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Everything posted by Electra

  1. From the other side of the black and red vehicle, Wander emerged, looking calm but wary as she automatically sized up the situation around her. Most of her attention was focused on Triakosia, but she was ready for anything that might appear from any direction. She was in full uniform but no mask, her slim silver bat was in one hand, but not extended to its full five-foot length at the moment. She walked over to join Midnight on his side of the car, nodding fractionally at the others, then at Triakosia herself.
  2. "It's a Grue distress call?" Miss Americana asked incredulously. "Daedelus, with the notable exception of present company and less than a handful of others, Grue are at the very best moderately hostile to humanity, and incredibly aggressive at worst. Mounting a rescue effort could see us attacked by the very beings we're purporting to try and save. And you of all people would understand that without us having to spell it out." She narrowed her eyes at him. "It sounds a lot like you want this to be a fact-finding mission about what killed those drones, and if we should happen to run into any sentients who don't try and kill us, maybe we can bring them home with us. "But either way," she continued, "I still maintain that a robot advance guard is the way to go, followed by a very small party of sturdy individuals. There's no indication that anybody is watching the portal at all, but if they are, any trap may as well be sprung by something that can't get hurt and is totally expendable. I can have three Emerson units retrofitted in the next two hours, they'll be capable of establishing a perimeter and getting toxicity and radiation readings as well. I'm not a portal traveler myself, and I believe Caradoc shouldn't go through either until we understand what killed those drones and whether it might still be active. The rest of you can work it out amongst yourselves."
  3. Merlin chirruped in sudden excitement, and Raina leaned over his shoulder automatically to look, though his computer screens rarely made any sense to her at all. He informed her that he was in, that he had taken full control over the Doom Room and temporarily disabled whatever it was that had been controlling it before. He could, at Raina's discretion, begin isolating the combatants with the Doom Room's many built-in nonlethal safety containment features. "Go for it," Raina instructed, "and use that blankety thing they throw on the Room when they want us magic users to do real jumping jacks and stuff. The dampening field." Merlin agreed, tapping away busily on his keyboard while Raina flew over to the control room window. She readied a fireball, just in case, and wondered whether it would even work when thrown into a dampening field. Only one way to find out!
  4. All right, now it's Merlin's turn! I am going by the discussion in chat that says Alkahest and Prestige have moved into the Doom Room proper, which I believe leaves just Raina and Merlin in the control room. Merlin is going to bring up a series of clear "vitrium" walls and lids around Alkahest and opaque impervium walls around the various members of the mean kids squad. He will also activate the magic-suppressant field they use in the Doom Room when they're trying to make the magical kids actually stand and fight. Raina will fly to the broken window but will not enter the Doom Room, she will hold a readied action to fireball anybody who looks like they're breaking loose.
  5. "I agree that the possibility of a trap is very high," Miss A said evenly, "but if there are survivors on that world, it would be merciful for us to intervene now that we've heard their SOS." She carefully did not frame the question in terms of duty or obligation; taking on moral obligation for atrocities committed outside one's own reality was tricky business in a multiverse where everything that could happen theoretically did happen. "I suggest we send a semi-autonomous robot or robots mounted with cameras and communications equipment. I have several heavy-duty Emerson units on treads that should be able to traverse that kind of ground. We don't need to put anybody at risk."
  6. Paige will continue attempting to locate and manipulate Roman's mind, imbuing him with enough strength to fight off the continuing possession. If she can, she will use both Mind Reading and Emotion Control, (separate arrays!) to monitor any success she might be having. She gets a 19 on the mind reading check.
  7. "So what is it that we're seeing?" Miss Americana asked, her tightly laced fingers the only outward sign of tension in her body. She'd given Tarva a long, unfathomable look upon meeting her, but had engaged in the minimal civility required under the circumstances. "I've seen reports that say Omega has used dead worlds as staging areas for attempting new attacks on our world or other worlds. A surge of entropic energy could indicate something like that is happening, but those forges don't look like they've been touched in awhile. And obviously if the drones are dead... what killed them?"
  8. ~William!~ Paige scolded, but her mental tone was more amused than actually upset. ~There are children present, mind your manners.~ Aloud, she turned to address the other young man in the room. "Bolt, I think we need a few minutes to process this. Could you do me a great favor and get in touch with the Freedom League about extending us the expertise of their legal team? I have a feeling that if this reversal is permanent, we're going to have several novel legal problems to deal with." She stepped forward to examine the baby more closely, taking him from the nurse and holding him with the automatic expertise of a veteran mother. "He looks like Will," she commented, studying the scrunched and unhappy face. "He looks like you, Richard. That's interesting." She lightly jounced the baby up and down a few times and simply refused to let herself dwell on the incredible weirdness of the situation. "Do you have any baby supplies on hand?" she asked Nurse Kathryn.
  9. Jessie didn't seem entirely enthusiastic over Aquaria's volleyball idea, but she gamely trotted over and began helping to set up the net and mark off a court with beach rocks. While she was at it, she filled Aquaria in on the rules of beach volleyball, which were somewhat different than what the amphibian had picked up by watching televised events. When the court was set up, Jessie took the server position and carefully, oh-so-gently and carefully, served the ball over the net. It whumpfed down into the sand just barely in front of the out of bounds lines. It was close enough. "Who else is playing?"
  10. Raina kept a nervous eye on Alkahest as the monster rampaged, keeping herself in the air and well away from the destruction, despite being invisible. She sincerely hoped that something would catch Alkahest's attention before too much of the control room was destroyed for Merlin to reroute around. Outside the control room, she could see the crowd ganging up on Riley and Robin like schoolyard bullies, and hear Garuda's taunts. She frowned. She didn't like Riley, and she was going to be smelling like urine for the rest of the afternoon thanks to his goddamn cloud, but he didn't deserve a hit like whatever that sword would do to him. Besides, she admitted to herself, jackass had practically painted a bullseye on his own chest by raising both arms above his head and stretching his whole body out like he was begging somebody to shoot him. She flicked her lighter and sang under her breath, "Pop goes the weasel!" then flicked her fingers through the flame. Instantly a fireball roared away from her hands, plowing into Garuda, dead center of the chest. Raina instantly took flight again, hiding in a corner of the ceiling to watch the show.
  11. Edit: Forget what I posted five seconds ago, I changed my mind. Raina's going to blast Garuda and then hop on her broom and fly up to the ceiling of the control room so nobody can triangulate on her. Merlin will continue attempting to gain control of the Doom Room. Raina gets a 28 on that roll, DC 25 toughness save.
  12. Is Paige getting any response from Roman that she can sense? Does it seem like he might be coming around, or is she basically poking at an empty shell at this point?
  13. "We've been made," Paige said briskly, looking to the window and then back to Richard. "They've got a psychic on a rooftop about three-quarters of a mile away, and there are some annoyed-looking folks on the stairs below us, armed and armored. It's probably time for us to take our leave." She extended a hand to her husband with surprising equanimity for someone looking at a ride at a thousand miles per hour. "You drive, I'll navigate. We might be able to catch their pet psychic before they get too far away."
  14. Using skill mastery (I don't know anything about what bonuses there might be) she has a 20. She can search 1 mile in a full action.
  15. "Excuse me!" Paige's voice was not a yell, but it was loud, clear, and backed up with subtle telepathy to ensure every eye turned in her direction. "This is Richard Cline and I'm Paige Cline. We were told that something is going on with Richard's father! If everyone could just calm down and speak rationally, I'm sure we can get this sorted out." She gave Richard a subtle nudge in the direction of his mother, suspecting that if anyone were going to be the weal link in their "everybody calm down" plan, it would be Anna Cline. "Now, where is Mr. Halliday?" she asked of the room at large.
  16. Paige is going to try and track down creepy watching guy! She wants to use her Mind Reading to try and get in touch with Creepy Watching Guy, wherever he is. If she needs help finding him, she'll try invoking her super-senses, which include Psionic Awareness and (Uncontrolled) Pretercognition.
  17. "Should we take the kids?" Paige asked, scooping up her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. She wasn't going to bother with a uniform at this hour, not like this. "Or at least Will? Holly knows to yell across the street for help if she wakes up and needs anything." Paige was a little surprised her daughter wasn't awake already, given Richard's careening emotions, but Holly had been exhausted by the hospital and gone to bed not long after dinner. Paige had a standing agreement with the family across the street for emergency nighttime deployments, even beyond the phone tree handed out to every Nicholson family. "If something is happening, Will might want to be there."
  18. Raina groaned when Riley released his piss-cloud, reliable as a startled skunk. They were really going to need to have another talk about appropriate ways to start a combat in close quarters. She put a hand out and touched the console Merlin was sitting on, finding his furry leg a moment later. That was something, anyway. She quickly hummed her invisibility song, rendering them even more unnoticeable amidst the smoke and the stink. "This fight's going to get out into the Doom Room," she murmured to her familiar. "I need you to get control of the systems as fast as you can. And if you get a chance, tell whoever sent the help that they're a bunch of assholes." Merlin chirped agreement to both ideas and bent over the console, his flat nose almost touching the screen as he strained to see through the edges of the fog.
  19. Raina is going to stay in the control room and invoke her invisibility. She will be guarding Merlin, also invisible, who will begin to work to take control of the systems in the Doom Room. She will hold an action ready to fire blast anybody who takes a hostile action against herself or Merlin.
  20. "Wait, Richard..." Paige rolled over and sat up, shaking sleep from her mind as she nudged aside Richard's encroaching emotions. "Something happened? Did he-?" The emotions she was feeling from her husband were not the ones she would've expected at the news his father had died. Richard had been processing his grief already, and all the conflicted feelings he'd always had for the father he barely knew, but this was a confusing welter of new feelings, "What's going on? Let me come with you." She reached for a tee shirt and sweatpants, knowing she'd have no time for dawdling.
  21. Hologram will use skill mastery on Notice, which gives her a 30.
  22. Hologram didn't move far from her initial position, even as the battle was joined in earnest, merely stepping aside so she was shielded by some of the rooms equipment. All her attention was focused on the frail and debilitated form of August Roman. Her gaze locked onto him, her eyes going from their normal soft brown to a lambent black as she moved her lips silently. ~No fear,~ she murmured inside August's head, spreading her influence like oil poured over water. ~No pain, no doubt. Hope and strength. So much strength. Enough to take your mind back. Enough to save yourself.~ Roman began to twitch a little, the corners of his mouth turning upwards in a small and ghastly smile.
  23. Hologram is going to continue to use her Emotion Control power to try and bolster Roman into helping fight off the demonic possession, figuring that this might at least distract the critter. She will be projecting hope and emotional fortitude. Rolling the rank, spending an HP thanks to a truly awful roll, she gets a 27
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