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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "He doesn't need to sell you anything, he's just got a soft-spot for the misguided," Paige said absently, her eyes just a bit unfocused as she looked at the captured group. "Two of these were hired by Monaghan, two of them were hired by someone else, a woman, short hair, fairly attractive. They don't actually know much of anything else, but I imagine simply the fact that we got Monaghan's name from them will be enough to ensure that their time incarcerated will be unpleasant and possibly cut short." She projected the image of the woman to her family, just in case anyone knew her. "We shouldn't waste any more time here."
  2. Paige is going to try and scan the minds of the thugs to see if any of them have any useful information that surfaces while Richard is attempting to interrogate them.
  3. Singularity fails the save badly, with a 15. Being a sidekick is a rough gig.
  4. Jessie had been curled up on the sofa in the living room before Aquaria came in, reading the homework assignment for her literature class. She was behind, like she always seemed to be, but not hopelessly so. If she could just have some quiet days and work really hard, she could still catch up and do better than she had last semester. She liked school, and god knew she had no idea what else she was going to do with herself, but she suspected her doppelganger's largesse wouldn't last forever if Jessie proved consistently unable to do the work. There was just so little time to get everything done. She was just setting her book aside to start outlining the paper she needed to write when Aquaria came bounding in, highly agitated. That wasn't very surprising, since Jessie knew Aquaria was listening to the opening ceremony for the new Atlantean embassy. The fact that something bad was actually going on was much more surprising than the idea that Aquaria would freak out over nothing. Jessie rose from her seat and followed Aquaria to the closet. "You aren't the right person to be in this fight," she reminded Aquaria, knowing it would be fruitless. "Having a Deep One in the mix is only going to make the situation worse, and you'll be putting yourself in a lot of danger. There are plenty of other heroes who are going to be responding to this. You could get in trouble." Her arguments were already tinged with an edge of tired resignation.
  5. Erin's face was carefully blank as she exchanged a glance with Trevor over the comment about the Great Mosque. There were a very limited number of ways in which a deposed ex-princess would get access to that hallowed space, and very few of them involved a tearful rapprochement with family and everyone seeing the error of their ways. Erin liked Nina well enough, certainly felt a little better about her than she had before the water controller had hauled her up off the bottom of the ocean, but she had no illusions that Monsoon was anything more than a hero of convenience. She was helpful, at least for now. The problem was going to come if she managed to pull Mark and his phenomenal powers away from the path of righteousness. God only knew what might happen then. "Are you guys planning on staying in Freedom City?" she asked.
  6. Electra


    "You'd look terrible as a blonde," Raina agreed definitively with Fred's assessment. "You haven't got the coloring for it at all. But you could punch it up with some highlights, add a couple more subtle variations of color so you look like you've been getting out in the sun. All optional, though. Shoes are a requirement." She herded the group to the shoe department, then abandoned them to gravitate to a display of strappy icepick heels in a rainbow of colors. "Now these, these are some amazing shoes," she murmured appreciatively. "But again, not for you. Can you wear a kitten heel?" she asked Fred, holding up a shoe with a much lower, substantially wider heel. "You don't want to wear any shoes you can't run or fight in."
  7. Electra

    Present Arms

    Raina grinned at him, a carefree smile that didn't make it anywhere near her eyes. "I don't trust anybody," she said lightly. "It's bad policy. But I don't think they'll give away your secret." Merlin nodded agreement. "Being at Claremont makes us privy to all kinds of sensitive information about people's secret identitites, and it sort of gets drummed into us not to tell. And I don't really know Phae that well, but Cathy does, and Cathy's good people. So it's a sort of innocence by association thing, I guess. If one of them were to tell, they'd be in pretty bad trouble, if that's any consolation." She shrugged, indicating her inability to help him any more than that.
  8. Electra


    Raina took a step back and pulled her hand away when Fred stiffened, but otherwise acted completely unaware of her friend's moment of unease. "Oh, you probably wouldn't want to go too short anyway, but maybe something fun and shoulder length, get some layers going. I bet you might have some natural wave in there if your hair weren't so heavy. And Matt has a good point, if you hate it, it always grows back." She turned to start gathering up Fred's sizable "keep" pile, unceremoniously pressing Matt into service as pack mule for the many outfits. "You could do something with the color too, but it's nice the way it is, and good for winter. You ready for shoes? Honestly, we really ought to get you something steel-toed, but you won't find them here. They've got lots of other stuff, though." Raina seemed extremely pleased at the idea of a visit to the shoe department.
  9. Electra


    "Yeah, welcome to the brilliant world of women's fashion," Raina informed her dryly. "If they gave us pockets, how would they sell us impractically small handbags? It's another good reason to go with the layers," she pointed out, "you can always wear a shirt with pockets or a jacket. There's stuff on YouTube about how you can hack the stupid ornamental pockets to make them real pockets, but you'd have to ask Cathy or something. She's crafty, not me." As she spoke, Raina walked a full circle around Fred, giving her the benefit of her full and considerable attention. "Yeah, this is good. You look hot, but not, you know, too hot. You have places to go if you want to step it up for a date or something, and you won't get yelled at by the teachers. You should wear this one for the rest of the day." Stepping up behind Fred, she gently picked up a hank of the shorter girl's long hair, even as she met Fred's eyes in the mirror. "So how about this, how devoted are you to keeping all of it?"
  10. Electra

    Present Arms

    "Oh no, you'd appreciate the bear urine story," Raina assured Erik, folding her legs into a neat midair lotus position and accepting her bunch of grapes back from Merlin. "It's like a textbook lesson in what happens when you learn only one way to fight and try to make it applicable to every situation, even when it's completely different. I guess when your only tool is arrows soaked in bear pee pheremone, every problem starts to look like a bear. It's a much less useful multitool than, say, setting something on fire." Obviously pleased with herself, she looked ready to observe the goings-on in the dojo for the moment, rather than stir herself to participate.
  11. "I never turn down help," Stesha agreed with easy affability. "There's more than enough to do around here, if some nature spirits want to lend a hand, that'd be great!" She took her coffee very light and very sweet, then dunked a bit of her muffin into it. "Luckily, you don't have to make any decisions about your future just yet. Claremont will help you get a good look at everything you can do, and then you can decide what's going to fit your life. It's okay if you can only hero on the weekends or in big emergencies, every little bit helps!" She grinned reminiscently. "When I got started, I was still working full time as a florist, and I could only go out in the middle of the night. No uniform, no team, barely a plan at all, I'd just go out and beautify the parks around the city. I still do, every once in awhile," she admitted with a laugh. "But there's only so many hours in the day."
  12. Gonna try and reroll that attack. Uuuuuuugh. It is an 18.
  13. Erin looked startled for a moment, then just a tiny bit relieved, then gave Trevor a playful nudge. "You're supposed to act surprised, at least," she stage-whispered to him. "Congratulations, both of you." She gave Mark a hug that was only slightly awkward, which was about as good as Erin hugs ever got, then gave Nina a nod. "So, you doing okay?" she asked the exiled princess. "Got the whole doctor thing sorted out, and not too vomity?" She really had no idea how to talk to pregnant women, but it seemed like the sort of thing that ought to be asked. She wished that Alex would show up and take over.
  14. Erin tugged off her helmet and followed Trevor into the house. Her own blue sweater and jeans were slightly torn and blood-spattered from the fight, but she herself seemed undamaged. "Sorry we're late," she echoed his greeting. "Sometimes the crime just sort of falls in your lap. Or crashes into your motorcycle. We kind of have bagels and cream cheese." She tugged open the edge of the bag Trevor was carrying and looked inside. "Yeah, close enough. Did we miss anything?"
  15. Singularity will make a Charging Power Attack in order to cover the distance and still use her fast acrobatic bluff. Her Acrobatics check is 26 with skill mastery. Her roll is terrible, it is a 13. Of course, this thing is probably not too hard to hit, so maybe? If that misses, I'm going to beg an HP from Jessie's hero mentor. If she does hit, it's a DC 30 toughness check.
  16. Electra

    Present Arms

    "The school can teach you to fight with your powers," Raina pointed out, giving a quick smile to Talya before going back to where she'd been sitting in the air. "You know, more or less. Archer's not the only game in town. But if you're supposed to live in the regular world and have a secret identity and stuff, you should be able to fight with your hands or a weapon too. I've been informed that I can't just set every grabby jerkass I meet at a club on fire, at least not for a first offense, but a quick jab to the solar plexus works pretty well. You should try it." Raina's voice evinced complete disinterest in whether her classmates actually did try it, but that was Raina's default attitude for many things, whether she wanted them badly or hated them passionately.
  17. Electra


    "They're leggings," Raina supplied helpfully from the dressing room next door. "They're not tights, tights are see-through. Leggings are pants, just snugger and more comfortable. They're also cheaper than buying pants if your clothes tend to have a short lifespan," she reminded the scientist. "Pair them with any of those bold-print tops, the longer ones will cover your butt, if that's what you're worried about. Then you toss a jacket over top of that and you're set!" She came out of her own dressing room in an outfit similar to what she'd just described, though with a much shorter top under the jacket, and examined herself in the triple mirror. "Ugh, I need a haircut. Definitely not enough to trust a mall salon, though."
  18. "I don't actually know about spirits," Stesha admitted. "I don't use spirits in my work and I'm not aware of their presence, so I suppose there could be tons of them around and I'd have no idea. But if there are, they haven't made much of a presence of themselves so far." She pushed Lilly's coffee mug to her, then poured milk into her own and carried it, along with the muffins, to the table. "The Freedom League is an interesting gig, I haven't been main-team for long, but you see a lot of really bizarre stuff. It can be a lot of stress, I mean, we don't usually get called out for the small potatoes, but it's rewardng, too." She laughed a little, wryly. "I wasn't really expecting how much it was going to destroy my attempts at a secret identity, but I was never very good at it anyway." A gesture at her elaborately-braided green hair explained that. "Are you looking to join up someday?"
  19. Electra


    Raina took Fred on a whirlwind tour of the juniors section, explaining slacks as she went, along with all kinds of other intricacies of color, cut and style. For someone who rarely seemed to study at school or care about much of anything, Raina had an excellent grasp on fashion and was more than willing to pass her knowledge along. Another salesclerk found them and began setting up a dressing room for Fred, populated mostly by outfit pieces that Raina said she ought to try on. "You should probably also get a few things to dress up your uniform too, if you can," Raina suggested. "Maybe a jacket or a belt, something to make it look a little less prefab. You're going to be doing stuff outside of school eventually, you don't want to look like another Claremont Clone."
  20. Electra

    Present Arms

    Raina wasn't exactly thrilled to see her roommate and her roommate's girlfriend at her own private retreat, but her personal chagrin was swept aside as she noticed the sudden tension from the adults in the room. Erik was an energy controller, she knew that much about his powers just from Talya's brief description. She wondered if he'd gotten a load of the sulfur and brimstone taste that lingered around Phae whenever Raina opened her magical senses. Talya had obviously caught the discomfort; Raina recognized her moves to find a weapon and a better tactical position. She opened her own senses and caught the brimstone-yuck that was Phae and the wintergreen of Cathy, but nothing unusual beyond that. Unfolding her legs, she glided across the floor with a polite company smile. "Sleeping pretty well these days, I got a down comforter for Christmas," she reported cheerfully. "I wasn't expecting to see you today, Cath. You should've said something, we could've ridden together." She leaned in and gave her roommate an airy cheek-kiss, a well-practiced maneuver that should've been awkward but wasn't, and one that incidentally presented her unprotected back to Phaedra. It would be a clear sign that she wasn't worried, or at least clear to Talya, who'd taught her how to do it in the first place. "So you guys here to learn some self-defense?"
  21. Electra

    Present Arms

    "Nuh-uh," Raina popped a few grapes in her mouth. "That sounds way too much like regular responsibility, and I'm not a fan." Merlin chattered agreement to that as he accepted the banana and peeled it neatly from the base. He'd gone through a brief period of flat-out refusing to eat bananas because he hated succumbing to cliche, but the fact that bananas were delicious had eventually overcome his resistance. "Besides, being able to set people on fire is the core of my self-defense strategy, and that takes a really long time to teach." She hitched one leg up under her like a flamingo, then hitched the other up as well, so she sat crosslegged in the air with her snack. "I'll stick with the babysitting gig. That's way more exciting."
  22. Electra


    "Because I'm an expert," Raina added, completely nonchalant. "You could stand to pick up a few new things yourself," she told Matt, bluntly but not exactly unkindly. "While we're out and about anyway, you know? We'll just toss it all on Anibal's card." She tapped Fred's elbow to steer her into the Juniors section, which was studded with its own complement of mannequins and many, many racks of clothes. "So just reasonably fashionable school wear for now?" she guessed. "Mostly slacks, maybe some mix-and-match sets, stuff that's not going to get shredded by the poor excuses for washing machines in the laundry room?"
  23. "No, no spirits," Stesha replied, setting out a little french press and scooping coffee into it, then pouring the hot water over top. "We don't do very much with spirits here on Sanctuary, there was so much death, I'd be a little worried how someone attuned to the spirit world would deal with all of it, even as long ago as it was. My personal aura of power seems to be enough to sustain plants around me, but I haven't done a huge amount of scientific testing." There were a number of brilliantly colored flowers in pots on the counter, Stesha reached inside one in a slightly physics-defying maneuver and withdrew a white bakery bag. "Erde is a nasty place," she agreed with Lilly's unspoken opinion. "There are a few very nasty, very dangerous dimensions out there, and you don't want to go anywhere near them. This area of the dimensional sheaf is safe and quiet, very rarely disturbed. And with Gabriel and Gaian Knight here to help out, there's very little that's going to threaten us." She automatically brushed her knuckles over the counter, knocking on wood, then set the muffins from the bag out onto a plate. "It's peaceful here, and that's good. Most of the people who live here have had very hard lives and deserve some safety." With careful expertise, Stesha pushed down the press and poured coffee into two mugs. "So, are you on a superteam at Claremont?"
  24. Electra

    Present Arms

    Merlin chirped immediate agreement, setting aside his phone and climbing out of his secluded spot in the lee of Raina's backpack. "Sounds like yes," Raina commented, rising to her feet as well and dropping the worn paperback she'd been reading into her bag. She was getting kind of hungry anyway, and dinner was still a couple hours away, but running tame at the dojo was still just new enough that the invitation was helpful. "Don't you ever get bored when you're teaching th"beginner stuff?" she asked Talya as they headed toward the food. "I mean seriously, I'm just watching these people and sometimes I want to scream "use your goddamn left hand, it won't kill you.'" Most of them are just, like, super bad at it," she opined.
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