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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Electra


    B there in 1 min Danica texted back quickly. Sure enough, the quiet whir of Danica's Segway announced her arrival just moments later. She'd donned a fat yellow baby chick costume that covered her shell with its round-all-overness and covered her hair with a matching yellow knit cap. A half-mask orange beak obscured the lower part of her face, and she wore a bib that said "Let's Eat!" in puffy yellow letters. It was surprisingly adorable. "I'm here!" she announced, the beak opening when she spoke so her words were not muffled. The beak, it should be noted, had rather a lot of teeth in it. "I hope this place doesn't have too many stairs. I forgot to call ahead."
  2. "You'll like birdwatching, it's great," Danica assured him. "It's my favorite club, because not moving around very much is an asset, and I'm great at that. Moving around too much-" She stared at Benny as he leapt into the trees, then turned back to Nick with a wry smile, "-scares the birds." She watched as the birds who'd been roosting in the nearby trees flew past overhead, then shrugged philosophically. "They'll be back. And there's a lot of ground birds around here too, because cats were never introduced in this world! There's so many fewer predators, so it's just, like, birds everywhere, don't step on one!" She flapped her arms a little, miming trying not to step on a surprise bird. "And probably turkeys too," she admitted to Mia.
  3. "I'm good, but thank you," Danica told Mia with a grin, just as the new guy approached. She set down her binoculars and accepted the pad of paper with some curiosity. She'd met a lot of her new classmates by now, but it was a big school, real estate wise, and she didn't move that fast. She glanced over the words, then smiled and offered her hand. "Hi Nick, I'm Danica," she told him with a smile. "I'm a sophomore. You're new this year, right?" Belatedly she thought to ask "Can you hear what I'm saying? Or should I write on the pad too?"
  4. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "We haven't had a lot of good parties yet," Danica admitted, "but it's harder for underclassmen. The older students sometimes have parties that people say are totally off the hook, but they don't invite us." She rolled her eyes good-naturedly, then turned at the new voice from the corridor. A visible shudder ran down her frame, sinking her neck down into the safety of her shell. "Who's that?" she murmured to Judy, just in time for the new person to arrive and introduce himself. She took a few subtle, shuffling steps backwards, putting a little more space and some bodies between her and the source of her entirely nebulous discomfort. Normally she'd be the first one to introduce herself, but something about this entirely normal-looking person was speaking to her brain of danger, of the threat of the unknown. It was very weird.
  5. Paige is rolling at a --1 due to the previous hit, but she successfully soaks the damage.
  6. Danica sniffed the air as she came through the portal, then took a deep, relaxing breath. "It smells so good here!" she enthused, making her way slowly towards the center of the encampment. She hadn't brought any stuff to drop, all of her equipment was safely tucked away in her shell, so instead she pulled out a pair of binoculars and trained them on the sky. "Do you think it's going to rain? I hadn't thought about the weather patterns being different here, but it's awfully cloudy." She disappeared inside her shell for a moment and came out with a large golf umbrella, setting it nearby just to be on the safe side.
  7. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "I can whistle!" Danica said cheerfully, demonstrating with a well-executed rendition of 'Pop Goes the Weasel.' "It's hard to move fast enough to do much with other instruments, though, and I'm not much of a singer. The problem with musicals is that everybody has to move fast all the time to get where they need to be and do all the stuff. But I said I'd draw up the designs for the playbill and do the typefaces and stuff." She shrugged. "I'm mostly waiting for the Extradimensional Birdwatchers Club meetings to start up again."
  8. Paige fails the reflex save and fails the toughness save as well, how exciting! .
  9. Fleur didn't need any further invitation, hopping down off the platform and wading effortlessly into the rotting loam of ruined plants. She walked up to the angry monster and put a gentle hand in the center of his chest. "Go back to sleep, Tom," she commanded implacably, even as she siphoned away the plant energy that was keeping him bound together. "This is not a fight you need to have, and we're not going to let you hurt anybody. Go back to sleep," she repeated. The autumn smell in the air was even stronger now, dry dusty leaves and crunchy grass an odd scent on the warm breeze.
  10. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "Judy!" Danica returned the hug just as enthusiastically, then pulled on the tortoise hat. "I love it, it's perfect!" The overall effect was ridiculously cute as Danica turned to introduce her new roommate. "Guys, this is Mia, my new roommate! She just got here, but she's going to get her class schedule and all her books so she doesn't fall behind any. She's a teleporter, and she can make things! Mia, this is Judy and her sister Ashley. I was telling you about them. Judy learned how to crochet this summer and she's been making all kinds of cool stuff."
  11. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "No, it's okay," Danica assured her, though she looked a little uncomfortable for the first time in the conversation. "I'm just a lot older than I look. I got my powers because I was a gift to my parents from an elemental tortoise spirit who wanted to manifest in the physical world. So I have a cool shell, and I'm really hard to hurt, and a couple other things, but I also age twice as slowly as normal kids. I was born in 1986, but my body is only like sixteen and a half right now." She shrugged, the motion rolling her shell up and down on her shoulders. "This is my second sophomore year, they have me do all my classes twice because it's less weird that way than if I keep being little while everybody else grows up."
  12. Turning on her "don't notice me" aura with a thought, Paige slipped through the propped door and out into the yard till she could get a look at both foes. She stopped in the shadow of a tree, letting it hide her as best it could while she went to work. Look at him, she projected to the girl, her mental voice pitched so low that it would only be heard subconsciously. He's so dangerous and so fast. Look how easily he hurts people. He likes it, doesn't he? He likes having that power over who lives and who dies. Look at his face. What if he looked at you right now? What if he decided to hurt you? You wouldn't be able to stop him. He's going to hurt you! There's nothing you can do to stop him! LOOK AT HIM, HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU! RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN! When she felt the suggestion catch, felt Godlike's ordered thoughts dissolve into blind panic, Paige took a deep breath and withdrew, then turned to the other. She tried to insinuate herself the same way, but by luck or training, he had a better natural shield and she was rebuffed. That was okay, Paige was not terribly fond of the way it felt to do that sort of manipulation.
  13. Whoops, sorry! Trying to keep track of everyone, doing poorly so far. In any case, that should be enough to send Godlike into blind panic and have her dropping anything she's holding while fleeing the source of her fear. Paige will spend an HP to surge and try the same trick on Liteshow in reverse. She rolls a 26. This will drop her concealment, but her powers are still Subtle.
  14. Sorry to be late! Paige is going to step outside using her Concealment and concentrate her Emotion Control power on Godlike. She will be attempting to make him terrified of Liteshow. She rolls a 22. Is that enough to hit?
  15. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "Oh yeah, I remember her," Danica said after a moment's thought. "She was around when I was really little, I think they did a comic book or a coloring book or something with her team fighting the Freedom League. I was really into superheroes when I was little," she admitted with a cheerful lack of shame. "That was way before I got sent to superhero school, even. So is your mom a good guy now? Does she have a different code name and a super-secret identity? Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anybody," she added hastily. "Your secret is safe with me. Hey, do you know Fast Forward and Hologram?"
  16. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "All the girls here are really nice," Danica assured her, leaning over and setting the statue on her edge of the windowsill. "I mean, Ashley can be hard to deal with sometimes, but you have to cut her some slack because she comes from one of those alternate dimensions where everything is terrible and destroyed, so she spends all her time being hypervigilant and taking care of her younger sister. And Judy, the sister, she's kind of naive and sheltered, but she's super nice. Plus I think Ashley was supposed to graduate last year but she didn't have enough credits, with the whole everything being destroyed thing." Danica shrugged, her entire shell shifting a little with the motion. "So she's got reasons to be pissed off at the world, I guess. And there's some new girls I don't really know yet, but they seem okay, and you'll like Lulu and Monica and all them."
  17. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "That's cool, I have one of those too!" Danica enthused. "It's in my shell, and it's actually my bedroom, and I can invite other people in if I want, but sometimes I just like to go in there to be alone. Plus it means I don't have to carry a backpack around, which is good because it would be really difficult to get one over top the shell." The description of Mia's powers had pretty much gone over Danica's head, but it sounded like science instead of magic or theology, so it was pretty unlikely that there would be any weird interactions with her own abilities. She turned over the little statue in her hands. "You're really good at this," she observed. "It looks like me and everything. Can I keep it?"
  18. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "Ooh, it's pretty!" Danica obligingly applauded the little show, grinning as she reached out to get a better look at the statue without moving from the bed. Teleportation was a fairly common power, though it would be mean to say that to Mia, but creative powers were fun and exciting. "How do you do it?" she asked. "I mean, do you know where your powers come from?" She gestured to the laptop on the desk. "I think they should have a schedule for you in your email, you can use my computer if you don't have one, or you can go to the lab downstairs. There''s a printer down there too, if you want a paper copy, but there'll probably be one in your welcome packet anyway."
  19. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "It was your birthday?" Danica obviously picked this tidbit as the most important part of everything Mia had disclosed. "Happy birthday!" She grinned. "You're lucky, my parents have never let me stay home from school on my birthday. Are you okay with the way the room is set up?" she asked, shifting topics abruptly once more. "I just left it the way we had it last year, but if you want to do something different we can. I just can't really do a top bunk thing." She tapped her shell with cheerful resignation, her fingernails making a sharp tak-tak sound. "Have you got your class schedule yet?"
  20. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "We are mostly pretty non-judgy," Danica agreed. "Lots of people have stuff they need a little help dealing with." She gestured behind the door to where a Segway decorated with purple and green ribbons was standing ready for use. A small blue handicap placard was mounted to the front center. "I use that to get around because I can't walk at normal person speed and I don't want to miss all my classes. Plenty of the other kids have issues too, but telling you about them would be kind of rude before you've even met them. Have you met anybody?" she asked immediately, interrupting her own thought. "I know you weren't here for orientation, right?"
  21. Electra

    Late Arrival

    "Come in, it's open!" came the quick reply from inside. The door swung open easily, revealing a very normal-looking dorm room. There were two beds, each half-lofted so that a dresser could be shoved underneath them, and two desks side by side against the wall with the window. The opposite wall had two small closets. One of each of these features was clean and bare, obviously waiting for Mia. The other desk had a laptop, a shelf full of books and a cheerful clutter of school supplies, while the other bed had... a giant turtle? "Hi!" said the figure on the bed, awkwardly sitting up. She was a girl on closer inspection, around Mia's own age and on the short side of normal, but she had faintly greenish skin and a giant shell covering her body from shoulders to upper thighs. It was a striking thing, black with zigzag slashes of bright yellow through it, and it looked too organic to be some kind of toy or fashion statement. "I'm Danica! The RA said you'd be coming today! Did you have a good trip? Do you need help with your stuff?"
  22. Paige, who had zoned out for a few moments in a psychic trance, shook herself alert. "Rachel," she said, very calmly, "please open the back door for me. We've got some people outside, but they aren't in a position to see the back door." She walked with Rachel to the door, waiting while the genius gave the command to open it. As soon as it opened, Paige stuffed a book into the opening behind the hinges, effectively blocking it from closing again. "Your computer system has been compromised," she murmured in a quick, low voice. "There's psychic influence all over it, and in every piece of electronics in this house. I don't know how it's possible, maybe its mind is human enough to influence, but I suspect that we really don't want to be at its mercy if Heather is pulling the strings. There are two young villain types outside with a crowd of minions and some of them can fly, but I think our chances are better on open ground than stuck in a trap. We should go."
  23. Fleur pursed her lips as the vine monsters backed off and began to regroup, feeling the pull almost physically as they tried to siphon energy from the earth to speed their own healing. With her hand still extended, she closed her fingers into a tight fist and made a single hard ripping motion, as though jerking on an invisible leash. Instantly the glow around the vines died as the smell of autumn grew stronger, rotting leaves and the rich smell of mulched earth as the plant creatures shuddered into inanimate stillness. She waited a moment to see if they would get up, then looked around with a nearly-incredulous grin. "I got them!"
  24. Electra

    A New Era

    Hey, sorry about the delay! Stupid hurricane! Anyway, Fleur is going to do the same attack as before, same targets. She's also down 1hp from stunting last round, so she should have three total, I think.
  25. Bummer, Danica typed, stopping her progress towards home so she didn't fall on her face. It was hard to know what to say to Judy about her boyfriend problem. Danica had lots of friends who had boyfriends; some of her friends from when she was little were married now and had kids themselves, but it had never been something she understood too well. Mom said that was okay and she would be interested in love and sex and dating when it was time, but that didn't help much now. But i bet there'll b lots of new cute boys @ school this fall! More teddy bear pics plz Lulu!
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