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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Stesha shook her head and laughed. "Not me. I'm still practicing, but my main, heh, teamwork technique mostly involves hiding when anything bad happens. I think I have a ways to go before I'm going to be too much use for any team situations. But hey, you never know, I guess. Are you and Colt working together these days, then?" she asked Lynn.
  2. Erin gave him a humorous look. "Since when do I start fights?" she asked archly. "I just finish the fights other people start. Anyway, you know what I mean." She left him standing at the door and walked into the church, pausing just inside to instinctively suss out the tactical situation, just in case. If she were going to be in a fight with a flier, she decided, this wouldn't be the worst place to do it. The pews provided plenty of cover, and there was statuary and other paraphernalia for missiles if necessary... not that she was looking for a fight. But it never hurt to be prepared. There was no one immediately in view from the doors, so she took a few steps further in. "Hello?" she called tentatively.
  3. Erin paused for a moment, a few hundred yards from the church, to take in the scene. "They're open late," she commented. "Or the angel guy likes to keep the lights on. Guess he doesn't have to worry about anyone coming in to rob the collection plate." With a shrug, she began heading towards the church again. "I'll stick my head in and see if I can get him to come outside, so you don't have to yell through a window or something. Just try not to get in a fight with him," she teased.
  4. A little nervously, Stesha stepped forward and raised her hands, waiting for the applause to die down. "Thank you, all of you. We're very grateful for your support and appreciation as we do our jobs. We don't do hero work for the money or the fame, we do it for people like you, who make it all worth it. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the convention." Stepping back next to Dark Star, she opened one more flower and swallowed the whole group of them, sending them off to Freedom League headquarters. It was important, she supposed, to make a nice short speech and a good exit. It probably got easier with practice.
  5. Erin followed Alex up the side of the building, bouncing off ledges and the side of the fire escape and making good time. "I wonder if they'd lose points for knocking down buildings. That's a lot of extra collateral damage. Plus, it would probably actually make us harder to find." Shading her eyes against the sun, she tried to catch sight of the hero-filled hamster ball as it rolled through the city.
  6. Erin heard the screech of metal as Phalanx ripped the cannon free, but she had no time to look up, and little inclination. All her attention was focused on the man-shaped piece of scum in front of her, taunting her for his life. Heedless for the moment of her own defense, she dove at him, tumbling them both to the ground, then straddled his chest with her bat pressed up hard against his neck. One hand clutching the bat on each side of his throat, Erin applied pressure until he started making gagging noises, then eased up a fraction. "I know what happened," she grated. "I was there, and I saw it. But I'm not going to kill you. You deserve to lose everything instead, and to spend the rest of your life remembering that."
  7. Erin's doing a full power attack, aiming to grapple. That's an attack of +8, +5 to the grapple check, and normal +13 defense, before you take into account whatever he did with his taunting. Since Steelgrave is prone, the attack hits. Got a nat 20 on the grapple roll, for a total DC of 50.
  8. "Yeah, at that church," Erin confirmed. "They've had a busy year there." She snorted. "Maybe God sent this guy down as a consolation prize for us wrecking everything up there on Halloween." Checking her watch, she glanced up at James. "You think angels have to sleep at night? We could go see if we can get a look at him. I doubt many other people are out wandering around on a night like this, so it might be the best time. The paper says a lot of people have been going to try and talk to him at the church."
  9. Erin grinned, a little ruefully. "I think you sort of make theology more a way of life," she pointed out. "I guess I'm curious to see if this guy's for real, or if he's like a supertelevangelist or something. It sounds kind of stupid. I mean, if there were such a thing as real angels, why aren't they out doing miracles and saving people? Where were they when the whole city was crawling with demons? You'd think if there was any time to see a great multitude of the heavenly host, it'd be right then." She shrugged. "But it might be interesting to see what his schtick is."
  10. "No, actually Archer's eased up on me the past month or so," she admitted. "I don't know if he's found someone new to torture, or if he finally thinks he's taught me what I need to know, but I've hardly seen him at my training sessions lately. I was doing the agility course again. Figure we'll have to fight in snow and ice once in awhile, and I don't want to look like a moron grabbing for a handhold and falling off the side of a building or something." Erin looked down at the paper. "I was just looking at this thing about that guy out in Lantern Hill. Have you heard about that yet? He's claiming to be an angel, like a real from-heaven, works-with-God kind of angel. Some people actually believe it."
  11. OOC thread for James and Erin heckling Angel-Boy.
  12. The snow had hit Freedom City hard. Not quite as badly as some cities further south, but they'd gotten a few inches dumped on them, enough to make the roads treacherous and hero work a misery, even for those who were immune to most weather effects. It wasn't easy to fight crime you couldn't even see. But with the snow still falling quietly outside, it was a good night to snuggle in under the covers, or, for those who weren't sleeping types, to hole up indoors and try to relax a little. James hadn't had as much time to relax lately as he was used to, with all the extra work he was doing outside the school, but he managed to make his way to the common room tonight, as he still did a couple of times a week. Erin was there already, like she usually was when she wasn't busy with her own training. From the look of her windburnt cheeks and hands, she'd been training tonight already, and had likely only avoided frostbite thanks to her healing abilities. She looked up from the Sunday newspaper she was reading and gave him a nod of greeting. "Hey, I see you're staying where it's warm tonight. Smart," she added with a wry grin.
  13. Erin watched the ball go, then paused and turned to Alex. "So, I think we're winning. Want to chase them down and finish fighting it out, or get out of here and figure it'll probably take them more than 45 seconds to get back here and find us?" she asked with a grin. "Especially if you hide us. I don't think running out the clock is against the rules."
  14. Erin raised an eyebrow, grinning a little at James' summation of the situation. "Maybe we should warn her," she suggested jokingly. "I can imagine a lot of ways for one of Mark's attempts to impress a girl to go really wrong... even if it would turn out all right in the end." She looked up at the roof speculatively, then shrugged. "Do you think they're coming down?" Spotting them on the edge of the roof, she took a couple of steps back.
  15. Erin felt the whoosh of air as Mike pulled up just shy of hitting her. She'd been distracted enough to forget to dodge, and was just as happy not to have been knocked halfway across the quad. In retrospect, it might have been wiser to stay away from the buildings, seeing as how they weren't in the simulator today. Well, live and learn. Looking up at the roof, she activated her communicator to call Mark. "You okay up there?"
  16. Wander cut close to the buildings that edged the Quad, ducking through bushes and jumping over porticos, anything to give her a little cover and keep her opponents busy. She saw Phalanx barreling towards her when she feinted into the open for a few moments, and immediately headed for the entrance to the administration building. It's broad staircase and wide railings would give cover and a place for her to mount a few acrobatic tricks of her own, if he'd close in tightly enough. Just as she was approaching the steps, though, she saw the door open and someone walk outside, right into the path of the oncoming flier. "Look out!" she yelled, either to Mike or to the stranger, for all the good it was likely to do either of them.
  17. Stesha will spend an hp to power stunt Healing 10, extras: Standard Action, Total, Resurrection, Flaws: Distracting, Others Only, Unreliable (5x day). Ace needs to make a recovery check with a +10 bonus.
  18. Stesha watched in mute horror as the evil... thing that looked like a doll made of corpses savaged Ace, then turned to fight more of her friends. For a long moment she couldn't move at all, rooted to the spot by shock and fear. He had to be dead after an attack like that, and what could she do against death? But he was Ace Danger, and maybe he wasn't quite dead yet. She had to take the chance. Rising to a crouch, but staying as close to the ground as she could, Stesha scuttled into the fray, to where Ace's mutilated body lay. The sight of his chest made her gag, but she swallowed hard and dug through her pouch to find one paper-wrapped bundle. It contained the sticky ball of sap she'd made using the instructions for care and feeding of her baby magical plant. The one Ace had given her, ironically enough. She didn't know if there was even a prayer of it working, but she tried anyway. "Don't be dead, don't be dead," she murmured, using two fingers to poke the ball of sap as far down his throat as she could.
  19. "Remember," Erin suggested helpfully to Alex, "love makes people do stupid things. You should ruthlessly exploit that if he comes for the flag." Laughing, she jogged down to the middle of the quad, scanning the field to see where their opponents had set up. She was at a disadvantage against opponents like Zephyr in an exercise that involved more running than fighting, but she was confident she could at least provide a good distraction and give Mark time to find the flag.
  20. "I think that's a decision that every city dweller eventually has to make, usually sometime in college," Stesha joked, spreading out the food on the low table and trying to dispel some of the tension in the room. "But hey, it doesn't matter so much what you eat, as long as you're eating regularly. Try the egg rolls, they're amazing." She passed one over to Taylor, then took one herself. "So, what did you find out from the doctor?"
  21. "Shouldn't we have Psyche guard the flag?" Erin pointed out, "since she can disappear and stay hidden and still keep track of everybody on the field? Hellion can be our midfielder and keep an eye out for anyone coming for the flag, or break forward to help with the capture. I'll do the feint, run straight down the field and keep them busy, and Mark, you make the concentrated effort to look for the flag. You're mostly likely to fall over it anyway. When you find it, Psyche can tell me and I'll help you get it back," she explained, outlining the strategy with her hands as she spoke.
  22. Stesha saw the blast of energy coming in the instant before he launched it, and reacted on instinct. Taylor was stronger and more resilient than she was, but she was pregnant, too, and god knew what something like that could do to her and the baby. For the moment it didn't matter that they had no idea whether it was okay anyway, or even whether it was a monster or not. Taylor loved him and wanted him, so he was her baby and needed to be protected. Before the thought had formed into more than an amorphous concept in her mind, Stesha was taking action, pushing Taylor out of the way and dumping half her seed pouch on the floor. They all began growing at once, ready to become a defensive wall of green, but it just wasn't quite fast enough. The blast of gravitic energy picked Stesha up and sent her flying. It hurt a lot more than she thought it would, was Stesha's last really coherent thought. The crib behind her splintered as she was knocked through it, then into the side of a sturdy maple wardrobe, and finally whipped her through the drywall backing of the display nursery and into the concrete pillar backing it up. By then it didn't hurt nearly so much, and that was good. Taylor was casting a spell, she realized blearily, one that was sending the whole room into darkness. That was a good idea, he'd never find them there... She reached for her pouch, thinking about helping, but managed no more than to twitch her fingers a few times before the spell was complete and everything got very dark.
  23. Stesha spends an HP to gain the Heroic Feat Interpose. It hurts and stings! Want me to actually roll it out, or should we assume that this is a suitably dramatic moment?
  24. Stesha fails the reflex save. She succeeds on the fortitude save. What's the damage?
  25. Stesha will do a total defense maneuver while she is demanding some answers! Full round action, raises her defense to 13.
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