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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Give me a break, Freebooter," Cyberknife shot back, "If you're going to stir the pot for your own sick amusement at least own up to it, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. You wanted attention and you got it, you disrupted a bunch of peoples' lives, sent a dozen people to the hospital, tied up emergency services, and got me disqualified from the first tournament I've managed to enter in a year. You deserve to have every square inch of your ass kicked, and lucky for you, you've got a bunch of highly motivated superheroes here to help. You know there aren't even any secrets here to protect."
  2. "I've caught it a couple times, it's not my favorite," Raina admitted. "But I grew two more inches last winter, and that sucked, except I guess I'm tall enough to be a model now." She smirked, recognizing the unlikeliness of that. "I just have to find a boyfriend who's at least 6'2 and I'll be fine. How does anybody even have hair down to their ankles anyway?" she wondered aloud. "That's so totally inconvenient, how would you even be able to walk around?"
  3. "I thought it would make me ethereal, but it just washed me out," Raina agreed, walking to one end of the line of mats. "My Scandinavian is just a little too diluted. Did you ever do rag curls?" she asked. "My mom used to put them in my hair when I was little, because curlers were too uncomfortable to sleep on. But my hair is like flower-child straight without some attention." Raina bounced twice on her toes and then began running, a slightly awkward gait that seemed to owe more to the length of her legs and arms than any difficulty with the shoes. She ran like someone who was inexperienced in using her own body.
  4. "Definitely not Mark. Not ever Mark." Erin shook her head vigorously. "God only knows what kind of vows we'd end up signing onto if he was the one leading them. But he'd be a good groomsman," she suggested. "I bet he'd throw a hell of a bacheor party. I was thinking about having Nina for one of my attendants, like maybe it might help bring her into the group more?" she mused. "Do you think Headmaster Summers, our headmaster Summers, the old one, would he be able to perform a wedding?"
  5. "I could maybe do that," Raina agreed, "I could have Merlin take some for me. I grew out my hair since they saw me, and it's darker now. I was platinum blond back... back before stuff happened, but it was not a good look for me. Nobody can hang onto the towhead look forever." She shook herself to get back into a safer, less personal mindset. "So, we're gonna run around the room in high heels till I don't break my neck?:
  6. Raina hesitated, weighing her options as she studied the surface of the practice mat. Anybody else, she'd have said no right away. Anybody else, she wouldn't even have said as much as she did already. But unlike most of the adults in her life right now, Raina got the feeling that Talya actually gave a damn about her, not as a job or a charity case or a problem, but just as a person. And even if that wasn't true, at least she cared enough to do a good job of faking it, and that was pretty close, right? And Talya had gone to prison herself. She couldn't get all judgey about somebody else being there, right? Having the supremely confident Talya along did seem like it might make Blackstone a little less intimidating, maybe. Realizing belatedly that she'd twisted her hair hard enough to cut off the circulation in her fingers, Raina released her hold and affected as much nonchalance as she could. "Yeah, that might be good," she agreed. "Maybe you could show me some of the old bad guys you know."
  7. Jessie barely glanced at the sky when everyone else turned their attention to it. Bad things came from every direction, but she was focused on the threat at hand, the one who had gotten them into this in the first place. The white void was there in the back of her mind, threatening to creep over her at any second, but Jessie fought it back. She was in charge of her own self, and she could handle this fight without falling back into old frightening habits. While Bie Yie's attention was momentarily diverted, she skirted around Aquaria and raced up to the alien leader, then screamed directly into Bie Yie's face, as loudly as she could. This, she'd found, had a tendency to disorient people and make them less likely to attack. She followed it up with a vicious uppercut that connected solidly... and seemed to have no effect at all. Jessie swallowed hard as the buzzing in her ears grew louder. "Run..." she murmured to Aquaria.
  8. Jessie is going to attempt to gain a surprise round by attacking Bie Yie while that notable is watching the sky open up. For her move action she will do a fast startle, She scores a 31. She will then do a full Power Attack that is also an All-Out Attack for 2, dropping her Def by 2 and her attack by 3. She gets a 19.
  9. Raina stopped her pretense of exercise and just stood on the mat, twisting a lock of blonde hair around her fingers. When she dropped the bold facade she wore like armor, she looked much more her real age, and terribly uncertain. "My parents are in Blackstone," she admitted. "They're awaiting trial, but it could be another six months before that even happens. And it's been eight months already, but everything is so slow!" She laced her fingers tightly together in front of her. "I've talked to them on the phone, and once on a video call, but I haven't gone to see them. They told me I shouldn't, that giving up your magic feels like dying, but that's what they have to live with every day, so why shouldn't I do it once so I can go and see them, right?" Her strident voice was nearly a plea, but even she couldn't have said what she was asking for, permission or absolution.
  10. "Have you been to Blackstone before?" Raina asked, still treading with visible caution, "like as a visitor or something?" She began stretching again, not seeming to know exactly what to do with herself. "The process seems really complicated, like you have to take a car and a boat and get searched. And then if you're magic, you have to turn over any personal items, and if you're wearing the wrong kind of clothes they might make you change, and then you wear a suppressor too, while you're there." She rubbed her own wrist and shuddered a bit at the thought. "It seems like it would be kind of freaksome."
  11. "You aged very gracefully," Raina agreed. "Lucky you were already an adult when it took. I'd hate to be sixteen forever, wind up like some freaky Twilight vampire." Her attention sharpened noticeably when Talya mentioned being in jail, but it didn't seem like worry or condemnation. "You went to jail?" she asked, her voice careful. "What did you go in for? Did they keep you in Blackstone, or was it like a regular prison?"
  12. "Truly spoken," Erin agreed, not seeming to notice the moment of melancholy. "We'll make sure it's a band that can do swing music, that'll be fun. We haven't gotten to go out dancing in forever." She made a checkmark on the top sheet of the binder. "And maybe like a string quartet for during the ceremony, cause that'll be a lot easier than hauling a piano onto the lawn. And they'll sound good, I like that string music stuff. Um, let's see, officiant." Erin chewed on her lower lip as she moved down the page. "Who should we get to actually do the ceremony? We could just hire a justice of the peace or something, but it would probably end up being a supervillain in disguise or something."
  13. Jessie couldn't fly like a Spectrum Knight, but she could jump like nobody's business, and in a half-second, she was on the stage next to Aquaria, standing between her and Bie Yie. "NO!" she screamed defiance at the elder Knight. "You can't make her do those things! She's good!" Jessie turned to Aquaria and pulled on her friend's armored arm. "Please, we have to get out of here," she begged. "It's evil here and they're going to make you bad if we don't leave, and you'll go back to jail or make terrible things happen!"
  14. Jessie clapped halfheartedly along with the crowd, hunching her shoulders and keeping close to the wall she'd insisted they stand close to for the ceremony, despite Aquaria's desire to be front and center. These people reminded her of something, maybe more than one something, but every time she tried to puzzle it out, she ran smack into the blank white hole. There was something bad associated with these people. Bad things had happened to them... had she done bad things to them? Had they done bad things to her? Whatever it was, she was sure it was not good. But they were going to be home soon, and Jessie could find Erin, and Erin would help fix everything that had gone so wrong and maybe it would be mostly okay again.
  15. "The last century?" Raina paused in her training to blink and take another hard look at Talya. She looked absolutely normal on the surface, aside from being really, really beautiful, but when Raina extended her magical senses, she could taste the crackle and zing of magic, with faint coppery undertones. There was definitely more going on with Raina's mentor than fantastic shoes and a really mean snap-kick. "How old are you, anyway?" she asked, ignoring the rudeness.
  16. "Sure," Raina agreed, "and if you've gotta back some asshole off, stomping 'accidentally' with the heel works most of the time." She grinned beatifically and did a few practice steps, bending her knees slightly with each pushoff as advised. "It's kinda like running on a sprung floor," she observed, "or like a bounce castle." She tried the pivot and kick, and though she managed not to fall over, it clearly had only a fraction of the power and aim of Talya's demonstration. "So how often do you end up actually having to kick some guy in the head?"
  17. Raina's eyes widened as she took in the shoes, but she was pretty sure she managed to avoid actually drooling. "Okay, I can run. Running is good. Running in heels on mats is going to be a little more challenging," she admitted. Despite that, she quickly switched out her socks and shoes for the calf-length stockings and pumps, cooing a little bit over the buttery softness of even the less striking pair of shoes. She stood and stepped onto the mat, taking a few practice steps to get used to the extra inch of padding. It was a little weird, but she hadn't been lying when she said she'd been wearing heels nearly as long as she'd been wearing shoes. "All right, how do we do this?"
  18. "Nope, what you're doing is just fine, I see it now." Raina tipped the broom even more sharply yet, and let out a sound that was almost definitely a cackle as they swooped towards the ground. "Looks like people are just arriving, good timing for us!" She brought the broom to a halt three feet above the ground and hopped off as easily as getting out of a car, then took a moment to arrange her outfit. She'd chosen to go as a witch, obviously, but her little black witch's dress was tight enough and short enough that Fred could be sure Raina hadn't been leading her down any path she wasn't willing to walk herself when she'd helped pick out the costume. Striking black icepick heels had her standing well over six foot, even more with the height of her hat, and glamour or makeup had put just the faintest shimmer of green in her skin. She looked very pretty, and maybe a little dangerous as well. "You ready?" she asked Fred brightly. "Our public awaits."
  19. "Okay, hang on, we're coming in for a landing!" Raina laughed as she tilted the broom downward and made wide, sweeping circles around North Bay, her blond hair flowing behind her beneath a pointed witch's hat. On an ordinary night, she'd have used her invisbility spell to avoid notice, but tonight she courted it, sweeping a handful of yards above the rooftops and drawing stares and shouts from the trick-or-treaters braving North Bay's massive lawns for the promise of full-size candy bars. "Where the hell is this place anyway?" she demanded of her passenger. "Get out that invite scroll, maybe there's an enchantment or something, cause I don't see it anywhere."
  20. "We're running?" Raina asked, obviously dismayed by the news. "If the gods wanted us to run, they wouldn't have given us cars." Still, she obediently dropped further into the stretch, wincing a little as she went. "I've got some observances for Hallow's Eve, but I haven't got a circle or a coven so I'll probably just do them by myself. And a friend is having a party I might hit up, just to class the place up a little." She shifted into triangle pose, then lifted into a passable balancing stick pose, then dancer pose. "I guess you'll just be trick or treating with your kids?" she hazarded.
  21. "I have no idea," Erin admitted. "I think they eat grass? I mean, I guess they must, everything on the farm eats grass. Except chickens," she added. "And pigs? Basically all I know is that if the farmer doesn't take care of them, the goats seem to be the only thing that survives, pretty much. When I was going through the midwest, I'd stop sometimes and open up gates and fences, but it was pretty much just goats and chickens left by then." She shrugged. "Having them on the lawn seems like a recipe for sheep poop anyway. We can scratch that one. Live music for the ceremony and reception? Seems less smelly, anyway."
  22. "It's only been a few months, really," Erin pointed out, handing him the needed tool. "And there's been a lot going on, so it's not like we've just been procrastinating. But it would be kind of nice to really open the house up for a party, get it looking really cool again." She rolled to her stomach on the garage floor, the better to watch him working. Erin didn't always come out to the garage when Trevor was working late on a car, but it was nice sometimes to lend a hand or just spend some time with him. Plus she could lift the car with one hand if he needed to get under it, which was a pretty useful skill. "So May at the house, and we'll line up some contractors over the winter. How do you feel about little sheep?" Erin consulted the binder, her forehead furrowing. "Alex suggests 'little white sheep wandering around the grounds for a pastoral feel.'"
  23. "Pretty good," Raina told her, setting her backpack down in the indicated corner and pulling her blonde hair back into a ponytail. Merlin had decided not to come today, citing the profligate spending habits of certain high school students as a reason to hang back and work on his computer. Raina suspected he just wanted to play Skyrim, but since she didn't want her allowance cut off by her own monkey, she'd let it go. "Almost Halloween, that's an important time of year! Plus midterms, ugh." She twisted at the waist, then began some easy lunges, dropping her head and stretching her arms like someone who'd had some yoga classes somewhere along the line. "And you?" she asked with surprising politeness.
  24. "Maybe," Erin allowed coyly, grinning down at her binder. "We'd need to remodel at least the big back kitchen and the second floor bathrooms. The plumbing up there is more haunted house than manor house. But besides that, it's just, you know, spruce up the ballroom and that coatroom thing and that sitting room up there, and we can just close off the rest of the house." She tapped her pen against her lips. "Unless we wanna have guests staying in the guestrooms, but that might be too much of a hassle." She leaned sideways to stick her head under the car and have a look at what Trevor was doing. "Greasy," she observed. "If you're going to paint a Maserati such a terrible color, the least you can do is look after the poor thing."
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