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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Or you could talk to Frank," Erin offered, after a glance at Trevor. "He designed my uniform, and he's been making Trevor's outfits for years. I'm sure he'd be happy for the opportunity to design a few more super-suits." She grinned. "He does have some really definite ideas about what people ougtht to be wearing, but usually it's possible to reach some kind of compromise. And you could always hit it with a Bedazzler after you get it," she offered to Alex. "You just have to use, you know, stealthy sparkles." She drained her water, then went back to the fridge and started perusing its contents. "We need to go grocery shopping again," she decided. "We can order in. You guys feeling like pizza, Chinese, Thai, sandwiches?"
  2. "Ready to be superheroes, of course!" Raina chirped, a barbed edge to her cheerfulness. "Claremont is a superhero factory, after all. Every year they turn out a class of brand new eighteen-year-old heroes, ready to put their lives on the line to stop property crime, vandalism and any other threat their wise mentors decide to point them at! But if they don't give us a readiness assessment, how will they know what we're good for?" She checked her spell pouch and pulled out a little pitch pipe, giving it a testing blow. "By all means," she told the coach, "assess us!"
  3. "I would eat a waffle," Jessie offered, breaking into a smile as the cat began to return her interest. She crouched again to stroke the cat's fur and scratch behind his ears. "We have new appliances in our kitchen too, but it's been a long time since we did anything but help cook in the kitchen at Project Freedom. I don't know how to use a waffle iron or a rice cooker or a food processor, but we have all those things. Maybe we could help you make waffles and you could show us how?" She studied Kimber, cocking her head to one side. "You're not exactly a normal human person, are you?" Her tone wasn't accusing, just curious and perhaps a shade nervous.
  4. Raina had looked surprised at Casey's outburst, her expression turning to agreement and then amusement as Huang proceeded to expound upon the magic versus science debate. "That was a hell of a speech," she told him, tongue in her cheek. "You practice that one for the debate team? I think you'd be a shoo-in." Still wearing the amused expression, she turned to the fuming Casey. "But he's got a point. If total condescension and just absolutely dismissing everything that somebody else likes is what counts as nice around here, well, I guess I owe my great-aunt Amelia an apology for not believing her stories about city folk. But on the other hand, I'll probably wind up the nicest person here, so hey!" She looked back to Huang. "Now, amusement park?" she prompted.
  5. Jessie gave the Hall of Mirrors one considering look before her attention was fully grabbed by the shark biting the old man. There was blood, a lot of blood. It was very bad. The blood was getting on the ground and everywhere because something bad was eating the old man. There were monsters and they were going to kill all these people and the mothers and the fathers and the little kids would all be eaten and the blood would be everywhere. The blank white space came roaring up again, and this time Jessie didn't even fight it. Singularity sprang into action with a single uneartly wail, more like a siren than a scream. She landed behind the first shark, grabbing it by its nostrils and ripping it backwards, snapping its jaw and very nearly tearing its head off as she freed its teeth from the old man's shoulder. Allowing the mutilated creature to fall to the ground, she completely ignored the old man and instead turned her attention to the other shark in reach. A sharp high-speed jab through the place where an Adams Apple would be on a human was probably sufficient to destroy the thing, but she made absolutely sure by using the initial wound as a handhold for ripping the thing's head off. Shark blood was, perhaps unsurprisingly, quite fishy smelling.
  6. Singularity will attack the shark who is biting the old man, and the other shark who is in range as well. It doesn't matter because the sharks are mechanical, but she is aiming to do lethal damage.
  7. "Yeah, they'll take care of you," Raina agreed with cheerful false certainty, trying to project as much encouragement as possible. The girl seemed to need it. "Sounds like you got lucky, taking any kind of high-powered philter without knowing what it's going to do can be really dangerous. Well, you obviously weren't entirely lucky, being frozen as a statue for like a hundred years, but there's a lot of good stuff about the present that you didn't get to have back then. You'll probably like it a lot, once you get used to it. Are you hungry or thirsty or anything? There's some snacks in the cooler up front we could liberate for you."
  8. "I know, right?" Raina rolled her eyes. "Apparently mere mortals like ourselves are too dumb to understand the joys of getting stoned as hell and thinking about science for a few hours. I didn't have the heart to tell her what Merlin does in his spare time, and he's at least as smart as she is. She'd probably get the vapors at the idea of a scientific genius playing computer games all day. Whatever." She waved a hand. "So, creepy amusement park, huh?" Raina grinned. "Sounds like it might be right up my alley. What do you think the odds are on sneaking in after closing sometime?"
  9. Just as Phantom was getting herself situated, Raina walked in with her familiar on her arm, not looking at all in a hurry despite being most definitely tardy. She scanned the room for any sign of her nemeses, clearly anticipating that Madison might have shown up with her cronies. She smiled in satisfaction when she realized that all the attendees were of the harmless variety. With a glance towards the teacher, she shoved a desk towards the back of the room and stood in the vacated space. On her shoulder, Merlin was playing with his new iPhone, the provenance of which he had not offered and she had not asked. "Did I miss anything?" she whispered to Huang.
  10. Merlin huffed and chattered an annoyed response to Sakurato's extended arm. He wasn't speaking English, certainly, but somehow it was clearly obvious that he was suggesting that if she wanted his help with her broken toy, she ought to be a little bit more accommodating of the short-legged. "He prefers being carried when we're going places outdoors," Raina supplied dryly. "He can defend himself against predators and feet, but it's just easier not to. I'm sure a genius like you can understand the need to conserve one's energy for the production of scientific excellence. Scuse me a second." She walked over to the other little knot of students, where Huang had wound up. "Hey, where'd the kid with the crossbow go?"
  11. Merlin chittered a response to Casey that was clearly a polite thank you before accepting the granola bar. He unwrapped it with clever fingers, then shoved the entire thing into his mouth, chewing with great relish. Raina rolled her eyes at his manners and took the wrapper away before he could drop it on the ground. "I was more thinking of things that are actually fun to do," she explained. "Clubs, concerts, hell, even a movie theater would be better than nothing. I'm not really the sort of person who curls up with a nice technical manual in the evening," she admitted cheerfully. "Don't you guys ever get to actually leave school?"
  12. "The dress I'm just leaving up to Frank," Erin said with a wave of her hand. "We've come to an agreement over the years on how much of my chest and shoulder's he's allowed to show, and beyond that I don't get a lot of input." She laughed. "After handling the Midnights, I think he just likes being able to use light colors once in awhile. But the forties thing might be kind of cool. Without, like, the racism and go-back-to-the-kitchen and dying of polio and all that crap. I dunno, I'm not really good at designs. Hey, wanna make a pass by the airport? Last flights of the night will be coming in soon, and it's dead around here."
  13. "It's nice to meet you, Miracle Girl," Miss Americana said with a smile that had just a bit of strain around the edges. "Sorry it had to be under these circumstances. Argonaut, nice to see you," she told the other hero with a nod. "Now we'd best get to Fort Meade as quickly as possible, before whoever is engineering this gets tired of waiting for us and steps up the grandstanding. Under normal circumstances I'd suggest stealth to try and give us an element of surprise, but we've got other considerations in play here. For one thing, we need to make it absolutely clear that whoever they are, the people causing the mayhem are not us, and we are here to stop them. For another, we can assume that whoever we're up against is watching for us anyway, and it would be quite difficult to mount a stealth offensive given the time and resources at our command. So we may as well show the flag, as it were." She smiled grimly. "Once we arrive, I plan to attempt to take control of the local electrical grid and computer systems, which will hopefully foil whatever my fake counterpart is doing inside the building. If things go according to the usual script for this sort of encounter, I imagine you all may wind up engaging your counterparts, or your counterfeit family member, as they attempt one on one combat. Just remember that you do not have to fight your own counterpart. You can always trade off and surprise them with an attack they may not be anticipating."
  14. "Oh, you have a kitty!" Jessie exclaimed, crouching down and extending a cautious hand for the animal to sniff. "I like cats, I used to have... no." She frowned thoughtfully. "I had a dog, and then I didn't have any pets. But I like cats. Hello, Avro." For a moment, she seemed to consider this sufficient introduction, then remembered that there was a new person around as well. "Oh, um, I'm Jessie. We live downstairs now because we just moved in. Are you Eve's friend too?"
  15. Singularity stared into the dark water for a moment, then turned her head slowly back towards the park. "No," she told Aquaria with great confidence, her eyes wide and her pupils blown to the point where they almost consumed the irises. "There are more, worse, back toward the place with all the mirrors. People are screaming and screaming..." She grabbed her own elbows and literally shook herself, the glazed look leaving her eyes. "We should go and help them. It's what the superheroes would do." Jessie was not really a superhero, but she was a pale copy of one, and maybe that would be enough for today. With a massive leap, she propelled herself in the direction of the hall of mirrors, ready to face whatever was causing the screaming.
  16. I'd like to get Raina into the Take Your Magic Kid To Work thread. I dunno if Raina's kind of mischief is what you're looking for in the Fens thread, but she is always up for a walk on the wild side.
  17. Now maybe Jessie would've been quick to respond on any other day, seeing as how she had a lot of combat training, even if she didn't remember it, and an extremely strong protective instinct, not that she could always control it. But the fight with the Atlanteans had left her edgy already, practically vibrating with the desire to fight something. When the sharks presented themselves, it didn't take a heartbeat before she was in action, leaping over Aquaria and smashing the first one in the nose, no grace, no plan, just violent reaction. It seemed to do the trick though, sending the shark back into the water, where it didn't seem inclined to come out again. The second shark retaliated by biting her arm, but since the jaws were not strong enough to so much as dent her skin, she merely turned to look at it with a glare that promised death.
  18. "Well hello there," Raina replied, giving the new arrival an up and down perusal and resisting the urge to make sure she wasn't drooling a little. She gave him a brilliant smile instead. "You've come to the right place, we're Team-Building Central here. I'm Raina Sanderson, and this is Robin and Riley. It's very nice to meet you." She offered her hand. "My code name's Sparkler, because I have fire powers, along with a few other fun tricks. I imagine they'll be running us all through our paces today. What's your particular talent?" All of a sudden, Raina was feeling a lot more enthusiastic about this exercise.
  19. Raina didn't look thrilled to be called in for training, but she did arrive on time for once, wearing the ugly Claremont training uniform and everything. She just hoped the powers that be would appreciate this stunning display of effort. She'd been unable to resist a few alterations to the uniform, using scissors and some assitance from Merlin to hack off the sleeves and substatially deepen the collar, then tied a shimmery silver scarf around her waist, creating a skirtlike effect and hiding her spell pouch.The results weren't perfect, but she felt less like a military cadet gone wrong, at least. She nodded a greeting to Robin and Riley. "So, I'm guessing training is going by alphabetical order?" she quipped.
  20. "That's great," Stesha told Erik, "I'm glad you got a chance to go over there. Some of them have been asking about you, it's been such a long time since you were able to visit. Well, in terms of bee lifespan, at least! I think Beeatriz and Curlbee were planning on stopping by later with some of the little ones." She walked over to Min for some obligatory cooing over the baby. "And look at you, you're so awake now, cutie pie! You've got your mama's pretty eyes, don't you? Do you want to come see Aunt Stesha? Let your mama have a drink and two free hands?" Stesha extended her hands towards the baby, and in one of them an enormous pink flower grew and bloomed, seemingly from nowhere. "See, isn't it pretty, sweet girl?" Over her shoulder, she looked at the others. "I've got games in the shed beside the house, there's croquet and bocce ball, and a volleyball net. The cornhole boards are over in the village, but I could pop over and get them if anybody wants to play."
  21. Jessie will attempt to punch a shark in the nose! 1d20+10=22
  22. "Okay, now just calm down, okay?" Raina encouraged, standing away from the girl and raising her hands in her best nonthreatening way. "You're just fine and nobody's gonna hurt you, you don't have to turn into the monster again or anything, got it? You're in Freedom City, on our school bus. We found you in the museum, stuck in that statue. Do you remember how you got there, or where you come from? I'm Raina, by the way," she thought to add, "and that's Robin, and Cathy, and Hannah. We'll get you some regular clothes when we get back to the school."
  23. "Well you're more than welcome," Stesha told Elis warmly. "This is the last of the good planting weather on Sanctuary, but we were lucky enough to get great weather this afternoon. And my hair isn't dyed," she explained to Jen with a smile. "It's actually full of chloroplasts, so I can photosynthesize, like a plant. Pretty handy, except that if I get it cut, it hurts a lot!" Today Stesha had her long green hair plaited down her back in a complex five-stranded braid, dressed with pink rosebuds. "You can go ahead and touch if you like." Stesha blinked in momentary surprise at the new arrivals to her clearing, then waved cheerfully. "Hello Richard, Holly. Did you enjoy your tour? I'd love to see your pictures, I don't get out with my camera often enough. especially this time of year. Can I get anybody something to drink? We've got water, milk, apple juice, sodas and beer in the coolers." She gestured to the red and white coolers sitting by the picnic table, which were currently being used as high ground in whatever game the kids had going. It was easy to tell which of the children was Stesha's, the curly mop of green hair on the little girl standing on the cooler told the story clearly.
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