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Everything posted by Electra

  1. https://orokos.com/roll/795735 = 25
  2. "I like Denny's!" Danica protested as she shrunk her shell until it appeared like more of a whimsical backpack, her skin turning pinker and more human at the same time. "Their Tumblr is amazing. But other restaurants are good too." She hopped back onto her scooter and steered herself out the door after Yves. "Do you think they have good Mexican food here? I know South Texas does, but I've never been to this part of Texas. Maybe there's a barbecue place? Barbecue is pretty good too."
  3. Danica had felt kind of weird about being left behind, but she perked up a little after spending a few minutes warming up inside her shell and receiving a cup of tea from the workers. Learning about the artifacts was interesting, and she filed away everything she learned in case it might come in handy later. She was very interested in the new development. Making her way over to Kamal and the workers, she kept her own radio at the ready. "What did they find?" she asked. "Is it anything to do with the missing scientists?"
  4. Danica spread out the maps and studied them, her brow furrowed. "If they were concentrating in these areas, that should simplify the search, and if not, it at least gives us a place to start." She looked over at Veronica as the older teen spoke, then glanced towards her scooter parked by the door. "You might be right," she agreed reluctantly, her cheeks flushing slightly olive, "but then I'd better stay back at base camp. I'll slow everyone down." She rolled up the maps and slid them into the nearby case, then gave them to Heroditus. "I'm not much of a climber, and the cold will make it worse. Just stay in touch by radio so we know what's going on."
  5. Using Eidetic Memory as well, memory buddies high five! She gets a 22.
  6. "Oh, good!" Danica agreed happily, immediately pulling out her phone. "I've got so many pictures to send!" Since Eira seemed willing, she let her teammate manage her suitcase on the way up to their room, which shortened the trip considerably. In the hotel room, she pulled the coverlet off the bed and put it in the corner where it would not get anything germy, then sat on the bed to test it. "Not bad," she decided. "Do you know what we're supposed to do for supper? I packed some food, but it's just like Lunchables and stuff."
  7. "Thanks, Micah," Danica said with a smile for her teammate as she got off her scooter. "I may take you up on that, even if it makes me feel guilty about global warming later. She breathed a sigh of relief at the change in temperature as she entered the shelter and pulled her mittens off. Not wanting to disrupt any scent trail for Octoman, she began looking at the documents and maps without touching them any more than necessary.
  8. Danica had been mostly silent thus far, her bright blue bobble hat barely protruding above the rim of her shell. The shell itself was covered by a thick wool poncho that hung nearly to the ground, almost concealing the insulating snowpants and puffy boots she was wearing and the wheels of her scooter. She looked kind of like a mobile circus tent, if circus tents could project an air of extreme discomfort. A mobile circus tent that occasionally slid backwards and let out a high pitched whine as the scooter lost traction in the sand, in fact. It wasn't until they arrived in camp that she caught up to the group and began to look around a little. "Oh good, inside work!" she finally said, poking her nose out of the shell at the instruction to search the tent. "Let's definitely go inside." She rolled in the direction of the tent, her Segway's wheels making sad motor noises as they went.
  9. "Whoever did it must have some kind of superpower," Danica decided, studying the slowly unfolding pattern. "Every single one of these was placed in an incredibly precise location, but some of them are in places that your average hiker is not going to get at." She pointed at a few, far from roads, in extremely difficult terrain. "Even if they could, there's not enough time between sightings to account for normal travel, see?" She pursed her lips. "I don't know what the deal is with the crocodile though. It's... it seems sloppy. Like, why go to all the trouble of making everything else fit so well? If they were going to use a crocodile, they may as well have used a monkey or a three-toed sloth or a panda bear. It doesn't make any sense."
  10. I rolled a one, because life is just like that sometimes, much less life science. That makes an 11.
  11. With the rhino pacified for the moment, Chelone turned back to the rest of the fighting. She winced as Thunderbird hit the ground, looking terribly vulnerable there at Goanna's feet. Pushing her Segway as fast as it would go, she raced up and crouched next to her teammate, touching him on the back and mumbling a few words under her breath. Instantly a shell formed over him, black and gold patterned just like Chelone's own, only large enough to cover him completely. With the way Goanna hit, a shell like that wouldn't last long, but it was better that the villain hit a shell instead of hitting Thunderbird! She tucked her own head down into her shell to protect herself as much as she could as well.
  12. Chelone is going to ride up to Goanna while he is distracted by Octoman and get in close enough to put a shell around Thunderbird. She's switching her array to Create Object 10 and will put a shell over him that is big enough to cover him fully. It is lightweight and Movable, so he can take it with him as a shield and use it for cover if he goes anywhere.
  13. "No thank you," Danica told Eira with near-aggressive levels of cheerfulness. "I think I would rather stay here and participate in the group exercise!" She turned to Agent Larrikin. "Could you show us a map of where the attacks have been so far, and would it be possible to include what kind of animal robot it was? I would be interested to see if they are using animal forms adapted to certain habitats and times of day, or if they're just using animal shapes at random."
  14. "They wouldn't hurt anything," Danica pointed out thoughtfully, "alligators don't live in this part of Texas. We're way too far west. I'd be a lot more worried about people killing any small reptile they saw just because they thought it might be an evil robot. Snakes have a bad enough reputation already, they're in way more danger from people than people are from them!" She looked over at Eira. "If they're robots, they're probably being controlled from somewhere, right? Could you, like, trace the signal or something, figure out where it's coming from?"
  15. "My folks are good, they're keeping really busy!" Danica told Yves as they headed to the car. The Segway was a new thing for Danica, back at Nicholson she'd mostly relied on being carried or teleported when she needed to get anywhere fast. Getting wheels had obviously been a big quality of life improvement, even if the upright scooter was a little tough to fit into the back of the van. "My mom's writing another book about tortoises, and my dad is doing a visiting professor thing at the university. I don't get to see Anna so much now that she's a senior, what's she going to be doing next year?" Ever the peacemaker, Danica left Eira the front seat without comment and climbed into the back, carefully buckling herself in for the trip.
  16. "Hi, nice to meet you, be right there!" Danica caroled. She seemed completely unconcerned with the spectacle she was making of herself, driving her Segway one handed in a manner that looked frankly dangerous while towing a large wheeled suitcase behind her with the other hand. She was doing a good job of it at least, navigating deftly through the small crowd as she made her way over to her erstwhile teammates. "I'm Danica!" she told Yves, balancing no-handed for a moment as she extended a hand to the agent. "Or Chelone, but you can call me Danica. Wait a second!" She blinked, then grinned. "I know you, you're Anna and Sophia's mom! Anna and I graduated from Nicholson together!"
  17. Danica had spent most of the flight playing hidden object games on her tablet or talking about how exciting it was to be finally going even close to the Southwest again. She'd grown up there, spent an unusually long time growing up there apparently, and found the climate much preferable to cold, wet New Jersey. She'd also shed her shell for the trip, since it was both eye-catching and entirely inappropriate for flying in a plane. It looked a little weird to see Danica without her shell on, she seemed very small and almost naked in a t-shirt and jeans. It didn't make her any faster, though, so she'd gate-checked her Segway and waited until all the other passengers had disembarked before making her very leisurely way out of the plane. As a result, it took a little while before she and Eira made it to baggage claim, even with the Segway speeding Danica up considerably. "Do we know who we're looking for?" she asked Eira as they neared the correct conveyor belt. "I don't see anybody with a sign... oh, suitcase!" She sped off to the belt to snag her suitcase before it slid back into the wall for another trip around.
  18. Chelone had missed part of the fight while shepherding the anxious children to a safe and out of the way location, but now she came barreling back at top speed, which was actually a quite respectable twelve miles an hour. "Stop, don't hurt the animals!" she insisted to her teammates. "The zookeepers will have tranquilizers, they can get them back in their cages!" She focused her own attention on the rhino, which looked stunned and somewhat pained, though not too much the worse for wear. With no visible trepidation she rode straight up to it and put one hand on its massive horn. "I'm sorry buddy," she told it soberly. "You never wanted any of this, did you. We'll help you get back to your nice enclosure, I promise."
  19. Chelone's tagging in, whee! Gonna scooter over to poor, traumatized Mr. Rhino and touch him (since he is dazed I think she can do this?) and use Emotion Control: Calm to nullify the effect on it and relax it. Her emotion control is not very powerful, but it does have a 25 foot burst radius centered around her, if anybody else is in range. The rhino (and anybody else) has to roll better than a 15 to beat the effect. Also, if the rhino beats it and charges her, she has Reflective on her fairly substantial impervious toughness, so it might knock itself out.
  20. "2025 at most," Danica interjected, just a little waspishly. "I guess if he doesn't get reelected, you can just tell everybody who you are? That'll be pretty weird too, especially after Ashley goes home, or to her new assignment or wherever." She folded her arms, then unfolded her arms, then picked up a cookie and shoved the whole thing into her mouth. She didn't like being lied to, and she didn't like feeling stupid because she'd believed Judy and Ashley's so--sad story. It was worse because she'd been thinking about inviting them to her place for the holidays, for pity's sake, because she felt bad they might not have anyplace to go! The sad story had probably been helpful, Danica realized ruefully, because most people wouldn't want to pry into things that might be painful. Really made a lie easier to swallow. It hadn't been necessary for her, though; she believed dumb things her friends told her all the time. Sure, she was better about it now than she'd been in middle school, when her friends who'd gotten old and turned into teenagers would tell her all kinds of ridiculous stories just to see how far they could string her along, but she didn't exactly have a world-class BS detector inside the ol' shell. Part of her wanted to do what she'd used to do back then, slide down into her shell and pout till she stopped feeling so mad and embarrassed, but that wasn't the mature thing to do. She wasn't sure what the mature thing was to do right now, or that she wanted to do it, but still. "Why tell us now?"" she finally asked, swallowing. "Did somebody find out?"
  21. Danica is spending an HP to activate Ultimate Check: Diplomacy, which will give her a 40 to her check. She also has Combat Diplomacy.
  22. Danica obligingly grew her shell a few sizes larger, so it was the size of one of the tents and quite easy to huddle inside. She herself, though, gently nudged Ashley aside and took a few slow steps forward to pick up Mr. Jorgensen's discarded megaphone. So far on this trip they had mostly used it to call people in for meals or to bother one another with loud noises, but on a planet with no cell reception, it was better than nothing. It was useful right now. She lifted it to her mouth and thumbed it on. "Friends!" she called, even her assisted voice half-lost in the tumult. "Friend birds, you remember the Star Flock, but don't you remember us too? We came last leaf-falling season and saw you flying, and the year before that, and before that! We put out birdseed and watched you roosting near the water for the night! We did not hurt you, only helped while we appreciated your beauty and strength!" Even through the megaphone she was startlingly persuasive. "We love your world and your wonderful nests, but we know it is yours and we are only visitors! We do not want your world, we do not want to hurt you or steal from you! Our gifts are good!" She picked up a piece of bread from the ground and put it in her mouth in a broad, slow gesture. "We want to be friends!" she finished, slightly muffled.
  23. Danica had been to the zoo many times since she'd moved to Freedom City, including several previous field trips. That didn't even make her a tiny bit less excited to be going to the zoo today, however! She'd filled any moment of silence the others had left during the van ride with facts about the zoo in general and about tortoises in specific, and by the time the driver had gotten her Segway unstoked and off the bus, she was all but vibrating with excited impatience. "Can we see the tortoises first?" she asked, climbing onto the scooter and steering it in a tight circle. "I want to see the new habitat! My parents helped consult on it, but I haven't seen it since they finished!"
  24. Paige double-checked her gear with cool efficiency, not exactly a fan of the red color but able to appreciate the engineering under the fire-engine aesthetic. "We've been to space a few times, but not particularly recently. Richard's not a huge fan." I've got Drammamine for you and I've downloaded the entire run of I Love the Eighties to play at 3x speed, she sent Richard. You'll be fine. "I assume our ship is outfitted with some sort of technology that will give us a shot at landing undetected?" Paige asked Rachel. "Otherwise we may not make it as far as the moon."
  25. "Well you can't be engaged to him if you're undercover, can you?" Danica asked, furrowing her brow as she considered the problem, momentarily forgetting that she was mad. She was not at all good with matters of love, romance and sex, but she'd watched a lot of her friends develop crushes and have relationships over the years. She'd also watched a massive amount of television, which provided lots of educational opportunities. "I mean, you don't have a real legal identity as Judy Smith, so you can't get married, and you can't get marred as Judy Cahill without revealing pretty much everything. Not just, like, your powers, but his powers, his background, the school, all of us... Did you watch the royal weddings in England? People get very, very into state weddings. You'd have to run away and get fake papers and elope or something like that."
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