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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin put her free hand on Trevor's shoulder, so that they stood as though about to start dancing again, for all that the music was long gone. "Thanks," she told him, her smile losing the ragged edges and becoming more genuine. "The party's pretty much over, it looks like. I think we probably better stick around awhile in case anyone freaks out again, but after that, you want to get some coffee?"
  2. "What's Archeville?" Erin asked, making quick work of the balls on one side of the training cage. It seemed to be a fairly simple operation, one machine in the center that looked like a cross between a tennis-ball shooter from a racquet club and heavy artillery seemed to do all the work, and the mesh was just there to keep anyone not in on the exercise from getting beaned. "She's going to be helping me with some training, since we've got some fighting style in common. And we're together all the time in Young Freedom. I mean, we all live in the same building, eat in the same caf, go to the same parties and classes and stuff. Not a lot of beer involved most of the time," she admitted. "Doesn't do anything for me anyhow."
  3. "In a fight, I'm glad to be a generalist any day," Erin assured him. "It's just in competition that it's not quite so useful. And Zoe's really fast. You'll have your work cut out for you if you want to try and beat her." She walked over to her duffel bag and set the flowers down, then picked up the ball hopper again. "I actually met someone else from your team the other week," she said, ducking into the mesh cage and collecting the tennis balls by pressing the hopper down onto them. "Fulcrum, the really tall one. She suggested that your stories of drinking beer and watching TV all weekend might have been exaggerated." Even if she was going to forgive, that didn't mean she couldn't give him a bit of a hard time, she figured.
  4. "They remind us the only one we're competing against is ourselves, and I try to keep that in mind most of the time," Erin said with a shrug. "Works for me, cause I'm kind of a generalist. Pretty good at a lot of things, but not the best at anything." She finally cracked a smile, though it was a faint one. "I still make sure to trounce James in Mario Kart once every couple weeks, just to keep him humble. Zoe'd probably give you a race any time you asked. She's definitely one of the competitive ones. How far did you race?" she asked, curious almost in spite of herself at how two such fast people would have a footrace.
  5. "That's right!" Stesha exclaimed, brightening as the pieces fell into place. "You came in and bought flowers for a young lady a couple weeks back, I should've remembered right away." She chuckled. "I wondered for days how all that went. You'll have to tell me the story." Putting a hand on Derrick's arm, she introduced him, with a smile for Jack, too. "This is my fiance, Derrick. It's so funny, I had no idea you knew Lynn, or were in this line of work."
  6. Erin hesitated for a moment, not quite sure if she was ready to be done being angry. She thought she could've eked out some more annoyance, even though Eli really did seem sorry, but she made enough conversational faux pas of her own to think it might be bad karma not to forgive someone else's missteps. "It's okay," she finally told him, relaxing enough to sniff the flowers. "I talked it over with some of my friends and worked it out. It's not like you scarred me for life or anything. Are you still going to be coming around for training?"
  7. Stesha smiled at Jack, for all she couldn't wave, and grinned up at the cowboy. "You must be Colt. Lynn has told us so much about you, it's nice to finally meet you in person! And the food smells great! She turned to the birthday girl herself to exchange greetings and compliments. "I'm so glad you like them, they're so pretty and vibrant, they made me think of you. What a great party!" With her hands free, she took Derrick's arm and got a better look at the yard. "Oh look, there's Moira!" she told him. "Let's go say hi!" Fiance in tow, she headed across the lawn, only to pause when she saw who her friend was keeping company with. "Do you recognize that young man?" she asked Derrik in a murmur. "I could swear I've met him before, but I can't for the life of me remember where."
  8. "Sure, if you want to," Erin said with a shrug. "I'm not really a very good teacher, but if you want to train together, that's okay. I'm always around anyway." She made a gesture that might have encompassed the gym or the entire campus. "You really should have sparring partners at your own experience level, too, though. I train way out of my league when I want to challenge myself," she added, "but I learn more when I'm fighting someone I'm a close match for." She didn't mention that Archer'd been having to get more and more creative lately in finding new challenges, not entirely sure how competitive Eve was going to be about that, too. She changed the subject instead. "How are you liking school here so far?"
  9. "I already heard everything I need to from Eddie," Erin murmured aloud, turning her head towards Alex's office. She could form up thoughts in her head for Alex to read in a pinch, but just saying the words aloud was simpler. "I'll wait out here." Turning back to Trevor, she took the hand he'd left hanging in midair. "You caught the culprit while the rest of us were trying to mitigate the damage," she pointed out. "I couldn't have done it. I wouldn't even have thought to look around until it was too late. You had a lot more success than I did trying to stop Mike or Eddie," she added with a smile rueful enough to be half-grimace. "At least I absorbed most of the impacts with my head, so no harm done. I'm just sorry everything got so messed up."
  10. Erin released her grip and stood up, offering Eve a hand to her feet. "Nobody here's going to go easy on you," she warned soberly. "The learning curve is too high once you get out on the streets, and the bad guys aren't going to have pity on anyone because they're young or inexperienced. But you'll learn a lot, and really fast. Being an acrobat is going to help." She cracked half a smile. "I had to learn all that from scratch, and man, it was a pain."
  11. Erin nodded. "Ready," she said, then immediately sprang into action. No flashy moves, no tricks, just a lunge that was almost too fast to see. In a heartbeat, she was across the mat, knocking Sage to the padded mat. Another eyeblink had her rolling the psychic girl onto her stomach and pinning her arms behind her in a neat and near-painless maneuver that bespoke a great deal of practice.
  12. Rolling Initiative: Wander gets a nat 20, for a total of 33. Sage cannot mechanically beat that, so I'll assume that Wander is going first. She is going immediately for a grapple, not bothering to try acrobatic bluff since she knows Sage is as good an acrobat as she is, if not slightly better. And holy crap, Invisible Castle is doing a thing. But I'm not going to argue with it. 1d20+14=34 Sincer we're not sure of where crit bonuses would go on a pinning grapple, I'll leave them off. 1d20+30=36. She chooses to pin.
  13. Erin relaxed fractionally at his apparent sincerity, though she was still half-expecting him to be setting her up for something. A skunk didn't change its stink, as her grandmother had always said, and she wasn't sure why someone who'd been so abrasive and aggressive on their last meeting should be acting so much differently now. But, she supposed, he had come after her on the night of the fights, and been at least passably nice to her then. She decided she was at least willing to entertain the possibility that he was actually sorry. "My team is very important to me," she agreed. "You probably understand that, since you're on one too."
  14. Both of Stesha's hands were full with the huge arrangement of flowers she'd built for the occasion, so she couldn't squeeze Derrick back, but she gave him a smile as they both looked around. She'd gone cute and informal in a powder blue halter top and matching skirt, her long green hair braided and then looped up to keep it out of the way. "Oh, look how many people are here!" she murmured to Derrick. "It's going to be such a nice time. Let's go find Lynn so I can give her these flowers." Peeking out from around the side of the bouquet, she headed across the lawn.
  15. Unsure of what else to do, Erin set down the hopper and took the flowers from him, holding them in both hands. It was an impressive display, all sorts of cheerful bright flowers in a square crystal vase. Despite the circumstances, she had to resist the urge to put her face in them and smell them. Instead, she looked around to see who else was in the gym. It wasn't empty today, a couple students were using the weight equipment and someone was doing yoga on the mats, but everyone was far enough away to be out of earshot, if they'd even cared. She pursed her lips. "If you came here to talk about my private life again, or why you think I don't have any friends, don't even bother," she told him. "If it's something else, I'm listening."
  16. His intuition had been right on as to where he'd find Erin, but she was too busy to notice him for a moment. Today she'd foregone punching for some kind of agility training, or at least that's what he assumed it was. She was standing in a mesh cage in one corner of the gym, and almost the second Eli walked in, a machine at the center of the cage activated and began firing tennis balls at her at a tremendous rate of speed. As soon as the barrage began, she was in motion, jumping and flipping around the cage to avoid the projectiles, which seemed to be everywhere. If it weren't for his own impressive capabilities, he might not have been able to follow the action at all. The drill lasted about a minute, then the machine powered down. Erin stepped out of the cage to retrieve a very mundane ball hopper, and that's when she noticed Dynamo standing there. She sized him up warily, taking in the flowers and the subdued expression, but didn't find any answers that added up well. "What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly.
  17. "I think everyone's fine," Erin told Trevor, echoing Alex's sentiments. "How about you?" She herself was looking better than when Trevor had last seen her, with her clothes repaired, if not her hair and makeup. "I put Eddie in your office," she told Alex, tossing a disgusted look back in that direction. "He wants to talk to everyone, including Zoe. I said that was your call, but I think it's a bad idea. He's managed to do enough damage tonight already."
  18. "Thank you, Jack," Fleur said, turning her smile on him. "We appreciate it, but I think it's going to be fine. It's just that some things need to be taken care of in private, as I'm sure you understand. I hope you weren't inconvenienced in any way by getting caught up in this. Do you need a lift anywhere?" She tossed a seed onto the ground, which grew immediately into a long green vine that coiled itself into the air near Jack of all Blades as if ascending a trellis.
  19. "Well, the Sears Tower probably wouldn't be much of a novelty, since you can fly," Fleur decided. It was still the Sears Tower and always would be to her, doggone it! "If you eat, even recreationally, you need to pick up a deep dish pizza from Giordanos, and get a Chicago Dog from one of the stands downtown. The museums are great, there's the Field Museum, and the Museum of Science and Industry..." She went on like that for a few minutes, listing all her favorite places, and there were quite a lot of them. Eventually, she realized she was probably giving him way more information than he wanted to hear. "Sorry," she said with a grin that lit up her face even behind the domino mask, "I guess I get a little homesick sometimes."
  20. Erin gave Eddie a look of blank disbelief. "You just tried to run me over with your car, Eddie. I don't owe you a damned thing. I trusted you with my life, and you tried to kill the whole team because Zoe cheated on you. I saw what you did to Mike. Do you know what that would've done to Mark? To Alex? I don't know what everyone else has to say to you, but you and I are totally done. You stay here." She walked out and shut the door behind her, then went to look for Trevor.
  21. Erin leaned against the wall near the door, looking incongruously like a bouncer even in womens' formalwear. She didn't seem impressed with Eddie's apologetic attitude. "Haven't you guys aired enough of your personal business in front of the rest of us tonight?" she asked coolly. "I kind of doubt we all want to hear any more, though I'm waiting with bated breath to hear what the hell you possibly could've been thinking. Do you know how many people you could've hurt or killed?" She shook her head, holding up a hand to stop him answering. "No, let's save it. As for Zoe... we'll see what Alex thinks about her being here."
  22. It took a few moments after the collision for Erin to pull herself together and climb to her feet for a look at the wreckage. "Eddie?" she murmured in disbelief, not quite able to parse what she was seeing, even as she watched James pull the unconscious teenager out of the crushed sports car. "What the hell?" The motivation there became clearer as she watched Eddie bite the hand that healed him, then Zoe's impassioned speech. Shaking her head, Erin busied herself looking the car over, making sure it wasn't leaking gasoline or other noxious fluids that could hurt anyone or catch fire. She didn't even notice how oddly she was walking until Alex came over and mended her dress and the broken heel of one shoe. "Thanks," Erin murmured, then walked over to James and Eddie. "I'll get him," she told James, leaning down and scooping Eddie up into an arm carry, with one of his arms over her shoulder. It was an awkward hold, but she wasn't going to put him into a fireman carry when he might still have broken ribs, no matter how mad at him she was. "Don't bother trying to punch me," she advised, walking towards Alex's office.
  23. (23:56:34) AvengerAssembled: “Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he covered himself in honey and bee hormones, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a giant hive with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an stinger with two vials of that delicious royal jelly you love. Look again, the vials are now beautiful baby bees. Anything is possible when your man smells like the Bee-Keeper and not a human. I’m in a bee-suit.†[smell like a bee, man. Bee-Keeper] (23:56:36) Galatine: 'lectra did a double post (23:57:00) Galatine: lol (23:57:25) Electra can't stop giggling (23:57:46) Electra: Fixed, Gala (23:57:54) Galatine: kk (23:58:03) quotemyname is fading fast (23:58:04) quotemyname is fading fast (23:58:11) Ozoe: AA when you have a chance, Geezer made an approval on Oracle, wondering if you can take a look when you have time (23:58:13) AvengerAssembled: He wants to make Fleur de Joie his queen! "Wait, aren't male bees docile drones who can't do anything but-" "THE STING!"
  24. "Oh, I've been there!" Fleur told him enthusiastically, her hair continuing to green in the sunlight till it was the dark color of grass in the summer. Discovering her plant transit network could take her anywhere on the planet had led to several weekends of world-touring, to all the places she'd wanted to see and never had the money or time to visit. "It's just beautiful there, amazing. And the food, and the wine!" She grinned, remembering all of it fondly. "I'm from Chicago," she admitted. "Not nearly so romantic, but it's not too bad."
  25. "Look," Fleur said, smiling in a conciliatory way, "we know you're frightened, and that you don't feel like you have a lot of options right now. I'm sure you had a good reason for breaking into Avenger and Phantom's home, but it's still not acceptable behavior. Why don't you stand down and talk to us, and we'll get things sorted out, without anyone getting hurt or more upset. Don't you think you owe us a few explanations?"
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