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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin stepped into the room as Eddie disappeared, crossing to Alex and putting a hand on her shoulder. The gesture was a little awkward, but heartfelt. "You don't have to do this all tonight, or all by yourself," she advised. "This is why you hired a staff in the first place, right? You need to be able to delegate. Eddie's going to tell the headmaster what happened, if he doesn't know already. Trevor and I can clear out anyone who's straggling in the ballroom, and the cleaning staff can take care of the rest. Call Doctor Marquez to talk to Zoe, and you and Mike go somewhere and unwind a little. You need that more than another confrontation, right?"
  2. "Sure," Erin agreed, looking at Mark, then around the table. "Sounds like a pretty cool trip. It'll be neat to actually go there and see the place ourselves." She suspected it would also help Mark if he could pretend that this was just an adventure with friends rather than trying to step into his dad's shoes on one more responsibility Rick wasn't around to handle anymore. She could respect that, and play along. "Should we be wearing warmer clothes, or uniforms or something?"
  3. "It doesn't matter what he made you to be," Stesha told her with perfect confidence. "You've already transcended that. Now you only need to worry about what you want to be. And it looks like you're doing a good job figuring that out. I'm happy to have had a part in helping you along your way." Fleur took a handful of seeds from the pouch at her belt, tossing them into a sad-looking flowerbed. They immediately sprang up into flowers, even as the blooms already present seemed to revive. "And that reminds me," she continued, working her way through the garden as she kept talking, "I still have the other two, ah, your compatriots. I never really knew what to do with them, so I've just been keeping them in storage. I think they're as much yours as anyone else's at this point. Do you want them?"
  4. Stesha fights the Beekeeper's effort to counter her mind control! She is spending another HP because she is a poor roller! She gets a 29!
  5. "Definitely," Erin replied with feeling. "Just let me check in with Alex to make sure things are okay. I don't want to leave her hanging, and it looks like just about everybody else has taken off." She walked to the door of the office and knocked twice, then stuck her head in the door. Eddie was kind of a mess, but at least he wasn't trying to punch anyone anymore. Erin ignored him for the moment and spoke to Alex. "You doing okay in here?" she asked Alex. "Anything we can do to help out?"
  6. "You're welcome," Stesha told her, "but it was something we did gladly. I had no idea you would, ah, wake up the way that you did, but I'm glad we could help you win your freedom. You look as though you're settling in well here." She looked like a normal teenage girl, in fact, so that if Stesha hadn't seen that face every time she went rummaging in her pocket, she'd not have noticed anything amiss. "Did the League help you get settled in somewhere?"
  7. Fleur jumped at suddenly being addressed, then did a visible double-take when she saw who was addressing her. For a moment, she though that one of the robots she'd been carrying around in the "junk drawer" section of her pocket dimension had activated itself and escaped, but then she remembered that there had been three, and one was sentient. "Um, hello, Ako, wasn't it?" she asked after searching her memory for a moment. "I wasn't expecting to meet anyone here tonight."
  8. Sitting in the park every night was monotonous at best, but at least the strategy paid off. One night in the middle of July, Aiko's solitary vigil was interrupted by soft footsteps. From her secluded observation post, Aiko could see a figure clad in green and brown with a cowl covering her features, standing in the middle of the park and taking stock. After a few moments, she began to work. The neglected trees began to stretch and grow, weeds started withering, overgrown shrubbery began shrinking back. Aiko could hear a faint feminine humming, Fleur de Joie's version of whistling while she worked.
  9. Immediately upon arriving, Stesha crouched down behind a bush, trying to get a look at the situation. It seemed grim, with giant bees flying everywhere, not to mention scads of tiny bees, and the Beekeeper watching it all. She could see Derrick was already hurt, though he was battling back, and had to resist the urge to... she wasn't sure what, to get close and help somehow, or at least let him know she was there! That would be dumb, though, and now was the time for smart thinking. In her agitation, it took her a few moments to notice that the trees around her were moving, swaying their branches and uprooting their own roots, moving like stiff old boxers warming up for a fight. Oh, it would just serve her right if the Green Man was here too! But when she explored them, she found no power but her own! She was doing it... but how? And how did she control it? Right now they didn't seem to be doing anything but standing guard, so she turned back to the task at hand. As Stesha concentrated, gigantic flowers began opening across the lawn, releasing clouds of pollen into the air. This, of course, was enough to get the attention of even the most loyal bee minion, if only for a moment. And the sweet perfume that the flowers exuded carried one simple message, to attack their commander and free themselves to follow their beeish instincts!
  10. For her move action, Stesha will activate her Summon power and bring the trees to her assistance! Some of the trees, anyway. As her standard action, she's going to stunt this off her plant control array and attempt to turn the bees against their foul master! Mind Control 13 (Extra: Burst Area, Selective) (Flaw: Distracting) (Extras: Progression on Area x5)(44 pp) Power Check roll 1d20+13=25
  11. "Nicely done," Erin told him with a nod. "Didn't look like you got tagged at all." There might have been some small satisfaction in watching Eli get pelted with nerf balls, but she'd known ahead of time that he was much too fast. Besides, that wasn't a heroic impulse. "There's not much to it, you can probably get the specs for the cannon from the school, and the rest is just having something to keep whatever projectile you're using from hitting any bystanders. And if Fulcrum's got an in with Doctor Archeville, he could probably rig up something a lot more sophisticated, with laser guided tennis balls or something that could even keep up with you."
  12. "I'd like to punch her in the nose," Erin admitted, "which probably means I'm not the one to go after her. And just look where trying to handle her on our own has gotten us so far." She looked ruefully back in the direction of the ballroom. "I'm not even sure how, but I know this has something to do with the stunt she pulled last fall when she spread the rumor Alex was pregnant with Mark's baby. That was just obnoxious, but this is illegal. I kind of hate it, but I think we're better off dumping the whole thing on the headmaster and letting him sort it out. Leet will probably spill his guts about everything the second he's pressed on it. Knowing the effect Daisy has on men, I'm thinking he was probably just a dorky pawn." And knowing Daisy's effect on guys, Erin didn't think it was probably wise for Trevor to hunt her down, but she didn't want to say that aloud and make it sound like a dare or something.
  13. "Sure, if you want," Erin told him. "It's kind of fun trying to avoid all the balls without crashing through the mesh or tripping over one on the ground." Remembering what he'd said about a bloody nose, she unhitched the tennis ball feeder and carried it out of the cage, returning with one full of what looked like orange Nerf balls. "They have a solid core," she told Eli, "so they fly fast, but they won't hurt you if you get hit with one. Just push the button when you're ready, and it'll give you five seconds lead time. If you do train here, they'll find more sophisticated stuff to train you on, but this works for practice." She ducked out of the cage and sealed it with the Velcro tabs, watching from just outside.
  14. "We don't do much formally around here," Erin said dryly, "but if anyone would, it'll be her. You'll see her around, I'm sure, and you'll know her when you see her. She's little, just a little bit taller than you, and she wears really, really bright colors. You'll probably know her when you see her. But watch out who you say that stuff about being all physical to," she warned half-seriously. "Mr. Archer likes nothing better than to hit you where you're weak and make you stretch. And if you're unlucky, you'll end up with the bruises and aches to show for it."
  15. "Alex, Psyche, is my roommate," Erin explained. "She's a psychic too, and most of her powers are mental. She's a super-supergenius and has her own multimilliondollar company that we started on her computer over Christmas break. I have no idea how she did it, but she's got her own building and everything now. She pretty much hangs around the school to keep an eye on the rest of us, I think," she admitted with a smile. "Most of the rest of us are a lot more average in terms of school, so the classes are pretty close to what you'd get in normal high school."
  16. "I wouldn't mind one more dance," Erin told Trevor, taking the earbud and putting it in her ear. She couldn't name the music, but it was slow and beautiful, and it made her feel a little better after the tumultuous evening. As they danced, she stepped closer, till their cheeks were nearly touching. "Yeah, this is a much better way to end the evening," she murmured. The corridor outside Alex's office wasn't exactly the most romantic of locales, but it didn't matter for that moment. The song was coming to an end when the door banged open and Zoe stalked out, walking right past them as she headed towards the nearest bank of elevators. She didn't seem to be in any mood to talk, so Erin just made a note of where she was heading and let her be. Another minute passed and Mark came bolting out of the room, looking as disheveled as he had when he'd gone in, but no worse. Judging by the silly grin and the thumbs up he gave Erin as he passed, Mark at least wasnt' terribly distressed by whatever Eddie'd had to say. Or he was just really focused on his immediate future. Erin took a step back and handed Trevor his earbud back, though she held onto his hand another moment. "Looks like things are breaking up in there, though hopefully not literally," she commented. As if on cue, the door opened again and Mike walked out, obviously looking for someone. "She headed for the elevators," Erin called helpfully.
  17. Erin shrugged. "I have a superefficient metabolism, it takes a minimum of food and sleep for me to get by. I can eat just about anything, even if it's hardly food at all, and do okay most of the time. But when I've been working I need more, same as you. And sometimes it's just fun to eat, or sociable or whatever. I don't really know how it was all designed to work, but I do okay. Mike's powers are totally natural and he only eats as much as a regular person, so I don't know." She motioned for him to pass her the balls he'd picked up. "You tried this one yet?"
  18. "I started last summer, right at the end of May," Erin told her, walking over to her duffel bag for her water bottle. "Alex and Mike and I all started at the same time. Mike's mom actually volunteered to pick me up at the airport since she was bringing them out anyway. It's pretty nice here, decent food and most of the people are okay. You have to work hard, but it keeps things from getting too boring. And math sucks everywhere, doesn't matter what school you go to," she added with a grin, then took a long drink. "Did you mostly have tutors, or are you super-smart like Alex?"
  19. "Oh, yeah, I've heard of him," Erin said. "It's just the way you said it, I... oh." The lightbulb finally went on, and she decided to let that one go. "You could have worse problems, I guess. If you could find a way to bottle that, you'd make a million dollars. But you should stop by the caf while you're here, they've got some kind of milkshake that's got like literally twenty-thousand calories in it that's just for the super high metabolism type. I only eat every couple days anyway, but I've seen people get them. I guess it's probably easier to drink one of those than try to eat thirty hamburgers." She poured the tennis balls back into the machine and checked it to make sure there were no clogs. "Do you always eat like that, or just when you're working out?"
  20. The Bee wins the stealth check Stesha's initiative is 23
  21. "I'll lay low," Stesha said reluctantly, "but only as far as I can without endangering anyone. I know it's me he's after, but I'm not just going to stand aside and let other people fight to keep me safe. That is a good look on you though," she added with a quick grin. "By all means, let's get a move on," Taking the other Fleur's hand, then reaching out for the doctor's shoulder, she touched the broad trunk of the elm tree and transported them to the scene.
  22. Erin was a little skeptical of the Hamburger Helper, which did look as though it had been sitting in an oven for a couple of hours, but she'd eaten much worse. She put some on her plate to be polite and sat down between Trevor and James at the table. "I took the truck out for a spin," she told Trevor, "it's sounding good. Trevor's been helping me mod the engine," she explained to James, who also had an interest in her truck. "It's pretty cool. Gets better mileage now." She kept one eye on Mark, figuring he'd talk when everyone was sitting down.
  23. "I'm still not sure I understand," Stesha said, pushing back her cowl and looking from Taylor to the intruder. "Do you know him? Why is he impersonating the baby? None of this makes any sense." She was sticking close to Dark Star for the moment, but she kept a careful eye on the stranger, ready in case he decided to try anything funny.
  24. Erin could've gotten to Mark's house in a couple of minutes across the rooftops, but she decided to take the truck instead today. You never know when you might need it, plus she wanted to see how it was driving these days. She and Trevor had been doing some work on it, or rather, he'd been working on it while she watched and handed him tools and tried to learn how to do it. She definitely thought the engine sounded better. Even on surface streets, the trip didn't take too long, and soon she was pulling up on the street outside Mark's house. She hopped out of the truck and came around the side of the house, wearing an Ocean Point t-shirt and shorts she'd picked up on their visit last year, that were now approaching the far side of comfortably worn. "Hey," she said, waving to the others, then looking at Mark. "What's up?"
  25. Stesha teleported home the moment the announcement finished playing, muttering curses under her breath the entire time. "I can't believe this guy, I swear I'm going to feed him his damn helmet, one piece at a time..." Bad enough when he'd just been hassling her, but now the whole city could be in danger? Why hadn't they just kept his crazy butt in jail where it belonged? She hurried into her costume, answering Ace's hail as she went. "Okay, I'll meet you there... wait, Dark Star? Where are you going?"
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