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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "All right." Erin scooped up the baby with palpable relief, cuddling him to her shoulder as she checked over the injection site, which was nothing more than a little red. She headed for the door, Jack's little face peeping out from behind her hair, a lock of which he was grabbing and hanging onto like a rope. "Goodnight, Doctor Archeville," she said belatedly as she reached the door. It was very good to be able to close it behind her and leave those two to whatever they wanted to plot about.
  2. "Most of it," Stesha agreed. "There are some places where there are no plants at all, and some places that are so blighted it's actually physically painful to visit. I'm going to get to those areas last, I think, in my development plans. But there's still plenty to see." She started the tour by walking out the front door with him, an entrance he had not had occasion to use before. From the outside, Stesha's hideaway looked like a little leaf cottage done up in all shades of green and brown, with flowers growing in a carpet spreading out from it. There were other buildings as well nearby, some finished but rougher, some not completed at all. It looked as though she'd gone through several rough draft forms of her building before completing it, and had not yet repurposed or recycled her earlier work. "I keep seeds in there," she told him, pointing to one small building with no windows, "and gardening supplies, extra mulch, soil testers, things like that. And over here is my safe zone." Rather than walk the half mile, she touched his arm and teleported him into a big open field, ringed with flowers, that had various shelters set up around it and a thick hedge border. "I realized I needed someplace safe to be able to send civilians during a fight or a disaster. Leaving them inside the plants is too scary for them, even for a short time. So this is someplace that they can at least understand. And I wrote out some instructions." She pointed to a series of signboards along one side of the field, written in different languages. "There's food supplies over in that shelter," she pointed, "and some first aid supplies over there, and I'm hoping to get some sleeping bags when I can afford it, not that I plan on anyone having to stay that long, but you never know."
  3. When everyone was safely aboard, Erin sat in one of the jump seats next to Trevor and took a moment to put her face in her hands and do her breathing exercises. It was important to stay calm and controlled, she reminded herself. It was vital. They were in combat and on hostile territory, and she couldn't afford to let herself fall apart, no matter what dirty tricks the enemy tried to pull on her. It was hard to banish the images back to the dark corners of her mind, but she managed it one more time. "We don't know how much time we have before they figure out what happened. Their surveillance is probably pretty good, and they likely know exactly who we are. We need to get to ground for awhile, find someplace safe to regroup and get some intel of our own."
  4. Erin shuddered visibly at the doctor's words, taking a step forward before she pulled herself back to reality and made herself hold still. He wasn't going to kill the baby with a vaccination, that was stupid paranoia and fear talking. The baby was going to be fine, he was going to be protected from diseases and safe in his bed within a matter of minutes. That didn't mean she didn't want to go grab him away and take him someplace safer, but she was able to keep her peace at least outwardly and just watch.
  5. Erin could tell that the good doctor wasn't exactly impressed by her choice of career path, but what did he know, anyway? It made a lot more sense for someone who was actually smart to go to college than for someone who was only really good at fighting. She wasn't going to spend another four years as miserably behind and struggling as she had the past two, that was for sure. She took a few steps back to let the doctor work, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at the clock disapprovingly.
  6. "Oh, um... sure, I remember," Erin said, who had some vague recollection of seeing Grimalkin in the chaos that was the hospital. "It's nice to see you again. I'd love a tour from whoever." The crowd of strangers and near-strangers watching her made her nervous, but she told herself it was no worse than giving a presentation in class. Of course, she hated that, too. She noticed Eli and smiled at him, since at least she knew him more than the others.
  7. Erin finished destroying all the equipment on one side of the cube, and trusted that Trevor's cache of explosives would take care of the rest. She went back to the weakened exit point she'd made and began peeling back strips of impervium, effort evident in her face. She liked the effort, it made it easier to focus on the now, rather than on what life had to be like for the Erin who lived in this box. "He said something about cleverness and courage, proving ourselves more worthy or something," she recalled. "Maybe we need to fight our way out."
  8. "You're right, I know," Stesha said with a rueful smile, "and if something came up on our wedding day, some massive disaster or something, that would be one thing. But part of being together for a lifetime, and for the two of us, that could mean a really long time, is being there for the other person when it counts. I'm starting to wonder if he's ready for that. Something's telling me that maybe I should postpone the wedding until I can be sure. I love him, but I don't want to make a mistake about this. We've only been together for a year, which seems like forever, but really isn't that long..." As she listened to herself talk, Stesha realized she was venting all over the poor guy she'd only met a few weeks ago, stuff he couldn't possibly be interested or want to get involved in. She needed to make some new girl friends, maybe friends who weren't heroes. She missed Taylor and Moira badly, but what could any of them do, when they were so busy? Stesha shook her head. "Anyway, it's all going to work out sooner or later, I'm sure. Would you like a tour of what I've done around here so far? It's almost dark, but we've got a few minutes of light left."
  9. "It doesn't matter where we have it if the groom doesn't show up!" Stesha snapped suddenly, then colored. "I'm sorry, Quentin, I don't know where that came from. I guess I've been under a little more stress than I realized." She walked away from the window, sitting back down on the sofa with her crackers and cheese. "I've already booked the church I grew up with, back in my hometown. All my family and their families and all our friends will be coming. Most of them don't know about our second jobs, so having the ceremony out of the dimension would be out of the question. And this place has seasons that are a lot like Prime, and we're right over Freedom City here. A Thanksgiving wedding would be too cold." She cracked half a smile. "It would give me an excuse to go down and start beautifying the subtropics, I suppose."
  10. Stesha's face fell for a moment, for all she was quick to put a smile back on. "I'm not really sure," she admitted ruefully, "that's been part of the problem. "My friends are heroes too, and they're supposed to be my bridesmaids, but with them unavailable and Derrick gone, I haven't really had anyone to consult. Phantom's wedding reception was just awful, but it's because her husband has so many enemies, you had to expect one to try and ruin things." She shrugged. "I'm hoping that by having the wedding in Chicago instead of Freedom City, we'll avoid that. But I haven't even sent out the invitations yet, and it's only two months away. I'm a little worried that my co-guest of honor won't be in attendance."
  11. Stesha laughed. "I love it here as a retreat, don't get me wrong. It's quiet and safe and beautiful. But I also like things like running water I don't have to pump into a tank, and television, and grocery stores. And maybe I'm a city girl at heart, because after a few days here, it starts seeming too quiet, and lonely. There aren't many animals here, after whatever happened, so there's not even much in the way of birdsong or animal noises." She used a tieback to hold the window open, stepping aside so Quentin could look out. "And I love my job, too," she added. "Both of them, the florist work, and the hero work. Not only can I save the day, I can make the most important day of someone's life more beautiful for them." Stesha picked up her coffee. "It's hard to describe the feeling when you hand a bride the perfect bouquet that you made just for her, and her face lights up. Makes it all worth it." Looking over at him, she asked, "Would you give up teaching if another opportunity came along?"
  12. "No, I'm not going to college," Erin muttered, feeling obscurely embarrassed about the fact despite the fact that a college education wasn't really required in the field of beating people up. "I'm going to apply to join the Freedom League, start working right away." She watched Avenger interact with his son with an eagle eye, as though analyzing the danger posed even by her employer to her charge. "I think the blood's just like... an accent, right? There's not much of it."
  13. "Well, the cheese is from Prime," she told him, "I pulled it out of my fridge five minutes ago. But there are all kinds of different versions of Earth." She went to the window and rolled up the translucent leaf shade, to reveal the sheet of plastic that served as a pane. "This particular Earth was a sad specimen, some kind of ecological disaster a long time meant the whole thing was pretty shriveled up. I've been working on rehabbing the place, a few acres at a time. It's a good way to stretch out my abilities." She smiled back at him. "Like I said, practice is important."
  14. "I can only travel on Earth, and to other versions of Earth," Stesha admitted. "Once he gets off the planet, I can't follow him anymore. He's off somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, helping this one star empire fend off another maurauding star empire. Some alien species don't get as many superheroes as humans do, so he likes to help out. But sometimes he bites off more than he can chew, I think." She sighed. "His name is Derrick, but if you've heard of him, you probably know his code name, Dark Star."
  15. Stesha frowned into her coffee. "Oh, ups and downs, you know how it goes," she told him, trying to keep her tone relatively light. "My fiance has been gone almost full time for a couple of months now, I'm starting to feel like he's deployed instead of doing hero work. It's hard trying to plan the wedding when he's not around. And my two best friends have both just started new things in their lives and aren't available much these days either. "But I'm keeping busy," she told him, putting on a smile, "and it isn't as though there isn't plenty to do! If we could just get a break from this oppressive heat, I have so many plans for work with autumn foliage!"
  16. "Doubt comes with the territory," Stesha told him simply. "You're always going to wonder if you're doing the exactly right thing, or if you could be doing more with your powers, or even if what you're doing is even really helping, given all the bad things that happen in the world." She selected a cracker and a piece of cheese. "When you start thinking you're always right, I think that's the first step towards becoming a villain, because you stop double-checking yourself." She took a bite, then a thoughtful sip of coffee. "The heroing part does get easier," she added. "After the first few times, you start getting a feel for situations, if you understand what I mean, and sort of an instinct for what needs to be done. Part of it is simply getting practice in using your powers that way."
  17. Stesha went the easy way and stuck with coffee, pouring two cups and reaching into a large flower to pull out a block of cheese from her refrigerator at home. In a moment, she was sitting down opposite Quentin with coffee, cheese and crackers prepared. "There we go, not quite a wine tasting, but not too bad, I hope," she said with a smile. "How has the heroing been coming?"
  18. Erin startled at the appearance of a new potential threat, then sized Daisy up and obviously dismissed her. They were hardly in a position to be threatened with social ostracism at this point. "So you're saying," she murmured to Trevor, "that we dropped into our counterparts' lives? That some version of me was in that box, lives in that box, and they have the equipment set up so they can just- just show her those images anytime she doesn't do what they want?" Her face revealed the gradually dawning horror that came with that thought. Gently extricating herself from Trevor, she went back to the box and, starting with the equipment outside it, began methodically destroying the little slice of hell it represented. "You wanna give me a hand?" she asked her teammates.
  19. Erin studied him for a minute, reassuring herself that despite the mask, despite the circumstances, it was really Trevor behind that blank expanse of white. The voice, the words, the attitude... it was definitely him. She crossed the last distance between them and hugged him hard enough that it was just shy of painful for Trevor. "God, what kind of world is this?" she muttered into his shoulder, closing her eyes against the sight of the cage behind them. "What are we doing here?"
  20. "I've wanted to do this a long time," Erin said, and from the way his eyes widened, he was surprised to even hear her talk. "And now I finally actually have a reason." She launched herself at him, but at the last moment veered aside, leaping up to the suspended equipment hanging from the ceiling. She flipped around it and redirected all that energy, diving down at him fists-first before he could even think to move. He was unconscious before they even hit the ground. "Guys?" she called into the darkness, hoping to hear from her teammates.
  21. Erin will do a skill mastered acrobatic bluff to try and catch Archer flat-footed. That's a DC 28 check for him. She will then attempt to do a regular attack, not power attacking, because the sucker is weak but fast. Didn't like the first roll, spending an HP. That's a 25. DC 29 Toughness save.
  22. Erin still had little idea what was going on, but even with a freakishly odd costume, she recognized Trevor's voice as he stepped into the mist-cleared area below her. Mark and Trevor, and apparently on her side... they'd been there in the dream, it seemed to make sense. "Let's get the hell out of..." she started to agree, then flattened herself to the cage as a hail of bullets passed just over her head. There was the enemy. Trusting her ears to take her where her eyes could not, she launched herself from the roof of the cage, straight at the one who had called for the volley. She landed on him and bowled him over, then laid into the goons with her bare hands. It was hard to remember to pull her punches with the images of death and zombies crowding into her head, but she'd been very, very well trained over the past year and a half. As she finished off the last of the goons and sent him tumbling to the floor, she came face to face on the edge of the miasma with the man who had done that training. Or at least, a reasonable facsimile of him. "Archer," she grated.
  23. "Um, they're fine," Erin said, watching Avenger's odd way of dealing with his son. Was that some kind of warped vampire thing? She was suddenly glad that she rarely saw the Farettis actually interacting with their son, or she might have been more worried about babysitting. At least it didn't seem to be hurting the baby... well, maybe his social development, but nothing worse than that. "Just getting into senior year at Claremont." This whole situation was giving her the creeps, father and doctor and baby all together.
  24. Erin looked around, a little overwhelmed by the influx of Interceptors. "Hi, everybody," she said to the room in general. "I'm not really thinking about joining up, I'm pretty busy with Young Freedom right now, but Fulcrum invited me to see where you all live. It seems nice so far. Is he really your brother?" she asked Jill, her tone a little more disbelieving than might have been totally flattering to Jack. It did sort of surprise her how many of the Interceptors she knew already, but even in a town like Freedom City, the hero community just wasn't that big.
  25. "I don't have a very refined palate," Stesha admitted with a smile, "all my wines are sweet ones. I've got a young Riesling here that's supposed to be decent, a bottle of white zin, and some port that claims it's going to taste like blackberries. I've also got some cheese and crackers that I can grab, but it's cheddar and Ritz, nothing fancy. I only eat recreationally," she explained, "so I don't keep a lot on hand." She leaned against the counter while the coffee brewed. "And in my real life, I'm a florist. Which I imagine wouldn't be too hard to guess," she admitted with a laugh.
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