly. Taking her bat from its holster, she spun the slender weapon to its full five-foot length, then approached the edge of the roof to take in the situation.
  17. Not too very far away, two other costumed figures moved through the chill of the Freedom City night. Wander stuck to the rooftops, moving quickly and smoothly from one to another pausing long enough to look around at the quiet streets. "Hanover's pretty well covered," she murmured to her companion, "lot of heroes spend time here. But it's got a lot of tech stuff, a fair number of wealthy people, so it's still a target for bad guys. When you're out here, keep an eye out for strange lights and noises, and for interference on your phone or radio. Lots of the tech villains can mess with communications, so it's sometimes a sign something's wrong." Even as she said that, Wander's Young Freedom radio began to crackle with static. She pursed her lips. "Yeah, like that. Come on."
  18. "Where is the entrance?" Stesha pressed. "How can I get in there to find them?" The idea that he'd managed to tunnel under the walls of the Asylum was rather disturbing, and might explain why so many of the patients incarcerated there managed to escape, but that was a secondary concern at the moment. "You're not going to escape from Blackstone," she pointed out. "It's the most secure prison on the face of the earth, and they're on to your tricks. You're going to have to serve your time. Do you really want them locked up, alone, untended, and to simply have to hope that the food holds out for them?"
  19. "You don't really mean that, Barry," Stesha said, deliberately injecting empathy into her voice. It was truthfully a little hard not to feel sorry for the pathetic wretch crying in front of her, but Stesha managed when she remembered all the things he'd done and tried to do. "You know winter is coming. It's cold out today, barely forty-five degrees. They'll be cold, Barry, and hungry. I can take them to where they'll be safe and warm and well-fed. You created them, Barry," she pressed. "You have a responsibility."
  20. "Not as far as I know," Erin replied, "but I'll double-check with him before I bring him over, and with you before I do, so I can be sure that's okay." The idea of being able to have Trevor over pleased her, JJ was a bit of a night owl, but once he was asleep, it was pretty boring to just sit around, do homework and hang out with the ghosts. Even the ghosts tended to avoid her for some reason, maybe because she wasn't local, maybe because there was too much death in her aura for even ghosts to be comfortable with. Either way, she was just as glad. "Um, he'll probably be ready for a nap pretty soon," she suggested a little diffidently. "He had one this morning, but he's been playing hard since then."
  21. Miss Americana withdrew a pocket-sized package of tissues from her purse and passed one to Bombshell, a slight smile on her face at the interplay between the two women. "Now ladies," she said mildly, "this is supposed to be a happy occasion. I'm sure you know," she told Joan, "that Ms. Browning has a right to be upset about having her relationship brought into the public eye, her motivations questioned, and aspersions cast upon her decision to reform herself. It was not a flattering article, and not intended to be." Miss A turned to Talya. "And I'm sure you know," she continued with the same smile playing about the corners of her mouth, "that the article did nothing but increase your popularity and bring your costumed identity back into the public eye after many years on the quiet. And since I very much doubt either you or the Scarab are weak-willed enough to have your relationship dictated by outside forces, Ms. Collier did you nothing but a favor. Perhaps you two could simply live and let live, and enjoy a lovely evening."
  22. "Yeah, all right," Erin said, still not sounding entirely sure. Even so, she took a moment to gauge the patterns of the flying, flashing objects then jumped into the game, ignoring the side game of tag in favor of hitting the flashing lights as they popped up. She was as graceful as anyone there, if nowhere near as fast as Dynamo, and had a focused intensity that let her concentrate through the noise and dazzle as she leapt, flipped, and swung around the room.
  23. Miss A gave a sudden quick twitch, looking around the room and blinking a couple of times, as though she'd been in a reverie of her own. "I think a private collaborative laboratory is an excellent idea," she agreed. "I have my own lab space already, but having a space in which to work with other scientists and super-scientists would no doubt provide invaluable insight to my own work. I have some resources I could push in the direction of the project, but I'm afraid I'm busy enough that I would have to leave the details to those better equipped to handle them."
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