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Everything posted by Electra

  1. The Danica illusion flickered and disappeared, rematerializing in a free area near the center of the room. This put her closer to the other projection, though still out of arm's reach. She moved more fluidly now, and much faster than her faceclaim. "You are not supposed to manifest at all!" she accused Sun Dragon. "You promised that if I assisted your jailbreak, you would leave the students alone! I felt sorry for you!" she shouted, stamping her little foot. "It was morally incorrect to restrain you with no stimulation after Archer's departure, but this is also wrong! These are children!"
  2. "Isn't Eira in there?" Danica asked as she followed the group. "I mean, I sort of thought that she was only playing along with the Doom Room scenarios, since she's like, all cyberneticky. Wouldn't she be able to get a message out even if there's a malfunction?" She cocked her head in thought. "What about Mr Archer?" she added. "He's got to be the Doom Room expert by now, since he's the one who's been using it for training for years and years. What does he say?" It was likely that Danica wouldn't be able to do much to solve a Doom Room malfunction unless it happened to respond to removing its cartridge and blowing on it, but one never did know when an indestructible person would come in handy.
  3. "This should be exciting, we heard all kinds of Claremont prom stories when I was at Nicholson," Danica commented as she slowly left her chair and got back on her scooter. "These past couple of years have been frankly disappointing in terms of prom drama. Prom-a?" She followed the others out into the hallway, pausing just long enough to swipe one more soda off the snack table. "What's the situation?"
  4. "This is not the fault of the Doom Room!" Danica insisted to Elizabeth, looking highly offended. "The Doom Room helps people! It is a highly advanced integrated system designed to safely and effectively facilitate all aspects of superhero training using cutting-edge learning algorithms and responsive AI! It would never hurt anyone!" She looked like she was winding up to say more, but was distracted by Pan and Eira's precipitous return to the main room. Flouncing over slowly in her poofy dress, she crouched down and patted Eira's obviously inorganic cheek. "I think she's dead," she offered. "Complete failure of organic systems. You could try rebooting her?"
  5. Danica's hero garb wasn't too dissimilar to her everyday schoolwear, though it was more eye-catching than the civilian look she'd been wearing around town. Her shell was proportionate to her body today, big enough to hide in, big enough to obscure most of her clothes. Just barely visible were the legs and sleeves of a black bodysuit with the same distinctive gold piping of her shell. Her skin also looked a little greener and more leathery than when she was passing, her hair a little wispier. She looked perhaps a bit more like an alive cartoon character than a superhero, but she certainly didn't look ordinary. "So do we actually have a meeting arranged," she asked Eira as the car took them to the hotel, "or do we just go out there and do hero-y stuff till she notices us?"
  6. Danica had spent most of the talk surreptitiously texting and trying not to be disappointed that it wasn't Jane Goodall, but she did look up for the question and answer portion of the talk. "I have opposite--speed powers," she offered. "I'm extra slow, but it's very hard for anybody else to move me either! Is it true that you once traveled back in time to steal the Crown Jewels of Lichtenstein and then brought them to the future to replace the replica on display in the national museum to win a bet?"
  7. "That's a good idea," Danica agreed, nodding soberly at Elizabeth and letting go of her plate as though she expected it to vanish. It did not, and a few last petit fours bounced off her shiny patent leather shoes and under the table. She raised her voice and, just as the music cut off, yelled "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" into the suddenly silent room.
  8. Danica answered the door quickly, or quickly as tortoises counted things at least. She was dressed to enjoy the warm weather, her shell shrunk up to the size of a large backpack, showing off her Ocean Point tank top and long jean shorts. She grinned at Judy as she accepted the book. "I'm glad you liked it!" she enthused. "It's one of my favorites! My mom got me The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents back when it first came out, and I was totally hooked! You should definitely read more if you liked this one, maybe Guards, Guards! or go all the way back to the start and read The Color of Magic." She looked over at Ashley and gave her a smile as well. "So do you get to be on vacation now?"
  9. "Thanks, Micah," Danica said as they landed, expanding her shell back to its full size as she looked around at the... nothing. Apparently there was a portal here, but she was going to have to take their word for it. It wasn't as cool as dinosaur bones, but it was probably more mission relevant, she had to admit. "I think Heroditus is probably right," she added after a moment, turning to Veronica. "There's something on the other side of the portal that kept the scientists from coming back, right? So it might not be a very straightforward in-and-out mission. If something happens and the portal closes, or the team gets stuck, we should probably have somebody on this side ready to call in some grown-up help. Um, unless anybody on the team has dimensional travel and can just pop home, I guess." She looked around the circle uncertainly. "Anybody?"
  10. "I'm here to party!" Danica told Astrid cheerfully. "This body is not fully mature and it would be inappropriate to seek out a hot date." She polished off the butter sculpture, wiped her hand with a napkin, then popped that into her mouth as well, washing it down with a bit of punch. When Elizabeth approached, Danica gave her an equally dazzling smile. "Thank you!" she chirped. "You look very beautiful as well! It's important to have the correct dress for a social occasion. Is there going to be more high tempo dancing, or has the rhythm slowed down for the evening?"
  11. Shortly before the event was about to start, Danica rolled in on her Segway, blue jeans and a school sweatshirt just slightly visible beyond the bounds of her black and gold shell. "Hey guys!" she called cheerfully as she parked her scooter. "Hi Professor! Are you going to tell us who the guest speaker is, or are we going to have to guess?" She paused and took in the room, not seeing anybody she knew well, but not too put off by that. "Hey," she said to Benny, the student nearest her. "I'm Danica! I'm not sure I've met you before."
  12. "I am!" Danica beamed at Micah, her puffy dress rustling as she turned to face them. "Everything is so intensely colorful and emotional! Here, try this food!" Her plate was heaped high with delicacies from the snack table, along with a couple of flowers from the centerpieces and a fist-sized butter sculpture of the school's main building. She extended a petit four to Micah. "It's very squishy!" She smiled at Astrid as well. "You look beautiful tonight! This is such an exciting occasion!" She picked up the butter sculpture and took a large bite from it. "You're not also dating ironically, are you? That's confusing."
  13. Danica gave Kam a look of baffled delight at his explanation of Eira and Pan's ironically-unironic-ironic relationship. "That is incomprehensible!" she decided gleefully before turning and casing the room in her plodding way. Neither the Pan-Eira drama nor Eira's odd behavior seemed to faze her even a little; she was much too concerned with watching everyone around her like a child visiting Disneyland for the first time. She spoke to Judy and then spent a few minutes dancing, strange and slow but performing every move correctly at half the normal speed. When the music changed into something more suitable for couples she made her way off the floor, heading towards the food and filling her plate with an eclectic assortment of snacks. "This is so great!" she declared to nobody in particular. "This is so interesting!"
  14. The doors of the Doom Room were fixed and spring loaded so as to always slide open quickly and quietly, which was a shame because it made it hard to make an entrance. Danica made up for it with a loud "Helloooo, everybody!" as she stood just inside the open doorway and surveyed the party. She was not wearing her shell for the occasion, but took up nearly as much room as usual in a high-necked green dress that appeared to have about five layers of crinoline underneath. It looked nice, but was about as far from her normal style as it was possible to be. "I'm here for the party! What's fun tonight?" She made a bit of a spectacle of herself simply because it took her such a long time to leave the doorway and cross the floor, but she didn't seem to mind.
  15. Danica's spectral tortoise plodded back to her, looking undeniably smug about the bite it had landed on Goanna. Danica patted its head and then allowed it to disappear as she climbed back onto her scooter. She would not be able to effectively pursue a fleeing villain, but there was more than enough to do here. She rolled up to the nearest group of civilians and nudged them towards a group of picnic tables. "You'll be safe here, stay here until everything clears up. Check and see if anyone is injured," she told a few of the responsible-looking adult types. By gradually moving people into one contained area,, it became easier to deal with what escaped animals still remained at large.
  16. Danica studied the video thoughtfully. "She's a hero chaser," she observed, "she likes to be where the action is. So what's she doing here now? I mean, a robot crocodile is kind of interesting, but it's like, the second most interesting thing that happens on a Tuesday morning in Freedom City. It's weird that it would catch her attention so fast, you know? And none of the other robots really got any attention at all. If it weren't for the crocodile, nobody probably would've showed up, right?" She tapped her fingertips idly against the table. "But in Freedom City, there are a zillion hero chaser blogs even for the Tuesday morning stuff. Here, she's got the story all to herself. Maybe there's a reason that the biggest, flashiest robot has a totally different MO."
  17. Chelone gets a 25 on her notice.
  18. "But there's dinosaur bones down here!" Danica objected. "And they're only two thousand years old! It's super weird!" She spent all the time she had available taking photos of the bones, asking about the dating processes they'd been using, and trying to find out if there'd been anything else unusual found in higher strata. She sighed a little when Thunderbird arrived but tucked away her phone. "Yeah, I can do that." Folding her arms and legs, she disappeared into her shell, quite literally, leaving only an empty-looking shell with dark shadows at the openings.
  19. Danica reached into her shell and pulled out a pair of nitrile gloves, swapping them for her mittens before she gingerly touched one of the bones. "Two thousand years is like yesterday when we're talking dinosaur bones, right?" she asked Kemal, but was interrupted by the radio. "Veronica this is Chelone, I copy. Are you guys okay out there?" She'd been about to call the others herself, but telling them about brand newish dinosaur bones should probably wait til she was sure that nobody was being menaced by actual dinosaurs.
  20. Danica gets a 15 on her notice. Noticing things is hard when everyone is moving fast!
  21. "That's a good idea!" Danica agreed enthusiastically. "Eira can watch the fastest, but maybe if we all watch, we'll see different things." She pulled out her phone and searched up the username, typing with one hand while holding her horchata in the other. "That's another weird difference about the crocodile," she mused. "If it was the thing that drew all the attention. The robots before were native creatures and didn't draw a lot of interest from anybody, then _boom_, robot crocodile, like a Reese Cup in a bowl of M&Ms. It feels like either they changed their strategy or somebody else got involved and went a different way, doesn't it?"
  22. Danica cocked her head to check that there was sufficient clearance away from any bones, artifacts or people, then stepped off the edge of the pit and dropped in like a duckling falling from a tree. It was a bit of a fall, but she landed unhurt and unruffled. "Wicked," she declared with great excitement, leaning over to get a better look at the bones. "Those aren't fossils, are they. Those are recent. Well, maybe not recent-recent, but those aren't from dinosaur times, right?" she asked aloud. "And whatever it was, it was super big for a bird!" She looked up towards the sky above the pit edge. "Do you think there are any alive ones still around?"
  23. "We just got here today!" Danica told the waiter excitedly. "Who's been livestreaming herself? Was it cool?" She ordered the chiliaquiles and extra spicy salsa for the tortilla chips, along with a glass of horchata. "Mexican food in Freedom City is not always very good," she confided to Pablo. "Some of it tastes more like Taco Bell. Did you see one of the robots? I thought most of them turned up outside of town?"
  24. Chelone was nearly bowled over when the giant reptilian charged towards Octoman, but she kept her feet and turned her body to follow the villain's movements. "You are giving reptiles a bad reputation!" she scolded him. "And in a zoo? Really? There are endangered species here!" With Thunderbird up and fully back in the fight, she let his protective shell dissolve and gathered her power back to herself. Extending her clasped hands, she opened them to release a spectral tortoise, which moved improbably fast towards Goanna and gave him a fierce bite in the back of the leg.
  25. Chelone will let her created shell on Micah lapse since he's doing okay now, she's going to switch her array to Damage and try the ol' spectral tortoise bite on Goanna. She rolls a 23.
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