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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Wander studied him for a moment. "Of course it's true," she finally said. "What possible reason would I have to lie to you? I didn't put on my uniform to impress anybody with all the stuff I've done. If you're going to be a hero, you deserve to know what kind of situations you might wind up getting yourself into. And you need to know what the stakes are. It's not a game, and you can die doing it. You could die far away from home, and if you're really unlucky, no one might ever even know what happened to you. That's why you've got to always practice, always be prepared, always be on top of your game," she told him solemnly. "That's the only way you're gonna make it." She reached into a hidden pocket on her uniform, withdrawing a crumpled map and a golf pencil. Scribbling down a radio frequency, she ripped off that corner and handed it to him. "This is Young Freedom's signal frequency. If you ever get yourself in bad trouble, broadcast on that frequency and someone will come help you."
  2. Looking around the library, Erin spotted the mug she'd used earlier to warm up Jack Jr.'s bottle. A movement at the window caught her attention for a moment. "Hey, KC, glad to see you. We need some answers." Rolling the unconscious doctor over so that he was laying on his own hands, she straddled and pinned him, then dumped the cup of tepid water over his face. "All right, I want you to tell me what's going on!" she demanded. "What were those things? Why did you release them?"
  3. "Oh, I'm a bit of a jack of all trades," Miss Americana said easily, "but my specialty is computers. I've read a couple of papers on reality manipulation, but I probably couldn't begin to keep up with you on that. I've heard of some superheroes who do amazing things in the reality manipulation arena, even to the point of creating new universes. Is that part of your skillset, or is your interest just professional?" she asked with genuine curiosity and interest.
  4. Erin was moving to go help the jogger, but stopped short when she saw that Kid Cthulhu was there and reacting already. Instead, she activated her beacon. "Young Freedom, this is Wander, we have some weird monsters that just took off out of North Bay, one towards downtown and one towards the river. I need an ambulance to my location, and anybody available to track down those monsters." With that, she leapt back into the mansion to check on the incapacitated doctor.
  5. Miss A shook hands with Fulcrum and smiled at the tall, tall woman. "I'm Miss Americana," she said, "it's lovely to meet you. I've been known to do a little bit of tanking in my time, and we do have complimentary uniforms. We should get together and talk sometime." With a wink, she turned her attention back to Vince, Jack and Jill. "So where's a good place for Harrier to go? After the day he's had, I imagine he might be ready for some peace and quiet."
  6. Taking barely a moment to assess the situation, Wander leapt out the broken window and straight for the two demons holding the screaming woman and her dog. Landing momentarily on the shoulders of the first one, she bashed it smartly over the head with her bat and let the momentum carry her over to the second, which got the same treatment. As the unconscious...things began to fall, Wander snagged the woman around her ample waist and carried her safely to the ground, catching the little dog in her free arm as she landed. For a moment, a very brief moment, she was grateful for all the similarly ridiculously complex scenarios Archer was always running her through in the Doom Room. Practice made perfect, she guessed. "Get to cover," she told the woman tersely, shoving the poodle into her arms. "Stay out of the street."
  7. Wander is going to go for the ones holding the poodle lady, using her move action to leap into the fray and grab hold of her. (The poodle, I'm afraid, may have to take its chances.) She's going to use her standard action to hit the squrm with her bat. She gets an 18, which just manages to hit. Since he's a minion, that KOs him, so Wander bats the second one, taking ten, for a comfortable 24. Using Move-by attack, she heads to the ground safely with the woman, and tries to catch the dog as she goes.
  8. "Um, no, I think that's good," Wander replied, giving Momentum a look out of the corner of her eye. He'd been looking at her like she'd grown a second head ever since she'd told him what sorts of adventures she'd gotten up to with her team. Well, he'd asked, hadn't he? What was she supposed to have said? Running a hand through her hair, she said, "Thanks for the tour, Gabriel, I think it'll really help me out. I better get going though, I've got a lot of homework to get done before morning."
  9. As she walked, Singularity looked around, trying to figure out where she was. She wasn't very successful, but she did spend a few minutes staring fascinated out a window at the trees waving in the darkness. They were so pretty, and she could even see stars in the sky! The pictures on the wall were also worth a second look, if only for the fact that they were colorful and novel. Then she saw a sign that said "Cafeteria," though, and all other considerations were forgotten. The cafeteria was empty and dark, the food-serving windows shuttered and the kitchen door locked. Singularity solved that problem by causing the door to cease to exist, and walked in. It was a wonderful place. There were racks of fresh bread in plastic bags, potato chips, fresh fruits and vegetables, cookies and pies and pastries and cereal, and best of all, a huge walk-in freezer full of wonderful food. Hardly knowing where to begin, Singularity started sampling all sorts of food she hadn't had in a long time, taking a bite of fruit here, a piece of bread there, a handful of pickles from a jar, a cup of soda pop over a handful of sugary cereal. She wanted to taste everything! Finally she settled down in the middle of the huge mess she'd created, crosslegged on the floor with a five-gallon tub of mint-chip ice cream and a spoon, a rare blissful smile on her face.
  10. "What sort of help are you talking about?" Erin asked, still a bit defensive after the robot's comments. What the hell was she like on this world, anyway? "What kind of help is going to really help in a world where everyone who is good in our world is evil or crazy or both? There are rules about what we can do to other dimensions, but if there's something that would really help you, we could at least try to get it to you."
  11. As Dragonfly watched, she noticed the more beautiful of the two attractive blonde women in dresses coming over in her direction. "Hello," she said warmly, "I'm Miss Americana. I don't think I've had the pleasure of your acquaintance, but I assume you're a superhero as well?" The outfit seemed to make that a pretty safe assumption. "I'm so excited about this summit and everything we can learn from each other. What's your area of specialty?" she asked.
  12. Wander didn't hesitate, too conditioned to take orders in a fight to question a logical-seeming course of action. Besides, she'd known there was something terribly creepy about the doctor! Using her bat like a pole vault, she swung herself in a circle and then vaulted over the table, bringing the bat up to smash the most cushioned part of the bat right behind the doctor's left ear! She didn't really want to hurt him after all, Avenger had just said to stall him. Erin only knew one way to stall people. Doctor Archeville was definitely stalled, he slid in a boneless heap to the floor. Close enough, Erin figured, and ran for the window.
  13. Since I'm pretty sure Wander is within 15 feet of the good doctor, she's going to use Fast Acrobatic Bluff as her move action. Skill Mastery gives it a DC of 28 to resist. She's then going to use her bat to perform a Stunning Blow on the good-bad Doktor, which is pretty much her only method of stalling anything. Power attacking for 5. 1d20+9=21 Assuming that hits, that'll be a Fort save, DC 34.
  14. Miss Americana is human to all normal senses unless she does something that would specifically reveal her nature as a robot (gets part of her knocked off, Gina gets thrown out of the driver's seat and the robot shuts down, etc. Since I was told that I could handwave her to look perfectly human, I don't think notice checks are appropriate in this case and it would only be plot-related reasons that would get her caught? X-Ray vision will reveal that she does not have human insides. Continuous use of infravision over a period of minutes will reveal that she has heat patterns that do not entirely match up with human norms. She is mostly made of plastics and polymer and weighs a normal amount for her height, her skin is normal human temperature. So if someone decides to look through her clothes or stare at her heat signature for a few minutes (when they could be staring at her body instead!) they would make her. But she's designed, IC and OOC, to not be easily detected nor to invite suspicion.
  15. Wander Okay, Wander's bat is all messed up. I'd like to make it like this: Device 1 (6PP, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Subtle [Collapsible]) (Wander's Bat) [4PP] Strike 0 (Feats: Extended Reach 2 [15ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Stunning Attack, Improved Throw, Drawback: Non-lethal damage only) That should free up enough points, I believe, to let her add Autofire to all her damage. Doktor'd. Also, her Grapple was off by 4 points.
  16. Moments after the thing burst out the window, the library doors burst inwards. Erin was standing there, her bat out and ready, looking for the source of the racket. "What's going on?" she demanded, looking from one to the other, then to the broken window. "I was putting the baby in his crib, and I heard screaming. Did someone try to break in?" She stared hard at the doctor, who seemed decidedly off somehow, then at the vampire, with a hint of suspicion.
  17. In the infirmary on the other side of the campus, Singularity began to stir from the most wonderful sleep. She didn't remember very much, but she remembered waking up in a strange place, and being able to hurt her constant tormentor, and then falling asleep so deeply that it had seemed like death. It would've been nice if it had been, it was so beautiful, calm and quiet. She could have stayed there forever. Now sleep was over, though, and she blinked awake in another strange place. Not everything was white, she noticed immediately, there were shades of blue and silver all over, and lots of machines. Very strange. It took her only an instant to realize that she was strapped down to the bed by something strong, and she didn't like that even a little. Whimpering with fear, she thrashed around until the bonds snapped, then leapt off the bed. Once she was up, though, she wasn't sure what to do with herself. She was hungry. Wandering around the room that looked like a doctor-room on a medical show, she opened cabinets and drawers, looking for food. It was a disappointing search. This room actually had a door though, and when she tried it, it opened! Perhaps this was a trick, or another dream. She couldn't be sure, but she was very hungry. Still clad in the lavender pajama top and pants she'd been wearing since before she woke up, Singularity began walking down the hallway. There were people around, young people, though most of them older than she perceived herself to be, but they didn't seem to pose any threat. They were alive people, and none of them paid very much attention to her. She ignored them and walked onward, bare feet silent on the cool white tile floors.
  18. Erin blinked at him, apparently not quite appreciating the joke. "Oh, I was just thinking of the AI in Hellion's spaceship. She seems to be set up a little like you, with the screens and holograms, and I thought you might have met her online or something." With a shrug, she turned her attention to the new scene, surveying the simulated environment. "So do you do a lot of fighting simulations in these environments, or mostly in the city?" she asked Mona.
  19. Erin stepped forward. Normally she'd allow Mark to talk, since he was both better at it and nominally the team leader, but she was rattled enough to want to shake some answers out of somebody, anybody. "What exactly do you want with us?" she demanded. "Do you know why we're supposed to be here? Are you some kind of good guy in this world?" She watched him and the whole room closely, ready to strike out at anything that seemed to be a threat.
  20. "Nice to meet you, Vince," Miss A said with a cheeky smile. "I'd shake your hand, but I'm not quite sure we have compatible equipment for that. I love your imaging processors, though. Very sharp. We found Harrier here protecting the weak and defenseless, and simultaneously scaring the bejesus out of the civilian population. He could use a place to lie low until things cool down a little bit and he can repair his secret identity."
  21. "That's true, but I think I'd run into some secret ID problems, since Fleur de Joie didn't officially help out with that incident," Stesha pointed out with a smile. By now, the sun was setting and the ocean and sky were growing dark. "I think we're running out of daylight," she mused aloud, and moved them back into the cozy little plant house. "I should probably let you get back to your evening. But it was really nice to get a chance to talk with you again."
  22. "I actually do a lot of interdimensional work," Wander told Momentum with a half shrug. "So it's weird, like fighting Nazis or talking animals or alternate versions of yourself, but it's not exactly in Freedom City Prime. But we get called up when there's need here, too, fight the Grue, fight demons, robots, really whatever is threatening the city. My team has been together more than a year now, we're pretty good at it. But if you want to get into weird stuff, just wait. Freedom's totally full of that kind of thing, and most heroes get caught up in it, far as I can tell."
  23. Erin smiled at that, understanding totally. "Sounds like a good plan. I may hit it up myself later, before bed. It's been an exciting night." She squeezed his fingers lightly before breaking contact completely. "Night, Trev. I'll see you tomorrow." This time she smiled at him and then turned for the door immediately. Maybe she needed a few laps around Freedom City itself, come to think of it. But it had been a good night.
  24. "Well, it wasn't quite like that," Erin allowed, clearly uncomfortable to be talking about this any more. "There were some, um, I don't remember what it's called. Diminished capacity, I guess. It was understandable for him to be upset, but he went nuts, and it was really bad. Basically we couldn't have worked with him as part of the team anymore." In search of a new topic, she turned to Vince. "Hey, do you know Persephone?" she asked.
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