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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "She looks fine," Aaron said, giving Marcie a disapproving look. "Anyway, we've got a lot to do. Let's buckle down and concentrate on the exercise while we're doing it, and talk about... whatever, after we're done." He tapped a string of commands into the Doom Room, then pressed his hand against the palm plate. The door irised open silently and he walked inside, already unholstering his tonfas. Erin moved to follow him, then fell back instead to lean in close to Trevor. With one eye on Mark, she whispered "You don't think he's going to pull a Faith again, do you?"
  2. Erin looked quite relieved to hear Jack Sr. enter the house. She took a few steps back from the table and watched as the doctor removed his instruments. "He's fine," she told Jack as he came into the room. "But he's tired. He's not going to like getting messed with tonight. Especially not with the shots." She cuddled the sleepy baby and gave the doctor another suspicious look. "You could do it another time."
  3. Erin let go of Trevor's hand to take a closer, baffled look at her own. "I never really thought about it," she told Marcie. "I guess so, I never get calluses or sunburn or anything." She took the coffee from Tricia and took a big gulp without regard to the heat. "Thank you, it's great," she told Tricia. Aaron accepted a cup as well, but merely held onto it without drinking. "Thanks, Tricia," he said to his teammate, then did a quick double-take at the look of her eyes. She looked strange, a little alien with her gamine features and ebony sclera, but not so strange that he couldn't pick up on her uncertainty. He smiled at her, playing it off as though he didn't notice anything too unusual. Looking for a distraction, he glanced over at Mark and Marcie and raised one eyebrow, a gesture that had Erin turning and taking a second look. The two Lucases looked very pleased with themselves, which was hardly unusual, but they also appeared to have switched capes, so that Mark was now wearing Marcie's little half-cape, while Mark's long cape trailed around Marcie's ankles. "That's a new look for you, Mark," Erin observed mildly, taking another drink of coffee.
  4. Aaron scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Fast, she's very fast, and versatile. Not a frontline fighter like Michelle and Jamie and I, but she comes up with a lot of unexpected tricks and solutions for different problems. And she's good for sweeping henchmen and goons, you know? Sort of like how her grandma did, back in the day. And she's really a distraction." He coughed. "I mean, you can count on her to distract the bad guys and give you a better shot at them, you know." "Sounds a lot like the way you fight, Trev," Erin said with a nod. "It sounds like we're pretty similar all across the board." She looked speculatively at her counterpart, looking as though she was contemplating the best way to take him down. Just for sparring purposes, of course.
  5. Aaron shrugged, a gesture he shared exactly with his counterpart. "I've trained with the escrima sticks," he told Trevor, "but the fast rattan sticks are too flimsy, and any sticks that are strong enough don't have good flexibility. I like the versatility from the tonfas, but I can fight with most weapons." Beside Trevor, Erin nodded agreement to that assessment. Aaron patted one of the tonfas. "These are specially designed," he admitted, "to let me work without worrying about hurting anyone. Do you use the bo too, the way Tricia does?"
  6. "Cream and sugar," both the Whites answered in unison. Erin glanced at Aaron, who answered with a one-shoulder shrug. Neither of them were entirely fond of coffee, but they drank it to be sociable, when suitably doctored. As they walked, Erin squeezed Trevor's fingers lightly and relaxed just a little bit. They might be in unknown territory, but it was nice to have someone watching her back. Aaron watched them thoughtfully, then turned and moved ahead of the group a little bit, easy to do with his speed and long legs.
  7. Once they were out of the car, Erin didn't feel Mark's urge to pal around closely with her counterpart. Instead, she gravitated closer to Trevor and kept a careful eye on their surroundings. It seemed like a benevolent enough place, but looks could be deceiving. "Maybe we could just keep it simple, not work out a whole bunch of elaborate scenarios," she suggested. "Things are surreal enough as it is, you know?" Aaron felt a similar degree of muted paranoia, though he was comfortable with the surroundings and slightly suspicious of the newcomers. They seemed benign, but looks could be deceiving. He kept an eye on his teammates, making sure they were within reach in case something bad happened and he had to step in. Marcie certainly didn't seem concerned, but she often relied on her luck to get her out of bad situations when a little prudence would've kept her safe. "We can just do a sparring program down in the Doom Room, with computer opponents if we need them," he suggested.
  8. "What are we supposed to do until then, though?" Erin demanded. "We have to get back. We've got training to do, and I have English homework, and Oliver is going to be hungry." Aaron ran a hand over his close-cropped hair. "Well, I have English homework too," he offered, "it's probably the same thing. Book report, right?" "Yeah," Erin responded with a half smirk, "but I don't think the teacher's going to be impressed if I come back with a report about Gina and Philimina in A Separate Peace. And they don't give extensions for being thrown across dimensions, I've tried that one before." "Fiona," Aaron corrected with a shrug, "but yeah. You all can train with us, anyway. That doesn't change, probably."
  9. "Far as I know, he's still at that church in Lantern Hill," Erin said with a shrug. "Saint Stephen's, the one he appeared at on Christmas. I went there to ask him some questions about, you know, heaven and stuff. He makes pretty bad muffins, but I guess if you've never cooked before, you've got to start from somewhere." She poked a cherry tomato with her fork. "And I think if it's bad enough, any hero's going to be affected by it. It's just that eventually you see enough that you stop being scared by anything less bad."
  10. Erin colored, while Aaron mostly just looked confused. "Ah, yeah, Trevor and I are you know, going out." It was weird to actually say it, but then, nobody had actually asked before. She was also distracted by what Aaron had said about where he came from, and how their backgrounds seemed to be so similar. She chewed on her lip for a minute, then leaned in and murmured to Aaron, "What happened to your family?" Aaron's face closed down for a moment, going blank and still. He didn't talk about his past with anyone, except a few short words with Alex, his roommate. But if anybody could understand, maybe it was this version of himself. "The flu with Mom," he murmured, "then Dad in the attack, and Michael..." He pursed his lips, an expression Erin unconsciously mimicked. "What about yours?" "About the same," she murmured back. "I guess the universes are all pretty close together. Sucks." "Yeah," he agreed. They both turned, looking out opposite windows.
  11. It took Erin a minute to parse that question. Aaron stepped in with a little more explanation. "We've noticed that there seem to be, you know, two axes of dimensions, well, at least that many. There's an X axis, that we're on, and a Y axis, where everyone is gender reversed, where you guys came from. And on those axes, all the universes near them are similar, but different in certain ways. In this universe, I'm not, um, not from here. She wants to know if you're the same way." He looked at Erin, and they shared a moment of perfect unspoken understanding of things neither of them wanted to talk about. "Um, yeah," Erin told Marcie. "I'm an immigrant in my universe, too. I guess things along the two axes, or whatever you call them, must be similar in a lot of ways except for everyone being opposite genders. That's kinda weird."
  12. Erin stood down when no immediate threat presented itself, collapsing her bat with a practiced twirl, then sliding it into its holster. Opposite her, her counterpart was doing the same thing, putting away his weapons in one smooth motion. They studied each other for a long minute, mingled interest and suspicion on both their faces. Aaron and Erin both had more than a passing familiarity with dimensional travel, but that didn't make either of them more comfortable about it. Finally Aaron looked over at his teacher. "All right, what do we need to do?" he asked. Since that was Erin's question as well, she simply nodded agreement.
  13. "A few weeks," Erin told the doctor, juggling the baby in one arm as she helped clear off the table. She moved like someone who was comfortable with babies, or at least this baby, though some of that might have been due to her general superhuman grace. "He tries to bite me sometimes, but he can't break the skin, so he's sort of given up on it. And he can, you know, recognize people in the dark without them talking, so he's got some kind of sense that lets him do that. But he doesn't act sick or anything, if that's what you mean. He's tired." She looked really skeptical when the doctor talked about giving the baby his vaccinations, though she knew intellectually that the immunizations were good for the baby and that none of them were going to do anything horrific to him. They were all tested, millions of babies every year got them and were fine. Still though, she hesitated rather than laying the baby down in the cleared space on the table. "What kind of vaccinations are you giving him?" she asked.
  14. Despite Erin's best efforts, she was unable to hold onto the Y-frame with everything in the universe seeming to distend and distort around her. She lost her grip and was sucked in, tumbling through the gate and across a floor that was curiously familiar. She came up with her bat in hand, extended to its full five foot length, ready to fight. She found herself face to face with a tall young man, extremely cut beneath a blue and gold uniform, holding a silver nightstick in each hand and looking about as concerned and confused as she felt. He looked really familiar. It took Erin a second to realize that he looked a lot like old pictures she'd seen of her father, except with no hippy hair. She glanced around, taking in the other people in the room, the different pictures on the walls... nothing seemed to click. "Who are..." "you?" Aaron asked, directly in time with the girl he was facing off against. She looked... well, he couldn't quite place her, but something about her was more than a little familiar. She definitely looked capable of holding her own in a fight, to judge by the muscles under her blue and gold uniform and the practiced way she held her long baton. He looked to Marcie and Tricia, hoping one of them would have an answer.
  15. Earth XX "Being able to fix a car is a good skill for anyone," Aaron maintained, tapping the last bit of the X-shaped frame into place. "You never know when you'll need to fix it and there's no mechanic around." A briefly troubled look crossed his face, but he shook it off and replaced it with a smile for the girls. "All right, that's that," he announced, taking a step back as the frame began to glow. "Now the question is... Earth Prime "...What do we do with it?" Erin asked, hopping off the glowing Y-frame and studying it uncertainly. "Do we know exactly what's there on the other side? It could be something dangerous." Even as she spoke, the light seemed to brighten, as though someone had turned on a lamp in the next dimensional room. She tensed, but nothing else happened, the frame just stood there and glowed.
  16. Earth Prime Erin gave Trevor a quick smile and a light touch on the arm when he arrived, before turning back to the assembly of the confusing machine. "Things are pretty good," she told Mark. "Keeping busy with the school year starting. This is probably more your cup of tea than mine, Trev," she admitted. "You want to take a look at this, and maybe we'll get done sometime before the end of the..." Earth XX "Afternoon, Tricia," Aaron greeted Tricia with a half smile. He hefted a coil of cables into place above the X-shaped frame, balancing them easily with one hand. "I think we can get this put together if we put our heads together. How's it going with the bike?"
  17. Earth Prime "Sure," Erin murmured, keeping her voice low enough that the teacher wouldn't hear. "Anything that gets me out of a semester of science classes is cool with me." She went over to the Y-frame and looked at the equipment set up around it. She had no idea what any of it was, so she began laying it out, putting like pieces together, figuring that either someone would come along who knew how to put it together, or Mark would somehow suss it out. "I just hope we can maybe not get shot at quite as much as when Trevor and I went on that field trip with Dark Star..." Earth XX "... and we wound up in the middle of an invasion." Aaron shook his head. "White Star headed them off, but Tricia and I had to protect the younger students and the civilians." He looked at the large white X-shaped frame. "I wonder what exactly we're going to be doing."
  18. "So are you going to move out of Freedom City?" Erin asked curiously. "That's sort of the same thing I heard from Freedom Angel, that some places don't have enough superheroes, but here we all are in Freedom City where there's tons of them. I've been wondering if maybe I should move somewhere else when I graduate, just because there are places that need more hero types."
  19. Erin chases down Superior for her full round action. Spend HP to surge and attack. Charging power attack, first roll is awful. HP reroll is also awful, but equals 25. DC 34 Toughness Save.
  20. Erin didn't hesitate, racing after Superior at her best foot speed. She was fast enough to follow the golden trail of light through the corridors, running pell-mell without concern for her surroundings. If Superior had been laying a trap for her, she'd have sped into it headfirst. Luckily, though, when she caught up with him, he seemed more concerned with beating in a wall labeled "Hangar Deck." Without breaking stride, she charged into him, trying to knock him away from the wall.
  21. "Okay, I'll go let him in," Erin agreed. "See you when you get here." Returning to the front door, she opened it wider and stood aside to let Archeville in. "He says you can come in," she reported, "and get started in the library. He'll be here in a few minutes. I'll show you where it is." With the baby snuggled into one arm and staring owlishly at the doctor, Erin led Archeville through the house and into the nicely appointed library. "I guess we're just supposed to clear the books and stuff off the table so you can work there."
  22. "Things are okay here," Erin reported, "the baby had his bottle and is about to fall asleep. And yeah, that's the guy. I guess you don't need to be here or anything, unless you want to ask him questions about the baby or anything. I can write down whatever he says, or you can call him later." She thought it was a little weird that Jack Jr's parents wouldn't be there for his doctor appointments, but it was kind of a weird family. They paid her a lot of money though, and the baby was healthy and happy, so she wasn't going to say anything about it.
  23. "Okay. Stay there." Erin stepped back from the door and closed it, leaving the good doctor standing in the yard. It was a nice night, she figured, he'd be okay. "It's all right," she told the sleepy Jack Jr. as she hunted up the phone. "Doctors are good guys, most of the time. We just have to make sure that this one is okay before we let him poke at you." She gave the baby a kiss on his fuzzy head, then dialed the phone. "Mr. Faretti? This is Erin. There's a doctor here who wants to look at Jack, and I said I had to ask you."
  24. "I heard about that, but I didn't pay very much attention," Erin admitted. "That was right when I was getting ready to move to the school, so it kept me pretty busy. How do you do stories like that without getting superheroes involved? Don't people think it's really unrealistic not to have any superheroes there when disasters happen or villains attack? Or are there no superheroes in your comic book world?" She was making excellent progress on her salad while listening to the older heroine talk.
  25. Erin looked somewhat unconvinced, not closing the door but taking a step back and keeping her body between doctor and infant. "I got the idea it was kind of an emergency, they called me up tonight and asked if I could watch him, then had me take the teleporter out here. Maybe they forgot about the appointment. You want me to call them and see what they want to do?"
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