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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin grinned a little. "That's not the real name of it," she told him, "it's actually the Responsive Combat Training Simulator, but they forgot to put any vowels in so they could make it some catchy acronym. And once you meet Mr. Archer, you'll know why they call it a Doom Room. You ever see Star Trek? It's kind of like the holodeck there, except not as sophisticated. You'll probably get a powers evaluation done there, if they don't know what you can do already, plus if you're on a team, you can train there." She shrugged. "I generally spend a couple hours a night there, but it gets boring sometimes." She thought back to his earlier statement. "So are your family heroes, or just like staying up late? I know Mark was going nuts over your motorcycle or something."
  2. "Hey Trevor," Erin said, nodding a greeting as she paused the game. "I don't sleep much, maybe once every few days. Too boring," she joked, smiling somewhat ruefully. Boring sleep had never been her problem. "Things are usually quiet around here at night, but some people are always up. If you're a night owl, you can always try out patrolling, or just hang around and play games, or go and train in the gym or the Doom Room." She gestured to her own uniform, the generic Claremont blue-and-gold spandex ensemble that showed off a lot of very well-defined muscles. "I should be there, but eh. You up and around every night?"
  3. Thread with Midnight and Wander both enjoying their half immunity to sleep.
  4. It was well past eleven pm by the time Erin stopped into the common room, but she was dressed to go out. In the sense that she was wearing her uniform, anyway, which was about as dressy as she ever got. James wasn't around tonight, hadn't been for the past several nights, but the habit of looking for him in the evenings was too ingrained to let go of easily. She hoped that whatever was keeping Phantom so busy didn't last much longer, so that James would get some free time again. Until then, though, she was on her own to entertain herself on the evenings she didn't bother with sleeping. Duty pulled at her to leave the empty common room behind and get on with her night's training, but she was bored of endless solo practices. Even Archer was having a hard time throwing anything new at her out of his fetid little mind these days. Plopping down on the couch in the middle of the room, she picked up a wiimote and booted up her favorite racing game. Also not as fun solo, but at least it was better than slapping around computerized mooks for the rest of the night.
  5. Erin leaned against the wall for a minute or two, getting a feel for her new body. It wasn't horrible, she decided after the initial shock had worn off. It certainly wasn't as bad as it had been when she'd gotten depowered by Hellion's dad, and stripped of everything that had made her different from this world's Erin. Her body still responded, if a bit sluggishly by her standards, and she felt, well, okay inside, at least. She was startled when her stomach rumbled suddenly. That usually didn't happen till she'd gone days without anything to eat. "I'm going to get lunch," she told her comrades. "Then... hey, you want to go to the park?" she asked Mike. "We could find a baseball game or something. With our powers turned off, we could play like normal, with regular people."
  6. Wander A Day Without Powers Down The Rabbit Hole I Don't Know Kung Fu Gazing Into the Abyss Fleur de Joie Green With Envy The Crash
  7. I was traveling! Man, miss a day, miss a lot, huh? But traveling 450 miles with an infant does not allow for a lot of posting time. I'm home now though, so whenever it's time for me to take my turn, I shall.
  8. Erin hesitated for a long few moments, watching as other students accepted their power nullifiers. She had to give herself a stern talking to about how safe the Claremont campus generally was, and about how she could take the stupid thing off any time she wanted. Finally she stepped forward and stuck out her foot. As the field took effect, she staggered a little, catching herself on a chair as she regained her footing. With a little less color in her face than she'd had before, she headed back towards her place. "What are we supposed to do now?" she asked, loud enough for anyone who cared to to answer.
  9. Erin shifted uneasily, looking at the other students. She wasn't really afraid, exactly, but losing her powers was a rather uncomfortable notion. She'd had a quick taste of that back at Halloween, and had gotten gotten less of wisdom and more of nightmares from the experience. But this was a controlled exercise, not an attack. "Well, it's only a day," she murmured aloud, shrugging.
  10. Erin hesitated in front of the doors, looking at James. Giant monster dogs she could handle, people were another issue entirely. They were much more James' area. "What do we do?" she asked him. "Can we ask them to help us find this guy, or are they more likely to try and keep us from getting to him? Or is it like some Star Trek prime directive thing where we can't let them see us because we're from another dimension?"
  11. "What?" Stesha asked in response to the swordsman's greeting. She realized her had left her hood down in all the excitement and quickly pulled it up to hide her distinctive hair. There was no time to ask him any questions though, before the fight was upon them! Stesha didn't recognize the swordsman or the fire controller who came along and set the maurauding plant monsters alight. She figured they were on the same side, though, and that was good enough for now. "Stop it!" she yelled at the plant monster who was still standing, flinging out a hand and tossing her power at him. If there was one thing she was actually good at in the whole heroing business, it was controlling plants. She wasn't about to let one start getting uppity and evil now! The force of Stesha's will hit the plant creature like a tangible blow. It stopped short, frozen for a moment like a topiary statue, and then seemed to dissolve, falling apart into its component vines and stems. There was a moment of trembling stillness, then every bit of the thing fell to the ground all at once, leaving nothing standing. "There's more in the greenhouse," she reported, "and worse. I don't know what's causing it!"
  12. Stesha makes with the Disintegrate against Piranha 2. First roll is pathetic, spending a hero point. Second roll is even _more_ pathetic, but at least it gets another 10 added to it, total 18. If that hits, he makes a Fort Save at DC 20, then a Toughness Save at DC 25.
  13. "We didn't run away, it did," Erin pointed out with a shrug. "No sense fighting something that doesn't want to fight us, especially when we're going through its home turf." She cracked a smile. "It's not exactly heroic to go into somebody's house and beat them up. Anyway, we don't waste energy doing it this way." She spun her bat to full length again and headed back into the cave, keeping an eye out for anything that might have been hiding behind the big dog.
  14. "Who couldn't use some extra credit?" Erin put in, pushing herself away from the wall she'd been leaning against. "And it's something to do, anyway." She shrugged at the other two. "I don't think he's going to make us fight, though. He'd have told us to bring our uniforms for that. Everybody here's in street clothes, except the ones who never take off their costumes."
  15. "Oh boy," Erin said dryly. She collapsed her baton for the moment, waving the log at the giant dog instead. "Look, here's a better one. Go get it!" She wound up her pitching arm and sent the log sailing out of the cave as though it were a twig, then flattened herself against the cave wall in the hopes that the dog's enthusiasm for sticks would carry the day. She'd had a dog once, for all she didn't like to speculate on what had happened to him, and there were some constant traits that they all seemed to share.
  16. Stesha gets a 22 on her Notice check. Those green beasties are not so sneaky! ;-) But she has decided to let everyone else rescue her before she does anything about it. :: Initiative is 5.
  17. Okay, I was confused at first about which character Cy was using for this thread. I've edited my first post and gone ahead and brought Stesha in on the action. Since she's reacting to the plants and not to the people, I had her teleport into the backyard. Using ESP, medium plants, to try and see what's going on in there.
  18. Stesha popped out of a tree just outside the greenhouse where all the very strange plant activity was going on. It felt even odder in person, sort of compelling and awful all at once. She wasn't sure she wanted to get any closer, but just standing outside and looking stupidly at the bizarre shadows wasn't going to do much good. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on projecting her senses into the plants inside the greenhouse, looking and listening through them at what was going on inside.
  19. Wander: Edit to Superkitty: Powers: Put Insubstantial and Emotion Control into an array together. Insubstantial 4 (magic, vulnerable to water, PF: Subtle, 1 alternate power,) (22pp) AP: Emotion Control 10 (Extra: Burst Area, insidious, Flaw: Range 2 [Touch], PF: Subtle) Remove Attack Specialization: Bat Add 2 ranks of Attack (4pp) Add 2 ranks of Defense (4pp) DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN Fleur de Joie: In the big array, Growth 15 has one more flaws than extras, I think I should be able to add the Burst Area extra without a problem? Add 1 rank of luck (1pp) Add 1 rank of Protection (1pp) Add 1 rank of Defense (2pp) Save 3pp for later DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
  20. "You kidding?" Erin muttered, even though James wasn't around to hear it. "'The dog ate it' has got to be the oldest one in the book." She began backing up slowly, keeping the dog monster's attention while moving it closer to the front of the cave. "Any time now would be good," she called, beginning to worry about what would happen if the dog decided to give her a friendly lick.
  21. Chris was fast, but Erin was faster, catching sight of the punch an instant before it landed and dropping to a crouch. His fist whipped past over her head. Even as he was bringing his arms up to block, she was there, tapping him firmly in the solar plexus with her fist with enough force to show that she could've done substantial damage if she hadn't held back. Though she wouldn't let it show, Erin had practiced for hundreds of hours to gain the control needed for that small trick. "Not bad," she told him, "you should do fine fighting your average bad guys on the street. But you'll need a lot of practice before you get into a fistfight with the metas who do it for a living. And your skills are really in other areas."
  22. Erin rolled improbably well on that sense motive check, and beats the feint with a 29. She is not flat footed, and he doesn't even come close to hitting her. She rolled improbably poorly on the attack, which would not be good for teaching, so spending a hero point. Much better, a 31. However, she is pulling her punch, hard. No damage.
  23. Erin rolled her eyes, even as a reluctant smile tugged at her lips. "Great, now it wants to play." She glanced at James out of the corner of her eye. "Could you maybe pop outside and get a big stick to throw for this guy? I'm not going to explain to Archer how I lost my bat to a fifteen-foot weiner dog." She wiggled the bat again to keep the dog's attention. "You want a stick? You want the stick, big guy?"
  24. Halfway across the city, Stesha Madison was dozing in bed. It was early in the evening still, and she rarely needed to sleep at all, but winter just wasn't quite sunny enough for her liking, and she'd been getting a lot of exercise. She jerked upright in bed as the gates of her ESP suddenly opened wide, allowing in a torrent of confusing impressions from the plants around the Greater Freedom City area. Something was going on with the plants, something bad. She pressed her fingers to her temples, trying to clear her mind, then looked over at Derrick, in his human form for once and asleep next to her. He looked so peaceful, and he very rarely took time to relax outside of his cosmic heroic form. Well, the plants were her oeuvre, she was sure she could handle whatever was going wrong and get back quickly. Rising, she hastily donned her costume and teleported out to Lantern Hill.
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