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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "It wasn't Aquaria's fault," Jessie spoke up suddenly, her fingers knotted tightly in her lap. "They lied to her. They lied to everybody, I think. Some of the other Spectrum Knights and trainees had family members with them, and there were some, like, barracks for us near where they would do their training exercises. Some of them would talk about how they'd come because they'd been oppressed or thrown out of their homes, or because they were afraid for their families, living the way they did. All kinds of different stories, but the same idea. But nobody ever said they came because they wanted to kill people or become criminals." She looked at Aquaria, half-apologetic. "They didn't think they were strong enough to change their worlds, and the Spectrum Knights promised to make them strong."
  2. Aquaria's fidgeting and nervous twitching was making Jessie even more nervous than she'd been before, but she was determined to be on her feet and not doing anything stupid when Erin finally found them. She rubbed one hand over her face and forced herself to pay attention to what Sitara was saying. "You came from Earth?" she asked blankly. She hadn't thought that any of these people knew anything about Earth. That was bizarre enough even before the rest of what the woman was saying caught up. "...how old are you?"
  3. "He's right," Raina said abruptly, running her hands up and down her suddenly chilled arms. "There's something in the air, something heavy. Something...moist." She shuddered, backing all the way into Anibal so that her shoulders pressed against his chest. "Not physical, it's something magical. I dunno." Her eyes were slightly unfocused, but she spoke with the certainty of an expert in her field. "But it's hanging over us now and just waiting to drop." Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed hold of her lighter and flicked it to life, cupping her hands around the resultant flame like a little girl with a small pet. "What do we do?"
  4. "Containment is good," Fleur said into her radio, "but you're going to have to give me a few minutes before I can jump in." She was already down in the midst of the stricken crowd, administering plant poultices and ointments as quickly as she could. The afflicted people were in horrible shape, even if the plague was not immediately life-threatening, she couldn't stand to leave them in pain when she could help. "Let Psyche take a shot at getting his mind, and if that doesn't work, I'll try and pen him in." She took a shrieking baby from its mother, shuddered at the eruptions ruining the fragile pink skin, and kissed it on the forehead. "There, there," she murmured. "You're all right, it's going to be okay." And the baby was all right then, and could be handed back, but there were just so many people!
  5. A gentle breeze kicked up inside the leaf-and-crystal dome, as though unseen fans had turned on to whisk away the wash of ambient heat from Leilani's abrupt transformation. "I know it's hard to accept right now," Stesha told the girl calmly, taking a few steps towards her but still keeping a respectful distance. "This sort of thing has happened to heroes before, waking up out of their own time, I mean, and it's always painful. But we're going to help you. The first step is to help you control your transformation. The fact that you slipped out of your power form when you slept is a very good sign. Try to relax, and imagine your body the way you usually picture it, the way you look without the lava rocks," she encouraged.
  6. Paige looked at the picture, her smile disappearing into an expression of concern. She looked up at her husband, the sort of glance that said a thousand words even when one wasn't a psychic. "Of course," she murmured to the detectives, "please come in. Can I get you anything? Coffee, ice water, mago juice, kefir?" She led the way into the small but nicely appointed family room that adjoined the open kitchen, past walls full of pictures that were equal parts family photos throughout the years and shots from the show of them with various celebrities and superpeople. "Has something happened to Elias?" she finally asked.
  7. They only had to wait a moment before the door was answered, pulled open rather quickly and violently, in fact, by well-known television personality Paige Cline, dressed down today in blue jeans and a colorful tank sweater. "I swear to god, Richard, if this is one more April Fool's joke-" She cut herself off when she saw the obviously official personages on her doorstep, took a split second to regroup, and gave them a beautiful professional smile. "Good afternoon, gentlemen, sorry about that. My husband just loves the holidays. Can I help you?" Her eyes flicked briefly over both of them, and her brow furrowed slightly, as though she were learning something about them just from that momentary look.
  8. Jessie was seated next to Aquaria, in a seat that offered her a clear view of both the doorway and the window. She sat perfectly still and appeared calm, but for the fact that her eyes scanned the room more often than necessary, and her breaths came a little faster and more shallowly than was typical for Terran women. She watched Aquaria as that notable spoke, then turned her wide-eyed attention to the interrogators across the table. "What do you want us to tell you?" she asked quietly, her voice inflectionless.
  9. Stesha appeared just as Tiamat was speaking, closing the flower portal behind her and taking a deep breath of Sanctuary's well-scrubbed air. The breath caught in her throat at the dragon's blunt admission, and she quickly jogged over to join the others. She cast a quick glance up at the huge crystalline ceiling overhead, spanning the width of several football fields, and wondered suddenly if perhaps one of the more remote pastures would've been a better place to conduct this debriefing. "I know it's a lot to take in," she began, "but we can help you get acclimated, find your relatives, get settled in wherever you'd like to live..."
  10. "Oh, it's pretty," Jessie said approvingly, looking over the watercolor photos. "Yes, that's how I want it to be." With a nod, she picked up the pencil and began sketching a landscape. Her style was hesitant but not entirely amateur, the perspective tended to fail a little in the middle distance, and she hadn't picked up many tricks for proper shading, but she drew like someone who'd been practicing. She started with black, but soon picked up the colored pencils as well. In a few minutes a landscape emerged, a green grassy lawn with a tree in the foreground, an old swing hanging from one large branch. In the background a few more trees dotted the horizon, while off to the left, the lawn sloped downward to fade into blue ocean. "It might be too big," she commented, frowning. "I don't... it shouldn't be too big on me, no bigger than my hand," she offered with uncertainty in her voice.
  11. Jessie watched the entire scene unfold, unnerved and baffled by turns. "Where the hell did that come from?" she mused, then shook her head and said it louder, to Aquaria and Thaelia both. "Where the hell did he come from? There's no water back in the direction he must have been coming from, the river is in the opposite direction," she insisted. "There aren't any other Deep Ones living in surfacer cities are there?" She had her baton unholstered and ready, but seemed uncertain who needed to be hit and why. Most of the Deep Ones weren't doing anything, but the few that were, were causing a great deal of trouble. "Do we fight them?"
  12. Stesha looked troubled for a moment, giving Ellis an uncertain glance, but she rolled quickly with the change in circumstances. "Yes, Sanctuary's probably the safest secure place we have right now, but we all need to keep an eye on her in case there's magical interaction. Some metahumans react badly when taken off Earth Prime, or when teleported." She waved a hand, opening a huge orange tropical flower on the ground in front of Dmitri. "We should let her wake up as soon as we arrive, though. We shouldn't keep her under if we don't have to. Our destination is the civilian holding facility on Sanctuary, it's got plenty of supplies for whatever she might need right now." She motioned the others through the flower before following herself.
  13. "Well, when you put it like that, who could refuse?" Raina sauntered into the room, not even looking in Riley's direction as she sized up her bed-bound friend. "You look like crap," she told Robin, not entirely unsympathetically. "Like, you look like you lost a fight with a dry cleaners." She picked up the remote attached to the bed and manipulated it till the head of the bed rose, lifting Robin to a slightly more upright position. "Fred's got all the stuff you wanna have, I just gave her a ride," she informed Robin, with a glance back to Fred for confirmation. "They treating you okay here? Giving you the good drugs?"
  14. Raina turned as well, unconsciously taking a half-step closer to Anibal as she did so. She wasn't quite sure what to make of their mentor for the day, who was obviously wealthy and charming, but carried foreboding around him like Santa with a sack full of time bombs. "Do you expect something bad is going to happen here today?" she asked. "I mean, obviously there's gonna be stuff, this city just does its thing pretty much day and night, but something in specific? Or do we just want to run some patrols, put the fear of whatever into the bad guys?" Raina wasn't generally much of a one for patrolling, but if she was gonna do it, it was way more fun in places outside Freedom City, where people weren't totally blase about heroes in the sky and on the street.
  15. Jessie hesitated for a minute, looking as though she wished she hadn't started the conversation at all, but then finally gathered herself and offered, "A window, I think. An open window, with open fields and blue sky outside. I don't really have a picture reference for it though, and I didn't see something like it anywhere on the walls. But I like windows," she admitted. "And I like the idea of having a tattoo to tell a story or, um, mark a passage in your life. But I don't think I'll get as many as you," she added, giving Aquaria an apologetic half-smile. "Maybe just the one. And maybe I won't tell Erin."
  16. "Really?" Erin's grin was bright and just a little incredulous at his quick agreement. "Wow, awesome. We're gonna honeymoon with the kangaroos!" She returned his kiss, with interest, then scrambled up to grab a notepad and start jotting things down, energized or nervy or a little of both after her admission. "We're gonna need a travel agent or something, I don't know how to organize a trip like that, but at least we won't need to buy plane tickets..." She nibbled on the end of her pencil and contemplated the paper. "Okay, good, we're through most of Alex's notes, I think, and then we can be done for the day. There's still cake, and reception food. I'm thinking something chocolate with like white fondant and four tiers and flowers on it, so it's all wedding cake shaped, you know? And Alex has that caterer who did the New Year's Eve party, with the crab puffs and that dip? We could get her, and ask for just a bunch of that and stuff like that, and like fruit trays." She waved a hand. "It's food. People will eat it. And then an open bar for drinks and a coffee bar with a barista right there all evening. You'll want to vet the barista and the coffee and all that, but it'd be like a cool personal thing because it's your wedding. If you want?"
  17. "Okay," Jessie replied with a nod. She looked down at her hands and, with some mental effort, forced them to stillness. "But if there's going to be any trouble, I'm not leaving. Nothing's going to happen, though," she told Aquaria. "They can't get you in any trouble down here, they don't have jurisdiction on Earth." She was pleased with herself for wrangling the legal term, even as she snuck a glance at the lawyer to see if she was even close to correct. "All they want is to find out what you did in training and stuff, things that might help keep other people from getting hurt by the Spectrum Knights. And maybe get some help for the ones who got sucked in like us, who didn't realize what was actually going on."
  18. Fleur hastily moved to interpose herself between Frost and the lava girl, concern writ large across her features. "Not that I don't appreciate the idea," she told Dmitri, "but if our resident geologist is saying this could be dangerous, we might want to at least move to more controlled circumstances. If she doesn't know where her powers are from, there could be lots of different potential interactions." With Comrade Frost being some kind of minor avatar of the Norse pantheon himself, Stesha suspected it might not be wise to go experimenting hither and yon with something that looked decidedly more supernatural than scientific. She turned back to the lava girl. "All right, Leilani, I know this is really scary and upsetting, and I understand you must be terrified of what's happening to you. But you're not alone, and we want to help you. Frost is exactly right, you're safe now and we're going to make sure that you don't accidentally hurt anybody. It's going to be okay. I'm Fleur de Joie," she said again, her voice as soothing as she could make it, "and this is Comrade Frost, and over there are Gaian Knight, Tiamat, Velocity, and Sandman." She gestured to the rest of the team all in turn. "Now you said something about the last thing you remember is being close to drowning?"
  19. "Frost, get back here!" Fleur yelled, even as she lifted herself with a foot-thick vine and moved out onto the beach herself. "Listen," she told the obsidian girl in her best placating voice (and it really was very good), "nobody here is going to hurt you. Nobody here is a communist. You're in America, in Hilo, Hawaii, and I'm Fleur de Joie with the Freedom League Auxilary." Her vine transport stopped just a few yards away from the distraught lava person, close enough that the flowers in her hair wilted a little bit from the heat. "Can you tell us who you are and what you're doing here?"
  20. Stesha gave Ellis a quick squeeze on the arm and a smile as he got acquainted with her teammates. "Thanks for coming," she murmured in his ear, "I know you were supposed to get a break sometime tonight." In a louder voice, she addressed him and the rest of the team at once. "Whatever the creatures are, we won't know till we get a look, so we may as well head out." As they prepared to transit, she did think to pull a pancake out of one of her marigolds and offer it to Ellis, who had not gotten any breakfast. Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, it was easy enough to see why people were talking about nightmares and hellscapes. Stesha took a few steps towards the sand before hesitating, trying to get a bead on the thing they were facing. "That... is that thing alive?" she asked uncertainly. "Or maybe some kind of lava golem?"
  21. Raina wasn't a big fan of waiting around, but if one were going to wait around, a penthouse suite wasn't the worst place to do it. Even a somewhat cramped penthouse suite that could've used updating about a decade ago would do for the moment, especially since it had been quite awhile since she'd been in one at all. She stood at the bank of tall windows overlooking the city and idly watched the traffic, sipping extra-sweet Coke from a glass bottle. She liked that part of Mexico, definitely, and having a translation spell at her fingertips meant she didn't have to wonder what anybody was saying. It looked like there were stores down there, and some kind of open-air market. If it hadn't been for all the crime, she thought this probably would be a decent place for a short vacation. She turned to find where Anibal had gotten off to. "Your people aren't too close to here, right?" she asked, trying to refresh her grasp on Geography. "They're more out west?"
  22. "They're not beasts!" Singularity snapped at Glamazon, giving the Atlantean a fierce glower that was negated by the fact that Glamazon was already racing away. It was very loud where they were, between the croaky singing and the screams and shouts of crazy and panicked humans. Jessie took two deep breaths and concentrated, trying to filter out the overwhelming noise and chaos, then began making her way towards the park as well. She didn't move anywhere close to her full speed, perhaps because she didn't want to lose Aquaria and Terrifica, or perhaps just because she was not eager to arrive.
  23. Jessie White had dressed up for this interview, not in the black and gray costume she wore as Singularity, but in a rather severe-looking maroon business suit she'd bought off the rack when they'd had to do practice job interviews at Project Freedom. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a neat bun, and altogether she looked quite different from the person who'd accidentally gone to space in a sweatsuit and sneakers months ago. In fact, she'd have looked very poised and put together if it weren't for the fact that she couldnt' stop wringing her hands. "Do you know how long this is probably going to take?" she asked Mr. Leonard. "I have classes today, and I'm already on academic probation. I don't like to have to miss."
  24. "Hmm." Stesha rolled one of her pancakes into a tube and nibbled on it while shoving the rest of her breakfast into a flower for later. "I actually might know a guy who can help us out with this. He pretty much specializes in nightmare creatures, and dreams in general. He works nights too, so it shouldn't take him long to moblize. Let me give him a call." When nobody jumped in to gainsay this idea, she pulled out her phone and pressed one of the speed dial buttons. "Hey, it's me, er, Fleur de Joie," she corrected hastily. "I could use a consultation on some nightmare creatures we're looking at dealing with. Are you free?"
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