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Everything posted by Electra

  1. The noise of someone else nearby drew Raina's attention from her rather one-sided argument. Flicking her lighter, she drew up a fireball that glowed on her palm like a lantern. "Hello? Somebody else out here?" she called, picking up her backpack and moving in the direction of the noise. In just a moment she started smelling brimstone, which sharply narrowed down her list of potential candidates. "Phae?" she guessed, continuing to walk. "Oh, hey Sarah. What are you doing out here? It's cold as hell out tonight." The fire gave Raina a little warmth, but that mostly just made the rest of her body feel colder.
  2. Electra

    Time Out

    Raina held her breath as Downtime rampaged through the house, till a heavy thud and a triumphant monkey screech told her that the house's defenses were well and truly online again. She released her breath with a woosh and smiled at the girls as she flew to roof level. "Okay, it sounds like-" Her words were cut off as she saw the predicament her downstairs defender was in on the ground. "Ah, crap..." She didn't get much of a chance to finish that thought either, before the girl broke away from the villain and slipped free. "Okay, not quite done yet, but we'll get there." Her aim was very shaky as she tried to keep both girls perfectly steady on the broom, but hopefully the fireball she popped off would give Wildcard something to think about.
  3. It was very cold in New Jersey at the beginning of February, especially in the early evening when the sun had retreated to a mere suggestion of cloudy sunset and the stars were hidden by a hundred thousand points of light pollution. Raina shivered as she stood on the quad in her light Burberry jacket and tennis shoes, staring at the sky and trying to locate even the faintest trace of moon. She had a winter coat in her room, some awful thing that her grandmother had picked up at the Goodwill and washed the dead-body-smell off of, but Raina wasn't going to wear that unless there was literally no other choice. She'd rather be cold in a pretty spring coat that was only just a teeny bit too short. Next to her, Merlin sulked in her backpack, festively attired in one of Cathy's hats and a snowsuit made for babies. He had no compunction about sacrificing fashion for warmth, but really, it wasn't as if he were ever going to be out looking for love. "Come on," she cajoled him, "just fifteen more minutes. I gotta try this spell, and there's supposed to be a full moon tonight, it's just behind the clouds." She shaded her eyes, as though that would help. Merlin impatiently pointed out that she was studying the wrong quadrant of the sky, which would make it difficult to find the moon even if it weren't cloudy. Raina replied with an incoherent exclamation of frustration and turned to look in the other direction. "I hate you, you know that?" Merlin indicated smugly that he did indeed know that.
  4. As soon as the rock monster began shoving its way through the crowd, Jessie was off her chair and on her feet, shoving Aquaria behind her into what protection the corner offered. She picked up her chair with one effortless hand and smacked it sharply against the floor. It broke obediently into several pieces, leaving her holding a club made of one leg and most of the back. It wasn't much of a weapon, but she wielded it like she knew how to use it. "You don't touch my friend!" she shouted, not just at Sitara, but also at Nae Dae again, and most certainly at the rock creature, who still had most of her attention. She wasn't panicking and she wasn't checked out, not yet, but it was a very close thing right now. "Get the hell away from us!"
  5. Jessie watched the weird little alien with the same suspicious glare she was giving the rest of the bar, right up until it jumped into a chair with a loud clanking noise. She reared back in surprise, the metal spoon in her hand crumpling like marzipan as her fist clenched. It was hard to follow what the alien was saying, but Jessie had been getting some practice following Aquaria's sometimes bizarre trains of thought. Most humans looked the same to Aquaria. Jessie shifted in her chair so she was crouching instead of crosslegged. "We're not going with any Star Knights," she insisted in a low, threatening voice. "We're going home. And you better not touch my friend."
  6. With the paramedics on the way, Raina headed back towards the door, her flight wobbling for just a moment when she realized how bloody her sweater and slacks now were. How much blood did one person have in them? Her hands, wrapped around the handle of the broom, were all but saturated with the stuff, and the sharp copper smell mixed with screams and sirens to give the whole scene an air of nightmare unreality. Maybe if it had seemed more real, she wouldn't have been so quick to go back outside where it was dangerous, but it seemed like something she ought to do. She flew out the door, and wound up just a few yards from where Providence was making his speech. The sharp, sickening crack as his foot came down threw the world back into focus. Raina screamed again, terror mixing with pure outrage. How could that even have happened? That was _not_ supposed to happen! Fire leapt suddenly to her bloody fingertips, which probably meant something nearby was already burning, but she didn't care. The flames were tipped red, as though they, too, were stained with the innocent blood already shed. It only made them hotter. "You want fear and death?" she shouted defiantly. "Eat this!" Fire roared from her fingertips and shot through the air, covering him in brilliant red burning light.
  7. Character Advancement & Awards In-Character Posting Awards: 1-5 PP per month Characters will receive between 1 and 5 PP monthly based on their level of participation in the forum. Any character who "plays" during the month will receive 1 PP. Characters who are actively involved in threads, campaigns, and stories (10 or more IC posts with that character per month) will receive 2 PP; characters who are extremely involved in threads, campaigns, and stories (25 or more IC posts with that character per month) will receive 3 PP; characters who are ridiculously involved in threads, campaigns and stories (50 or more IC posts with that character per month) will receive 4 PP as a participation award; characters who are monstrously active (100+ posts) earn 5 PP. 1-9 IC posts = 1 PP 10-24 IC posts = 2 PP 25-49 IC posts = 3 PP 50-99 IC posts = 4 PP 100+ IC posts = 5 PP New Player Boost: New players to the site will be provided a boost to their posts for characters for the first three months they post on the site. New players will receive double the posts for their characters during this time (similar to the boost given to GM posts). We will annotate this on the Reward Tracker. Note: As a loose rule of thumb, IC posts should be no shorter than 500 characters. Spamming the IC threads, making little short posts and carrying on conversations one line at a time in order to boost your post count will not earn you PPs; it will just make others not want to play with you anymore. Special Cases Posts written entirely for Sidekicks/Minions, in which the main player character does not appear, count for full credit and are added to post count tally of their 'parent' player character at the end of the month. Posts written primarily as a GM (when running an adventure for others) count for double credit (that is, each GM post counts as two posts); posts primarily written as or for an NPC (when running a specific non-player character to assist the GM) count as full credit. Both can be applied to any character you choose (or even broken up among multiple characters). By default, using a retired PC or being involved in a non-canon post (such as "What if" or "Alternative Versions of...") means that posts are worth 1/2 of normal. The reason for this has been to stop over-use of such threads. However you can nominate one thread at the end of the month (when posting your post count) that is either a "Special Edition" (a non-canon thread or "what if" thread, or using an alternative version of your PC), or a "Guest Starring...." (a thread featuring one of your retired PCs). This can be a different thread every month. If you have more than one thread that is non-canon or features a retired PC, you can still have these posts counted, as previously, as worth 1/2 normal. For "What if" or non-canon "Special edition" threads, posts should be allocated to the PC you are using for that thread. When using a retired PC in "Guest Starring..." thread, nominate one PC that all the posts are transferred to as a block. For GM posts in a special edition thread, posts are added to the total GM count (Which can be split and divided as you wish) Other Contribution Awards Refs (and Admins) who feel that a player is making a significant contribution to the site may give that player a bonus PP to apply to either of his or her characters. Additionally, characters who complete especially important, long-term story goals may also receive a contribution award. The Interview (aka 20 Questions) counts as a Contribution Award, as it helps flesh out your character, which gives the Refs a better idea on how to challenge and reward them. Filling out the Interview earns you 1PP. Those feeling more adventurous and tackle The Questionnaire (aka the HellQ); filling out the Questionnaire earns you 2PP. Making an entry for the Reputation guidebook will also earn you 1PP. Creating and submitting NPCs can earn points. The first two NPCs you submit earn you 1PP each. With Ref approval, fanart can earn you 1PP (per month) for site service. Every few months the Refs offers a chance to do a Vignette. Doing one of these earns you 1PP, or 2PP if your vignette is at least 1000 words. There is also a vignette that is always active: an Origin Story vignette may be written once per character, at any time, and will count as a full vignette for that month (in addition to any other vignettes that may be available). Note that the 20 Questions/Interview, Hell Q, Reputation post, and Vignettes do not themselves count as posts. Contributing to the FCPbP Guidebook can earn points. Creating a page for your character -- which must be more than simply copying & pasting the fluff parts of your character sheet -- will earn that character 2PP. The content of these pages is flexible but take a look at existing character pages to get a better sense of what is expected. Creating Guidebook pages for other topics or otherwise making significant contributions can also earn 2PP for the first page/contribution and an additional 1PP for each page/contribution beyond that in a given month, up to 4PP for three or more pages/contributions. If a page has been specifically solicited by a Ref it's worth an extra point to a maximum of 5PP earned in one month. The rewards for player character pages do not count against this 5PP cap; if you're inclined to complete full pages for three of your PCs over the course of one month they are each worth 2PP for each respective character. Other Guidebook awards may be assigned to whichever character the player prefers. Refs (that is, Staff Members, Global Mods, and Admins) earn 1 extra pp every month, because you people exhaust us. Power Level Caps Players start with three character slots, two at PL10 / 150PP and one at PL7 / 105PP. After gaining 10PP, their PL advances by 1. Thereafter characters' PLs will advance with every 15PP, until hitting PL 15 (at 220pp). PL advancement stops at that point, but you continue earning power points, until you hit PL 15 / 250PP (but see below). The advancement is summarized in the following charts: A PL 10 character's advancement would look like this: PPs earned Total PPs PL 1-9 151-159 10 10-24 160-174 11 25-39 175-189 12 40-54 190-204 13 55-69 205-219 14 70-100 220-250 15 And a PL 7 character's advancement would look like this: PPs earned Total PPs PL 1-9 106-114 7 10-24 115-129 8 25-39 130-144 9 40-54 145-159 10 55-69 160-174 11 70-84 175-189 12 85-99 190-204 13 100-114 205-219 14 115-145 220-250 15 Once your character reaches 250PP (and is "maxed out"), you do not have to retire them. Any posts you make with them will be added to the posts totals for another one of your PCs. Point totals will be noted as "[points spent] / [points earned {up to 250}] [[total points earned]]". Ex.: Doktor Archeville is a maxed out character, with 250PP both earned and spent, but his player keeps using him, and earns another 10 points. His PP total would be listed as 250/250 [260]. Player Awards To reward longevity and commitment to actively role-playing over a lengthy span of months, players are presented with Veteran Awards as they reach milestones of Power Points earned. Each month the highest amount of PP earned among a player's characters will be added to that player's Veteran Progress. As that total increases the player will earn Veteran Awards and receive the corresponding Player Tier: 30PP: Bronze 60PP: Silver 90PP: Gold 120PP: Platinum 150PP: Impervium 180PP: Orichalcum Players who reach a Veteran Progress total of 210PP+ are awarded the ceremonial Electrum tier, which does not bestow a Veteran Reward but does come with substantial bragging rights! An additional Veteran Reward, separate from the Veteran Progress, is awarded the first time a player maxes out a single character at 250PP total. It is therefore possible to earn a total of seven Veteran Awards. Beyond the three character slots available immediately to new players - two slots at PL10 / 150PP and one slot at PL7 / 105PP - each Veteran Reward may be spent in the following ways: One additional character slot at: PL7 / 105PP PL10 / 150PP PL12 / 180PP 15PP worth of the following ranked Feats, divided as the player chooses between their characters: Equipment Minion Sidekick Veteran Rewards may be reallocated at any time with Referee approval by retiring a character, buying off ranked Feats with earned PP or otherwise returning the chosen benefit. Moving Characters Between Character Slots: At any time, you may request that your character be moved from one character slot to another, for the purposes of organization or freeing up/consolidating veteran rewards. A character may only be moved to a slot big enough to hold it; if a character was originally built PL10/150PP, for instance, it can only be moved to a PL10/150PP slot or a PL12/180PP slot. A character moved in this way retains all PP earned, as it's a housekeeping change and does not modify the character sheet itself. Titanium Time: As our site enters its second decade (words that startle me, reader, perhaps more than they even startle you!) we've decided to go ahead and implement some rules changes (effective as of January 2018) that will benefit both those of you that have been part of this community for so many years and those of you who are lucky enough to have just joined our community. Maxed Characters: When a player maxes out a character (250 pp) that character no longer takes up the character slot/veteran award that it once occupied. The character can still be played for full posting credit, regardless of how many threads the character might be in for a given month. Those posts can be rolled over to other PCs as the character chooses (similar to GM posts). This character level (as opposed to player) is called TITANIUM.
  8. Descriptor Frequency Very Common Bludgeoning Damage (Lethal + Nonlethal) Divine (Any powers wielded or bestowed by "gods") Electromagnetic Energy/Radiation (Electricity, Gamma Rays, Infrared, Magnetism, Microwaves, Radio Waves, X-Rays, Ultraviolet, Visible Light, etc.) Living Magic Piercing Damage (Lethal + Nonlethal) Slashing Damage (Lethal + Nonlethal) Technology Common Air/Wind Animal Ballistic Damage (Bullets, Explosions) Chemical Cold Earth/Rock Electricity/Lightning Emotion Fire/Heat Impact Damage (Falling, Knockback, Slam Attacks) Light Psionic Metal Plant Radiation (Nuclear Force, Radioactive Materials) Sonic Training Water Weather (Not Including Lightning) Uncommon Acid Blessed/Celestial/Holy Chi/Ki Darkness/Shadow Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal Dimensional Gas (Inhaled and Skin Contact) Gravity Grue Iron ("Cold" / "Pure") Life Energy Magic (Specific Type - "Necromancy," etc.) Magnetism Silver ("Pure") Temporal/Time Wood Immunity costs 20PP for all effects of a Very Common descriptor (such as "All Magic Effects"), 10PP for all Damage of a Very Common descriptor or all effects of a Common Descriptor (such as "All Magic Damage," or "All Fire Effects"), 5PP for all Damage of a Common descriptor or all effects of an Uncommon descriptor (such as "All Fire Damage" or "All Hellfire Effects"), and 2PP for all Damage of an Uncommon descriptor (such as "All Hellfire Damage"). Special Cases Immunity to one sense-dependent effect targeting one sense: 2PP Example: Immunity to Auditory Dazzle Immunity to any sense-dependent effect targeting one sense: 5PP Example: Immunity to Auditory Effects Immunity to one sense-dependent effect targeting any sense: 5PP Example: Immunity to Dazzle Immunity to all sense-dependent effects: 10PP Immunity to one non-Damage effect: 5PP Example: Immunity to Drain, Immunity to Nauseate Immunity to one non-Damage effect targeting one Trait: 2PP Example: Immunity to Drain Toughness
  9. Electra


    All damage from all sources (combat, falling, knockback, etc.) is considered to be Nonlethal unless otherwise specified. Accurate / All-Out / Defensive / Power Attack: These mechanics (see the Feats of the same name in the core rulebook) exist as options for all characters, but they can only shift the values by +/-2. Characters who invest into the eponymous feats, however, can shift the values by up to +/-5. Aggressive/Defensive Stance: These maneuvers no longer exist. Charge: This maneuver changes from a Full Action where you move at double-speed in a straight line and then attack, to a Standard Action where you move at your speed in a straight line and then attack. This allows you to take an unrestricted Move Action beforehand if you wish, to set up the charge, and makes the clause about surprise rounds unnecessary. Charge (Standard Action): Charging allows you to move and attack in a single Standard Action. You must move at least 10 feet and may move up to your normal speed. You must stop as soon as you are within striking range of your target (you can't run past the target and attack from another direction). After moving, you may make a single melee attack, with a +2 attack bonus. You suffer a –2 Defense penalty for 1 round (until your next action). Combined Attack: The bonus damage from a Combined Attack does not count for overcoming +Impervious saving throws. Costume Change: Characters may choose to change into their heroic costume or uniform as a Full Round Action once Initiative has been determined, but in doing so lose their Dodge bonus for that round. Characters with Quick Change or sufficient Quickness may still change as a Free Action without penalty and characters may still opt to take the full minute (ten rounds) to change, particularly if they are outside of combat. Critical Hits: A critical hit (defined as a roll of a natural 20 on an attack, which would have hit the target's Defense even were it not a natural 20) can have one of the following 3 effects, chosen by the player when the critical hit is rolled: Increased Effect: The critical hit increases the difficulty to resist the attack's effect by +5. Added Effect: The critical hit adds another effect onto the attack, but its effective rank is 0, so the saving throw DC is just the base value (15 for Damage, 10 for other attack powers). The added effect can be anything the player can reasonably describe and justify as adjunct to the original effect: Nauseate or Stun (useful for all sorts of "gut checks," blows to the head or vitals, etc.), Dazzle (blood in the eyes, boxing the ears, etc.), or Drain (Drain Dex via striking the hamstrings or a "nerve cluster", Drain Con for a particularly savage wound), to name a few. The GM decides if the effect suits the circumstances of the attack. The target makes saves against the attack's initial and added effects separately. Alternate Effect: The critical hit results in an alternate effect for the attack, like a use of Extra Effort for a power stunt, except the character suffers no Fatigue as a result. This option can represent a "lucky" attack that does something completely different, like blinding a target, or imposing some other condition. Damage: Characters failing a Toughness save by 5-9 are Dazed & Bruised, not Stunned & Bruised (Dazed, Bruised and Injured if the Damage is lethal). Similarly, characters failing a Toughness save by 10-14 are Staggered & Dazed, not Staggered & Stunned (Staggered, Disabled and Dazed if the Damage is lethal). Per 2e errata, a Staggered character is rendered Unconscious if they are Staggered a second time, rather than going Unconscious from any further damage. Disarm: A character resisting a Disarm check, or using their unarmed damage or a Mighty attack to disarm a foe, can apply their Super-Strength ranks to the check. Grappling: A character's Grapple bonus is equal to the sum of their Melee Attack bonus, their Strength bonus, any Super-Strength ranks, any Size modifiers, any Elongation ranks, and possibly any Additional Limbs ranks (see the power description). If the character has the Grapple Finesse feat, then they may substitute their Dexterity bonus for their Strength bonus. A character grappling a foe with Move Object derives their Grapple bonus from the sum of their Ranged Attack bonus and their Move Object power rank. If their Move Object power is Perception-ranged, their Grapple bonus is equal to double their power rank. Escape (Move Action): You attempt to escape a grapple. Roll an opposed check, with either your Grapple bonus or your Escape skill (or Dexterity bonus, if you have no ranks in Escape), whichever is higher, against your foe's Grapple bonus. If you succeed, then you break free, and you can move up to your speed away from the grappler. Using Powers to Escape: Per Steve Kenson's suggestion, using superpowers (Insubstantial, Teleport, etc.) to break out of a Grapple requires a DC 20 Concentration check. Grapple (Standard Action): You attempt to grapple a target. Make a melee attack roll against the target. If successful, roll a Grapple check, opposed by the target's Grapple bonus or their Reflex save. If you roll a critical hit on the attack roll, you gain +5 to your grapple check. If you win, the target is Pinned. They are held immobile, losing their dodge bonus to Defense, and suffering an additional -4 Defense penalty. If you win by 5+, or if you win another opposed grapple check (requiring another Standard Action), the target is Bound, and thus, Helpless, unable to move, or take any actions which require physical activity other than Escaping, with a Defense of (5 + size modifier). Other adjacent characters gain an additional +4 attack bonus against them, and can coup-de-grace them as a full action. You lose your dodge bonus to Defense against foes outside the grapple while grappling a foe (unless you have the Grapple Finesse feat). Maintaining a grapple is a Free Action, but you cannot perform other actions requiring the use of your grappling limbs while doing so. Normally, maintaining a grapple requires the use of both hands. The Improved Grapple feat allows you to maintain a grapple with one hand (as can the Additional Limbs power - see the power description). A larger character can grapple more foes of a smaller size. Double the number of foes the character can grapple at once per size category the attacker is larger than the defenders. So, for example, a Medium attacker can grapple one Medium opponent, two Small opponents (one under each arm, for example), four Tiny opponents, etc. Since maintaining the grapple is a Free Action, you can take a Standard Action to inflict an attack upon a grappled target on subsequent rounds after the grapple has been established (or on the same round, if you Surge for another Standard Action). There is no need for an attack roll (and thus, no chance to score a critical hit or use tradeoff feats); the grappled foe must simply roll a saving throw against your attack. If you are maintaining a grapple at a distance with Move Object, then you must still make an attack roll to hit the grappled target with a ranged attack. But they are Pinned or Bound, and all the usual Defense penalties for those conditions apply (as do tradeoff feats and critical hits, since an attack roll is involved). If you try to move while grappling a foe, you must drag them along with you. Roll an opposed Strength check against your grappled foe. If you succeed, you move, and your foe moves along with you. If you fail, then you cannot move unless you release your foe. You must be strong enough to at least push or drag your foe, and normal movement penalties for encumbrance apply. Since there is no action/reaction between an attacker using Move Object and their target, they cannot "drag" their target. They must move them like the target of any other Move Object power, by "throwing" them as a Move Action. You can end a grapple (releasing your foe) as a Free Action. If you are unable to take the Free Action to maintain the grapple (if you are Stunned, for example), then the grapple ends automatically. If you take a Standard Action to grapple a foe, then you can then throw them as a Move Action on the same round (thus, Grappling and Throwing a foe is a Full Action). On subsequent rounds after you initiated the grapple, throwing the grappled foe is a Standard Action. The functions of the existing Grappling feats remain unchanged. Grappling Block still allows you to initiate a Grapple check as a Reaction following a successful Block maneuver. Improved Grab still allows you to initiate a Grapple check as a Reaction following a successful unarmed attack. Improved Grapple still allows you to maintain a Grapple with one arm, leaving your other arm free to take other actions. And since maintaining a Grapple is now a Free Action, now this feat actually does something. Improved Pin inflicts a -4 penalty to any Grappled character's Escape checks (since all grapples now inflict the Pinned condition). Minions generally take the worst possible effect on any failed save, not just Toughness saves, per the published Mutants & Masterminds 2e FAQ. Trip: A character using Dexterity to resist a Trip attempt can use their full Acrobat bonus instead. A character using Strength for a Trip check (offensive or defensive) can apply their Super-Strength ranks. Vehicle Combat As per the Masterminds Manual, a character operating a vehicle can take a move action to move the vehicle under its own power, and either a standard action to attack with any vehicle-mounted weapons, or a standard action for "evasive maneuvers," which replaces the vehicle's normal Defense (10 + vehicle's size modifier) with (the result of the operator's skill check + vehicle's size modifier) for 1 round. The "Simultaneous Task" skill challenge can be used to both fire weapons and perform evasive maneuvers in the same standard action, with a -10 penalty to the operator's skill check. A challenge feat can be taken to reduce the penalty to -5 (one rank), or to eliminate it altogether (2 ranks). Please note that these are not the only actions available to a character operating a vehicle, and that the character is, depending on the circumstances, free to use a personal weapon or attack power instead of the weapons mounted on the vehicle.
  10. Equipment If an object's Toughness is reduced below -5 by a Drain Toughness effect, then that object is Destroyed. Communicators: A character of average or greater Wealth may have a normal consumer cellphone as part of their implied possessions without paying Equipment Points. This phone is not practical for use in combat, requires a compatible network and is subject to interference at the GM's discretion as befits the plot. This may be flavoured as a basic 'communicator' with the same mechanical limitations. Communication bought as Equipment requires a Move Action when used during combat and is subject to the same GM fiat as all Equipment. It may not be Subtle or Selective. Example: Communication 5 (Radio, 5 miles; Extra: Area; Flaw: Limited [Other X-Phones]) [5EP] (X-Phone) Communication bought as a Power or Device can be used as a Free Action during combat and may be Subtle and/or Selective. GM fiat against it is worth a Hero Point. Headquarters Headquarters are assumed to provide suitable life-support conditions for their inhabitants at no additional point cost. This is usually Earth-normal atmosphere, pressure, temperature, and gravity, regardless of where the installation is located (particularly important for things like orbiting satellites, moon-bases, and deepsea installations, to name a few). In effect, they provide Immunity 6 (cold [environmental], heat [environmental], high pressure, suffocation, vacuum) for free. The disruption of such systems may constitute a Complication! A note on the Power feature: while this feature can be used to provide a Movement power (such as Flight or Swimming) to represent a mobile base, an HQ should generally not be as capable of movement as a vehicle. Generally speaking, moving an HQ should be a significant undertaking that can only occur (at most) once per thread. The following HQ Feature from Agents of Freedom is explicitly allowed: Think-Tank. The following HQ Features from Book of Magic are explicitly allowed: Dual Size, Personnel, Self-Repairing. The following HQ Feature from Book of Magic is explicitly banned: Temporal Limbo. Features that allow you to use various skills -- such as Infirmary or Workshop -- may be purchased twice, to provide a masterwork (MW) version of the feature, which will provide you with a +2 circumstance bonus on that skill. Vehicles For vehicular combat, see "Vehicle Combat" on the Combat page of the Guidebook. As with headquarters, a vehicle is assumed to provide the necessary life support for its passengers for the environments it is equipped to move through. So, for example, an aquatic vehicle is assumed to be water-tight, pressurized, and have its own air supply, while a space vehicle is assumed to provide a safe, breathable environment, adequate heating and cooling, and gravity. These are part of the vehicle’s descriptors and have no point cost. The disruption of such systems may constitute a Complication! The following Vehicle Features from Agents of Freedom are explicitly allowed: Computer, Communications. New Features The following new features are available for vehicles in FC PbP: Dual Size: Like the headquarters feature from Book of Magic, the vehicle has two size categories: its inside category (purchased normally) and an outside category, one or more size categories smaller, making it larger on the inside than the outside. Pay the cost of the larger interior size, plus 1 rank in this feature for each size category reduction of the exterior size. Determine the vehicle's Strength and Toughness from the larger (interior) size, and its Defense from the smaller (exterior) one. Rooms: A Gargantuan or larger vehicle can incorporate some headquarters features, essentially functioning like a mobile installation. So, for example, a Gargantuan jet plane might have an Infirmary and Living Space on board, while an Awesome-sized starship might have that plus a Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells, Laboratory, and more! For Dual Size vehicles (see previous), the vehicle’s internal size determines if this feature is available. Note that you do still have to pay for the individual rooms/features. Exception: the Power room is explicitly not allowed. Constructs Any character without a Constitution score is considered a Construct. Constructs are by definition objects and not living creatures. All Constructs must purchase the 30PP Immunity to Fortitude Effects at character creation. Otherwise, their lack of a CON score would kill them. Constructs do not suffer nonlethal damage conditions, such as Bruised or Staggered. Any nonlethal damage suffered by a Construct (or an inanimate object) is automatically converted to lethal damage (so a Construct who suffers a Bruise from nonlethal combat damage would suffer an Injury instead). However, if an attack is incapable of inflicting lethal damage, as the result of a drawback, then it is incapable of harming a Construct (since the attacker cannot choose to inflict lethal damage). Constructs can be Dazed by combat damage, just like living creatures. If a Construct is hit by a Fortitude effect with the +Affects Objects extra (which overrides their Fortitude Immunity), it gains a Reflex save in place of the Fortitude save. Inanimate objects, on the other hand, get no saving throw and suffer the maximum possible effect (with the exception of Devices, whose wearers/wielders can make saves on their behalf, as detailed in the Combat chapter).
  11. When using Extra Effort, you can gain two of the listed benefits, even stacking two of the same type of benefit. However, when using this Extraordinary Effort, you also double the cost of the effort; you're Exhausted starting the turn after your extraordinary effort. If you are already Fatigued, you are Unconscious. If you are already Exhausted, then you cannot use extraordinary effort. Spending a Hero Point at the start of your next turn reduces the cost of your extraordinary effort to merely Fatigued, the same as a regular extra effort.DrawbacksHolding Back: This drawback from Hero High is banned.Nagging Injury: These drawbacks from Agents of Freedom are allowed on a case-by-case basis, although most of them are considered Uncommon, Minor drawbacks worth 1PP.Nightmares: This drawback from Mecha & Manga is explicitly allowed. A character with this drawback must roll the Fatigue check at the start of every thread, and again every time the character sleeps and wakes up within the same thread.
  12. Affects Objects: If a Construct is hit by a Fortitude effect with Extra: Affects Objects, it gains a Reflex save in place of the Fortitude save. Autofire: Autofire is limited to one rank; the second and third are not permitted. Insidious: This modifier is a 1PP Power Feat, not a +1PP/rank extra. No Saving Throw: This Extra is not permitted on player characters. Progression (Save DC): Powers which are not normally Attack effects, but which become so through the application of Extra: Attack or Flaw: Saving Throw, such as Concealment or Luck Control, can have the DC of their saving throws increased by +1 per rank with the Progression feat. Restricted: A Device may have up to three ranks of Restricted, granting one of the following effects: Restricted 1 [Only Group Can Use] : Only a defined group can use your Device, for everyone else it has no Powers at all. Restricted 2 [Only Character Can Use]: Only you - and no one else - can use your Device. It can be taken away, but not used against you. Restricted 2 [Only Group Can Lift]: Your Device can only be lifted by a defined group. If they can lift the Device hey have full access to its Powers. Restricted 3 [Only Group Can Lift]: Your Device can only be lifted by a defined group and only you may use its Powers. The defined group can be anything from 'only women' to 'only members of an organization' to 'only characters with Datalink' but must be broad enough to reasonably come up in play. Similar to a Complication, when this clause creates a disadvantage for the Device's owner that character is awarded an HP. In this way there is both a mechanical and storytelling advantage to choosing a restriction which will come up more frequently. If the defined group involves a personal quality rather than a defined attribute - ie. 'only the worthy' - the specific requirements must be made clear. Is worthiness defined by selflessness, martial prowess, humility? Remember that the GM will ultimately use their own best judgement as to whether another character meets those requirements, albeit with input from the player. Subtle: Subtle for the Communication and the ESP powers works as stated in ULTIMATE POWER. For all other effects, Subtle works as follows: Subtle 1 requires a DC 20 Notice check to be detected by normal senses, but is noticed automatically by an appropriate [Descriptor] Awareness power. Effects with Subtle 2 cannot be detected by normal senses, but can be noticed by an appropriate [Descriptor] Awareness power if the observer makes a DC 20 Notice check. New Modifiers Multiple Weapons [Ranked]: The character has two or more hand-held weapons or pieces of equipment represented by an Easy-to-Lose Device. Being disarmed while holding one of these weapons does not prevent the character from using the other weapons unless they are also removed from their possession. Each rank of Multiple Weapons adds another weapon beyond the first. These can be identical copies or unique items represented by an Array. Examples: Device 2 (10PP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose; Power Feats: Multiple Weapons 1) [7PP] (twin magic pistols) Damage 4 (Extras: Ranged, Power Feats: Accurate 1, Improved Critical 1) [10DP] (fire, magic) Device 3 (15PP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose; Power Feats: Alternate Power 2, Multiple Weapons 2) [13PP] (high-tech arsenal) Base: Damage 5 (Extras: Penetrating; Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Mighty) [15DP] (lightning sword; electricity, tech) AP: Move Object 7 (Power Feats: Precise) [15DP] (gravity gun; gravimetric, tech) AP: Stun 5 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Ranged) [15DP] (mind scrambler; psionic, tech) Power Structures (Arrays, Containers, Variables) Increasing the Action required to activate or reconfigure an Array or Container is a Drawback, not a Flaw. Modifying the Action required to reconfigure a Variable Power is still a Flaw. Fortune Feats (feats which require the use of a Hero Point) cannot be folded into Arrays or acquired with Variable Powers. They must be purchased as stand-alone, always-active traits, whether they are normal feats or power feats. Skills and Feats in general are not explicitly forbidden from being acquired with VPs or folded into arrays as Enhanced Trait APs, but this sort of thing is not encouraged and will be watched closely by the Moderators. Variable Power: Powers built upon the Variable Power structure, such as Shapeshift or Mimic, cannot be Alternate Powers in an Array. The versatility of a Variable Power is balanced by its high overhead cost; placing it in an Array would negate that by allowing the character to switch to another Alternate Power and convert that overhead cost into another, higher-ranked power. Skills and Feats acquired through a Variable Power are limited to a number of allocated power points equal to the rank of the Variable Power. Therefore a character with Mimic 3 (15PP Variable Power, All Target's Traits, Multiple Traits at Once) [15PP] can acquire +12 Intimidate and Attack Focus [Melee] 3 but not +20 Intimidate or Attack Focus [Melee] 6. As with spending a Hero Point for a Heroic Feat, Fortune Feats may not be acquired through a Variable Power. When submitting a character with a Variable Power, you must list a few sample configurations on the character sheet, to give the Moderators (and any potential GMs) a general idea of how you intend to use it.
  13. Electra


    Alternate Form: Increasing the type of Action required to use this power is a -1PP per step Drawback, not a -1PP/rank per step Flaw. (Since Alternate Form is not something one normally activates multiple times per combat -- in most cases, you activate it at the start of a fight and do not turn it off until you're done -- requiring a longer time to active it is not as big a hindrance as it would be for Attack effects like Blast, which would be used almost every round.) Communication: Communication is two-way by default but may have Limited [One-Way, -1]. See the Equipment section for House Rules regarding team communicators. Concealment: Increasing the Action to use this effect is a -1PP per step Drawback, not a -1PP/rank per step Flaw. (See Alternate Form for the reasoning.) Create Object: Along with Move Object, this is one of the only powers in this game which is "soft-capped": your ranks in the Create Object power are not capped at your PL. However, the saving throw DC provoked by any attempt to trap a foe in a Created Object or drop a Created Object on a foe is subject to the character's PL caps for damage, and attempts to use high-Toughness Created Objects to circumvent defensive PL caps will not be tolerated. Density: Increasing the Action to use this effect is a -1PP per step Drawback, not a -1PP/rank per step Flaw. (See Alternate Form for the reasoning.) Drain: If an object's Toughness is reduced below -5 by a Drain Toughness effect, then that object is Destroyed. Gravity Control: This power, as described in the books, is banned. Please use a Move Object effect with Area and Limited [Up/Down] instead, with the "Gravity Control" descriptor (a far less broken power). Lifting things up or pinning them down requires a grapple check, like any other use of Move Object. Growth: Increasing the Action to use this effect is a -1PP per step Drawback, not a -1PP/rank per step Flaw. (See Alternate Form for the reasoning.) Immunity: See "Descriptor Frequencies" below for a detailed cost breakdown of Immunities by descriptor frequency. Immunity 5 (Interaction Skills) does not include Sense Motive. Immunity to Fatigue Effects does not make you immune to the fatigue caused by Extra Effort. Insubstantial: Increasing the Action to use this effect is a -1PP per step Drawback, not a -1PP/rank per step Flaw. (See Alternate Form for the reasoning.) Impervious: This extra is capped at the character's PL, regardless of which saving throw it is purchased for. It can be purchased for any of the four saving throws. Move Object: Along with Create Object, this is one of the only two powers in this game which is "soft-capped": your power rank is not subject to PL caps. However, any damage inflicted by throwing Moved Objects is subject to the character's PL caps for damage. Nemesis: This power, due to complications of its application within a play-by-post environment, is explicitly banned. Nullify: The 3PP/rank version of Nullify, "All Powers, regardless of Descriptors," is banned. Probability Control: Taliesin's "Supremacy" power (Probability Control, Flaws: Limited 2 [One Attack/Task]) is explicitly allowed. Regeneration: Regeneration from the Unconscious condition is banned. True Resurrection is a +0 Extra, automatically assumed to be in effect for any Resurrection ranks purchased. Shrinking: Normal Movement and Normal Toughness are Feats, not Extras. Normal Strength is still an Extra but the catch-all Normal Abilities Extra is no longer necessary. Shrinking gets a pass on the "increasing Action is a Drawback, not a Flaw" fix we have in place for Growth, Alternate Form and similar powers. While it would be internally consistent for us to make increasing its Action be a Drawback rather than a Flaw, the Refs feel Shrinking is overpriced as is for what it does, and so could use the cost break. Space Travel: 3E rules are used for simplification. Space Travel cannot be arrayed with flight. It is bought under the Super Movement power with three ranks available at 2 PP/rank. As a guideline, the three ranks are: Summon (Animate Object, Duplication, Gestalt, Machine Animation, etc.): A Minion/Sidekick, whether purchased with feats or Summoned, cannot have a PP total higher than the hero. If the character concept involves a "minion" in service to a less powerful entity, then the more powerful "minion" is the Hero, and the "boss" is purchased as a Minion/Sidekick. Summon may have its Duration bought up to Continuous, but Summon may not have the Independent extra. The Heroic Extra is allowed, but only if it applies to ONE Summoned being. A character can have up to one Sidekick. A Gestalt can have up to two Heroic components. In other words, no player can control more than two heroic characters at once. The Progression [Minions] Feat is allowed for Summon powers, but is capped at rank 4 (25 Minions). Minions -- attained either via the feat or via the Summon power -- may use the Aid and Combined Attack actions, though see "Combined Attack" under Combat. In-character posts made containing only Minions, or with just a bare minimum of contact with the main hero, will only count for 1/2 credit for that hero's post counts when calculating their monthly PP awards. In-character posts featuring Sidekicks count for full credit. Super-Senses: This is a clarification of how Super-Senses works, assembled from the core rulebook, Ultimate Power, and many of Steve Kenson's posts on the Official M&M Forums. Awareness and Detect: These are merged into a single Super-Sense called [Descriptor] Awareness, which is capable of making Notice checks as a passive reaction as necessary or as a Move Action when actively looking for something. The base cost for Awareness is based on the frequency of the descriptor: 1PP base for an Uncommon descriptor (ex: celestial/holy, demonic/infernal, necromancy), 2PP for a Common descriptor (ex: mental, metals, plants), and 3PP for a Very Common descriptor (ex: electromagnetic energy, magic). Awareness has a default range increment of -1 per 10 feet. Penetrates Concealment: By default, the +Penetrates Concealment (4PP) Extra of Super-Senses can see through any obstacle (but not effects like Concealment, Illusion, or Obscure). You do not need to define "one reasonably common substance" which you cannot see through. Not being able to see through one semi-common substance, such as gold or lead, is a 1PP Power Loss Drawback. Not being able to see through a wider range of common substances (like "natural earth") is a Limited Flaw, reducing the cost by -1PP per rank (from 4PP to 2PP). This means X-Ray Vision (Normal Vision, Extras: Penetrates Concealment [4], Drawbacks: Power Loss [Lead]) costs 3PP, not 4PP. Super-Strength: This power adds to the character's bonus when resisting Disarm checks, using Disarm with unarmed damage or a Mighty attack, and Trip checks where the character is using Strength rather than Dexterity/Acrobat (attacking or resisting). Teleport: Teleport with the Attack extra is not allowed. You may take it with the Affects Others extra, but remember that will only work on willing targets. Per Steve Kenson's suggestion, you may use Teleport to get out of a Grapple, if you can make a DC 20 Concentration check.
  14. Electra


    The option from the Masterminds Manual to take Skill Challenges as Feats is in effect. Each rank a PC buys in the feat version of a skill challenge waives 5 points worth of the penalty for that check. For example, spending 1PP on "Fast Task (Feint)" would waive the -5 penalty for Feinting as a Move Action instead of a Standard Action. This does not count against PL limits for Skill ranks. Accurate / All-Out / Defensive / Power Attack: These exist as maneuvers available to all characters, but they can only shift the values by +/-2. Characters with these feats can shift the values by up to +/-5. Benefit (Wealth): FCPBP does not use the optional wealth rules in the 2E book. We do, however, use a simplified system similar to the one offered in the 3E book, as detailed below: Impoverished (Complication or 1PP Drawback)You own the clothes on your back and whatever's in your pockets, and that's it.Fictional Examples: Bruce Banner (when he's on the run), Man-Thing, Spawn.Struggling (Complication)You can usually get all your monthly bills paid, if you don't have to pay to have something repaired or replaced. But most months, you do have to pay for something to be repaired or replaced.You either rent an apartment by yourself, or you live in a small house that either has one or two roommates, or is in either a bad neighborhood (like the Fens) or a remote rural site. DC8 Disable Device check to break in.If you own a car, it's a Rolls Can'ardly (rolls down one hill, can 'ardly get up the next). Most likely, you walk, bike, or take public transportation.Fictional Examples: Peter Parker (before marrying Mary-Jane), Malcolm Reynolds.Middle Class (Default)Salaried employment (9-to-5 job).You're in either an apartment or a small (1-or-2-bedroom) house in an average part of town, or a medium (3-bedroom + garage) house in a bad part of town or a remote rural area. DC10 Disable Device check to break in.You have an economy-size or mid-size sedan, or something comparable.Fictional Examples: Buddy Baker, Helena Bertinelli.Wealthy (Benefit 1)Professional employment, often requiring a graduate degree (doctor, lawyer, etc.), owner of a small business, or you draw a regular stipend from some inheritance. Upper middle class or lower upper class. (Complications can be used to reflect any responsibilities your job entails.)You live in either an apartment or a small (1-or-2-bedroom) house in an upscale neighborhood, a medium (3-bedroom + garage) house in an average neighborhood, or a large (4-bedroom + 2-car-garage) house in a remote rural location (since homes like that don't show up in bad neighborhoods). DC12 Disable Device check to break in.You can have any sort of car short of a high-end sports coupe. You fly first-class, and you may even have your own prop-plane.Fictional Examples: Michael Morbius, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Steve Rogers, Vic Sage.Rich (Benefit 2)You are a millionaire, and may own a small corporation (depending on complications). Solid upper class.You live in either a penthouse apartment/condominium, a medium (3-bedroom + garage) house in an upscale neighborhood, a large (4-bedroom + 2-car-garage) house in an average neighborhood, or a mansion (5-or-6-bedroom + 3-car-garage) in a remote rural location. DC14 Disable Device check to break in.You can have almost anything shy of military-grade hardware. A wardrobe full of tailored designer clothes, high-end sports cars, a private plane, drivers and servants, and just about any and every electronic gadget or toy on the market, these things are all within your reach.Fictional Examples: Tim Drake (before inheriting Wayne Enterprises), Lucius Fox, Reed Richards.Filthy Rich (Benefit 3)A member of the Fiction 500. You're a billionaire, with resources comparable to multi-national corporations or the governments/militaries of major nations.You can have any sort of (standard, non-tricked out) home you want, and almost any sort of vehicle (or, more likely, fleet of vehicles). DC16 Disable Device check to break in.A "Rich" character has their own private plane. A "Filthy Rich" character has their own private island.Fictional Examples: Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Lex Luthor, Ra's al Ghul, David Xanatos, Gomez Addams, C. Montgomery Burns, Deathklok.Each rank in the Benefit (Wealth) feat gives you a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks which involve bribery. This bonus does not count against power level caps. At the GM's discretion, the Impoverished drawback/complication either imposes a -2 penalty, or simply causes you to automatically fail certain Diplomacy or Gather Information checks. For example, the bouncer you're trying to talk to simply will not talk or let you inside unless given an adequate bribe, which you may not be able to afford.The Wealth Benefits do not carry any free status, just the money. Wealth with no Status means an eccentric wealthy recluse whom no one has heard of.If you want an atypical version of a vehicle or home (like a motorcycle that can transform into a helicopter, or a house with a magic scrying mirror), you need to pay for the entire vehicle/HQ with Equipment feats, not just the upgrades.Characters may have any sort of general equipment, the likes of which would not affect die rolls and which a person of the appropriate wealth level could be expected to own, within reason, for free. Examples include a cell phone, computer, camera, or basic flashlight. Anything which gives a mechanical bonus (such as weapons, armor, or +Masterwork tools) must be paid for with Equipment feats. Cool: This feat from Hero High is explicitly allowed. Defensive Roll: You can evade damage through agility and "rolling" with an attack. Each rank of this feat gives you a +2 bonus to Toughness saving throws. But you lose this bonus whenever you are denied your dodge bonus or unable to take a free action, unless you are able to succeed on a Concentration check (DC based on circumstances; see the Concentration skill description, M&M2E page 44). Your total Toughness save bonus, including Defensive Roll, is limited by your power level. Diehard: All PCs and non-Minion NPCs are assumed to have this feat for free. There is no need to record it on your character sheet. Equipment: If your character is a space character, you may want a space suit. There are two versions; the "Clunky" version, freely available and costing [0 EP] and standard on space ships and space stations, gives Life Support (as the power) for a penalty of -2 to Attack, Defence, and Reflex Saves as it is clunky. You can alternatively buy a "Slick" space suit, stylish and cool space suit for 9 EP (Life Support power), you may wish to eliminate some of the immunities (for instance, if it is an environment suit for alien atmospheres), or boost it with ranks of protection or masterwork (for a seriously comfortable and stylish number!) It assumed that space suits have 2 hours of oxygen (like the equipment SCUBA tank), and will decompress if damaged with the appropriate descriptor (unlike a device with life support) Favoured Environment: This feat is no longer ranked. While in your favoured environment, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth and Survival rolls and a +2 circumstance bonus to either Attack or Defence. The attack/defence bonus is chosen at the beginning of your turn, and you can change it on your next turn. Note that circumstance bonuses do notcount against PL caps. Suitable environments must be sufficiently specific, such as forests, underwater or arctic. Urban is explicitly not allowed. You may take this feat multiple times within reason, applying to a different environment each time. Excessive use attempting to 'cover all your bases' will be frowned upon. Favoured Enemy: This feat is no longer ranked. When dealing with your favoured enemy type, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Gather Information, Investigate, Knowledge, Notice, Search and Sense Motive rolls involving this enemy. Note that circumstance bonuses do not count against PL caps. As per the core rules, this feat is a prerequisite for Critical Strike pertaining to the same enemy type. Critical Strike allows critical hits on enemies otherwise immune to critical hits. Suitable enemy types must be sufficiently specific, such as undead, demons, robots or mafia. Broad descriptors such as 'supervillains' or 'criminals' will not be allowed. You may take this feat multiple times within reason, applying to a different enemy type each time. Excessive use attempting to 'cover all your bases' will be frowned upon. Steve Kenson says, and we agree, that you can take the Critical Strike feat without taking the Favored Enemy feat, and use Hero Points to temporarily gain the Favored Enemy feat in order to trigger the Critical Strike feat. Improved Critical: PCs cannot purchase more than 2 ranks of this feat for a single attack. Improved Disarm: When attempting to Disarm a foe, you gain a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check, and they do not get the opportunity to disarm you. Improved Ranged Disarm: This feat from the Masterminds Manual is explicitly allowed. Improved Sunder: When attacking an object held by another character which gets a Size bonus to Defense, you negate up to 4 points of that bonus (effectively gaining up to +4 Attack, but only for the purposes of canceling out the object's Defense bonus from being smaller than Medium-sized, and thus, this bonus does not count against PL caps). Interpose: Once per round, when an ally within range of your normal movement is hit by an attack, you can choose to place yourself between the attacker and your ally as a reaction, making you the target of the attack instead. If the attack hits, you suffer the effects normally. If the attack misses you, it also misses your ally. You must declare your intention to trade places with an ally before the attack roll is made. You cannot use Interpose if you are stunned or otherwise incapable of taking actions. You cannot use Interpose against Perception-range attacks or General Area attacks, only attacks which require an attack roll. Lionheart: This feat from Warriors & Warlocks is explicitly allowed. Luck: PCs can have a maximum number of ranks in this feat equal to 1/3 of their PL, rounded down. PCs with Luck Control can purchase additional ranks of Luck as a power feat of Luck Control, as long as their total ranks in Luck from all sources do not exceed 1/2 their PL. NPCs cannot have Luck, unless they have Luck Control, in which case they can purchase Luck as a power feat of Luck Control, up to 1/2 their PL. Martial Strike: This feat from the Masterminds Manual is banned. Master Plan: See "Knowledge (Tactics)" in "Skills," above. If a character purchases a second rank of this feat, they can use Knowledge (Tactics) instead of Intelligence when rolling Master Plan checks. Minion/Sidekick: See "Summon" under Powers, below. Monkey Climber: This feat from Warriors & Warlocks is explicitly allowed. Ninja Run: This feat from Mecha & Manga is explicitly allowed. Online Research: This feat from Mecha & Manga is explicitly allowed. Second Chance: This feat cannot be bought for Damage effects of a Very Common descriptor. Speed of Thought: This feat from the Masterminds Manual is explicitly allowed. Untapped Potential: This feat from Hero High is banned. Withstand Damage: This feat from Mecha & Manga is banned. New Feats The following new feats are available for characters in FC PbP: Benefit (Native) - General, Ranked You are a native of (and educated/experienced with) some non-Prime!Earth culture. You may be from a another world in the Prime!Universe (like Kinigos), a parallel world (like Earth-Victoriana), or even the Terminus itself! If you are from another world in the Prime!Universe, you gain a +5 bonus on Knowledge (Galactic Lore) checks pertaining to your native culture; if from another dimension, you gain a +5 bonus on Knowledge (Cosmos) checks pertaining to your native culture. Note that you do not need this feat to be from a non-Prime!Earth culture. This feat represents having a strong grounding in/affinity for the culture. Dazzling Attack - Combat, Ranked Choose a sense type when you purchase this feat. You may acquire additional sense types with additional ranks, but you may only target one sense type per attack. When you make a damaging melee attack, you can choose not to inflict normal damage. Instead, the target makes a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 plus your damage bonus. A successful save results in no effect. A failed save impairs all senses the target possesses of the sense type corresponding to your feat. They suffer a -4 penalty to any Notice or Search checks involving that sense type, and all other targets gain partial concealment against them. Failure by 5 or more means the target's senses are disabled, and all other targets gain total concealment against them; if you targeted Visual-type senses, the target is Blinded, if Auditory, the target is Deafened, etc. The effects of a failed save last for 1 round. Narrative examples of this attack include smashing your hands (or weapons) against the target's ears to damage their eardrums, cutting them above the eyes to interfere with their vision, or even a strike to the nose that temporarily numbs their sense of smell. Paralyzing Attack - Combat When you make a damaging melee attack, you can choose not to inflict normal damage. Instead, the target makes a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 plus your damage bonus. A successful save results in no effect. A failed save means the target is Slowed for one round. Failure by 5 or more means the target is Paralyzed for one round. Narrative examples of this attack include strikes aimed at specific nerve clusters or muscles in the body to temporarily inhibit voluntary movement.
  15. Electra


    Skill Challenges from the Masterminds Manual are allowed, for the most part. However, if there is any discrepency between the penalties given in the core book and in the MaMa (such as Accelerated Stealth), the core book numbers take precedence (a Stealth check to hide immediately after moving all-out or attacking suffers a -20 penalty, not -5).Acrobat: This skill automatically adds to attempts to resist being Overrun or Tripped.Bluff/Knowledge/Sense Motive: Characters using the Bluff skill for covertly passing along messages (see "Innuendo" under the Bluff skill, M&M2E, page 42) who have at least 5 ranks in a Knowledge skill can gain a +2 synergy bonus on the Bluff check by using jargon and terms specific to that Knowledge. Characters with at least 5 ranks in the same Knowledge skill get a +2 synergy bonus on the Sense Motive check to notice the message. (This is a variant of the "Arcane Innuendo" option from The Book of Magic.)Drive/Pilot: A skill check can be used to improve a vehicle's Defense score. See "Vehicle Combat" under Combat, below.Knowledge (Tactics): The additional/expanded uses for Knowledge (Tactics) offered in the Masterminds Manual - using Knowledge (Tactics) in place of Stealth to set up a surprise attack, or in the place of Notice or Sense Motive to detect an ambush or avoid a feint in combat - are available here, but are not inherent. Each application requires a separate Benefit feat. Thus, to be able to use Knowledge (Tactics) in both ways described above, you would need Benefit 2; if you just wanted one, such as the ability to use a Knowledge (Tactics) check in place of an Intelligence check for the Master Plan feat, you would jut need Benefit 1. Use of Knowledge (Tactics) with Master Plan is covered by a second rank of the Master Plan feat, as noted in the Feats section of the House Rules.New SkillsFC PbP uses the following two new Knowledge skills:Knowledge (Cosmology): Covers knowledge of extradimensional matters: the Cosmic Coil, the Terminus, parallel dimensions/realities, and so on. Roughly speaking, it's the Knowledge skill for places (and beings from places) you'd need Super-Movement (Dimensional) to reach.Knowledge (Galactic Lore): Covers knowledge of extraterrestrial matters: the Grue, the Lor, the Stellar Khanate, entities such as the Curator and the Gorgon, hazards (natural and sapient-made) to space navigation, and so on. Roughly speaking, it's the Knowledge skill for beings & places you'd need Space Travel and/or a high ranked Teleport to reach.
  16. Electra


    FCPBP characters are allowed to have Attack/Damage and Defense/Toughness tradeoffs up to +/-5 in any direction. You may have different tradeoffs for different attacks if you choose. A minimum of 1/3 (rounded up) of a character's total Attack and Defense bonuses must come from Base Attack and Base Defense, rather than feats like Attack Focus or Dodge Focus.
  17. Step One: Join the Site Probably self-explanatory. Creating a username and password gives you posting access to all public forums except the Heroes, Villains and NPC sections of the Character Bank. Step Two: Create a Character Concept It is not necessary to run potential concepts by anybody on the site, in chat or on the Character Building forum, but doing so is often helpful in refining your ideas and avoiding overlap. More detailed information on creating characters is available in the How-To article on Building a Character: Concept and Fluff. Step Three: Build Your Character Once you have an idea firmly in mind, you should build your character's stats according to their starting PL Level. You can build from scratch, or feel free to use any of the prebuilds available. More information on building your character is available in the How-To article on Building a Character: Statistics and Crunch. Step Four: Write Your Character Sheet Using the Character Sheet Template, assemble all your crunch and all your fluff into one easy-to-read sheet. While you are putting together the sheet, you may post the work in progress in the Character Building forum for comments and suggestions, but this is not required. Step Five: Post Your Sheet in the Character Bank The Character Bank forum is where the refs will review your sheet. Do not post to the Heroes subforum; that is for approved characters only. Simply create a new topic in the main Character Bank and use your character's name and PL, followed by your player name as the title. While the sheet is in the Bank, you may continue to edit it, but you should post a note if you do to let the refs know what has changed. Step Six: Get Two Ref Approvals A finished sheet needs a stamp of approval from two refs before it's ready for play. Unless there are a lot of sheets in the bank, a ref should attach their name to your sheet within a day or two. Once a ref is looking at your sheet, another ref will usually not begin evaluating it until they are done. It's common for the first response to a sheet to be a set of comments on things that should be changed, or questions the ref has about parts of the build. Once you and the ref have ironed out any problems, they will stamp approval, and the process begins again. The approval process can take anywhere from a few hours to a week or more, depending on the complexity of the build and how many changes need to be made. During this time, when a sheet is in the approval phase, please document all changes made to the sheet with a changelog post to the thread. Step Seven: Begin Play Once your sheet is approved, your character sheet will be moved from the main Character Bank to the Heroes subforum. Once it is in the Heroes subforum, you are no longer allowed to edit it for any reason. Requests to edit must be made in the Character Edits thread in the Character Bank forum. As soon as you have your two approvals, you are ready to play and may begin putting your character into threads. Have fun! Character Resubmission & PL Slots When you begin play you can create two Power Level 10 characters & one Power Level 7 character. These are three separate character slots, with three separate Power Level and Power Point budgets with which to build the character sheet; as you continue to play, you may earn more character slots of varying size. Details on how this works can be found in the House Rules on Character Advancement and Rewards. If after creating a character and having them approved you find that you would rather rebuild them at a different, higher Power Level using a different, higher-PL character slot (e.g., you built the character as a PL7, but later find that you would rather rebuild them using a PL10 character slot), you may do so - however, this effectively retires the old character and creates a new one. The new and higher-PL character must be submitted as a new sheet, and will not inherit any PP earned by the lower-PL, lower-PP version. This, naturally, only applies to characters being effectively 'promoted' by changing character slots. A character that earns enough PP over the course of normal play to go from PL7 to PL10 is unaffected, and loses nothing, as that character continues to occupy the same character slot throughout its time on this site.
  18. Stesha kept hold of his hand after she stood, just lightly with the tips of her fingers. "It sounds like fun," she told him. "It sounds like the nice kind of normal. Give me a call when you know you're going to have a free evening, and I'll see if I can work it out as well. Two people with hectic schedules, it could be pretty tough. But I think we can set something up." She walked outside with him, pausing by the large potted tree next to the front stoop. "Tonight was nice." Leaning upward, Stesha gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad they hauled that guy into your emergency room. Give my best to your kids."
  19. Raina's going to fly out of the lobby on her broom and lob a fireball at Providence. She gets a 28. DC 25 toughness save if she hits.
  20. "There's plenty of room on the medevac," came a voice from behind them as Miss Americana walked up, looking little the worse for her prolonged unconsciousness. "We don't need it, we're both fine. Doctor McGinnis was temporarily disabled by the hooligans who were disrupting the computer systems here; I was able to free him from within the system itself. There should be no more disruptions from within the security or computers here, and all systems should reboot to normal functionality within the next three minutes. It's over," she said very firmly.
  21. "The odd kinda sneaks up on you," Stesha admitted with a small laugh. "The first really weird thing you get involved with just bowls you over, then you get used to it, then you start getting wrapped up in it, and the other odd things that come along with it just gradually start seeming more and more normal. And... and eventually your world is so full of magic and giant fire-breathing bees and world-saving that suddenly you run into a real world problem and you just have no idea how to deal with it," she admitted pensively. "I had a good lawyer, one familiar with metahuman family law, if you can believe that's even a specialty. But even just finding a business suit and taking a cab to a courthouse was just... alien. It was all so weird. I was glad to get back to Sanctuary, for a lot of reasons." For a moment there was worry in her face, and it looked like she might say more, but instead she shook it away. "You really will get used to it," she promised. "It's a balancing act. And speaking of which, I should probably get going, I have a sunrise meeting in Mayberry so we can get the wheat in before I have to go to work." She gave the waiter a meaningful look, who soon approached with their check. "You know you can call anytime."
  22. Character Sheet Template This is the guide we'd like you to use when submitting a character for approval. First: Create a new topic in the Character Bank forum with the subject line: Character (PL) - Player Example: Batman (PL10) - KevinConroy Second: In the post itself, provide your character sheet, using the format detailed below! Please list everything (Skills, Feats, Powers, etc.) in alphabetical order, and provide the power point costs for every category. It makes the Moderators' job much easier. Remember to remove the placeholder text and examples from the template before submitting the finished product; these have been marked in blue. {Template begins here:} Character Name Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) or 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 All PP must be spent at character creation but unspent points may accrue during play. Trade-Offs: ±X Attack / ±X Damage, ±X Defense / ±X Toughness (or "None") In Brief: 1-2 sentences which sum up the whole character. Catchphrase: (Optional) Example: "Its Clobberin' Time!", "By the Power Cosmic!", "Hulk Smash!" etc. Theme: (Optional) A theme song for the character. Alternate Identity: ??? (Public) or (Secret) Birthplace: Residence: (Optional) Where the character normally resides / lives. Base of Operations: (Optional) Where in the city the character primarily operates or their headquarters' location, if anywhere. Occupation: Affiliations: People and/or groups you work with. Family: Close or otherwise significant relatives. Description: Age: ??? (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Apparent Age: If applicable. Gender: Ethnicity: Caucasian, Asian, Atlantean, Etc. Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair: (Describe what they look like! Cover their physical appearance, typical clothing and of course their costume if they have one.) History: (Remember we are a relatively family friendly site. Your story should be PG-13 at most. If your character wouldn't fit in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, The Dresden Files, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you'll need to rethink it. When in doubt, ask a Staff Member.) Personality & Motivation: (Describe why they do what they do here.) Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do what they do.) Power Descriptions: (Describe the appearance of their powers as applicable: the colour of energy blasts, the shape of portals, the design of a battlesuit. Also give an idea of the Descriptors those powers use: fire, technological, cosmic energy, etc.) Complications: Name: Description Example: Everyone Deserves A Second Chance: The character believes in everyone's better nature, even if it would be more prudent to be wary. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 0 (2PP / Base Attack) + 0 (2PP / Base Defense) = 0PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Example: +10 Swords, +6 Melee, +4 Base Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 (1PP / Fortitude) + 0 (1PP / Reflex) + 0 (1PP / Will) = 0PP Toughness: +0 (+0 Con, +0 [Example: Protection, Defensive Roll]) Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+0 Wis, +0) Skills: 0R = 0PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks) Skill # of Ranks (+ Total Bonus) Skill # of Ranks (+ Total Bonus) Skill # of Ranks (+ Total Bonus) Examples: Craft [Structural] 5 (+5) Skill Mastery -- 5 ranks in Craft [Structural], a +0 Intelligence modifier and the Skill Mastery Feat for that Skill. Diplomacy 8 (+10) Second Chance -- 8 ranks Diplomacy, a +2 Charisma modifier and the Second Chance feat for that skill. Languages 2 (English, French [Native], German) -- Speaks those three languages, but learned French first. Notice 5 (+4) -- 5 ranks in Notice and a -1 Wisdom modifier. Feats: 0PP Feat Name Feat Name Feat Name Examples: Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 1 Attack Specialization [Swords] 2 Dodge Focus 2 Equipment 2 (10EP) Luck 3 Power Attack Equipment: 0PP = 0EP (1 rank of the Equipment Feat = 5 'Equipment Points') Name (Power breakdown, if applicable) [XEP] Examples: Gas Mask [1EP] Sword (Damage 3 [Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty]) [5EP] Undercover Vest (Protection 3 [Feats: Subtle]) [4EP] Note: The Equipment block is only applicable if your character has the Equipment feat! Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Power Name Rank (Descriptive Name; Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: ???, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP] (descriptors) Example: Damage 10 (Heat Vision; Extras: Range [Perception, +2], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Precise, Subtle) [22PP] (heat, solar radiation, alien physiology) Array Name Rank (2*Rank PP Array; Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: Alternate Power, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???)[XPP] (descriptors) Base Power: Power Name (Descriptive Name; Extras: ???, ???; Flaws: ???, ???; Feats: ???, ???; Drawbacks: ???, ???) {power cost/array cost} (descriptors) Alternate Power: Power Name (Descriptive Name; Extras: ???, ???; Flaws: ???, ???; Feats: ???, ???; Drawbacks: ???, ???) {power cost/array cost} (descriptors) Example: Electrical Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (electricity, genetic) Base Power: Blast 10 (Chain Lighting; Extras: Autofire; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Accurate; Drawbacks: Full Power) {20/20} Alternate Power: Blast 10 (Ball Lightning; Extras: Area [50-ft. Burst, General]; Flaws: Distracting) {20/20} Alternate Power: Stun 6 (Taser Blast; Extras: Range [Ranged]) {18/20} Device Rank (Descriptive Name; 5*Rank PP Container; Extras: ???; Flaws: Easy/Hard-To-Lose, ???; Feats: ???; Drawbacks: ???) [XPP] (descriptors) Power Name Rank (Descriptive Name; Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: ???, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP] (descriptors) Power Name Rank (Descriptive Name; Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: ???, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP] (descriptors) Example: Device 2 (Mighty Shield; 10PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Indestructible) [9PP] Damage 3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty, Thrown) [6PP] Force Field 2 [2PP] Shield 2 [2PP] Note: If all Powers have the same Descriptor (all genetic, all technological, etc.), you can just write that directly under the Powers header. Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP Drawback (Description; Frequency: [Uncommon, Common, or Very Common]; Intensity: [Minor, Moderate, or Major])[-XPP] Example: Vulnerability (Fire; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2]) [-4PP] Note: You can only have a number of Drawbacks equal to your PL, not including Power Drawbacks. Also, Power Drawbacks, such as Full Power or Power Loss, should be listed on the Power, not here. DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Chain Lightning Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Autofire) Damage Taser Blast Ranged DC 16 Fortitude Stun Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 (or 105/105) Power Points
  23. There are two phases to the character creation process, creating a character concept and building a character mechanically. In slang terms, the "fluff" and the "crunch." Mutants and Masterminds allows for an incredible variety of characters and powers, based on a surprisingly small set of actual mechanics. Two characters can have almost the same powers as written on their sheet, but those powers express themselves in completely different ways. We have some guidelines to streamline character creation and make it more likely your character will be accepted the first time. Character Concept: The Fluffy Stuff The first rule of character concept is simple: Play what you want to play. If you're playing a character you don't enjoy, you're not going to have fun. It doesn't matter if five other people have similar concepts to yours, this game allows for infinite variety. If your initial concept doesn't mesh well with the Freedom City world, we can help you tweak it into something that'll be a better fit. Don't get discouraged by the guidelines, they are tools to help move your unique character smoothly into the shared world of FC:PbP. Genre and Tone FC:PbP is a game based specifically on Western superheroes, mostly as found in comic books and comic-book movies. Characters from other distinct genres of fiction, such as those found in anime, manga, video games, action movies, or horror fiction may need substantial adaptation to fit them into the setting. A character with a giant mecha or a sentai team would not be appropriate to the setting, but a character with a huge battlesuit or a sidekick or two could fit right in. It is also a game for adult and near-adult heroes, and therefore the minimum character age is sixteen years old. As this is a superhero game, player characters are superheroes, and they are expected to act like it. That means making a conscious choice to use their gifts to help others, to go out looking for trouble instead of just waiting around for it to find them. This is a game for "superheroes," not "people with powers." Think less Heroes (the TV show) and more Justice League Unlimited. It means that while they may be flawed, while they may make mistakes, they learn from those mistakes, they always strive to be better people, and there are some lines (like murder) that cannot be crossed without great consequence. (We tried having both heroes and villains as PCs. It didn't work.) This doesn't mean that your hero has to have a codename, and a costume, and a secret identity, and superpowers, but it does mean that they should have at least one item off of that list. Otherwise, they don't fit the flavor of the game. We're not looking for morally-ambiguous antiheroes who would be more at home in an '80s action movie, an issue of Sin City, or Prototype. Having a character who is unsure of their abilities or ambivalent about being a superhero is just fine. Backstories Backstory is important for every character because it explains what's happened to make your character they way they are, and usually plants seeds for future stories. A backstory can be as short as a few paragraphs, or it can go on for pages. A general rule of thumb is that the more complicated you want your character's life story to be, the longer you should make your backstory. If your character is a high school student who suddenly manifested superpowers and is going to Claremont Academy, a bare-bones backstory is entirely appropriate. If your character is a dimensional refugee from an alternate Earth where everyone else was killed by zombies but she was rescued and brought to Earth Prime to live with the alternate universe version of her family, you probably have some writing to do. Feel free to mine the setting for backstory ideas, as well as talking to other players for ideas on where your character may have come from. Please bear in mind that the more heavily your backstory relies upon important setting characters and elements, the more heavily it will be scrutinized during approval. This is due to an unfortunate tendency for players to create characters who are intricately connected to important parts of the setting and then disappear, leaving holes in the setting. We really hate retconning here, so we try to avoid it in advance where we can. If you've got your heart set on playing the son/daughter/trainee/adopted ward of a famous hero, you're much more likely to get that character approved as a second character after you've been around awhile. While we love seeing a wide variety of backstory ideas, there are a few cringeworthy tropes that comics are frequently guilty of and we really don't like seeing. Culturally appropriative powers, where a character meets a "primitive tribe" or "spiritually enlightened natives" and gets superpowers from them was really popular in comics for awhile, but it's not something for here. Rape as backstory, where a woman's sexual assault or abuse becomes the catalyst for her becoming a superhero, or where it becomes the catalyst for a man associated with her to become a superhero, is not appropriate to the site. This is not to say that a talented writer cannot pick up a fraught subject and handle it with grace and sensitivity, but any backstory that includes hints of these things will be up for intense review. Characters are supposed to be flawed human beings, and therefore we expect that some will exhibit prejudices and biases against various groups, but we do require that expressions of those views be restrained enough that they don't make other players uncomfortable. Teams and Groups Because play is fairly unstructured at FC:PbP, one challenge for new players is to find threads to put their characters into. Having your character make friends through play and have adventures with them is the most straightforward way to integrate a character, but it's not always simple. Having your character fit into a group or join a team can be a good way to make yourself available for stories. There are several types of group that crop up frequently. Superteams: The classic form of superhero organization, a few superheroes get together and form a team to fight crime and save the world. Superteams usually have between three and six members (they can have more, but in that case not every team member will be in every thread), and often develop through roleplay. Current superteams include The Liberty League, The Interceptors, The Midnighters, and Freedom League Auxilary. Proximity Groups: Some characters do threads together a lot because they all happen to live in the same area, or even the same building. The kids at Claremont Academy do threads together because they all live in the same building and go to the same school. The people who live in the DuTemps building or on Sanctuary often call on each other to socialize or fight crime. Joining a proximity group is mostly a matter of creating a character who lives in that area and getting to know your neighbors. Work Groups: There are a few large employers out there who are interested in hiring superheroes with certain skillsets. Companies like HAX, AEON and ArcheTech may hire characters to fill a variety of roles, giving characters a chance to interact with coworkers and bosses. Joining a work group can happen through play, or you can contact someone playing the boss of one of these companies to discuss building a career into your character concept. Family Groups: Whether by blood, marriage or choice, some characters are linked by bonds of family. They may fight crime together, or fight like brothers and sisters, or just face the world and all its foibles together. Some families form up from relationships established in play, like the extended Espadas clan, others like the Faretti and Cline families may be arranged at character creation.
  24. Welcome to Freedom City: Play by Post! FC:PbP is a board-based RPG using the Mutants and Masterminds second edition rules (from Green Ronin Publishers), with a number of house rule modifications. The game started running in 2007 and is, as of this writing, in its ninth year. That may seem like a deep dive when it comes to continuity, but new players usually find they can get by just fine without needing to know more than a thumbnail sketch of what came before. The base of Freedom City's history comes from the Freedom City sourcebook, also from Green Ronin. It is recommended that you find a copy of Mutants and Masterminds 2E and read at least the first eight chapters in order to get a good idea of how to play the game. It can be found online, but the most reliable way to get a copy is from the Mutants and Masterminds website or on Drive-Thru RPG. Green Ronin Webstore Drive-Thru RPG The communal nature of gaming is very important on this site, and the best way to become part of the community is through our chat. There's a link to the chat at the top of every page, under the Community menu. You can also access it here. The Chat, like the site itself, maintains a PG-13 rating for language and content, and we ask everyone to keep a friendly and respectful attitude. There are forums all over the internet for people to argue over divisive topics like religion and politics, but this really is not the place. In the chat, players are listed with their usernames in black type, Refs (our intrepid team of game moderators) are in red type, and Admins (tech guru Sorus and site owner AvengerAssembled) are in purple type. They're generally a pretty laid-back bunch, and are happy to help new people. In the spirit of encouraging player participation and enjoyment, Freedom City Play By Post strives to provide an atmosphere which is LGBTQ-friendly, anti-racist, anti-ableist, woman-friendly and otherwise discrimination and harassment free. If you have questions or find something on the site uncomfortable or problematic, you are welcome to message one of the refs or admins to discuss the issue. With all that said, welcome to the game! We hope you have a lot of fun.
  25. Raina was more than ready to argue that if people were allowed to scream death threats at her, she ought to be allowed to scream death threats back, when suddenly everything went to hell all at once. She didn't even understand at first what the noises were, those loud and echoey pop-pop-pops, but when the woman who'd been chastising her a moment ago fell down, bleeding, reality fell down on her like a ton of bricks. Raina screamed, her little fireball evaporating as she watched the chaos unfolding around them. Fred was still near her, but from the look on her face, she probably wouldn't be Fred for very much longer. And Raina did not want to be in arm's reach when that happened. Unstrapping her broom from its velcro sheath on her back, Raina pushed her way through the security guards and scooped up the wounded woman, her own considerable height the only thing that made lifting the assistant at all feasible. She'd have called to Riley to run for the building, to run away from Fred, but it was too noisy for anybody to hear a damn thing. Instead she hummed a desperate few bars of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and shot into the air on her broom, cradling the woman in her arms. They arced over the heads of the rioters, shooting down the street faster than most cars would've tried taking a Freedom City road. One of the security guards opened the door in the nick of time to let them into the lobby. "This woman needs a doctor!" Raina yelled before she'd even landed. "And an ambulance, or something! Somebody help her!"
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