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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin was through the portal right after him, taking a few moments to assess the tactical situation before letting herself enjoy the amazement of being on a totally different world. They were in a wide open space with little cover until the edge of the forest, but she couldn't detect anything that might be about to attack, so they were probably okay. "Wow," she agreed, finally succumbing to the allure of the new planet. "There's so many plants here. I kinda thought we'd be going someplace like the surface of the moon." She took a few hesitant steps to test the gravity, then started walking around and looking at the local flora.
  2. Erin watched the zerbretlings with amusement, choosing not to concentrate on the fact that she herself had been collected up in much the same manner as these critters, because that was sort of depressing. "You could bring field trips up here or something, it would be really educational," she suggested with a grin. "Did anything ever happen after you had that talk with the PADLOC people? You were going to talk to them about moving some of the animals down to Earth, right?"
  3. "I haven't even heard of most of those things," Erin admitted, but that didn't dampen her enjoyment of the menagerie any. It was a very strange place, full of animals in clear enclosures stocked with strange rocks and alien plants, with more of those little robot servos rolling around with shovels and bags of feed. They were just in time to see the zerbretlings, little creatures that looked like zebra-striped prairie dogs, coming out of their winter hibernation caverns, new babies in tow. "They're really weird, but cute," Erin decided. For the moment, at least, Persephone seemed to be leaving them to their own devices, busy with the management of the ship. One servo did run over Erin's foot, but there were so many of them running around, it was probably just an accident.
  4. "I've been really curious ever since you told me about the zoo," Erin decided, craning her head to look at the robots scurrying around. She couldn't be quite as blase about the whole thing as James seemed to be. He'd adapted very quickly to the giant spaceship lifestyle. "Let's go see that first." If nothing else, it would make her stop thinking about whether she really ought to go change her clothes, which was stupid when there were so many more interesting things to do.
  5. Erin paid attention to the lecture with half an ear, busy checking her supplies one more time. These class trips weren't supposed to be at all hazardous, but she'd heard that before. Any trip off planet or out of the universe was another chance to get lost, stranded, displaced, or attacked, and it didn't do to forget that. Most of the room in her bag was taken up with her first aid kit, and the rest was full of protein bars she'd squirreled away from the kitchen and bottled water. She didn't know much of anything about most of the people coming along on this trip, and it was never smart to assume that somebody was coming along who could keep everyone alive in a pinch. Trevor was coming along though, and she was glad of that. He was good in a fight, and, well, she liked spending time with him. Erin wasn't going to try and analyze things more than that. She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked over to him. "So, ready for your first extraplanetary field trip?" she asked.
  6. "Uh, that's all right," Erin replied, looking uneasily down at her faded shorts and t-shirt. She wasn't sure if that meant they were dirty, or just ugly. It was kind of weird, but she was starting to get the idea that James' ship didn't like her very much. But that was silly, computers didn't like or dislike people, well, usually. "I'm eager to see everything. Should we get going?" She looked to James, ready to start the tour soon for lots of reasons.
  7. "Of course," Persephone agreed with perfect self-assurance. "I've been taking care of James for years. This is his home in space. The apartments are really just places to entertain company." The amused twinkle in her eye suggested what sort of company she knew he kept there. "But for work or recreation, there's no reason to go anywhere else." When Erin was done with her hasty cleaning, the servo with the mirror tucked itself back into a slot in the wall. The servo with the hairbrush tried briefly to brush Erin's hair for her, but retreated when she refused to let it. "There we are, that's a little better. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about your clothes, but I know James is eager to show you around."
  8. "Um, thanks..." Erin replied to the AI, a little awkwardly. She probably did look pretty messed up after taking a nap on the lawn, though it seemed pretty antiheroic to mention that she'd been doing that instead of fighting crime. "I guess you probably met my alternate in the world you come from?" she asked, even as she wiped the smudge of dirt off her cheek and tried to smooth down her hair. "I've only been up here once, and there wasn't really any time for introductions." She looked over to James. "So are you living up here now?"
  9. Persephone gave Erin a smile so sweet that it might have induced diabetic coma in lesser heroes. "Of course, I've met Wander before, many times. It's so good to see you again. Did you know you have some dirt on your cheek?" she asked solicitously. "And your hair is a bit of a mess, too. You must have been fighting crime very hard this morning. Let me help you with that." Immediately, a pair of little servo robots rolled into the room. One of them presented Erin with a hairbrush and a damp washcloth, while the other helpfully raised a hand mirror so Erin could look at herself.
  10. Electra

    MAWS (IC)

    "That was really good," Erin told Alex, effortlessly supporting her as she guided her towards the chair behind the teleporter control. "Lemme get you something to drink. And you too," she told Fusion. "You lost a ton of blood, even if you're fixed up now. Your husband probably won't be too happy if you pass out from dehydration on the phone." She settled Alex in the chair, then darted down the hallway to the kitchen, moving much faster than a normal human, for all she was no speedster. In a moment she was back with a couple of bottles of electrolyte drink and a phone handset for Fusion.
  11. Erin shrugged. "I used to read a lot of books on survival, wilderness tracking, stuff like that. A lot of it was about getting by in really cold places." She looked again towards the door, then shrugged. "Maybe it's nothing." Even so, she kept a careful eye out as they headed down the hall and met up with the Centurion robot. It had sounded like an exciting trip, but now that they were here, the whole place gave her the creeps. She'd had enough of walking through the empty homes of dead people for one lifetime, maybe. At least it didn't smell bad.
  12. Erin lingered just inside the door for a few moments, looking out at the storm. "That's really weird," she murmured to Trevor. "It's summer at the North Pole, just like it is down in Freedom City except colder. That's a winter type storm for this part of the world. I wonder if something might be causing it. But who would care enough to try and disguise this place, with the Centurion dead for what, like sixteen years now?"
  13. Erin took a moment to orient herself upon teleporting up to the ship. She'd been a little confused when James had disappeared and left her standing there looking silly, but whatever technical glitch had occurred had apparently cleared up before she could dig out her beacon to try and call him. It took her a moment to realize she was facing the back of the room. "That was weird," she told James, turning to face him. "I thought you forgot about me there for a minute." She looked around at all the blinking lights and the view of space out the window. "This place is pretty cool."
  14. "Oh, did you?" Persephone replied, all innocence. "There was interference on the line, it must have garbled the command a little bit. I didn't know we were expecting any visitors today, or I'd have laid in more supplies. She's a big one, isn't she? I bet she eats a lot. We're gonna need a bigger cookie sheet!" The computer image of Persephone giggled, then busied herself with the image of a control panel. "Here we go..." A moment later, the platform lit up again and Erin appeared, facing the wrong direction but otherwise intact.
  15. James immediately felt the now-familiar sensation of teleportation, but when he landed on the deck of his ship, he was alone. Persephone's beaming face looked out at him from her panel. "Good to have you back, James!" she told him cheerfully. "We've got all sorts of things we can do today, the zerbretlings in the zoo are coming out of hibernation, and there's an orbital adjustment in a few minutes that I'm sure you won't want to miss. Oh, and I got a brand new store of food products up from the surface just this morning. How do you feel about cookies?"
  16. "Oh boy, do I want to keep falling asleep over chemistry, or go see your spaceship? Wow, that's a tough choice..." Erin bounced to her feet, stuffing her books back into her knapsack. "Especially since I'd probably end up just going back to sleep and not learning a thing. Do I need my uniform or anything like that?" There was probably not going to be a lot of trouble on board James' ship, but Erin had been wrong about that sort of thing before. Considering that her amusement park clothes from last year were pretty worn out already, she didn't want to take them into a fight.
  17. "Yeah, still working on that one," Erin admitted, "but I've got another year before they bounce me out of here, so I have time to think about it. Right now, I'm just hoping to graduate somewhere above the bottom of the class." She stretched her arms above her head, popping her shoulders, then resettled her headband and tried to look fully awake. At least she was much too sturdy to get a sunburn. "So what brings you back?" she asked. "Got some dimensional adventuring to do, or were you just hoping for another Mario Kart thumping?" She hadn't seen much of James since the prom, and never just him alone. It was a little weird after watching him with Zoe, but she figured it had to be even weirder for him, knowing everybody had seen him naked. Or maybe it didn't really matter to him, hard to say.
  18. Waking Erin could be a dangerous proposition, but today didn't seem to be a bad dream day. She woke with a yawn, blinking and peeling her cheek away from the book before looking up at James. "Hey," she said with a smile, sitting up and scrubbing her face with her hands. "I didn't realize you'd be around today. I was just, um... getting some homework done." She shot a baleful look at the chemistry book she'd been sleeping on. "I don't know how anyone makes a career studying that stuff."
  19. Erin makes the survival check, though it costs her an HP to do so.
  20. Erin wasn't in the gym or the lounge, but James did hit a stroke of luck just as he was debating sneaking into the girls' dorm. Oliver came down the stairs by the common room, tail waving lazily as he took James in. He purred and rubbed up against James' leg briefly, then headed off towards the outdoors, turning his head as though beckoning James to follow. With no better ideas, James followed the gangly orange cat, out of the dormitory and onto the lawn, around the corner past the administration building and into the shade of the handsome old trees that ringed it. Erin had obviously planned to bring her homework onto the lawn, but now she was sleeping under a tree with her head pillowed on her chemistry textbook. Oliver gave James a smug look and sauntered off.
  21. Electra

    MAWS (IC)

    "It's okay, we'll get you a phone," Erin promised her again. "Just lay still for a minute though, while Psyche finishes patching you up. You'd rather be able to tell them you're already all fixed up and fine, right?" Just to be on the safe side, she put her hands on Fusion's shoulders to hold her down if necessary while Alex was working. "I didn't realize you'd moved out to Freedom City," she said, trying to make distracting conversation. "Why did you leave Portland?"
  22. The sudden cold was shocking, even through the insulation of Erin's uniform, and the swirling whiteness of the snow very disorienting. It was a few moments before she could see much of anything at all, and by then, Mike already had the door open. She began nudging her teammates towards the open door, making sure that nobody was lost or left behind in the storm before going in herself. In the doorway, she took a quick headcount. "You'd think he could let people teleport inside his base," she commented ruefully.
  23. Electra

    MAWS (IC)

    "Not exactly, but I have friends. We're getting out of here." Glad that her beacon was waterproof, along with everything else it was protected against, Erin activated the teleporter's recall function, gathering the wounded woman up in her arms so they would both be taken. They rematerialized a moment later in the teleporter room. "This is Young Freedom's base," she told Fusion, "it's safe here. Psyche?" she called, raising her voice. "Are you around?" Hauling in lost and stranded heroes was kind of becoming a habit.
  24. Electra

    MAWS (IC)

    "Hey, it's okay, we'll get your arms put back on," Erin promised, looking around the beach. The police and the... whoever the beach patrol guys were had arrived by now, and were taking control of the situation with the civilians. Things were stable enough, for the moment. "And we'll find you a phone, too. Is there someone you want to go see, to take care of you?" she asked. "That person on the Pacific Rim, do you know where he or she is, exactly?"
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