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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "It's okay," Erin told him, "but most people who have forms besides human go human around here. It might make it easier to meet people." She led him up to the administration building, but didn't go inside. "That's the main building, it's got Summers' office, the infirmary, all the records and secretaries and stuff like that. Most of us only go there for training, 'cause some of the special equipment, the Doom Room and stuff, is underneath it." She detoured for a moment to check for Oliver in the bushes around the front, but he was having none of her for the moment. "The dorms are over this way," she told him, setting off again. "You didn't say whether you're staying on campus."
  2. "That is cool," Erin decided, more impressed by the disappearance of the fire than its initial appearance. "Is it just an illusion, or does it actually burn and you can just control it?" She went over to the trash can to look at it, but the smell of cooked garbage was quite unappealing and she didn't stay long. "Oliver is my cat," she explained. "Well, he stays with me, anyway. He's the one you scared off a minute ago."
  3. Erin watched, wide-eyed, as the new kid made his bizarre transformation. It was... she wasn't sure what it was, but it wasn't like anything she'd ever seen before, that was for sure. "Impressive," she agreed, running a hand through her hair. "I guess that explains why Oliver didn't like you too much. But you better put that out," she went on, pointing to the trash can. "There are rules about destroying property, and you don't want detention on the first day of school."
  4. For all the training she'd done, Erin hadn't done a lot of teammate-lauching, mostly because it was usually her that Mike was throwing or dropping onto opponents. But she knew the theory well enough. Trevor had done damage to that thing's leg, surely if he could get to a vital area, he could do more. She crouched and made a stirrup of her hands for him to put his foot in, then flexed her arms and straightened her body, sending him flying. It wasn't a bad throw, really, for a first-timer, but her aim needed some work. Trevor didn't get quite as high as the head, but he landed on the huge chest and clung like a squirrel. It worked, Erin guessed.
  5. Erin is doing a full All-Out Attack to raise her very mediocre ranged attack modifier. Invisible Castle pwns me, and Erin is out of HP. But at least he didn't miss entirely...
  6. Before the giant fist could connect, there was a flash of blue and gold as Erin leapt in front of Trevor and took the hit, the sound of it resonating in the dark street. The force of it knocked her to the ground and she looked a bit pained for a moment, but quickly got up again. "Let me throw you," she suggested to Trevor, with a nod to the giant thing's head. "It won't be able to hit you without hitting itself."
  7. "Get us over there," Erin muttered to James. "Maybe at the back of the stage, if you can." She could've covered the distance in a couple of bounces, but there was no reason to draw more attention to themselves before they'd seen what was going on. James' teleportation was a lot more subtle, and slightly faster.
  8. Erin stared up at the two aliens, blinking. "No wonder I didn't get full credit for the scenario last time, I never opened the capsule and found these guys. Huh." Without further rumination, she ducked under "Tesla's" tentacle, spun on her heel, and drove the bat upwards into that maw full of teeth.
  9. Erin is going after "Tesla," starting with an acrobatic bluff, with her Skill Mastery for DC 25. She will follow that up with a simple full Power Attack. Spending a hero point to get over that nat 1. =P Second roll is a 24. DC 33 toughness save.
  10. Erin watched the bizarre outburst in baffled silence, not sure of what exactly to say about it. "I think Mr. Summers knows about just about everyone with powers, for whatever reason," she said with a shrug. "Especially people our age. I don't know if anyone's ever specifically asked him though." At his question about her powers, she shrugged again, then flexed her knees and leapt from a standing start, disappearing away above the trees. She was back a few moments later, her feet displacing a small divot of dirt as she landed in the same spot she'd vacated. "Some other stuff too, but that's probably the 'superest' thing. What about you?"
  11. The roots began growing much faster as soon as they began contacting suitable dirt, making a soft but audible noise as they spread and multiplied. In moments, a carpet of them had spread over Stesha's form, obscuring her almost completely. With a single, convulsive movement, the roots pulled together as one, drawing the body beneath the soil entirely, leaving not so much as a bump behind to show what had been there.
  12. "Um, powers training?" Erin explained, looking at him as though she thought he wasn't entirely there. "That is why you're coming to the school, isn't it? I mean, if you're just a really super artist, it probably won't take too long to get you whipped into shape, but they'll probably help you develop and stuff, too. That's the way it usually goes."
  13. Erin gave him a look. "Well, control at first, obviously. But once you've got that down, you can be assigned to a team and start doing useful stuff. It's kind of cool, but just watch out for Mr. Archer. He's a jerk, and he'll beat the crap out of you if he thinks he can get away with it. He's the gym teacher," she explained. "But most of the other teachers are all right. You going to live on campus?"
  14. "It's pretty nice," Erin agreed. "Food's good, and there's always stuff to do. The classes are hard, and they'll train you till you drop, but if you don't mind working, it's a lot more interesting than regular school. You paint?" she asked. "I think they offer some art classes, if that's what you're interested in."
  15. "An artist? Huh." Erin was content to leave it at that for the moment; some people didn't like talking about their powers. "That's cool. I'm on a scholarship here too," she admitted. "Lots of people are. It's not bad, but you'll want to pick up a part time job or something if you want money for clothes or to do stuff with. Mr. Summers' office is in the main administration building, over thataway." She fell into step with him as they walked in the direction the cat had gone. There wasn't much better to do this afternoon, and anyone new was a curiosity. "Where are you from?"
  16. Erin gave the downed supervillain a poke with the end of her stick, to make sure he wasn't about to get back up. From the look of it, he would probably be sleeping it off till the computer erased him. With a quick nod of satisfaction, she loped back towards the others, keeping a very wary eye on the slivers of sky visible between all the buildings.
  17. "I'm Erin," the tall girl replied, smiling back at him for all she still looked a little concerned. "You must be new here?" she guessed, looking at the suitcase and the new face. "We've gotten a lot of new mid year students this semester. Huh. What do you do?" she asked curiously. Part of Erin wanted to cut the conversation short and go find her cat, but Oliver would be found when and if he wanted to be found, and not a second before.
  18. He was barely through the gates of the school when he was approached, but not by any of the students dotting the campus grounds. A lanky orange cat, seemingly out of nowhere, crossed his path and approached him curiously, ears pricked and tail waving idly. As he got within a few feet of Blake, though, the cat's steps slowed, then stopped. It stared at him, seemed to get a good whiff of him, and then its entire demeanor changed. With a hiss, the cat arched its back and puffed its tail, laying its ears flat back against its head. It let out one bloodcurdling yowl, then ran off as fast as its furry little legs would carry it. A moment later, a tall girl in jeans and a blue blouse walked out of the trees around the gate, looking after the cat. "I've never seen him do that," she said, sounding concerned. She turned and sized Blake up, a little suspiciously. "Who are you?"
  19. The default is that you stick with the stats you had when the thread started, but the GM has total discretion on whether to allow edits. A lot do, just because it can be hard to remember from thread to thread what your stats were at that point in time.
  20. Erin looked at Mark and Faith with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "You'll be fine," she repeated. "You skinned your knee, and it's just for one day. But we'd better have lunch before baseball, especially anyone whose body isn't processing food the way it usually does. We can grab sack lunches in the cafeteria and take them with." She paused for a second in a sunny patch between the trees, raising her arm to shoulder level and looking at it as the bright morning sunlight spilled over it. It felt strange to feel much of anything from the sun, whose rays weren't nearly strong enough to tan or burn her skin. But today she could feel the warmth, even the very faint stinging that said it might be a bit too warm on her pale flesh. It was weird. Shaking her head, she continued onward with the group.
  21. Erin sighed, surveying the bizarre assortment of fuzzy alien... whatevers. James seemed to be enjoying her discomfiture far too much, but at least he was laughing. This save the universes job didn't leave a lot of time for fun. "Excuse me," she said, raising her voice and trying to at least sound polite. "Have you seen another creature like us come through here recently? He might have been with someone from around here."
  22. "Keep an eye on the sky!" Erin called as she bounded after Gamma, leaving the passengers to Trevor. "I don't think we're done here!" When she reached Gamma, she didn't bother with any fancy tricks or posturing, just drove the butt end of her bat into his midsection as hard as she could.
  23. Erin's going to hit him again, but this time, no knockback, please! She's trying to keep him where she can continue hitting him without having to chase him all over. She's going to do an all-out power attack to try and polish him off. A roll of 25 succeeds, so that's another toughness save at 33 for him.
  24. "So if I could find the bait, I could set a trap," Erin mused, looking down at the map of horrors as she thought out loud. "At least get him out of his nest, maybe back to where I come from. It couldn't be any place where collateral damage would be a problem. For the guards, I could probably borrow some stuff, even if it would take awhile..." She trailed off, then looked up at Phantom. "I think that's what I wanted to know," she said with grave politeness. "Thank you for your help."
  25. Erin opened her mouth, then closed it again, a little confounded at actually being asked. "Well, yeah, I am a girl. Not like, you know, most of the girls here," she admitted, flushing a little as she glanced around at the generally genetically favored attendees of the party, "but I still count. I just don't think that anybody is fluent enough to make Faith see what she doesn't want to see. I think she's really in love with him."
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