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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Yep," Erin agreed, matching his smile and lifting the car a little so she could scoot right up against him. "You're probably crazy to do it, but hey, I like that about you. Can't be that much scarier than facing down Omega or the armies of hell, right? And the food's going to be a lot better." She took advantage of the close quarters to give him a leisurely kiss, one hand cupped along his jaw. "I've been thinking about names, since Alex brought it up a few days ago. I don't know if I want to take your name, or keep mine, or do some combination of both. I just know that Erin White-Hunter sounds like a character from a Jack London novel and I'm not going with that one."
  2. "Well honestly I was more worried about the grabbing me part than the setting him on fire part," Raina muttered, moving her foot from her inner thigh to stretch it out behind her and grab it with her hands. It took two attempts and a litle dangerous teetering before she found her own foot, but she did manage. "So what happened to the people who made you immortal?" she asked. "Did they go to jail or get eaten by something they called up, or did they wind up getting away with it?"
  3. Raina blinked when Cathy suddenly slid into view, but she filed that mystery aside to deal with in a moment. She smiled blithely and brushed a few leaves out of her hair, then extended her own left hand to shake his, lightly, politely. "I'm Raina Sanderson, this is my roommate Cathy Clouston. And I'm fine, I was just doing an exercise to increase my extrasensory perception. Work in progress," she told him airily. "And I can tell you're a magic user, something from below the surface unless I miss my guess? I work mostly with earth magic, but I've done some dabbling."
  4. "Prioproception," Raina muttered to herself, glaring down at the grass as she stood with the blindfold in her hands. She'd gone around back of the dorms where hardly anybody usually came, the better to work on her Talya-assigned homework without anybody seeing her. "I touch the world, the world doesn't touch me." She sighed and fastened the blindfold around her face and was very glad that Merlin wasn't around to watch her make a fool of herself. In a way the training was interesting, making her very aware of the tiny movements and noises around her, but it was also frustrating. And she suspected it made her look like a complete dumbass, flailing around blindly in the yard. She extended her senses and began to walk, carefully, carefully. There was magic at Claremont, always magic, from the wards surrounding the property, to the magical students, to the magic in Raina herself. That was all easy to detect, but below that was the soft thrumming life force of trees and grass and bushes that had been touched by power, as though anything on this campus could be totally unaffected by metahuman activity. She steered around a bush successfully, then narrowly avoided a trash can. Maybe she was getting the hang of this. Suddenly, she felt a new presence enter her range, a wash of magic that smelled of sulfur and fire, reminding her oddly of the basement at her home. Startled enough to forget her other senses, Raina blapped straight into a tree. She ripped off the blindfold and turned to the new arrival. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, sounding more surprised than angry.
  5. Jessie yelped with alarm as she was caught by the strange ball of force, then whimpered when she realized she was trapped. The whimpering grew quickly to a full-throated wail, then a shriek as she was picked up and carried, half-blind and helpless, with the sounds of battle all around her. White walls seemed to come down around her and she was in a box and it was bad and something very, very, very bad was going to happen if she did not get out right now! She began thrashing wildly with every ounce of her strength, heedless of the damage she was doing her own bones and muscles in the process of straining at her bonds, or the fact that Aquaria was still trying to carry her. It worked though, after an endless minute of struggle, she managed to fracture the sphere holding her and tumbled to the ground like a newborn chick from an egg, too tired to move for a moment.
  6. Jessie will indeed exhaust herself in her struggle to break free, Netting herself a roll of 30.
  7. "It feels strong," Raina commented, mirroring Talya's gesture to remove her own shoes. "I mean, like, I've only felt animal sacrifices before, so I'm not totally sure," (she was almost one hundred percent sure this was true. Ninety-five percent. She was pretty sure,) "but the magic still feels potent. I wouldn't want to mess with that kind of power without an experienced coven, definitely." She nudged her shoes to one side and took up a tree pose, one yoga position where she could successfully control her legs and arms. "Would he like be grabbing at me and stuff while my eyes are closed? I'd hate to set him on fire by accident."
  8. Miss Americana kept an eye on the ArcheTech van as it sped away, then turned her attention fully towards the fight. "I don't believe I recognize any of you," she commented mildly as she pulled apart and reassembled the tool in her hands while barely sparing it a glance. "Second or third stringers, I suppose?" She'd turned the device into some sort of gauntlet and slipped it onto her hand. "I'm afraid we're really busy right now, though, so you're just going to have to go be inadequate elsewhere." Extending her hand, she shot a highly focused beam of red light into the one who'd attacked Jill, hitting him square in the chest.
  9. "Anywhere in the world, huh? We're ruling out space entirely, then?" she teased back, twisting her lithe body till her nose nearly brushed his. "I guess that's fair, from what I saw of space, it's not very romantic. And the beds are incredibly hard. We need someplace with a good bed. A strong bed," she added with a chuckle. "I dunno, I've been thinking about places I've never been. Maybe we could visit Australia. I hear they have really nice beaches, and we had fun with that in France, and then there's all the weird animals and outback touring and crazy stuff they have down there too. Or we could just hole up in a nice hotel suite anywhere for a week, give somebody else the phones and communicators, and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist at all. Both sound pretty good to me."
  10. Miss A will make a blast attack against the Beast, and will power attack for 2 She rolls and fails! Spending an HP because that is stupid as can be. The Reroll is a 22. DC 35 toughness save.
  11. Gina scrambled up the steps with graceless haste, the door opened by an Emerson a bare instant before she would've smacked straight into it. By the time Steve reached the door, Gina was nowhere to be seen, though he could guess where she'd be. The door to her room, the room they shared most nights, was just slamming closed at the end of the hallway, with another Emerson standing silent guard. Metal shutters were sliding down over all the windows in the house, unobtrusive and invisible from the outside behind the blinds, cutting off what little light had been coming in and bathing the living room in darkness and silence.
  12. "Yeah, maybe." Erin chuckled, scooting a little closer. "So what did you have in mind instead?" she asked, voice low and teasing. "Seems like planning a honeymoon should be a lot more fun than all the boring wedding planning stuff. I had some ideas..." She was cut off by the sound of her phone, ringing where she'd left it near the door to the garage. The cheerful electronic tones of Owl City's Hello Seattle made her sigh and close her eyes. "That's Jessie," she told Trevor. "She was upset earlier because of some dustup with Glamazon and Nereid, those Atlantean girls. She's called twice today already." She looked in the direction of the phone, then back to Trevor. "She'll wait, I can always hold her hand later. Honeymoon plans?"
  13. Raina opened her eyes and rubbed her hands up and down her arms as if warding off the shivers. "I can feel you with my eyes closed," she admitted, "magic that tastes like blood in my mouth. I could probably recognize you in the dark, but it doesn't give me a really good sense of where you are in the room. The feel of the magic is just there, you know, and when I'm paying attention to it, it's harder to feel other things." She considered the offer. "Well, I'd definitely rather hold a swan pose than run a lap," she conceded, "but I'm not taking yoga if Archer is teaching it. Some things I just don't wanna ever see."
  14. Raina had been slightly nettled when the boys had paid all their attention to the new girl, Fay-something, and barely even noticed her own costume. She'd worked for ages on the damn thing, even done a little glamour on herself despite Merlin's teasing, and all for basically naught. Her attention was diverted, however, by the rush of wings from the new girl's back, accompanied by the scent of a familiar sort of magic. Another magic-user, definitely, and maybe somebody who wouldn't be quite so uptight. It had potential! Raina wondered if the girl might have any books. She was definitely going to have to see if Huange had a library in this dripping-with-magic spooky house. Her brightening mood was further improved when Anibal arrived, looking positively lickable in his shirtless outfit. She smiled and blushed at his compliments, which suddenly made all the effort seem worth it. "Thanks, I figured I'd do a come-as-you-are night. You're looking pretty amazing yourself. That's a luchador costume, right?"
  15. Raina startled badly at the sudden touch, and for a moment her skin got very hot, nearly like touching a mug of fresh coffee. Her eyes popped open before she forced them shut again, flushing a little. "Relax, right. I can do that." She deliberately loosened her muscles, rolling her neck and taking a few deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. "I don't get it," she told Talya. "I know where I am, even with my eyes closed. Unless we teleport, I'm still here in the training room, and we haven't even moved."
  16. Raina shut her eyes and put her arms out to the sides tenatively, suspecting that she looked rather like a scarecrow and very unlike a dancer. "I don't do much acrobatics," she told Talya, "except like on my broom and stuff. And that doesn't require a lot of muscle, just, like, control of the magic. What kind of a dancer were you?" she asked. "If that was like forever ago, did you do jazz dancing and wear those crazy skirts and stuff?"
  17. "I like that," Erin agreed with a nod. "Redbird will probably be really pleased, too. She likes all that ritual and stuff, I think it reminds her of the Furions. Better not let her give any of the toasts , though. Or do any of the planning. I'm not sure we'd survive the tug of war betwen her and Alex. We'll have to figure out the guest list, but that's something I'm way willing to let Alex start and then play with, cause I don't even know how to start there. Gives me a headache, makes me start daydreaming about Las Vegas." Snagging a creeper from near the tool kit, she rolled under the car, right next to Trevor. "They wouldn't hate us like, forever forever if we ditched them all and eloped, right?" she asked, reaching out to ruffle her fingers through his hair. "And we could do a honeymoon right there in one of the hotels. I hear they have hot tubs shaped like wine glasses and all kinds of weird crap."
  18. "It's easier when somebody understands, at least a little," Erin agreed. "And I'm glad to meet you too. This is a pretty good world, once you get used to living in it." She stood up, stretched her legs a bit. "I didn't come here on a bike, no. That's really more Trevor's gig, though it's way fun to ride one sometimes." She grinned. "If I need a vehicle, it's usually for hauling stuff around, so I have a pickup truck. But I was working this morning, so I just jumped and jogged down from Hanover. Lots of different ways to get around out here. If you stop by sometime this week after your classes, you can get a look at Trevor's bike."
  19. Jessie's expression was a mixture of confusion and suspicion as she tried to keep an eye on all the parties in this little confab, but it was clear she hadn't been following the earlier conversation closely enough to have any real idea of their objective or even where they were going. She did glare loyally at the Navy man on her friend's behalf, but didn't say anything aloud. When Aquaria called to her, she immediately followed, her feet leaving faint but perfect red shoe prints on the floor of the maze. "Should we call Erin?" she asked under her breath as they went. "Or Project Freedom? I don't know if we have to report this."
  20. Erin shrugged. "As many as I have bridesmaids, I guess. I think it's supposed to be like matched sets. I was thinking about Alex and Eve and Nina, and maybe Yolanda to be a junior bridesmaid who gets to wear a dress but not go to the bachelorette party. So you'd need three guys and an optional fourth younger guy, and then we need to round up some kids for flower girl and ring bearer, but I think that's it. Unless, like ushers? I guess? I don't know. I'll ask Alex about that one. Who do you want to ask?"
  21. "At my old school, we did a unit of yoga basically every year," Raina explained, pulling her own hail from the ponytail and twisting it into a sloppy bun before replacing the elastic. "We did all kinds of weird stuff, water polo, horseback riding, yoga and tai chi. It was a very exclusive school," she added without modesty or pride. "I had cotillion in seventh and eighth grade, but you don't learn much more there than how to box step. I like to dance for real though, like at parties and clubs," she added helpfully. "But it's not like there's steps to it."
  22. Jessie took Aquaria at her word and grabbed the amphibian female around the waist, leaping from the platform and across to the edge of the bowl where it slanted up towards the sky. Too far, her brain told her, panic and the white emptiness competing for control in her head, but where else could they go? Certainly not into the warrenlike maze around the bottom of the bowl, and to attract the attention of the invaders would probably only get them shot. There was really only one avenue of escape. She leapt again, as high as she could, wishing that she had a little more of the training her double had gotten, even if it had made Erin someone Jessie would not want to be. If they died here, that wouldn't matter much now, would it?
  23. Sorry sorry, my very bad for the delay! Miss A goes on 24.
  24. "That was horrible," Raina groused, returning to the ground with an irate Merlin burying his nose in her sleeve. "Nothing like a little fricking blinding everybody to make an encounter go more smoothly. And I have no idea what the smell is, but it's disgusting." She gave Riley another glare. "I don't know how we're supposed to get it out of our clothes." Or fur, Merlin put in with a theatrical shuddering. "Or fur," Raina agreed. "Merlin thinks the controls are buried under the trap. He can disable them if we can get at them."
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