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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin came back out in time to admire the car as well, holding an ice cream cone that had been very sloppily dipped in chocolate magic shell. Most of the cone portion was chocolate coated as well, but she'd made up for that with extra napkins. "Really nice car," she echoed Trevor, then looked between him and James. "So what are we here to talk about?" she asked, mostly to James. She'd have liked to examine the car a little more, but her hands were pretty sticky at the moment from her epic struggle with the soft-serve machine.
  2. Erin took the phone and looked at the pictures. "That's pretty cool," she decided. "One of my friends' mom is the writer and artist for Andy Comics, she wrote us all in for a couple of adventures last year. I don't know if you would know her, but she's nice." She handed back the phone and shrugged as they walked. "I haven't got anything lined up," she admitted. "I guess probably the Freedom League, they give people who work for them enough to live on anyway. If I don't make it there, I'll do something else, maybe travel for awhile." That sounded a lot better than "live in my truck," she figured. "I like reading, and cars, and I have a cat." That pretty much summed up her life, which was kind of sad. "Mostly I train and do schoolwork and hero work."
  3. Ouch, Erin rolls an 11. Using Accurate Hearing to try and figure out what's going on as she gets walloped by whatever they're doing. :D
  4. "Sorry about that," Stesha said with a grimace, brushing herself off as though trying to shake off the aura of that world. "Yeah, let's get back on the horse. I'm glad you were with me though, I might have decided to go exploring, and that probably wouldn't have ended well." With a little sigh, she centered herself again, thought about other worlds. "Maybe this time we can try for one without people?" she suggested. "Maybe one without a lot of anything, but that still has air and light and plants. I seem to be able to zero in on those a little bit better."
  5. "Bout a mile," Erin said with a half shrug. "They haven't tested me on that lately, but I've been working on it. And lunch is good, wherever you want to go." She seemed slightly more relaxed now, with the painful questions over and outside Summers' presence. "What do you do?" she asked, "when you're not heroing, I mean. Do you have a job somewhere, or how do you make money?" Fulcrum was really strong, and way too big to really pass in a secret identity. Money was something that always weighed on Erin's mind, and even more so now as senior year approached. "Do the Interceptors pay you?"
  6. "Nice," Erin murmured to Trevor, then sprang into motion. Little more than a blur of color in the air, she was on the one alert man in the first group in half a second. This was an ugly boar-like creature with a squat head and large tusks, which Erin punched him right in between. Without a chance to fire his weapon, he went tumbling harmlessly to the platform. With him down, it was the work of just moments to disable the rest of the group, who were less trained, confused, and frightened by the inexplicable things happening all around them. They certainly seemed to believe that death was all around them.
  7. Okay, Erin's going to take out the main mook and all the minions in that group, then.
  8. Erin's going to leap onto the first group's one alert member and try to take him out immediately. Full out power attack. First roll is horrible, so I'm spending an HP. Second roll is also horrible, but a 22. DC is 34, and he is down 2 on his checks from the intimidate.
  9. Erin gave Trevor a quick smile, even as she looked a little concerned. "This is John's first day, we were showing him around the place and helping him find his room. She resisted the urge to ask Trevor if he was feeling okay, figuring he'd probably deny anything in front of a bunch of people. Guys were kind of like that. He looked a little rugged, though. "You want to come along?"
  10. Erin spent a couple of minutes looking at the various ice cream dispensing implements while James and Trevor talked outside. She abruptly remembered that she had not yet had a chance to talk to Trevor about what she and James had talked about on his spaceship the other day. Not that she wanted to betray a confidence, but there was no reason to leave Trevor in the dark to flounder around and maybe make things more awkward than they needed to be. That was the reasoning, anyway, but she hadn't quite worked her way up to saying anything about it yet. Oops. "Hey James!" she called. "Do you know how to work any of these things? I'd hate to break your ice cream store."
  11. Erin pursed her lips for a moment. "I... I'm not sure that's very reassuring," she admitted, but her double was gone before she could explain or elucidate, the portal sealing up behind her. It wasn't that hard, she guessed, to imagine worlds where she was worse off. If she hadn't been taken in or been able to stay at Claremont, she didn't know what she'd have done. If she hadn't made it off her own world at all... Well, there were apparently Erins out there who were stronger than she was, and had either elected to go on living anyway, or hadn't figured out how to die. Either way, it wasn't a good thought. And the idea of a world where everyone had her powers... well that was just weird. She wondered what they would remake of that world. It took a few minutes before Erin was centered enough to resume her patrol, and even then, she was a little distracted for the rest of the evening. She hoped Steelgrave did come, she thought recklessly. Not for Mark, not for the team as a whole, but for her. She had a score to settle, not only for herself, but for the other versions of herself he'd vented his frustration on. Next time they met, one of them wouldn't leave the encounter.
  12. "That's good to hear," Erin murmured. And it was, it was always good when her family hadn't died, but was she the only Erin who hadn't managed to hold onto and protect any part of her family? "I'll keep an eye out for Steelgrave, and warn any other Erins I happen to run into. If you do start a counteroffensive and can get back over here, I'm in, any time and anywhere. Two billion superpowered people... you should have a pretty good base to work from."
  13. Erin looked at him blankly for a moment, then laughed. "Since when do you own a Dairy Queen?" she asked, "or did you buy it just for the occasion?" She wasn't about to turn down free ice cream, so she took the keys from him and headed inside. Walking into a dark fast food restaurant gave her a momentary jolt, but the lights came right on when she flipped the switch, and it smelled like antiseptic cleaner and waffle cones, a fairly nice smell. "I have always wanted to try one of those ice cream shell dippers."
  14. "Mark's a probability controller," Erin explained, somewhat ruefully. "His powers let him manipulate the way anything with an element of chance to it is going to turn out. Which comes in very handy in a fight, believe me. It's also why he just happened to be flying through the air right where Mike and I were nearby and able to catch him before he hurt himself. It's kind of weird, but you get used to it." Erin could understand, more or less, that part of Mark's powers. The developing part, the black-dots power, was one she wasn't quite sure she understood or wanted to understand.
  15. Erin was very curious about James' clandestine meeting. Meeting in a Dairy Queen wasn't exactly his style, and though he could certainly sneak around when he wanted to, not that she was thinking too hard about that, he rarely kept his hero activities too much on the down-low. She arrived exactly on time at the restaurant, parking her truck in the front and heading over to wear James waited, totally inconspicuous in her civilian clothes. "There are places in this town with better ice cream," she pointed out drolly, then leaned on the edge of the table to wait.
  16. With the tactical situation being what it was, Erin drew up short before making the final leap that would take them back into the fight. "We need a distraction," she murmured, kneeling on a branch and keeping a hand on Trevor's arm as she watched the invaders group up. "It looks like they're not paying much attention to the place where we put the other students, but that could change. If you can rig something distracting to let me get in there, I'll go in and clean up the bad guys, and you can make sure nobody goes after the students and the whatever-their-names-are, the sloth people."
  17. "I'll keep an eye out," Erin promised, "but as soon as I can get the resources together and figure out some kind of plan, I'm going after Steelgrave and Friendly where they live. Better that than waiting for him to get the drop on me sometime and having to fight him on his terms." She hesitated, but knew she couldn't resist satisfying the need to know. "What about Mom and Megan on your world? What happened to them?"
  18. "Two billion... what?" Erin asked, totally confused for a moment, before the lightbulb went on. "Uncle Aaron's vaccine. That was the vaccine that was distributed, and not the other one. And everyone who was vaccinated had the same thing that happened to me happen? Wow..." She was quiet for a minute, thinking about that. "Yeah, I'd say you're pretty well set if Steelgrave ever comes after you. You'll kick his ass. What do you want me to do, though?"
  19. "You did better than we did, then," Erin said shortly. "But I've taken on Steelgrave before. He's a coward and uses dirty tactics, but if you catch him by surprise, he's not that tough. I'd have had him if he hadn't leapt into a goddamn volcano to get away from me." She studied the other Erin. She wanted to ask if her mom had made it, if Megan had made it. But she didn't know if she really wanted to know how close she'd been to not losing everything. "Do you know where to find him?" she asked instead.
  20. "Wait... people lived in your world?" Erin asked, totally taken off guard by her double's words. "After the plague, there were still people alive? Yeah, you probably are being targeted by the Terminus, Physician Friendly and his bastard buddies let the plague loose in the first place. But don't bother with the native Erin here. Her world, this world, is happy and normal, and that means she never got any superpowers. I'm the best you're gonna do, I guess."
  21. Erin put her hand on her bat. "Why should I tell you anything?" she demanded. "I have no way of knowing you are who you say you are, or what you're doing here. I imagine there are versions of me in evil universes too. Why do you have an Atom Family uniform on?" Erin had a lot more questions, but that was enough to start with. The last thing she was going to do was put this... whoever this person was onto the trail of a happy Erin who didn't even have superpowers.
  22. Erin gave the doppelganger a very suspicious look. What the hell was going on here? The double looked a lot like her, exactly like her except for the uniform, but that just made things more sketchy. It could be a villain, or a Grue. "Of course I am," she said, her voice short. "I come from a parallel universe. What exactly do you want?"
  23. "All right, not a problem at all." Fleur said cheerfully. "Just give me your hand and I can take you there now." She waited for Aiko to gather her things if needs be, then took the robot girl's hand and teleported. There was a quick rush of overwhelming green and the smell of fresh-cut grass, and then they were on the lawn outside Claremont's administrative building. A moment later, one of the flowers in a nearby bed started to grow. It sprouted up to six feet tall with a six foot bloom, then bowed over to the ground and gently regurgitated Aiko's deactivated "sisters." They looked a little pollen-dusted, but otherwise none the worse for wear for their long storage.
  24. "Only if you don't catch it," Erin pointed out with a chuckle. "Or if you try to hit it with your head, I guess. That would not be good. You mentioned earlier that you play sports, right? What kind of stuff do you play? There are some intramural teams here, you might be able to get on one if you don't end up being too busy with school and training and all that stuff. Not so much in the summer, but when the students come back."
  25. Erin's going to take two rounds to get back into the conflict. First round move action will be a 425 foot jump or so, to land them 300 feet up in the trees and 300 feet away from the epicenter of the conflict. Standard action will be total defense. Second round she will jump back the 300 feet and 100 feet in the air, so around a 320 foot jump. At the apex, Trevor will activate Midnight Mist and give them concealment as they drop onto whatever platform has the most bad guys on it. Total defense for the standard action again. With luck, it'll be a surprise round action and start initiative order over, but that's Cy's call.
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