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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Singularity kills you all on Initiative 27.
  2. First roll passes, but doggone that HP. Failed the second, but Hex isn't the only one with HP! Dammit, Singularity's luck really is out today. Missed it by one.
  3. Erin really had no idea what they were trying to assemble, so she just did the heavy lifting and put things where they were supposed to go. Thinking back on their recent adventures with dimensional travel did raise a new concern though. "Is there any way for us to know what our doubles on the other side are doing?" she asked Talos. "A few weeks ago we had another dimensional run-in, a different dimension, caused by both sides doing the same thing at once and everything getting messed up because of it. We don't want that to happen now, right? Is this universe too far different from the one where we're from for that to happen?"
  4. Stesha watched in fascination as Jill demonstrated her powers. "It's beautiful," she observed pleasedly. "That's a nice bonus. Can you heal any living thing, or just human beings?" she asked. "Does your healing power extend to objects?" She took another thoughtful sip of her coffee. "When I was first getting started, I could only heal plants, but then the effects began to widen out. You haven't had your powers very long, is that right?"
  5. "It's excellent," Miss Americana agreed, taking a small bite of her pie. She wasn't eating much of the rich dessert, but then, not all heroines got a super-metabolism as part of their deal. "How did you make it to Prime?" she asked Murdock curiously. "Do drones have the ability to travel between dimensions, or did you have to get access to some piece of technology to let you do it? She didn't think that Omegadrones could dimension-hop, please God no, but she was curious.
  6. Stesha nodded, stirring cream and sugar into her coffee. "I understand that. When I first started, I thought that it was the medicinal herbs and poultices and such that I used on people that made them recover. So I'd be there in the middle of a fight trying to poke a handful of leaves down somebody's throat, and elated when it worked!" She laughed. "I eventually realized that it was my own power doing the healing, but that the plants were the focus. When I work with the medicines, it helps me organize my power so it does what I want it to. It could be that your power is the same way right now, that you use the "old fashioned" way because it helps your mind get organized." She sat back comfortably on the sofa, her green clothes and hair matching perfectly with the rest of the decor. "Tell me more about your powers," she asked. "What do they do, and how do you use them?"
  7. Stesha chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't call it mine, except for the fact that it seems to be mostly just me and the giant bees who live here. There are a huge number of worlds out there, and some of them don't have any people living on them." She poured two cups of coffee and put them on a tray with cream, sugar and spoons to carry over to the sofa. "This one pulled at me for some reason. Maybe because I could see that once it was a beautiful place, and now it's not. I have an opportunity now to make it beautiful again, and to practice skills I need for heroing at the same time." She handed over a cup of coffee.
  8. "We're in Freedom City, sort of," Stesha replied blithely. "We're where Freedom City would be, except that it doesn't exist in this world. I wanted to find a place where I could really practice my art, including building this place. This world used to be inhabited, but it isn't anymore, and it's pretty low on plant life too. I've been working on fixing it up in my spare time. I thought that it might be the perfect place to work on some healing, if that's what you're interested in doing. It's also where I brought those bees your brother sent my way."
  9. Stesha went over to the kitchenette and poured water from a gallon jug into the coffeemaker, then set it to warming up. "You like it? It's the first thing I've ever done like this, but it was basically just a giant topiary project. I've got a little generator hooked up outside to keep everything running, it works on sun and wind. When it gets a little lighter out, I can take you outside, if you want, and show you all my earlier drafts of this place. It took some practice to get it right." She laughed as she measured ground coffee into a filter and set up the machine. "Have a seat anywhere. I usually stick close to the space heater, myself. Tell me a little bit more about the work you're doing," she asked. "You're with the Interceptors now, aren't you?"
  10. Fleur de Joie Adding a new AP to the ginormous array, mainly to let Stesha maneuver around her HQ more easily. Teleport 9 (900 feet, 20,000 miles ["Anywhere On Earth"] as a Move action; Extras: Accurate, Linked [super-Movement], Flaws: Medium [Plants]; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression [Cargo] 11 [500,000 lbs.], Progression [save DC] 5 [DC+14]) [34PP] + Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement 1 [To/From Earth-Fleur]; Extras: Linked [Teleport]) [4PP] [34+4=38PP] [b]Teleport 9[/b] (900 feet, 20,000 miles ["Anywhere On Earth"] as a Move action; [i]Extras[/i]: Accurate, Linked [Super-Movement], [i]Flaws[/i]: Medium [Plants]; [i]Feats[/i]: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression [Cargo] 11 [500,000 lbs.], Progression [Save DC] 5 [DC+14]) [34PP] + [b]Super-Movement 2[/b] (Dimensional Movement 1 [To/From Earth-Fleur]; [i]Extras[/i]: Linked [Teleport]) [4PP] [34+4=38PP] In addition, please add: +3pp to Will Save +1pp (4 ranks) to Concentration +1pp (4 ranks) to Medicine +1pp to Feat: Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Medicine, Sense Motive) Doktor'd
  11. "Yep, just a quick hop next door," Fleur confirmed with a grin, her face cast in shadows by the darkness and her hood. She reached out and took Jill's hand, and suddenly the darkness and cool night air was replaced by the green of sun through leaves, and the smell of mown grass. It seemed to last a second longer than before, but then they were out again, and standing in a cozy little cottage. There was a sofa and two chairs in a conversational grouping, all of them facing a working space heater that stood where a fireplace might otherwise have gone. There was also a little kitchenette and a table with two chairs on the other side of the room. Lamps were placed in the corners, casting the whole room in a warm incandescent glow. Looking closer, it became clear that the green walls were actually made of living leaves and branches, and that the whole plant was, in face, a garden in itself. "Welcome to my place," Stesha said with a smile, pushing back her hood and tugging off her mask. "Would you like some tea or coffee? I need some, I can barely feel my fingers."
  12. "It's not a problem at all," Fleur replied, rising to her feet. "I hear it's supposed to get into the seventies this afternoon, and I'm hoping they're right. In the meantime, though, the cold and the fog aren't really doing me any favors." Even though it was in the low fifties this morning and not nearly as cold as it was going to get this winter, Fleur's cheeks and the tip of her nose were pink, and she had her hands tucked away in her pockets. "In the meantime, though, do you mind if we hop on over to my headquarters for a little while? It's a lot warmer there, and we can talk a little about what exactly you want to learn more about."
  13. The sun had not yet risen on a very foggy Saturday morning, which meant the park was technically not open for the day yet. That didn't stop Fleur de Joie, who sat placidly on a wrought iron bench near a suspiciously bright and chipper patch of rosebushes, and she was confident that it would not stop the colleague she was here to meet, either. She just hoped that colleague arrived soon, since even through her cowl and long-sleeved outfit, she was freezing her butt off on the metal bench. It was only the middle of October, and already Stesha missed summer. But this was a good time of year to teach someone a few of the finer points of healing the land, if nothing else. There were plenty of dead plants around!
  14. "Oh, don't worry about it," Miss A assured Murdock, "you're only a few minutes early. I had planned to be ready, but this torsion meter is giving me fits. This is my new place, you're right. I just moved in a couple of weeks ago, and I'm still getting things set up. I wanted someplace easier to get to, where people would be able to find me when we want to work together. My old place was much more remote. Eventually I'm thinking about decorating it a little, but who has time?" She looked up as a chime sounded. "Speaking of time, here's Victory now, and right on the hour. Perfect!" She pushed the button to unlock the front door and waited for Victory to arrive in the laboratory as well. "Hello, it's so good to see you again," she told the new arrival. "I'm just finishing getting set up. If you're hungry or thirsty, there are some snacks in the fridge over there." She gestured to one wall, where a beat-up little mini-fridge sat on top of a set of serious-looking metal safes.
  15. The building Miss Americana had directed him to was entirely nondescript on the outside, just one more brick-faced building in an industrial office park full of them. There was an intercom by the door, but he did not need to use it. As he approached, the door buzzed and the latch clicked open to allow him in. "Back here," Miss Americana called from the end of a short white hallway. The front room of the building was empty, an unused receptionist desk collected a very faint patina of dust, and no chairs sat in what would've been a lobby. Down the hallway were a couple of closed doors, and then at the end of the hall, a heavy fire door stood open onto what was obviously Miss A's lab. It wasn't the best or biggest lab ever, but it was clean and serviceable, with all kinds of computers and sensors and what seemed to be a substantially modified MRI machine. A padded table stood in the center of the room, surrounded by sensors that were already beeping and scanning. Miss A, goggles safely covering her eyes, was tinkering with one using an odd-looking tool. She looked up and smiled warmly at Murdock as he arrived. "I'm so glad you could make it!" she told him. "And early, too! Just give me a couple more minutes to finish calibrating this, and by then my other guest should be here as well. Did you have any trouble finding the place?"
  16. Singularity yelped at the collision and staggered away, walking in drunken circles for a moment as she regained her equilibrium. People were coming in her direction, looking at her, reaching for her! She had no time to fight them, though, there was an even greater threat coming behind her. The bad-luck man and the scary man and the man with no face were all on her trail, and they would put her back in the box if they caught her. She leapt away from the reaching hands, soaring up over the rooftops and across half of the south side. There was water coming up soon, she saw it sparkling in the early morning light. Dimly she remembered something about walking in water to disguise one's tracks. Maybe if she could get to the water, she could get away! Throwing a look over her shoulder, she increased her speed.
  17. Erin raised her hand. "I can move whatever you need moved," she volunteered, "and if I can't, we can work together on it. Just tell us what you want to do." She stepped forward to help, looking around for the very large equipment that needed to be moved. As she fell in to assist the not-evil robot genius, she asked, "What more can you tell us about our doubles. Nobody seems to know very much, especially about mine." She didn't really know why she was still picking at this, especially since she was sure she probably wouldn't like any answers she found, but it seemed important to know.
  18. "So then when you messed up, they'd be trapped in your "facilities" with no way out?" Erin demanded. "Right now you better stop thinking about what-ifs and start getting some of your people or giant robots or whatever it is you have out and rounding up those monster things. You have some kind of in with The Interceptors, right? Maybe they can get on that. In the meantime, how about you give the book to KC and take a big step back."
  19. "Look," Erin said, folding her arms and watching the robot. "After what we've seen of this world, we'd be happy to blow up a piece of it in the name of fighting the good fight, but we also have to protect our own world from the chunk of this world that's over there right now. So whatever it is, it has to be something we can do on the run. What is it that you want us to do? What's actually going to help you out?" Personally, she had no idea what would fix this place, but maybe the robot had a plan.
  20. Singularity didn't know where she was going, but there was a lot of room to run, and she was making good use of it. She vaulted cleanly over the brick wall that marked the boundary of campus and began running down the middle of the street. The city was a maze of strange and unfamiliar streets, but all she wanted was to be away. Cars honked and swerved to avoid her, and the ones she couldn't avoid, she simply shoved aside. There were people yelling, but she ignored them, intent only on making good her escape from the loud-noise man and the white box.
  21. "That's amazing," Miss Americana told Dragonfly, leaning in to examine the little bubble of altered reality. She wished desperately for just a few of her tools so she could get a more thorough look, but just seeing it was quite interesting. "Isn't it spectacular, Doctor Archeville?" she asked their host as he joined them. "Dragonfly's specialty is reality manipulation, and she's putting theory into practice already. I'd love to see you do it in a lab setting, but I'm afraid most of my equipment isn't even set up yet," she admitted with a smile. "Now you say you can actually make one big enough to put a person into?"
  22. Singularity kept a very close eye on the man, even as she backed up to where he told her to go, back to all the food. She didn't like the man, was afraid of the man, but didn't know what to do about it. She couldn't hurt him, she knew that much. He had the uniform on, and if she hurt people with the uniform on, it hurt her so bad she didn't even want to think about it. But she wasn't in the box anymore. Maybe she could get away! She found a bread bag and filled it up with fruits and vegetables and spoons, then carefully tied the top of it. While the man was looking out the door, she spun suddenly and ran through the wall connecting the kitchen to the cafeteria, and then out through one of the broad cafeteria windows without breaking stride.
  23. "He's with me," Erin replied, reluctantly unpinning the doctor and getting up, hand still on her bat. "Don't try anything funny, though. I know you're a big superscience guy and all, but that just means you maybe tasted a bad formula or electrocuted yourself or got possessed or something. "I don't even know what book you're talking about, though." She watched him like a hawk as he got up, glaring the whole time.
  24. It was definitely an odd sight, someone he normally only saw hysterical and violent in a rare moment of... well, maybe it wasn't sanity, but it was a lot closer than she usually got. Singularity's close-cropped hair stood up in sleep-tousled spikes and the lavender pajamas were already stained with what looked like blueberry pie filling and green ice cream. She looked like a very overgrown little kid having a romp in the kitchen when Mom and Dad were sleeping. It didn't take long for Singularity to sense the change to her environment, and after just a few more happy moments, she looked around and realized that she was not alone. Her entire demeanor changed immediately as she dropped the spoon and scrambled to her feet in an instant, fear and consternation written plain on her face. Recognizing the blank white mask and uniform, who it belonged to and what it meant, she stared at The Blank indecisively, putting her hands over her ears in a futile gesture of self-protection.
  25. "Yeah, released five nasty tentacle monsters on North Bay," Erin told him, not letting up on the pin. "They're a risk to civilians, and at least two of them got away. They're like nothing I've ever seen, but they're pretty horrific. How do we stop them?" she demanded again. It looked like she was entirely prepared to make him go to sleep again if she didn't hear the answer she wanted, very quickly.
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