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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin reached out and gently pried Mark off the new kid, pulling him back and putting an awkward arm around him. "It's okay Mark," she repeated, keeping one eye out for black dots on the horizon. "The guy just retired. If he's eighty-five, he's certainly due for some leisure time, right? And now you get to work with the new one, like your dad or grandpa worked with the old one. That's pretty cool."
  2. "I'm not cleared for missions involving the undead or zombies of any kind," Wander admitted, pursing her lips. "If one comes in, I have to stay on campus or in Young Freedom Headquarters. But we could check the bridges, do a patrol or something like that," she agreed. No matter how awkward it felt, Erin was determined by now to try and make things work out. If, maybe when, things failed, at least she could say she'd done her best. "Or lunch," she added.
  3. Fulcrum could feel the very faintest flinch from Wander at the pat on the shoulder, but otherwise the young hero didn't react. She shifted her gaze off into the trees and shoved her hands into her pockets. "There's stuff messed up in me that's never going to heal," she replied simply. "But Dr. Marquez is fixing me so I can get along here, use my powers without hurting people and be a superhero. And that helps. If you can make me a better hero, that helps too. I don't really want to talk about this," she admitted, though that was hardly a revelation.
  4. "I saw that church, it was beautiful," Fleur enthused. "I need to get back there sometime. There are so many beautiful places in the world..." She glanced over at the giant daffodil as it swayed in the breeze. "It makes up for the small ugliness of guys like that. But somebody still has to be around to clean up the mess they make. Would you like me to dump this guy in holding at the police station for you?"
  5. "Got it," Erin nodded, moving to the other side of the door. She didn't have Mike's phenomenal strength, but she was no slouch in the muscles department. "Find us a lever," she told James, setting her own fingers to the other side of the door and beginning to pull as well. The strain was as evident in her voice as in her taut muscles and set expression. "Something to push with, and something to block the door open..."
  6. Erin swore as she dodged one blast and was tagged harmlessly by another, the flashes of light burning away some of the mist as they went and bathing everything in a deep grey fog. It gave her just enough vision to see Trevor be hit, to see him fall down. With her heart in her throat, Erin scooped him up and leapt off the platform entirely, dropping to the ground far below the canopy and the invaders. She flexed her knees as she landed to cushion the shock to her passenger, then set him down against the massive trunk of the nearest tree. "Are you okay?" she asked, keeping one eye on the sky.
  7. Fleur waved a hand humorously. "Well, I wouldn't say Freedom City does a bad hot dog exactly. They're okay, especially if you don't know what you're missing. But there's noplace else in the world that you can get a Chicago dog or a Chicago style pizza. That's why they're called that!" She laughed, feeling relaxed and energized in the light of the miniature sun. "So where in Sardinia do you come from? Where are the best places to visit? I'm always looking for new things to see and try."
  8. Erin looked around uneasily, but they were alone in a patch of trees with nobody around to listen in. Coming to a halt as well, she straightened her spine and locked one hand around the opposite wrist behind her back. Concentrating on some distant point over Fulcrum's shoulder and off in the sky, she said, "It was instinct. I saw a zombie, and I had to kill it. I spent fifteen months, give or take, where it was just me and the zombies, and if I hadn't learned to kill them without thinking, kill them when I was half asleep, kill them in the dark, in the rain or snow, when I could barely even see them, I would've died. I'm in therapy now, they're fixing me. But I wasn't expecting Dead Head, and when it came lurching at me, I just reacted."
  9. "The Beekeeper has Ace, who he thinks is me, inside Freedom Hall!" Stesha reported breathlessly over the comm. "We have to get in there and help him before the Beekeeper figures out what happened and does something really drastic. I'm going to try and get rid of some of these bees..." As she spoke, she looked to the humongous flower that the hypnotized bees had gathered around. Its petals suddenly sprang shut like a massive and colorful Venus Flytrap, swallowing down the massive insects in one great gulp. "That's the best I can do for now," she reported. "Let's go!"
  10. "And no bat," Erin added. "It doesn't work on robots, so I have to use my hands." She hesitated about answering Fulcrum's question, but figured that if this was going to work at all, she had to spill something. "The precision I have now is from training," she said. "When I got to Prime, the only fighting I knew how to do was fighting for my life, and when you learn that way, you don't pull any punches. The things I used to fight couldn't be knocked down or knocked out. They had to be destroyed. But I've learned a lot since then. Control and finesse... well, most of the time," she admitted. "I'm still working on it." She shoved the bat back in her belt and ran her fingers through her hair, thinking uncomfortably about the rather lackluster showing she'd made before.
  11. "He said he wanted me to be sure I could tell you apart from the zombies I've seen before," Erin said with a shrug. "When you're dressed like that, and your arms aren't falling off, anyway, you don't look like a zombie. It doesn't bother me as much to have to deal with you. If we were in a fight together, I wouldn't be distracted by trying not to see you as one of the bad guys, so I think that's pretty good. I mean, it's not like I'm the only one to make that mistake, right? I know you've gotten into a fight with another hero at least once and probably more over a misunderstanding. Put on the uniform, and maybe you won't have to deal with that anymore."
  12. Erin sighed. "You got him last time, I got this one," she told Mike, then zoomed out the front door. Out the wide window, it was possible to see her look up, make a prodigious leap straight up into the air, and come down a moment later, holding a tall, good-looking boy in a costume and cape. Both of them reentered the office a moment later, nonchalant about the whole thing. "You know you're not supposed to try those things out without a super-scientist around," Erin was chiding Mark. "Anyway, here's the new guy. John, this is Mark. Mark, John."
  13. Erin makes one Reflex save and misses one. Evasion means she's fine for the one she makes. Toughness save, DC 24: 1d20+14=26. No Damage
  14. "It's not a team uniform, it's a practice uniform," Erin admitted, a little uncomfortably. Well, more uncomfortably. "Claremont students can use them when they're training until they get a uniform of their own. I'm the only one on Young Freedom or Next Gen who wears it to do actual hero work. It's pretty plain anyway, blue and yellow aren't exactly rare colors in hero uniforms. I really doubt anyone's going to think of it as a teenager costume." She let the rest of his complaints go unremarked.
  15. "I'm just glad everything turned out all right," Persephone said with satisfaction, falling in beside him as he walked. "We should have your friends over more often! Maybe you could have a party up here and invite everyone. There's plenty of room, and I could lay in extra supplies with some notice! For the moment, how would you feel about those cookies? I had to put them off with all the trouble earlier, but they're ready to put in the oven."
  16. Persephone looked at him with guileless blue eyes. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean, James. If you're asking if I cut the power as a precautionary measure when the malfunction light went on in the aft engine, then the answer is of course I did. I care about your safety far too much to ever endanger you or allow you to endanger yourself. Even beyond my own personal feelings, I'm programmed to care for your well-being above all else."
  17. Erin grimaced and looked away from the amputated hand attempting to worm its way along the ground. "How about not getting yourself tied to an operating table in the first place?" she suggested. "That works pretty well for most people. And if you're getting most of your clothes seventh-hand from dumpsters, I don't think you're probably that picky about colors. It's sturdy, that's what you need, isn't it?"
  18. As soon as Erin was gone, Persephone appeared, stepping down from her screen on the wall. "I thought that was very well done," she told James. "You were very brave! I mean, it's a shame she already has a boyfriend and it would be wrong to come between them, but you still feel what you feel, right? And now that you've verbalized your feelings and she didn't return them, you don't have to worry about what-ifs and might-have-beens! It was a very healthy thing to do," she decided with a definitive nod of her sparkly blonde head.
  19. "I will," Erin promised, stepping onto the teleporter spot. Despite all the power difficulties earlier, the teleporter seemed to be in fine working order now, the board lit and green. "And... thanks for telling me," she told him. It didn't exactly make her happy to know, and it sure didn't make her life any easier, but she'd have felt worse not to know and to have found out later, probably after having done a bunch of stupid stuff. "I'll see you later." The transporter activated, and she disappeared with a quick shimmer of light.
  20. Fleur grinned at him. "I appreciate it, but in an emergency, it might be nice to have a way to get in touch. If you ever get a dedicated phone number, give me a ring. And speaking of wringing," she grimaced, "I think it's about time to go home and squeeze a few gallons of water and mud out of my clothes. It was very nice meeting you. I hope we work together again sometime soon."
  21. "Most of the time my work is a lot lower key," Fleur replied with a laugh. "I do a lot of park beautification, perk up gardens, help clear smog, things like that. I'm on the Freedom League auxiliary, but other than that, I don't do a lot of high profile hero work. Still, I'll know who to look for if I ever need some really hardcore landscaping done! Here." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a card with her codename and cell phone number on it. "Here, if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to call, okay? We all have to help each other out."
  22. "Indeed. Very nicely done," Fleur agreed with a tired smile, lifting a hand for a high five. "They won't be able to build anything on this, and they'd better not cut everything down again, but maybe they can let the school kids run around on it, or just let it grow wild. At least the rest of the ground is safe, and all those buildings." When it became obvious to the observers behind the caution tape that the work was done, they began cheering and clapping for both the show and the assistance. Fleur turned and waved at the crowd, grinning over at her compatriot. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new in town?"
  23. It took a bit longer than Fleur's promised twenty minutes, and by the end she was almost laying down in her patch of wet grass, but Gaian Knight could feel the cliff stabilizing and securing itself to the landmass. It looked like a nature preserve up top and had roots protruding all the way down. "I think it's good," she called up to him, pushing herself to sit up. "Can you tell if it's secure?"
  24. As soon as the ground began to reassemble, Fleur went to work as well. She tossed a handful of seeds that began growing into trees impossibly quickly. She'd sorted Hickory and White Oak trees for the first set, trees that immediately set a deep, deep taproot and began growing out from there, knitting the soil together as they went. Grass began to race over the ground, not lawn grass but sturdy seagrass of the sort that held together sand dunes against wind and tide. Fleur had to sit down right on the muddy ground from the strain, but it seemed to be working.
  25. As she waited to see what Gaia Knight was going to do, Fleur pulled back her grass army to the edge of the broken ground, even as she prepared a handful of seeds from her pouch. Theoretically, this should all work, it was basic ecological theory that a sound and deep root system prevented mudslides. Even so, she debated calling in Dark Star, who could surely shore up the cliff for as long as necessary. But there was flooding elsewhere, and he was off rescuing people. She and Gaia Knight could handle this on their own, surely. "Just tell me when," she called.
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