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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Electra

    Time Out

    Raina carefully spiralled lower, steering the broom with her knees while keeping both arms wrapped around her charges. "Yeah, we're fine," she assured Echo as she came to a halt with her toes just brushing the pavement. "We got out before the fast guy broke into the apartment. But you look like s- like garbage," she amended. "I guess you're the reason they didn't get upstairs before I even noticed anything was wrong." She glanced towards the building. "You wanna come back inside and clean up? The adults should be back any minute here. I'm Raina, by the way."
  2. Raina dropped from her broom as soon as Alkahest transformed, leaving it hanging in the air as she crouched next to Fred's crumpled body. She gave the police cordon a careful study, relaxing only when it became pretty clear they weren't interested in Fred now that she wasn't tearing up the block. A quickly sung glamour painted the illusion of clothes where they were lacking, but that did nothing to provide actual protection from the cold and broken pavement of the street. "Hey, good to have you back," she told Fred, reaching out to help her sit up. "Bet you feel like nine kinds of hell. Wanna get inside?"
  3. "Well, I was just gonna pick the lock, but by all means!" Raina made an expansive hand gesture to indicate Sarah ought to go right ahead. "People around here are generally pretty okay, so long as you don't attract the attention of Madison and her girls. Absolutely do not tell them the story of how you got your powers," she advised. "I don't even use infernal magic that much, and there was no bargain involved at all, and they still peg me as evil and act like I'm about to murder them in their beds. They're legacies, their folks are heroes, so if you're not from a hero family yourself, or if, god forbid, your parents might not have been entirely 100% on the up-and-up, you're no good to them. But most of the people around here are okay," she reiterated. "And I guess you'd know from hell."
  4. Raina watched from safe behind her tree as the bad guys were dispatched into the portal they'd come through. She made a mental note never to mess with the little bitty CEO of AEON, then wondered briefly if Psyche could read that mental note as it was written. Something to wonder about later. She started to breathe a sigh of relief, till she realized that there was still one extremely dangerous combatant left on the battlefield. The fight was over, but clearly nobody had told Fred's worser half, and now the police were preparing to face off with the monster. There was no way this was going to end well. Gripping her broom with white knuckles, Raina flew out from behind the tree, arcing around to float just a few feet from Alkahest at eye level. She swallowed hard, trying to get some saliva back in her dry mouth, and gave the monstrous humanoid a smile with no teeth. "Hey, Fred," she called out quietly, her words just loud enough to travel the distance between them. "Fred, the fight's over! We won, and you did a great job. Look, all the bad guys are gone, and nobody else is gonna get hurt. Everything's gonna be fine now, and you can still keep your appointment at AEON. They've got a lot of great science labs there, you don't want to miss it!" She moved very slowly through the air as she spoke, trying to draw the Alkahest's attention away from the crowd and the officers, keep it focused on the witch so nearly within reach. "It's time to change back now."
  5. Sparkler is going to move on her broom down closer to Alkahest and attempt a diplomacy check to talk her down. First Diplomacy roll is awful, spending an HP, Second Diplomacy roll is a 28. I will spend another HP for an extra move action if I have to in order to get all this in one round.
  6. "Well, that sounds great," Sparkler muttered, still invisible behind her tree. She was relieved to see the back of Providence, but he was hardly the last of their troubles. The entire scene was still pretty much a disaster, and she suspected that she didn't want to see whatever parting gifts Fury had planned. With a quick hum under her breath, she formed up another fireball between her hands and winged it through the air towards the petite woman with the big truck. "What I really need to do for gym class is take up softball," she mused under her breath. "Way more useful than powers training."
  7. Bluff check from Sparkler: She gets a 15 Sense Motive check from Merlin: He gets a 26
  8. Sparkler will attempt to fireball Fury, since he seems like the one who is going to do the thing. Whatever thing that might be, but it sounds bad! Fireball Attack: It is terrible, spending an HP. Reroll is a 25.
  9. Raina hung back when the others left, leaning against the wall of the simulator and playing with her lighter. On her shoulder, Merlin pretended to be looking at his phone, but both their attention remained on Relentless. "Looks like a tough gig here," she observed dryly after the door slid shut behind her classmates. "I'm guessing there was some point to all of this that the drama club failed to get, but it really was a pretty crappy exercise to run us through cold. How come Archer is still the trainer here? I've heard all kinds of stories about him this year already."
  10. Singularity paused for a moment when the rock monster tumbled to the ground, actually looking slightly surprised by the damage she'd caused. It didn't last long, though. She swung around to face the others who'd been confronting her, singed club held at the ready, her body language screaming that she was ready to keep on fighting as soon as she figured out who she was supposed to be fighting against. So far none of the others had done anything overtly hostile, but with all the running and the screaming surrounding her, it was hard to keep that in mind.
  11. Singularity is readying an attack, she will attempt to beat the heck out of the first person to make a hostile move against her (or Aquaria, if she should show back up.)
  12. "Well, I could provide a huge amount of light," Raina speculated, "but it would involve setting the trees on fire, so I don't think it would really solve our cloud problem. We could break into the caf instead, get some more cocoa and sit where it's actually warm. My roommate's a cold not-controller, I don't think it's been more than sixty degrees in my room all term. I'm thinking of hauling in a camp stove if they don't turn her off soon." She unfolded her legs, put her feet back on the ground. "There might be some of that brownie stuff from dinner left over too. Want to?"
  13. "Screw 'em if they can't take a joke," Raina replied with no heat. turning on her side so she could see Sarah laying on the ground three feet below her. It was an awkward pose, but she managed it. "I'd be kind of a hypocrite to go telling on other people when I pull so much crap around here myself, but they do get kind of tetchy about people making big flashy uses of their power for random stuff. Not great for the whole secret identity of the school and all that. If you wanna do stuff like that, you go out to someplace more empty, Wharton Forest maybe. 'Course, then you're likely to call a supervillain down on your head, but at least it'd be exciting." She took back her thermos, took another drink, stared at the sky. "This is boring."
  14. "Nah, they mess up the inside of the bottle." Raina shrugged philosophically and passed the thermos. "Plus if you want to get them here, you've gotta beg them off the cooks, and they're pissed at me this week. Speaking truth to power is dangerous business." She reclined in the air, resting her elbows on some invisible surface to look up at the intractable clouds. "They say the clouds are good, they keep the air warmer because of ozone or something. I think they're just dumbasses. Why wouldn't even reflected sunlight be better than no sunlight?" That assessment got another disgusted noise from Merlin.
  15. "Oh." Raina's leg stopped swinging, leaving them in awkward silence for a minute after that revelation. "Sorry to hear that." Swing, swing, swing went the leg again as she tried to regain her conversational equilibrium. "Guess you got to keep the power, at least. And it explains why the air reeks of sulfur to my magical senses every time you're using your power." Apparently satisfied by that, she reached into a side pocket of the backpack and pulled out a battered thermos. "God, it's cold out tonight," she muttered, taking a swig from the bottle. She proffered it to Sarah. "Want cocoa?"
  16. "Oh, so you're one of the ones who actually sold your soul to the devil?" Raina asked, with more sardonic curiosity than judgment in her voice. "You give the rest of us a bad name, you know. Madison and her bitchy cartel have been accusing me all year, but I never so much as leased my soul to One Direction." Still sitting unsupported in midair, she idly swung one leg at the knee. "So what did you get for your soul? Fame, riches, Zayn Malik for your very own?" From inside the backpack, Merlin made a muffled comment about Yoko Ono, but Raina ignored him. "Had to be something good, right?"
  17. Jessie's head jerked around at the sound of her name and someone speaking English. There was a man, and he didn't look like an alien... and he knew Wander, and Charlie. Did she had an ally she didn't know about? Before that thought could take root too deeply, though, she had to keep paying attention to the very present danger right in front of her, in the form of an enraged rock creature shouting something she couldn't understand as it trampled its way towards her with its arms outstretched. She was incredibly glad that Aquaria had already gotten away. That had been smart, and it gave Singularity room to work. It was room she was going to need, she realized, as the threats that had gathered around her on all sides began to make themselves known. If they got ahold of her, well, she wasn't quite sure what would happen, but it would be very bad. Images of white walls flashed through her mind, and it was time to fight. With a single vicious movement, she kicked the heavy table aside, sending it flying into the air so that it hit a light fixture with a shower of yellow sparks. "No," she growled, stalking towards Rock with her club in both hands. A stalk became a jog, became a flat-out run as she closed the distance between them, scattering patrons left and right, and brought her improvised weapon down on the creature's stony cranium.
  18. Singularity will use Mass Intimidate and Fast Startle to attempt to scare everybody as a move action. She rolls a 32, she is pretty scary for a human. With that done, she will launch a Charge attack against Rock to cover the distance between them and hit him with her chair. She will do a full power attack as well. She rolls a 23. Singularity's defense will be at -2 until her next turn.
  19. There were a thousand possible responses on the tip of Raina's tongue. Good ones too, witty and sarcastic, just the sort of defiance she wanted to project in front of a bad guy. But then he looked at her, and there was something in his eyes. Empty cold, like what sat behind his skin was not flesh and blood, but some kind of malevolent void. There was more death in him than the death he'd just caused, and it was aiming her way. Raina pulled the mirror from her pocket and scrubbed her bloody fingers over its surface. "As I was walking up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there," she chanted under her breath. "He wasn't there again today, oh how I wish he'd go away!" On the last word, she disappeared from sight. Invisibility was a start, anyway. Feeling slightly embolded, Raina squeezed off another shot, though her aim was not quite as lucky this time and didn't catch Providence at all. It seemed like a good idea to find better cover. Taking off once again on her broom, she zoomed up and into the cover of a large tree.
  20. ~Call the Freedom League, baby. Use the special line, tell them what's going on.~ With her face outwardly very composed, Paige poured a cup of coffee and sprinkled cream and nutmeg into it. She set it down in front of Bryant, then walked into the living room and pulled a colorful throw from the back of the couch. As she draped it over the old man's shoulders, she watched her husband and mother-in-law carefully, wondering how they were going to react. It was awkward having Daphne there at this moment, but at the same time it probably didn't hurt to have one extra hero on tap. "I'm very sorry to hear that," she finally said, cutting a slab of pumpkin pie to go with the coffee. "Can they do anything to help you with the pain?"
  21. The doors of the car at the center of all the fighting were locked, but that was no barrier at all to six hundred pounds of deeply concerned Omegadrone. With a moment's effort, one of those locked doors was ripped clear of its moorings, just in time for Gina to tumble into Harrier's arms, insensate but otherwise unharmed. She opened her eyes after just a second, reorienting herself to her surroundings. "You didn't activate your holoprojector," she murmured affectionately, raising one hand to trace the smooth face of his mask. "Dumbass."
  22. "Oh, this is Merlin," Raina explained negligently. "He's my familiar. I did a magical bonding ritual with him, so now he's too smart for his own good. He's a capuchin monkey, under the layers of clothes." Merlin waved a hand and conveyed to Sarah that it was nice to meet her. The communication was very strange, she could hear him chattering in typical monkey fashion, but at the same time, Sarah could understand perfectly what he intended to say. He didn't stay out long, though, prefering the comparative warmth of the backpack. Humming under her breath, Raina folded one leg up under her like a flamingo, then the other one as well, leaving her sitting crosslegged in midair. "How come you're closing up hellgates when your power is infernal?" she asked bluntly. "Doesn't that make you weaker?"
  23. Raina jumped back momentarily at the squeak, drawing a bitter complaint from Merlin in her backpack. "Well if you don't like it, get out here and enjoy the outdoors like a real wild primate," she told him sourly. He assured her that was unlikely, but poked his face out far enough to look at Sarah. "Also, that hat makes you look liked a stuffed toy." Raina turned her attention back to Sarah. "Yeah, the cloud cover really sucks. I need the light of a full moon, but it's all bouncing back into space right now. Freaking February." She looked at the circle Sarah'd been preparing, evaluating it with a practitioner's eye. "So what are you trying to do?"
  24. Sparkler is shaken. She will activate her Concealment as a free action, then squeeze off another fireball at Providence, though at a -2 penalty. She gets an 18, and I'm not gonna throw an HP into that, so unless she gets a bonus for being invisible, I assume that doesn't hit. She will use her move action to fly up behind the sturdiest looking tree that will make it harder for the bad guys to get at her.
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