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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin had little time to consider the demon's taunt before his fellows were upon her, coming from all directions at once. With whip in one hand and bat in the other, she fended them off, fighting desperately for a little more time for Mike to come back and try again. She managed to avoid one demon entirely, ducking his strike so he hit nothing but the tombstone behind her, but that left her back open for two more to rush her. One struck only a glancing blow across her shoulders, doing little, but the other was luckier. Erin cried out in pain as its talons tore into her back, shoving her down face first into the holy mud. She rolled quickly back into a crouch, but she was still winded, and with a face full of sticky mud to wipe off.
  2. Erin stepped forward, her long strides carrying her to the front of the group as everyone prepared for the parts they would play. She met James' eyes across the park. There was no sense in trying to be subtle now, he knew they were there. "James!" she called, raising her voice to carry. "We want to talk to you! Let us through." She kept walking towards him, bat still clipped to her belt, her hands empty.
  3. "I don't know." Erin pressed her forehead against the wall. "I don't... all I know how to do is fight. If there was something to pummel, it would be better. But this is what you're good at. Do you really think we're going to find something if we keep looking through all these databases? It seems so hopeless, like looking for a needle in a field of haystacks."
  4. Succeeds on one, bruised and stunned by the other.
  5. "What choices do we have?" Erin snapped in return, still focusing on the wall She wasn't quite as tired as Alex, but the nasty mix of guilt, worry and fear in her stomach was eating away at her every bit as effectively as Alex's coffee. "If we can't get him back, hell is coming to this world. James made that pretty clear." She twisted her body to look her roommate in the eye. "I can't watch another world die, Alex. I'd go down along with it first. I'll take as many with me as I can first, but I don't think it's going to help. It could be like the Grue again, but worse. We have to stop it, that's not a choice. But staring at computer screens for hours on end isn't helping!"
  6. Erin stopped pacing long enough to look up at Alex. "We can keep trying and lose anyway, we're on a timetable, and every hour we lose just makes it worse. They're going to break him, it's what they've been trying to do to him already, all this time. It's why he never sleeps, because they come after him then, and now they've got him full-time. They're going to torture him until he loses who he is and becomes what they want. Even if we keep trying, if we don't find a way soon, it doesn't mean a damn thing." She spun on her heel and went up to the wall, but pulled herself back at the last moment from pounding on it, resting her fists against the metal instead. "I should've seen it coming earlier. If we'd been just a little sooner, we could've helped him. Maybe if we'd had the whole team, or some actual adults. We could've done something," she muttered.
  7. "We could ask someone. Some priest or something, someone who knows about demons. They know all this crap at Catholic churches, right?" Erin suggested, her pacing gradually increasing in speed until it was a little dizzying. "I mean, they practically invented all the particular things that live in hell, and the levels and stuff like that. Or we could call Phantom again, see if she knows anything. She didn't _say_ what we were supposed to do if we lost! We were the heroes, we weren't supposed to lose him!" There was despair under the anger in her voice, the belief deep down that they really had lost, and there wasn't anything to do about it.
  8. Erin barely paid attention to the demons attacking her as their claws scraped uselessly along her toughened skin. The one bloody clawmark she had was already knitting up as she watched Mike fly away. She was already planning to disengage when the flying group was suddenly yanked backwards by something new, bigger, and even worse. It wrapped its whip around James and pulled him back to the sodden earth, away from safety and back into the fray. In an instant, she was in motion again. One giant leap took her away from the demon-scrum and brought her face to face with the hideous new demon. Her heart was racing, but she wasn't even thinking enough to be afraid right now. Shifting her bat to her left hand, she reached out and grabbed the whip around its thick, leathery handle, yanking it away with all her strength. "You don't belong here," she growled at the thing. "Go back to hell."
  9. "We can't just do nothing!" Erin snapped futilely, hitting the arm of her chair hard enough to bend the metal. She stood up then, abandoning anything she could hurt in her frustration, and started pacing instead. Her footsteps were loud in the quiet room. "He got down to hell. Maybe we could follow him there somehow. Maybe we could do something to protect ourselves there. I mean, in legends and stories and stuff, people do it all the time, go down to hell, make a deal with the devil, whatever. There has to be a way."
  10. Erin sat nearby at another screen, theoretically helping with the research, though she hadn't pressed a button in more than ten minutes. She just stared at the screen blankly, the white glow reflecting blankly off the smudges of soot and blood still on her face. Eventually, she blinked and shook her head, pushing herself away from the computer. "What are we even looking for?" she demanded, frustrated less at Alex and more at the world. "We know what those things were, we know where he went. How is any of this going to help?"
  11. Erin is going to attempt to disarm the hooky-spiky whip-thing from the demon. Unarmed, straight attack this time with no modifiers, so she's at 10s across the board. First attack roll fails. Edge spends a HP on her behalf. Second attack is a 26, and succeeds. First Strength roll is just embarrassing. Wander spends one of her own HP. Result is a 28.
  12. Erin landed with a thud on the ground, looking up as the apparition poofed suddenly into nothingness. "Get the guys who summoned that thing," she reminded her teammates urgently, "don't let any of them get away, or they might try again somewhere else!"
  13. Stesha walked around the back of the house, through the extensive gardens that stretched to the beachfront. It must have cost a fortune to irrigate and fertilize these plants in soil that had to be poor, but that didn't seem to be much of a problem for Ace. It certainly wasn't a concern to her now. There were civilians out here as well, because there was simply no more room in the house, but they were clinging to the patio area and staying well away from the edge of the property. Some murmured or waved when they saw her, but there were enough heroes about today that one relative unknown drew little excitement. They all had much bigger things to worry about. She studied the elaborate topiary statues here and there, mostly jungle animals, with the occasional person figure as well. Pausing in front of a pair of leafy tigers, she dug into her bag and tossed a seed into each of their mouths. With a gesture, massive red flowers sprang forth like hungry, seeking tongues, ready to devour the unwary. She nodded, letting the flowers return to their normal small size, to wait. They would do.
  14. Fixed It's not just generating oxygen, though that helps. She also makes the plants transpirate the bad air much faster than they normally would, and soak up the poisons, as well as encouraging larger plants and trees to move their branches and disperse the bad air. This power would not work in an area without sufficient plants, until she made some. Same drawbacks as from the old sheet, I forgot to copy-paste them. Fixed. All Stesha's powers are of the magic descriptor. There are biological mutations in her body, but there is little that is scientific about it. A magic plant sneezed on her and gave her magical plant powers is pretty much her condensed origin story. =)
  15. Erin hesitated a moment, then added her hand as well. "Whatever happens," she agreed, looking around the circle. It wasn't much of an army, but it was better than going into a fight alone. Even if none of them came out, at least they'd have gone as a team.
  16. Stesha bit her lip, struggling with the impulse to ask him to stay. She'd taken off the domino mask that went with her costume hours ago, so it was easy to watch the emotions playing over her face. He was so tired, and things were only getting worse out there. If he was here, at least he'd be safe as long as there was any safety to be had. And maybe it was partly selfish desire too, to have him here with her, no matter what was going to happen. But that wasn't who he was. "We'll hold down the fort here," she told him instead. "Just stay in touch, and come back soon. If something happens and I have to go, I'll leave a message for you so that you can find us." She pressed her lips to her own hand, then lifted her fingers to where his cheek would be. "Be safe out there. I love you." Turning, she hurried away towards the back of the house, before she choked up or anything else unheroic.
  17. Wander fought back viciously, using bat and body to try and fend off the onslaught. One of the demons hooked a claw into her shoulder and drew blood before she could shove it away, while his compatriot pummeled her but did no damage. Stretching her body, she wedged her bat between Psyche and the demon trying to attack her, absorbing the blows with its shock absorbers. "Go!" she gasped again, trying to hold the near-untenable position.
  18. So close to making both.... 27 and 33. She takes a bruised health level. Wander will also interpose for Psyche, down one toughness because she is bruised. Success, a 30.
  19. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1233#p21408 There you go. If an in-site link doesn't work, it's because we just moved to a new URL. Just copy/paste the link location, and swap out endlessflight.net/freedom for freedomplaybypost.com and keep the rest of it the same. The refs are working to fix things up, but it all happened just last week. =)
  20. "Just shut up for one damn minute, would you, Eddie?" Erin snapped, her face taut, voice brittle enough to break. "Are you really so eager to kill or die? It's not a game, and you have no idea why James did what he did. He was trying to stop this before any of us knew it was coming, and that makes him braver than any of us. Maybe we'll have to take him down or die trying, but the last thing he deserves is a punk like you insulting him. And the last thing any of us needs is to run in without a plan." She took a deep breath, focusing on the rest of the group. "I'd like to take point when we go in to face him," she said, forcing her voice to be calmer. "I was able to reach him once before when he'd been dragged down to hell. I know him better than anyone here. With Alex's help, I might be able to get through to him. And if not, I know I'm stronger and faster than he is... than he was ten days ago, anyway."
  21. Stesha gave Dark Star a tired smile as his power whispered over the tendrils of hair that had fallen from her long braid over hours of work. "Reinforcements are coming," she maintained earnestly, "we just have to hold out long enough for them to get here, and they'll find a way. The Freedom League won't give up on Freedom City. You should stay here for awhile," she told him, "get some of your strength back. We might need you here, very badly, if it comes to a fight. There are a lot of vulnerable people packed into a small space here, and the demons are already at the door. Phantom knows where we are, she can get all of them safely here."
  22. Erin's wading in with the same attack she made before, full power attack plus three all-out attack, with the inspired bonus. Her attack roll will be 1d20+13. Damage DC will be 32. First attack is a miserable failure by all accounts, spending a HP. Second attack is also horrible but does succeed. If the demon is disabled or knocked out, she will go on to a second one. Assuming the attack can be made it will hit, again for the same damage. Her defense is down to +7 now, not counting the inspire bonus.
  23. All righty, then we'll do some actual rolling. ::Cracks knuckles:: Just to speed things up, can I get the attack DC for the smaller demons?
  24. Cy, do the little demons count as minions? I wasn't sure, because minions can't technically get critical hits on PCs, but that's an easy rule to forget anyway. Assuming they are minions, Erin's going to start taking 10s on a full-out power Takedown attack, which would make the attack on each one 20, with Mark's Inspire bonus. Assuming that hits each of them, the DC to save is 30, and if they fail, she can go on to the next one, and so on. Mark has generously volunteered the use of his powers in the event that one should make the save.
  25. "Mike, take James and Alex and go!" Erin ordered urgently, wincing reflexively as a demon bit without success into her arm. Another managed to lock onto her throat from behind, but she prised it off with her bat before it could break the skin. "We'll follow you!" She waded into the morass of little demons, beating them with both ends of her bat. Her face was set and her eyes locked, as though this were the sort of battle she could handle by instinct more than training.
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