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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin was a little surprised to find them back at the back of the hall, but she took it in stride. "You just have to make an entrance, don't you?" she teased under her breath. Well, no way out but through at this point, since they'd been spotted by a lot more than the scant handful from the first time. She strode forward, nudging the animals aside if they wouldn't get out of her way, and headed for the dais. Everyone could see them coming at this point, given that they both were half a body taller than the average citizen.
  2. "Sure, it sounds like fun," Stesha said. "I can't wait to see it. I'll be over in ten minutes, okay?" Ten minutes later, Stesha stepped out of the bonsai plant in Moira's living room for the first time in what seemed like ages. She was in costume herself, a spring-green tunic and trousers with a belt full of pockets and pouches for her seeds, and all of it covered by a dark green cowl jacket with a hood that covered her distinctive hair. "Hey Moira," she called teasingly. "I'm here, where's the cheesecake?"
  3. Erin rolled her eyes at his refusal of her plan, but she couldn't help the little smile the words brought, either. "Fine, plan B," she said. "Those creatures we ran into in the back of the hall weren't scared of us and didn't try to fight us. We could walk right out and say we've come to take back the civilian, then see what happens. If they go nuts, you teleport with him to the back of the hall, and I join you. I can get there in a couple of bounces. From there, I pick you both up and we get as far down the corridor as we can, till you can open a portal back to Prime. It'll probably be mayhem, but I think it'll work. Better?"
  4. "Yeah, that'd come in handy..." Erin began looking around for a source of better cover. "If they do find us, you grab the civilian and get him home, then come back. I can hold them off until you get back." Erin really didn't like the idea of telling James to leave her in this universe alone, but she trusted him. If he left, he'd come back. "Buncha little melty animals, can't be that bad..."
  5. Erin shook her head. "No, he'll be back when he wants to be back. I don't think he likes you very much, so he's probably not going to show up so long as you're around, but nobody can keep him from going where he wants. He'll be back in my room at dinnertime, if nothing else. If you're staying, you should definitely see the dorms. There'll probably be some people hanging out around there."
  6. It didn't take long to collect lunch, though Mark was hardly the only student wrestling with some fairly basic tasks. It seemed like the kids with super speed and agility were worst off, misjudging their own bodies and constantly bumping into things or tripping. The mentally powered kids had it kind of tough as well, most of them looked a little dazed as they stood in line or tried to order. Erin was relieved to get out of the lunchroom and off campus entirely. She felt a little strange without her powers, but there really wasn't much she couldn't do now that she could before, just not as well. It wasn't as though she could fly or shoot lightning bolts or read minds. And she was starting to get a tan, she noted with satisfaction as they walked. It had been a very long time since that had happened. Even a sunburn would be worth it for the novelty. "How's everybody doing?" she asked as they went along. It seemed like she and maybe Chris were the least affected, so it was probably a good idea to keep an eye on the others.
  7. For its part, now that the body was gone, the soil seemed entirely undisturbed, as though nothing had ever been there. Aside from the littered half-grown mushrooms that Phantom had blown aside, it looked exactly as it had five minutes ago. It was apparent that her body had wanted to be buried and had acted to enforce that wish, but what that meant now was hard to determine.
  8. "We're never going to get back to the place we jumped in from," Erin said, "we'd have to fight our way through the whole hall. But they can't have this many people around him all the time. Let's wait for the moment and see what happens. Maybe the crowd will thin out, or they'll take him offstage. Like you said, I don't see any immediate danger, just so long as we don't start smelling sulfur or anything."
  9. "Eyuck!" Stesha exclaimed as the plant spit her out. "Did I say that that was the very living end before? Well, I was wrong. This is." Despite the humorous words, she was worried. Her most dire power against plants hadn't worked. The other hero attacking it hadn't fazed it. Maybe the only thing to do at this point was to try and contain the damage. But could she move something like this, so big and weird and angry? Stesha closed her eyes and focused all her energy, clasping her hands together in front of her. Behind the mama plant, another shoot began to grow, thick and green and very purposeful. It loomed up above the odious plant-thing, then opened a massive daisy head, the size of the logo on a Target store. It hovered there precariously for a moment, then collapsed over onto the mama plant, stamen side-down, as though overcome by its own gravity. Only when the dust cleared, the plant that had been beneath it... was gone. Stesha staggered a little, clutching onto the edge of a propagating table, but looked pleased with herself. "And good riddance," she muttered with satisfaction.
  10. Okay, using Extra Effort for a power stunt... Stunting off her big array: Dimensional Pocket 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous] (3); Flaws: Side-Effect (Dimensional Movement if the creature passes the save, Unreliable [2] [1 use], PF Attack Focus 2 (Ranged) And...rolled a 1. Of course. Well, I'll take the fatigue from the extra effort, and use her last HP to reroll instead. Rolled a 21. Mama Plant must make a Reflex save, DC 21. Here's hoping plants do not have terribly good reflex saves. :D
  11. Erin watched as the bridge shook with the impact of the cargo container, sending cars sliding off the sides. She couldn't do anything about those, so she forced herself not to think about the people trapped inside. Instead, she leapt for the thing that had thrown the container, opening her bat in midair to meet it ready for a fight. She landed behind the creature, who was still looking far too pleased with itself about the container it had thrown, and smashed her bat twice into its spine, once with each end.
  12. Erin's going to leap out onto the cargo ship and attack "House." Full Power Attack with bat. I think a 24 hits, if its defense has been dropped, so that's a DC33 toughness save. Spend an HP to surge, hit it again. A 23 this time. If that hits, it's another DC 33 save.
  13. Erin nodded. "Sure," she told him, "I'll keep it in mind. If you're ever up at night again and want to do some training, hit me up. It's less boring with two people. Think I am going to go take a nap now, though," she decided. "Sleep when the getting's good, just in case something comes up tomorrow, you know. See you around?" she asked.
  14. Erin collapsed her bat, visibly relaxing as the simulation ended and a set of statistics appeared in glowing letters on the wall, grading her performance. They didn't really mean anything to Trevor, but Erin seemed satisfied enough. She tucked the bat back into her belt holster. "You can if you want to," she told him, "it's not required or anything. Most students want to be on one," she explained, "not everybody gets to be. It's a lot of extra work, extra training and stuff. Summers won't let anyone go out in the field without being sure that they're ready. But I think if you want to do hero work, it's a lot better to have a team than to be on your own." She opened the door, letting in the scanty light from the long corridor. "The easiest way to get in is to have the people on a team decide they want you, and then they can ask to have you on the team. If you wanted, I'd um, I'd put in a good word for you with Young Freedom. The team's getting kind of big already, but I think you have some skills we could use."
  15. Edits for Wander: Add 1 rank of Speed (and thus 1 rank of Leaping AP) Add 1 rank of Super Strength Geez3r'd
  16. Sweet! Fleur rolls a 30, for a successful save.
  17. Erin ducked behind one of the thrones, studying the situation with a furrowed brow. She didn't like what she saw. "Those animal things are being way too nice to someone they just kidnapped," she muttered to James. "We have to get him out of here before they throw him in a volcano as an offering to their god or something." Maybe Erin hadn't studied as much hero history as Mark had, but she'd been in quarantine for months, and she'd watched a lot of television.
  18. "Mmm, probably," Erin said noncommittally, looking at the mess. "There's some soap they keep down in the laundry room that's good for getting out stains on costumes. At least your costume's dark," she joked. The simulation began to clear, most of the slime, though not all of it, disappearing as the buildings faded into black walls that glowed with faint patterns of energy. Erin brushed a little excess slime off herself and looked over at him. "That was good work," she said. "Especially if you haven't done any group training before. Are you going to try and join a team while you're here?"
  19. Initiative: 17 Hope this roll isn't a sign of things to come. =P
  20. Erin watched from far below as black fog covered Trevor and the giant Grue. She hoped that was Trevor's doing, and thus why he'd asked about her ability to fight blind. In any case, it seemed to really bother the Grue, from all the yelling. She sort of lost track of what was happening up there, but the solid thump and the cry of pain from the Grue boded well. When the alien had staggered its way out of the cloud, she leapt into the air and straight for its head, leaping over it and smashing him in the forehead with her bat while she went. A quick mid-air sommersault turned her again as she headed downwards, landing with a soft thud behind the Grue. She quickly turned to watch what would happen.
  21. Erin's going to do a move-by leaping action, she's going to jump up over the Grue's head, bat at his head, and keep going back down to the ground. She's going to do an all-out power attack for this one, trying to end it sooner. Woo-hoo! She rolls a 30, so that's a DC 33 toughness save from the Grue.
  22. Erin was glad she'd already been in her room between classes when the call came in, that meant she could change into her uniform and didn't have to go into battle in her civvies. "I'm coming too, be there in just a minute." In mere moments she was changed and activating her beacon, following Alex's coordinates out to the bridge site. As she took in the scene, she murmured a few bad words. "What's going on here?"
  23. "Thanks." Erin smiled a little. "If and when, I'll try to remember to leave a note absolving you of responsibility. But everybody who knows me already knows I come up with plenty of dangerous ideas on my own, anyway." She hesitated for a second, looking around. "I'd show myself out," she admitted, "but I don't know my way home from here."
  24. She was still a little unprepared when one of the flower arrangements suddenly began popping out more flower arrangements, rather like it was aping the guest of honor. The crowd of hyacinths hiccuped up a pot of blue and white daisies, a vase of blue roses sprinkled with baby's breath, a pot of carnations, and then a bunch of balloons before finally regurgitating Stesha as well, who was carrying a large box covered in teddy bear wrapping paper. "Hi Taylor!" she said brightly. "How are you feeling? I tried to get here a little early in case you didn't have enough decorations, but time got away from me."
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