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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "I don't think it would've made any difference," Stesha admitted. "It was over in the blink of an eye, before I could hardly even think about it." She tossed another handful of seeds, a little rashly this time, so that they were sprouting before they hit the ground. "Taylor was right there, and she couldn't even get a spell off. Plus, he's insubstantial when he's like that. You could hit as hard as you wanted, you'd only hit air. I don't even know how they got that one banished from this universe and back where he came from. I didn't really ask, I just wanted him to be gone. Derrick's kind of torn up about it still. It's hard to talk with him about it." Another handful of seeds. "I just wish I remembered. You went to heaven, sort of, but you remembered it when you came back. Why can't I?"
  2. "Sort of," Erin said carefully. She figured she could probably leave it at that and he wouldn't pry, which was a quality she appreciated in anyone. But it was the middle of the night, and she was feeling more relaxed than usual, and so she let slip a little more. "I didn't exactly come to Freedom City for Claremont, but Claremont's a good place for someone with powers to go when they haven't got anyplace to go. Some people, like Alex and Mike, they have their powers for years and know exactly what they want to do with them when they grow up. Or you, even if you haven't got the details down quite yet. I just figure it's a good place to be while I figure out exactly what I'm supposed to be doing with the rest of my life. 'Be a hero' is sort of vague, you know?"
  3. "That may well be the weirdest thing I've ever done," Erin said, shaking her head. "But you're right, once we got past the giant dog, beating up a bunch of cartoon characters wasn't too hard. I kept expecting something bigger and badder to show up. Is that the sort of thing you have to do every night, run out and pick up people who've gotten pulled out of our dimension?"
  4. Sorry, Darius, I didn't even see the Sense Motive check. On the other hand, Stesha's first inclination is always to believe the best of everyone, so she wouldn't even need a sense motive check to think that maybe the Green Man is a nice guy this time. He's just misunderstood!
  5. "Yeah, you know, Seattle's famous for having a coffeeshop on every corner, Starbucks, all that stuff," Erin told him. "It's kind of just a stereotype, like half the people in Freedom City being metahumans, but there's some truth to it. There are lots of coffeeshops, anyway. I'd rather have cocoa, or just a Coke." She grinned, not seeming too bothered by the line of conversation. "Hope I haven't mortally offended you or something."
  6. That drew a chuckle from Erin, though she hid it behind her coffee mug. "Good to know, I guess," she offered. "So coffee baths probably aren't going to be catching on anytime soon. Even besides the ring they'd leave in the bathtub." She finished her cup, grimacing a little at the sweetness of the sugar that had settled in the bottom of the cup. "I still think I'd prefer getting my caffeine from soda, if it still did anything for me. It's funny because I come from Seattle, but I never really got into coffee-drinking."
  7. Erin grinned in return, shrugging one shoulder. "You could always suggest it to the cook in the caf," she suggested. "Never know what they could come up with. If you can put alcohol in jello, why not coffee in pie? I mean, don't you ever get bored of just drinking it?" As far as she could tell, Trevor drank oceans of the stuff, and that was the reason he could stay up all night. She wondered how tall he would've been without all the coffee. "I was looking online the other day while I was watching Alex's investments and I saw an add for coffee soap. That's got to be weirder than pie. Who eats soap?"
  8. "It's pretty good," Erin nodded, looking into her cup. She'd added two creamers and a sugar packet to hers, but it seemed okay, for coffee. It wasn't something she drank a lot of. "I guess if truck stop cafes have to be good at anything, it'd be coffee. Television tells me they're good at pie, too. I guess if anyone ever came up with coffee pie, truck stops would probably be really good at it." She twirled her spoon between her fingers idly. "I've been thinking of taking a road trip this summer. Maybe I can test the pie and coffee theory."
  9. "Wait, wait!" Fleur called, watching the battle as it unfolded. The plant stuck in her powers was making her feel a little nauseous, but she spoke up anyway. "Stop! There's something really messed up going on here, and we don't know what it is. Something is very strange with these plants. Really bad. If he knows anything, we need to find out what it is!"
  10. Erin breathed a sigh of relief to be out of that weird, weird little world. "All right, job well done, I guess." She put away her bat and handed the "king" his shoes. "Here you go. Try to stay out of alternate dimensions full of cartoons from now on." She looked over to James. "We done here?"
  11. Okay, here we go. Edits for Fleur de Joie: First off, I'm totally removing the little array. Kaput! All of it can be wiped out. Second off, I'm re-adding the one point Feature: Makes Flowerpots. Third off, adding a Dimensional Movement AP to the big array. It looks like this: Dimensional Movement 3 [any dimension] (Extras: Duration [sustained] (+2), Portal(+2)) (Flaws: Medium [Plants]) (PFs: Progression x5 (250 ft by 250 ft)) LINKED Teleport 1 (100 feet) (Extras: Duration [sustained] (+2), Portal (+2) (Flaw: Medium [Plants]) (PFs: Progression x5 (250 ft by 250 ft) (34 pp) Fourth off, taking all my saved points and all the points from killing the little array, minus the 2 points already allocated up there, and using them to buy a new unarrayed Summon power. It looks like this: Summon 3 (45PP Minions, Feats: Progression [Minions] 2 [5 Minions], Extras: Action [Move], Horde, Independent, Range [Ranged], Total Fade) [20PP] Doktor'd
  12. Erin snatched up her beacon, flicking the gum off it without twitching a hair. "All right," she said, sticking the beacon back into her pocket. "Let's get out of here before the audience wakes up and gets frisky again. Can you get us out from here, James, or do we need to get back outside?" She kept an eye on Lenny, making sure the weird little creature didn't try anything.
  13. Erin considered that for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I guess so." No matter what sort of education you'd had before, going to Claremont was bound to be different. She had her jacket on over her uniform, but the blue spandex leggings and gold boots still stood out a little. Nobody had cared enough or been brave enough to say anything, though. "Definitely different."
  14. Erin laughed or caught her breath as Trevor executed some of his more daring maneuvers, otherwise she just hung on for dear life and enjoyed the ride as Freedom City passed by in a rush of blurry lights. Eventually, though, even the best motorcycle ran low on gas and the most skilled driver needed a few more hits of caffeine, so the small hours of the morning found them in the diner of a truck stop just off the bypass, sitting in a formica and vinyl clad booth and drinking surprisingly decent coffee. It seemed like a good place and time to talk, but Erin was not very good at small talk. She tried to think of what Alex would say. "How do you like the school so far?"
  15. Electra

    New Sound

    Erin shot Trevor a grateful look for diverting the conversation, then breathed a sigh of relief when Mark showed up to take over the tour guide duties. She was out on the front lawn enough that she tended to intercept the new people, but she wasn't really that good at, you know, being social and giving tours and all that. She'd wing it if she had to, but it was a job she'd happily turn over to anyone else. "Mark knows everything about the school," she told Warren, "he's been here longer than any of us, and he knows all the stories."
  16. "I'll try," Stesha said, a little dubiously. "I haven't got a lot of practice doing it from far away." Still, she closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling all the plants in the city for one overwhelming moment, before she narrowed her focus onto the plants at Star Island, indoor and outdoor. Working as quickly and thoroughly as she could, she began skimming through their perceptions, trying to find any clues as to what was happening there.
  17. Fleur's taking 10 on her ESP search. What does she see?
  18. Skill mastery intimidation, his DC to resist is 20.
  19. "That's the one," Erin confirmed, glaring at the annoying little monster. "He got my beacon and ran off with it. If I don't take it back with me, I'll never hear the end of it." She put out a hand. "So why don't you give it to me now, and there won't be any more trouble." She gave a significant glance to the piles of unconscious and dazed creatures before returning her glare to Lenny.
  20. "If you want," Erin said, reluctant to bring the ride to a close. It would probably be smarter if they went back to school, at least give them the vestige of plausible deniability if Summers decided he didn't like the news of more teenage vigilantes running around. But despite all she had to do there, school was boring, and most of the people there were a little afraid of her, and that wore on the nerves after awhile. "Or we could just keep going for awhile. I think there are some good straightaways on the bypass around the city."
  21. Erin helpfully stacked the stolen goods in front of the car where the police would find them, her gloves ensuring that no confusing fingerprints would be left behind. As the sirens grew near, she hopped onto the motorcycle behind Trevor, not looking back as they raced away from the scene of the crimefighting. "That was a lot better than sitting in the common room playing video games," she decided aloud. "Nice driving."
  22. Stesha stayed where she was for a moment, still feeling bone-weary after the shenanigans a few minutes ago. She snapped back to attention as the giant plant thing began menacing the hostages. That wouldn't do at all! The Green Man might be legendary for his control of plants, but they were her plants too, and he wouldn't do evil with them without a fight! She concentrated on the vines binding the center hostage, making them stretch and grow a gigantic, floppy-petaled flower. When it was big enough, she brought it down with a thought, sending it tumbling down over the gaggle of helpless humans with a soft whumpf as it swallowed them up and deposited them safely in plant storage for the time being.
  23. Fleur is going to use Dimensional Pocket Attack to snatch the hostages. Since they are already immobilized, I assume that it would be quite difficult for them to make the reflex save against being gulped down whole? (And yes, she can compartmentalize her Pocket, she is not feeding them to Mama Nasty. )
  24. Sufficiently cowed by the loss of their vehicle, not to mention the immensely creepy guy with the internal fog machine and the spandex-clad musclewoman sitting on their crumpled hood, the robbers inside the car raised their hands in surrender. Sirens in the distance indicated that the police were not far away. Erin looked over to Trevor. "You got any handcuffs in your gear?" she asked, sotto voce.
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