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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "If they had more lawn around here, and especially more trees, this wouldn't have happened," Fleur said grimly. "It was really only a matter of time." She noticed suddenly that he seemed to be using a large rock as a platform to fly on. She hoped that meant good things for putting this cliff back together. "If we can put this cliff back together, I should be able to sink enough plant life into it to keep it stable," she told him. "But it'll take a little while, at least twenty minutes to do a good job of it. Can you get it back into place?"
  2. Erin ran a hand through her hair, a sure tell that she was nervous or uncomfortable. "I think I should probably get back," she admitted. "I've got a training session this afternoon and... and, well, you've given me a lot to think about. I need a little while to sort of process everything and get my head around it." She tried another smile. "It sounds like a lot of fun, though. Can I have a raincheck?"
  3. "I just got here myself," she told him with a bright smile, "and right now I'm wishing I had an umbrella as part of my costume instead of just a hood. Can you believe this weather? My name's Fleur de Joie, by the way. I'm just trying to shore up this cliff before any more of it falls into the ocean." She gestured to the cliff face, where a layer of tough grass was attempting to punch its way down through mud and dry soil to sink its deep roots into the shaky earth. It grew and spread even as they watched, but seemed a flimsy bandage at best. "I'm hoping somebody who can do more comes along. Is that you?"
  4. It was easy to tell where the landslide had happened, dark dirt and clay showing like an open wound against the cityscape. There was a knot of emergency vehicles there, police and firefighters securing the scene, utility workers trying to secure power and gas lines. There was one other oddly dressed person on the scene as well, a small woman in a green tunic and trousers with a brown hooded cape, walking along the edge of the pit. She shaded her eyes and waved at the new arrival flying in.
  5. North of the seaside mansions of North Bay, north of the airport and its assorted outbuildings, the press of the city falls away. The airport traffic leads to a profusion of warehouses and expediters, the occasional hotel, sort of a semi-industrial wasteland that is mostly parking lots and roads, punctuated by patches of sickly grass. It's like a million other urban regions in a thousand other cities, except that this region is right next to the Great Bay, opening onto the Atlantic Ocean. This summer, Freedom City experienced a lot of hot and dry days early in the summer. The dirt dried out, the ground cracked. The scrubby grass shriveled and died in the heat, letting the ground bake into dry sheets. Then, three days of hard rain hit the East Coast, soaking the city and that baked, hard ground. Suddenly, the top layer of ground was nothing but mud, on top of those baked sheets of dirt. All it too was a little momentum, and suddenly a massive chunk, the size of several football fields, of low-rent Freedom City real estate slid right into Great Bay. That was bad enough, but the fact that a grocery store, a school, and a couple of warehouses were left teetering on the edge of that new cliff just made things worse. If something wasn't done, another storm could wash away a lot more.
  6. "Hey Mike, how's it going?" Erin said with the easy smile she reserved for close friends. "I was wondering where everybody was today. John just arrived on campus, so I was showing him to the main building. Pretty sure it's inhumane to let anybody stay outside too long when it's this hot out. If you stick around, maybe you can show him to the dorms when he's done there?"
  7. "Everything's air conditioned around here, this is a ritzy place," Erin told him with a crooked grin. "Up until Summers took over, it actually was an expensive private school, so the facilities are nice. I'll show you the way." Setting Oliver back down on the ground, she turned and headed towards a collection of buildings on the quad. "And I wouldn't worry about telepaths. It's rude to get into someone's mind without asking, and besides, who wants to be listening to the weird random thoughts of hundreds or thousands of people every day? Even a really bored telepath has better things to do than that."
  8. "No, but my roommate is," Erin replied, some surprise in her voice at the sudden shift. "Do you need one for something? I mostly just run and jump and hit things. There are people will all different kinds of powers around here though. Even in the summer, there are some of them running around just about all the time. If it weren't so hot today, there'd be more people outside on the lawn."
  9. "I'm from Seattle, more or less," Erin replied with a half-shrug. "Been in Freedom City almost two years now though, so it's getting more familiar. Is this your first day on campus? Oliver sort of has a talent for finding and checking out the newcomers. It's not too hard to get around here, though." Oliver jumped down neatly from John's shoulder, twining around his legs for a minute before sauntering over to Erin. She picked up the cat and petted him absently. "So what do you do?" she asked John.
  10. Erin managed to roll out of the way of the radiation blast, but it did her cracked ribs no favors. She laid on the ground for a few moments with her eyes closed, waiting till her bones knit themselves together and her ears stopped ringing. When she opened them, Trevor was right there looking at her. "I'm okay," she assured him, pushing herself to sit up. "Looks like the robots are out, what do we have to do next?"
  11. "I'm Erin," she told him, shaking the proffered hand with a firm but not painful grip. "I started last summer, I'm a senior this year. And I guess you've already met my cat. He gets a kick out of getting dogs to chase him, knowing they can't possibly catch him. It's his only vice, I guess. Where do you come from?" He looked like a surfer boy and he was very cute, but Erin was sort of inured to that by now. No harm in taking a look, though.
  12. The cat strolled along the branch towards him, sniffing his outstretched hand curiously. Close up, John could see that the cat wore a blue collar with a bronze tag that read "OLIVER" and gave the address of the school. Once he'd had a good sniff, Oliver gave the fingers a peremptory headbutt and began purring, obviously demanding petting. When he decided John was good people, he stepped delicately onto the boy's arm and walked up to his shoulder, nuzzling his ear. John's qualms about talking to strange cats began to subside, replaced by a pleasant calmness. Before he could think about where a safe place would be to drop the cat off, he saw a tall, muscular girl in t-shirt and shorts jogging across the lawn. She caught sight of him and turned his way, but her eyes were mostly for the cat. "Hey, there you are," she said to the cat. "You gotta stop taunting the dogs, it's not nice." Scolding delivered, she turned her attention to John, giving him a curious once-over. "Hey, you new?"
  13. Erin smiled back, still fairly confused, but reassured that he was so easygoing about the whole thing. It certainly hadn't been any desperate confession of love, more a... she had no idea what it was. But he seemed to be okay with her uncertainty, and with her going out with Trevor. But if he really felt that way about her, wouldn't her going out with Trevor hurt his feelings, at the very least? She had no idea. She was going to have to talk to Alex about it. She looked over at him. "This isn't going to... I mean, this isn't going to make things different, is it? You'll still come by, we can still hang out and stuff?"
  14. There was another long, quiet moment. Erin turned to look at the Earth turning serenely below them, uncaring of their bizarre personal dramas. She wanted to ask why he hadn't come to his friends when he felt bad, but realized she knew the answer already. This was the same guy who'd gone to throw himself literally into hell rather than tell his friends about his family problems. James' good intentions led him to make bad decisions. She wasn't sure that wasn't besides the point, anyway. "I don't really know what to say," she told him. "I... I care for you, a lot. But you know how things are with me. I don't think I'm ready to be, you know, anybody's girlfriend. My head's too messed up. You're as close as I've been able to let anybody, and even then you had to catch me when I was falling apart for me to tell you anything." She signed. "And Trevor and I... I don't know what's going to happen there, but I really like him. I don't know what to do."
  15. Erin turned and looked at him, studying him fully for the first time that evening. The outfit covered the rotting flesh and jutting bones, leaving only his face showing. His face was still weird and pale and nearly skeletal, but it was dominated by those weird green burning eyes that were much different than anything she'd ever seen on a zombie. The sturdy impermeable uniform also held in a lot of the smell, at least for the moment. If she'd run into him for the first time now, she might not have made him for what he was. She let out a breath. "Better," she decided with a nod. "You look a lot better."
  16. Erin studied him, not totally sure she understood what he was saying, not entirely certain she should believe him. Not that he would lie to her intentionally. Half-demon or not, she trusted James to tell her the truth. But she wasn't sure James knew himself what he wanted. He had, after all, recently gotten into a lot of trouble for his hooking-up ways. Which, she had to admit if she was truthful to herself, was something that was bothering her too. She pursed her lips, watched him a minute, then asked, "When you decided this, was it before or after Zoe?"
  17. "They used dangerous toxins to kill all these perfectly healthy plants because they couldn't use a tiller?" Stesha demanded, turning to look at the blighted land. "Well.... well screw that!" she exclaimed passionately. Reaching into her belt, she pulled out a big handful of seeds and pitched them across the ground. The second they touched down on the ground, they seemed to explode into life, sinking roots down into the dirt, sending up shoots and leaves, and inexorably shoving the dead plants aside into a large pile on the side of the patch nearest the two heroes. "At least the ground is healthy, that's something. But it's still stupid and dangerous. Who would want to show off that way?"
  18. "James..." Erin started, then hesitated, started again. She put a hand on the side of his upper arm. "Persephone was telling me about the things that she remembers from her world. She says that in her world, Hell-Ion was in love with the Wander there, even though she was bad for him. I know that when we went there, you absorbed the memories of your double there. He is you, in some ways. You're my best friend, next to Alex, but I'm really not the kind of girl you've ever gone for. I think you might be thinking of me the way Hell-Ion thought of his Wander, and it's getting confused in your head. I mean, when you think about the timing..."
  19. "Good work!" Erin told Trevor, "let's do it again!" Orienting herself from memory, she leapt out of the cloud and dropped back down in the middle of a second group of bad guys. The second the mist released, she was on the move again! Once again, most of their opponents were not very tough, there were a couple who were quite a bit stronger and faster! How many of these creatures were there, anyway? And where was Dark Star?
  20. Okay, confusion to our enemies! We'll leave Wolfman and Sluggo to fumble around in the Midnight Mist and go squish some more bad guys. Erin grabs Trevor again, jumps 50 feet to the next platform. When he makes with the mist, she will take out the eight minions and power attack the first non-minion as well. 1d20+9=22. DC 34 Toughness save.
  21. Erin stepped forward far enough to drop the packages onto a tombstone halfway between herself and the zombie. "I guessed on the sizes," she told him. "It's stretchy material anyway. There's boots in the top package and a mask, hood and gloves in the second one. Uniform's on the bottom." Stepping back to the safety of her wrought iron bench, she turned away to let the zombie put the clothes on. If he jumped on her, she might end up bitten, but she was sure she could take him out if needs be.
  22. Stesha blinked as the figurative lightbulb went on over her head. "You're Midnight!" she blurted out. "And so you were..." she added, turning to Travis, then trailed off. "Wow, I had no idea, but it all makes sense now! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," she promised. "I just need to take your hand, and I can teleport us both to the forest," she told Trevor, reaching for his hand. Taking his hand, she touched the flowers braided into her green hair. There was a moment where the world was full of green and the smell of freshly mown grass, and they popped out in the middle of Wharton State Forest, near a large blackened circle of foliage. Stesha reached into a flower and pulled out a battery operated lantern, turning it on for some light.
  23. Erin passes the reflex save and has enough evasion not to need the other one.
  24. Erin was silent for a long time, studying James' face as the moment stretched out and got more and more uncomfortable. She couldn't deny, at least to herself, that she'd thought about what it would be like to have him say that to her. But it was pretty much in the same way she thought about other things that were never really going to happen. It just didn't make any sense. She wasn't pretty, and she often wasn't very nice, and James of all people knew how screwed up she was in the head. Why this, why now? Suddenly, what Persephone said about Hell-ion in the other universe came back to her. "That's... I don't know what to say," she admitted. "When did you figure all this out?"
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