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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Singularity looked over at Aquaria for guidance, not entirely sure what she was supposed to be doing if her friend wasn't joining in the fight with her, but the amphibian seemed to barely be paying attention to the fight. That probably wasn't a good thing, was it? Maybe they weren't supposed to be fighting this monster either? But it was right in front of her, and it was looking pretty angry, so breaking off the attack also seemed unwise. She glared at it and did her best to intimidate it. "You don't even know who you're dealing with. If you did, you'd be leaving already." It didn't seem to have much effect, but Jessie followed through anyway, with a punch the snake creature managed to dodge. It wasn't much of a surprise, then, when it came straight after her, but she screamed anyway. It had very big teeth.
  2. Toughness save is a 21, so she's bruised and dazed. But she is immune to poison! She will borrow an HP from her boss to shake the daze.
  3. A basic attack worked well for Singuarity last time, so she's gonna stick with it until it (or the snake) comes back to bite her in the ass. Fast Startle: She rolls an 18, because Orokos is a hateful monster. Full Power Attack: She also rolls an 18, because Orokos is incredibly mysterious.
  4. Jessie was unnerved but somehow not surprised that this creepy underwater crypt was also full of things that pretended to be humans but were actually monsters. That was really going around today. This time, though, the monster seemed pretty unambiguously evil, and it was definitely upsetting Aquaria. That wouldn't do at all. The good thing was that in the middle of the three way confrontation between Atlantians, Deep One and enemies, nobody was paying attention to Singularity at all. She pushed off the nearest wall and shot quietly through the water, pinballing to the opposite wall, and then off that as well to come up behind the snake. Snakes didn't see very well behind themselves. "You're going to die and nobody will care," she murmured into the invisible ear, just before slamming the snake-thing in the back of the neck with both fists.
  5. Singularity goes on 7! That is terrible. :D
  6. Erin clumsily pushed to the front of her mind all the information she had and all the hypotheses circulating, the abbreviated phone message, the phone and tracker dropped off the map, her overwhelming concern that somehow they had not been able to detect and stop an incursion from Anti-Earth. She knew Alex would pick it out and sort through it faster than she could say it aloud. "I promised her she'd be safe here," she murmured into the phone. "I don't know what'll happen if they've taken her. I don't know if we could fix her again."
  7. "But we would've known!" Erin snapped back, not angry at him but furious with herself. It was easier to be furious than terrified. The DuTemps building had excellent security, it was incredibly unlikely that any mundane threat might have presented itself, much less one that Jessie would've felt incapable of handling herself. She'd heard it clearly during the brief message, Jessie had been confused, yes, but she'd been afraid too. As though she'd seen something she didn't understand, but knew was bad. Maybe something she'd forgotten... Abandoning the Project Freedom idea, Erin jabbed her speed dial nearly hard enough to break the heavy-duty phone. "Alex, Jessie's missing. Can you feel her anywhere near... can you feel her anywhere?"
  8. The instant the voicemail finished, Erin was scrolling through her phone, punching in the numbers to call Jessie back. She was dumped straight to the generic computerized voicemail. "Jessie, when you get this, call me back right away," she demanded, then hung up and looked at Trevor. "She's not answering. The call's not even ringing all the way through. But this is the message she left." Erin thumbed on the speakerphone, and a moment later the slightly-crackly recording played into the silence. "It's Jessie." Her voice was nervous, tense, excited or afraid, maybe both. In the background, there was an odd, low-pitched croaking noise. "There's something weird in the apartment. Something-" There was a loud squeal of electronic feedback, and the call suddenly dropped. Erin held up the screen she'd been fiddling with. "Her tracker's not registering, and neither is Aquaria's," Erin reported. "Either they've stopped functioning, they've gone out of range, or both.: Can you call over to Eve's place and get somebody to go down and check on them? I'm going to call Project Freedom, they've got better software for finding lost trackers." Her voice was all business, but her face and posture were a study in miserable guilt already. If she hadn't let herself get distracted, maybe none of this would be happening.
  9. Jessie's going to punch the snake lady right in the snoot. Surprise! She starts with a Fast Startle, and rolls a 20. She will then launch a full-out power attack. She rolls a 20 there as well!
  10. Raina squealed with delight and ran for the other box of shoes, losing no time in trying them on and doing a little dance. "I love them!" She took a look at herself in the mirrored wall and did a twirl. The heels made her very tall indeed, but she obviously didn't mind. "Thank you!" she told Talya ebulliently, then calmed down a little. "Really. Thanks for everything. And for talking to the folks at the prison and stuff. I'll do the proprioception homework, even if it makes me look stupid in front of everybody else." Slipping behind the cocky facade once more, she added, "So, you think Erik would be upset if I brought some of my friends over next time? I kinda mentioned how hot he was, and they want to see." Well, Cathy wanted to see Talya more, but Raina just wouldn't mention that part.
  11. Jessie pushed herself off the floor with great effort as the cacophony around her grew, wiping blood from her nose and studying the mottled bruises blossoming and fading across her skin from her efforts to escape captivity. Her hands were shaking, she noted with detached interest, and her legs weren't working very well either. People were knocking against her as they ran past, their shouts and cries hurting her ears, pressing against the white places in her brain. She could see the bad man a little ways away, but his outline was fuzzy. He kept changing to have different faces, scary blurry faces she didn't recognize, but knew she had to avoid. She staggered to her feet, forgetting her friend for a moment as she looked around for someplace to escape to. Even someplace to hide for a few minutes till she felt better, that would be okay. She saw a van with no wheels a little ways away and limped over to it, climbing in through the open back gate and huddling behind one of the rows of seats. The yelling outside continued, but she closed her eyes and hummed to block it out.
  12. Jessie is going to seek escape, away from a direction where other people are going. She's hobbling so she probably won't get far anyway, but if anybody but Aquaria tries to stop her, she will attack them as her standard action. Otherwise she'll do a very slow double move.
  13. "Oh, you're planning to patrol?" Raina asked with mild curiosity, studying Sam and his sword. "That thing's not too sneaky, but I guess you could put the fear of gods into somebody with it. What does it do?" It looked like an ordinary sword, shiny and sharp, but she fully expected at any moment for it to catch on fire or crackle with electricity or become covered in creeping entropic darkness. Very few things in this place were exactly as they seemed.
  14. "Well, at least somebody noticed," Raina said with a much put-upon sigh. "I was starting to think I put on this whole outfit and all the glamour for nothing. Everybody's just staring at the new girl! What the hell is her deal, anyway?" she added, keeping her voice low enough not to travel far. "I mean, my costume may be cliche, but at least it's a classic. And it makes sense! The whole sexy angel with devil horns thing? Who even does that anymore?" Fuming with poorly concealed jealousy, she took the red cup Riley offered and took a swig, then immediately choked. "Mother of darkness, that's awful," she managed to cough out. "Where did you get that?"
  15. Miss A chose that moment to return from her errand, trailing red, white and blue sparkles that were far more impressive in the darkness than during her normal daytime flights. She took in the scene, then sneered at Darkness, which was a very unusual expression for the image-conscious paragon. "Show the world? Sister, you're not even a footnote to history. And there's no better oubliette than Blackstone's bottom floor." She extended her hand again and blasted, not where the villainess appeared to be, but where she had been, back in the plant snare. The illusion dissipated abruptly as Darkness slumped in the snare, unconscious and hanging in the air.
  16. Raina was obviously pleased with Anibal's confession that he'd missed her, but that soon turned to pouting when he was as obviously taken with the new girl as everybody else. "No I do not," she replied, perhaps a bit more sharply than necessary. "She just showed up here, but I've never seen her before. Maybe she's somebody's cousin. You could introduce yourself, but you'll probably have to get in line. I'm going to go get some punch." Raina propped her broom against the wall and flounced away, an impressive effect in her heels and short skirt.
  17. Miss A returns from the truck with her move action, and will remain airborne. She's going to shoot Darkness again, because Darkness is being the most blatantly obnoxious and murdery atm. She will power attack for two. First roll, I forgot to include the power attack, that was dumb. But I rolled a 1, so I would spent the HP anyway, so spending an HP to reroll again and properly. Oooh, that was much better. She rolls a 29, and she does have Improved Critical on her blast. Okay, with her Gadget, and with Power Attack for 2 plus the crit, that's going to be a DC 40 Toughness save for Darkness.
  18. Wander Kiss Me and Smile For Me A Soft Green Pillow Where They Have To Take You In Fleur de Joie Seven is the Number Sweater Weather Miss Americana Patriotic Gore Sparkler Hazard Pay Get Low Hell on High Heels Monster Mash Goodbye To Blueberry Pie New Shipments Life Less Sedentary, Life Evolutionary Cold Shoulder Let's Get It Started Unstill Life NPC Shark Week: Uncharted Waters (Singularity) The Shore of a Cosmic Ocean (Singularity) How to Build a Better Scythe (Papercut) A Picture of Sophisticated Grace (Singularity)
  19. Erin yawned and stretched langorously, a lazy smile on her face as she reached for her shirt,which had miraculously landed nearby. "Bedrooms are way overrated," she decided. "Furniture is just a social convention to keep us off the floor. The kinda cold floor," she added, wriggling the shirt back over her head. On the other side of the room, her phone chirped at her, reminding her she had a new voicemail. It had chirped several times, but only now was she ready to feel vaguely guilty about it. She kissed Trevor on the forehead, then rolled easily to her feet and snagged her blue jeans off the windshield of the Maserati as she went to collect her phone. "We've got some ground beef in the fridge," she suggested as she scrolled through her phone's many baffling menus, "and I think some potatoes left too. We could grill out tonight before it starts getting too cold. Maybe some veggies..." Her face went suddenly blank, her eyes flat as the voicemail began to play.
  20. "If you want," she agreed. "I like your name. It suits you. I like my name. It reminds me. And this position is incredibly uncomfortable." With a wry grin, she settled the car into place and slid out from under it, smoothing out her disordered hair until he joined her. "Ten bedrooms in this place and we wind up in the damndest places." Still sitting on her creeper, she rolled over to him and gave him a considerably more thorough kiss than she'd been able to a moment ago, unbuttoning a couple of buttons on his coveralls and running her hands over his shoulders and through his hair. "Wanna play hooky from work and wedding plans?"
  21. "No, more like overgrown bushes obscuring the beauty of the stained glass windows of your eyes," Raina replied cheerfully, selecting one shade she liked more than the others. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, you should have seen mine before I started plucking regularly. It was like I had yetis stapled to my face. We're gonna go simple here, eyebrows, eyes, a little concealer to cover the baggies, and some lip stuff. You're real lucky, you've got pretty skin." Raina briskly selected shadow in a slightly metallic purple, a tube of mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. She went for midrange brands, nothing too expensive, but nothing likely to make Robin's skin attempt to crawl off and escape. A good pair of tweezers, and they were ready for the checkout. "I've already got all my stuff in my purse," she explained breezily. "First thing I got when we got some money. Merlin's got his priorities, I've got mine. Let's see if the others are ready."
  22. Making the decision to dive in front of the first attack aimed at the brash young pregnant woman was easy, Miss A did that practically on reflex. But she wasn't fast enough to stop two attacks, or to do anything to save Bombshell before she seemed to dissolve in a rush of fire and ash. For a second, a split second, Miss A's face went totally blank, her body slackening. Across town in a nice home in Hanover, Gina opened her eyes and gagged a little. "Oh my Jesus," she murmured, then steeled herself and dove back into her mental link. "You want death?" Miss A called to the shrinking Darkness, raising a defiant hand. Red, white and blue lasers shot from her fingers, boosted by her gauntlet until they were almost too bright to look at. The beams slammed into the flying villain, sending her tumbling through the air helplessly. "It's too good for you." She turned and scooped Spellbound up into her arms as though she weighed nothing. "You can't be here," she told the spellcaster. "It's way too dangerous." Taking to the sky, Miss A flew through the darkened streets like a bullet, till she caught up with the white ArcheTech van she'd sent away minutes earlier. The driver, well trained and experienced, immediately stopped the van when she dropped into the road ahead of them and set Spellbound on her feet. "Take her," she instructed the techs. "Keep her safe. I'll call you with more instructions." And then she was off again.
  23. Miss A fails the reflex save, spending an HP to reroll. She passes on the reroll. For her standard action, Miss A will blast Darkness with her laser fingers. She rolls a 23. That's a DC 33 toughness save. Spending another HP for an extra standard action, which she will use to scoop up Spellbound and fly away with her as her move action. She wants to catch up with her tech team in their van, who are probably still within a half-mile range.
  24. "Okay, I can live with that," Raina decided. "And probably not start anything on fire." She studied Talya's face for a moment, then let the subject of the past drop. It didn't look like something her teacher was interested in discussing, and Raina wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know. She only knew a little bit about the Thule Society, but the supers who had arrested her parents had been making pretty free with the comparisons, which was totally uncalled for. And also, as far as Raina was concerned, entirely unproven. Even so, hearing how Bombshell killed a bunch of magic people during the war wasn't high on Raina's list. "So what's next on the agenda?"
  25. "Give it a rest, Cathy, nobody's gonna bust our asses for talking," Raina told her roommate airily. "And it's not super-obvious," she told Sam, "I'm just a magic-user myself, and sometimes I can kind of get a feel for the sort of magic somebody has in them. Sort of like a taste or a smell, you know? I can keep it under my hat if you want, no reason to give the holier-than-thou squad any reason to come down on you right off the bat." She gave the new boy an assessing look, taking in the muscles, the red hair, the decent-looking face. "So where are you from, Sam?"
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