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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "I think I know how to handle jerk computers," Persephone told him with a confident toss of her head. She led him down the corridor past a few other sets of living quarters, down to an area where the smell of chlorine was strong in the air. "I had to shock the pool while I was waiting for you," she told him, "We picked up some kind of bacterial growth that I'm still analyzing. It'll be ready tomorrow, but the hot tub and sauna are still fine. You should try the sauna, I added those aromatherapy bricks, and it's wonderful," she said, clasping her hands together rapturously. "It smells like what I'm pretty sure a pine forest smells like, and it will relax and invigorate you!" For the moment, though, she kept on with the tour, leading him to a lift. "You'll be happy to know all the animals made the trip just fine," she reported, bouncing from "foot" to "foot" in the elevator. "And there's a new baby spacelynx! I had to activate my veterinary subroutine, but everything went well, and mother and baby are just fine. "It's soooo cute! I named him Hellcat, after you!"
  2. "Good luck," Erin told him, folding her sheet of paper into crinkled unusability. "Let me know if I can do anything to help, or if you need to use our room or something. I can clear out as easily as Mark can for a few hours, but your room does have the benefit of not being full of cat hair. Just make sure to tell us all the details afterwards."
  3. Stesha blinked at that one. "Well... I can't say that's not ambitious, Moira," she said dubiously, "but a week is a really, really long time to babysit. Especially for one that's so little, and still nursing, right Taylor?" She looked to Taylor for confirmation, then continued. "But we'd be happy to babysit if you want to have some time off, or go out and do something nice. I've got lots of babysitting experience, with my brother and sister's kids," she added reassuringly.
  4. "That's true," Erin allowed with a small smile. "I'm glad Alex decided to stick around even though she's pretty much gotten every class this place has to offer. It wouldn't be the same around here otherwise. And god knows I don't want to have to adjust to another roommate, or let them adjust to me." Erin didn't add the unspoken worry, that once Alex and Mike were engaged, she'd be even more of a third wheel. That wasn't really something for Mike to include in his calculations. "I guess it'll all work itself out eventually. How soon are you gonna ask her?"
  5. "Nicely done!" she told him with sincere enthusiasm, patting his shoulder. "You're getting better already. You know the grass, you know what it looks like mowed and how short you can mow it without hurting it, so it's easier to do it right, you see? Just take it slow and keep learning. You're going to be just fine," she promised. "And remember, call if you need anything. I never sleep."
  6. "Sure," she told him as they pulled up next to a line of closed shops. Erin lost no time in getting out and switching places with him, or in kicking off her red heels so she could drive properly. Looking enormously pleased, she carefully pulled out onto the road, driving slowly until she got the feel of the antique car. "This is awesome," she chuckled. "All we need is for you to have a machine gun and we're set to act out all sorts of movie scenes. If all your cars are like this, I don't know how you pick." The breeze from the open window teased her hair as they sped through the darkness like one more shadow, and she glanced over enough to smile at him. "Thanks."
  7. "I know," she told him, "but it's like, if you change something enough, it's never going to be the same again. And I liked it the way it was. Maybe it'll even be better eventually, but for now everything feels so unsure." She looked up at him, fiddling idly with the one blank sheet that she hadn't passed over. "I mean, it's barely been a year since you guys picked me up at the airport and we all came here together, but it seems like so much longer. It's nice to have someplace that's stable."
  8. Erin cracked a smile at that. "I am a blunt instrument," she joked, "the bat's just an accessory." She decided not to mention that it was an accessory she'd brought along in her purse. He was right, this wasn't an evening for Wander and Midnight, with any luck anyway. "I don't know how much there is to tell. I don't really get out that much. Um, I like playing video games and reading books, if they're not assigned. I'd like to drive your car," she suggested hopefully.
  9. "I've been okay," Erin told him, turning back to the computer to cut and paste some results from the search she'd been running. "It's kind of weird," she admitted, "having people moving on and everything changing. I wonder what's going to happen with Young Freedom, especially if Mark can't bounce back enough to lead it. You're right about it being important, more than just high school friends." She hit the print button and caught the sheets that spilled out, passing them to Mike. "Here, you can call some of these companies, they might cater dinners for two."
  10. Erin couldn't help blinking as she entered the room and saw who her new mentor was going to be. She remembered, vaguely, seeing this woman at the fights, but she'd been sitting down then. Wow. She was really big. Erin was used to being one of the taller girls at Claremont, but standing next to Mona I-Cant-Pronounce-Your-Last-Name made her feel like a little kid. Still, she took the offered hand and shook it firmly, because what else was she supposed to do? "Sure, or Wander's okay," she replied to the question, still rather guarded. "They usually want us to use our code names when we're working." She glanced back at Summers for corroboration.
  11. Okay, I think this should fix it? Size: Planetary (18EP), Toughness +20 (3) Features:Isolated, Living Quarters, Personnel, Power System, Pool, Defense System, Holding Cells, Computer, Sealed, Animal Pens, Infirmary, Gym, Workshops, Think Tank, Self Repairing Powers: ESP (3), Communications Link (1), Impervious Toughness (1) ESP 9 (visual and auditory) (Extras: Duration [Continous], Simultaneous) (PFs: Rapidx10, Subtle) Impervious Toughness 13 (Active/Sustained) [13PP] Communications Link: Fleur DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
  12. "No problem," Erin replied. Now that they were back in the light, she could see and brush off the bone fragments from her blue and gold uniform, which she did while Psyche was getting introduced. "This is Lady Winter, she's new in town and doesn't have a place to stay. She was hanging out in the cemetery when that damned zombie showed up again and started harassing her. I happened to be passing by and gave her a hand."
  13. "I dunno, see the world, go somewhere new." Erin looked out the window at the sparkling lights of the city, receding now as they raced towards the posh enclave of North Bay. "Freedom's got so many heroes, it's a great place to learn the ropes. But sometimes it seems so crowded, you know? You go out patrolling and half the time you wind up seeing another hero before you see any crimes. But you've been here all your life, so I guess it's different. You've got a place and legacy here."
  14. Erin nodded. "And it'll make it simple if you want to use your room to set things up. He'll make himself scarce, maybe he'll even help you clean up and get ready. You could send him to distract your TA, too. I know they don't police us as much in the summer, but it never hurts to make sure you're not going to get busted for having a girl in your room, or vice versa." She grinned, finally looking over at him again. "It would sort of ruin the ambiance, I think."
  15. "Sort of," Erin agreed, also looking concerned. Mark hadn't been exactly the same since his dad left. It was hard to say if he ever would be. "You know, you could maybe get him in on this, at least a little bit. You couldn't tell him everything, he's not good at secrets, but if he's involved, things will probably go smoother in general. And maybe it'll cheer him up some, too."
  16. Erin was usually very good at keeping to a schedule. She had to be, it wasn't as though she'd been given or allowed herself a lot of free time in the past year. When she wasn't in class she was training, when she wasn't training she was in therapy, when she wasn't in therapy she was doing homework, when she wasn't doing homework she was working with her teammates. But sometimes her schedule inevitably slipped off the rails, usually when someone tried to schedule an extra meeting in on her. That was why she was running late today, and still in her slightly-singed uniform as she raced for the headmaster's office. It wasn't as though she wanted to be going to this meeting anyway, she thought rebelliously. She'd tried this mentorship thing once before and it hadn't worked out. She'd done everything Thunderstanding had told her to, and been dropped with little explanation anyway. Why did she have to go through the whole thing again? It wasn't as though she didn't do enough training already. Brushing her hair flat and trying to wipe the scowl off her face, she walked into the headmaster's office.
  17. "Oh, I love it here," Persephone told him loyally. She glanced over to a unit on the wall, which beeped twice, then spat out a silver cup and filled it with fragrant coffee. A little robot with clawed servos detatched itself from the wall, picked up the cup, and brought it over to James. "Back in... I'm not exactly sure, I guess, but back where we came from, I liked to get on the comms and talk to other sentient computers, but most of them are not the same anymore. I will have to find some new friends! But I prefer spending time with you," she told him, doing a little twirl in place. "I'm so glad I found you again. It was getting terribly lonely up here, and having to dodge all those ground sensors was such a chore. Now that you're here, we can go on more adventures!"
  18. "It's good to talk to us," Erin agreed, "but you should probably talk to a doctor too. Maybe you and your mom could go to one together, like family counseling. It would probably help you both, at least some. If you're worried enough about her to think she might be mixing up dreams and reality, she probably could use help too, and maybe she doesn't have the same sort of friends to talk to. And you can talk to the headmaster about more powers training. It's good to feel like you're doing something." Oliver seemed to nod in agreement to that, then resumed licking Mark's hair.
  19. "Then go ahead and ask," Erin advised him. "As long as the two of you are happy about it, it's really nobody else's business. And we could use some happy stories around here lately. I don't know about you, but it feels like it was a very long spring. And now Chris and James are gone, too. Seems like a good time for something good to happen."
  20. "We've got coffee," she told him brightly, "and also very strong coffee! I know exactly how you like it." She breezed down the hall to the bedroom, which was a large and very plush affair done up in blacks and reds. It certainly didn't look like a berth on most ships, but like a really nice, if dark, hotel room. "I stock all your favorite foods, and there's a full galley at your disposal. You should remember that I'm an excellent cook, right?" she asked hopefully. "Don't you remember that time we were fighting the evil Galactic Smazmar and we defeated his war chefs together in head to head competition? Oh, that was exciting!"
  21. Nine points of my platinum reward are going to Stesha's HQ. Size: Planetary (18EP), Toughness +20 (4) Features:Isolated, Living Quarters, Personnel, Power System, Pool, Defense System, Holding Cells, Computer, Sealed, Animal Pens, Infirmary, Gym, Workshops, Think Tank, Self Repairing Powers: ESP (3), Communications Link (1), Force Field (2) ESP 9 (visual and auditory) (Extras: Duration [Continous], Simultaneous) (PFs: Rapidx10, Subtle) Force Field 12 (Extras: Impervious)(PF:Selective) Communications Link: Fleur
  22. Erin didn't say anything, struggling with words that wanted to be angrier than would be helpful, but Oliver filled in for her. Purring like a motorboat, he bumped his head against Mark's jaw, then licked his face. Stretching, he climbed up onto the distraught boy's shoulder and nuzzled his ear.
  23. "Super!" Persephone exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "I'll show you the whole place. I know you don't remember everything now, but you and I have had such adventures together! I'm sure when you see the whole ship, it will jog your memory!" Taking his hand, she skipped (yes, really,) to the door and down the corridor. "We can start with your bedroom! I helped you design everything there for efficiency and your maximum comfort! It's so much better than that nasty little bedroom you were in when I found you." A momentary pout crossed her face, but was quickly cleared off by another smile. "I already started the whirlpool bath for you if you would like to clean up, or I can put it on hold till the end of the tour! Would you like anything to eat?"
  24. Erin shook her head, watching the streets. "If they're anything like what we fought on the bridge, we won't need to lure them. Just engaging with them is going to be enough to get them fighting us instead of going for the hospital. The Interceptors," and she managed to say the name without making a face, which made her proud, "are down by the doors to the emergency room. That's a big vulnerable spot on the hospital, but I think we can trust them to cover it. Chris, if you get into the Pitchoo, you can see anything coming at us, and engage with any flying monsters that come along. Edge and Hellion, you can use ranged fire to attack them as soon as we see them, and I'll engage with any that get too close or aren't being affected by other attacks. We'll save the bait idea for if it becomes necessary, but I doubt they have a lot to spare in there."
  25. "It's up to you whether you think you're ready," Erin said, uncomfortably steering the conversation away from herself. "But you should probably make sure you have, you know, a plan first. Alex is rich now and all, but you should still know what you want to do with your life. Whether you're gonna go to college, whether you're going to get married before or after that, whether you want to have kids... well, that one's weird, but you still get to make some decisions about it. But you don't want to just fall into things and have her supporting you all your life, right?"
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