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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "Do you live in the castle with Eve?" Jessie asked Indira curiously. In a small and quiet place, with people who posed no apparent threat, her twitching had stopped and she seemed much calmer and more attentive. "Eve helped Erin get us our apartment, because she owns the building. We're supposed to go to her for help if anything goes wrong and Erin doesn't answer her phone. But it's good to have options if something bad happens," she added, taking her brand-new phone out of her pocket. She looked at Phantom expectantly. "What's your phone number?"
  2. "We have no interest in helping you wage your war," Fleur told him coolly. "We know you're most likely a monster and a despot. If someone rises from your world to oppose you, we won't stop them. But we're banking on the fact that you're also not a fool, and therefore you're not going to refuse humanitarian aid. You have the largest infrastructure, such as it is, and know where the remaining human settlements are, and therefore it's convenient for us to work with you to help keep people alive. And we're going to be helping the "wild" humans as well, so don't get too excited. And don't even bother with ideas about kidnapping us or taking us hostage, we've got nothing to fear from you and yours. We are only here to help." Stesha was obviously letting her power run free today, even inside the building, grass and flowers were beginning to spread across the ruined floor.
  3. "We're all grown up now, didn't you notice?" Erin replied easily, the concern on her face smoothing into humor. "Well, I mean, some of us didn't really grow up, so maybe it was kind of hard to see," she teased. "But you know Mike always goes his own way, no matter what anybody else thinks is going to be good for him. You've gotta give him enough information to make his choices, and that means letting him know how it makes you feel when he does this ridiculous stuff. You guys are so good together, when you're actually together-together and not in this weird together-not-together space." Erin paused a moment, considered whether she'd been coherent there, then nodded agreement with herself. "It's better than having him not know how you feel, then eventually having him figure it out later and be beating himself up because he was hurting you and never knew. Because you know that's what he'd do."
  4. "I've got it," Raina assured Huang, even as she got a look at the new school. School for superheroes, too weird. Well, if everybody was powered, they should be used to seeing power, right? She hummed again under her breath and made a sprinkling gesture over her suitcase, as though she were trying to season it, and suddenly it was floating in the air around waist height, a very tame balloon. It follwed dociely along as she walked, never quite bumping into anyone. "Thanks. I just hate it when people patronize me. Or talk behind my back." As they approached the group of students, Raina's body language began to subtly shift, her shoulders squaring, her hips rolling a bit more with each step. She tossed her hair as Huang introduced her, giving each of the other newbies a bright smile even as she assessed them. "What he said," she agreed easily. "What can you all do?"
  5. "Yeah, okay," Raina agreed to Huang's suggestion, giving the mirror another uneasy look. Something was seriously warped with this family, and she was pretty sure she had enough troubles of her own already without getting into somebody else's weird drama. "Merlin, say goodbye to JJ, we're going cross-country. Um, thanks for the ride, Mr. and Mrs. Faretti. You guys have a good one now." Merlin suffered himself to receive a rather powerful hug and a moist kiss from JJ before retreating to the relative safety of Raina's shoulder. "And watch out for those ghosts," she advised JJ, then slid open the minivan door and hopped out.
  6. Raina blinked a couple of times, thrown not only by the sudden talk about Huang's sex life but by the blase attitude his folks had towards her eavesdropping. She'd been ready to walk the rest of the way to the school if she'd had to, or to at least enjoy a nice icy silence on the rest of the drive, both reactions she'd managed to elicit in the months she'd spent with her grandparents. Having Jack ask if she was okay and Taylor suggest somebody might intervene on her behalf with the authorities was a little shocking. She didn't trust it, obviously, but it was something to think about. She forced a little laugh. "No way, I'm not going anywhere near that case if I can help it. I got arrested too, even if all I was doing was self defense and trying to save my parents. They let me go, but if I go in there and start messing up their payday, I might just end up in a cell too. And I hear Blackstone is not a place I wanna spend the rest of my high school career." Merlin chirped to remind her that he was all set to get them some money as soon as the heat was off, and she waggled her fingers at him in appreciation. "So why did the heroes drag you?" she asked Jack, curious in spite of herself.
  7. Erin laughed at Trevor's joke about getting thrown out, giving him a gentle hip-bump to both scold him and thank him for backing her up. She was about to add her hand to the pile, just for old times' sake, when she saw Mark notice the ring. She tensed, but resisted the urge to flee. It had to happen sooner or later, she'd just hoped it would be after she'd come up with some kind of plan to tell him gently and in a way that didn't involve an immediate massive wedding ceremony. They'd just have to play it by ear. "It's okay Mike, it's nothing bad. Come on in before some camera drone catches sight of you," she assured him, then turned to Mark. "We were going to tell you, we were just, um... waiting for the best possible time."
  8. "Go ahead," Raina told JJ, "but be gentle and nice, or he will bite you back." Merlin made a longsuffering noise, but hunkered down with an ingratiating raised-brow monkey face and allowed himself to be petted by the little boy. Raina looked amused for a minute, and was about to have a look at Huang's exceptional dentition, when Huang's dad suddenly shifted oh-so-subtly into some weird language that sounded like gargling. Her face hardened, and she hummed a few bars of music under her breath while fingering the chain of her necklace, the amulet of which hung underneath her shirt. Her face remained quite blank while Jack and Taylor spoke to each other, then she piped up herself, in the same language. ~"Those are all allegations, you know. Nobody's proven a damn thing in a court of law, and right now it's all just a bunch of ugly rumors."~ She folded her arms across her chest. ~"And I can't help noticing that all my family's money and property, everything that wasn't destroyed, anyway, got confiscated for the enrichment of the people who attacked us. They must've made a pretty nice haul from it. But if you'd like to talk behind my back in front of my face, you could always feel free to go screw yourselves,"~ she concluded with a bland smile. Merlin sighed and patted the baby's head in a conciliatory fashion.
  9. "They were born with?" Raina repeated, turning to get a better look at Huang's mouth before realizing it was probably rude. On her shoulder, Merlin made a derisive noise about her rusty social skills. "Oh, give me a break," she muttered. "You think you can do better, go ahead." She dropped the glamour covering the little monkey, which put him perilously close to grabbing distance of the littlest Faretti. Merlin chittered in annoyance. "Anyway, this is Merlin, he's a jerk, you can just ignore him. He's my familiar. So did you like grow up in Freedom City?" she asked Huang.
  10. Raina watched the short flight of her suitcase with a critical eye, studying Huang's technique, deciding she could've done it that way if she'd wanted to, if she wanted to show off. She hadn't realized Huang would have magic, but she guessed there was probably some weird quirk with all the students at Claremont. She watched the byplay between Jack and JJ, and startled a little at the reveal of JJ's pointy little teeth. "Right," she said, not trying too hard to conceal her patent disbelief at Jack's story. These people were definitely supervillains of some sort. Or they could be. Could a kid have magic if their parents didn't have any? "Did you know your kid has fangs?"
  11. Raina just stared for a minute at the weird pale guy with the strange smile as he started opening doors and talking about Gary. He looked like a mafioso, she decided, and was probably secretly evil. "Nope, never been," she told him shortly. The girl looked to be maybe a couple years older than Raina, but she was acting and talking like a middle-aged mom type. Merlin expressed his opinion that she was probably immortal, and may have done some sort of really unpleasant sorecery to accomplish that. Raina silently agreed that it seemed plausible. The boy in the back was hot, though, and Raina gave him a frankly appraising look as she climbed into the backseat. She didn't even know what to make of the little kid, so she ignored him for the moment. "I'm good," she told the mom, even though the last time she'd eaten had been the granola bars on the bus that morning. Looking weak or needy in front of these guys would be a bad idea, she was pretty sure. "So you guys are like with the school?"
  12. Raina had been in Freedom City for all of thirty-five minutes before deciding she hated it. She thought that reserving judgment that long was very fair of her, given the circumstances. She'd never been on a Greyhound bus before, but it was pretty awful, especially for tall people, and her seatmate for the final two hours had stunk to high heaven of weed, patchouli and sweat. By the time she'd gotten off the bus, she'd been ready to kiss the ground, if it hadn't been so dirty and covered in old gum and gease. The bus station smelled like old food and dirty clothes, and a lot of the people hanging around in the chairs were frankly scary. She'd had plenty of time in the past seven months to get used to moving in circles besides the rarefied ones in which she'd grown up, but nothing like this. Then some creepy old perv had hit on her, and Merlin, traveling invisibly, had nearly gotten his tail stuck in a sliding glass door, and Raina decided she'd wait outside, even if it was hot. It was indeed very hot. Raina remembered going to school back in Evanston, being driven to the door each day by her mom or a taxi, occasionally lingering a few moments under the amazing old elms and oaks just to enjoy the shade and the breeze. Here she sat on her single suitcase of worldly possessions and inhaled exaust fumes while Merlin watched the time and fretted. She briefly considered making a run for it, not hooking up with this school family at all, but she had no money and no map, and that seemed like a really good way to get in bad trouble. There would be time for that later, once she had her bearings. Anyway, what the hell kind of name was Huang Faretti? She had to get to know the kid just for that reason.
  13. Erin shrugged. "Was I manipulating Trevor when I moved in with him because we were both pretty young and I might have kept him from meeting somebody else he would've liked better?" she asked rhetorically. "Maybe in a way, but you can't be in a relationship without manipulating each other. Um." She paused for a second, screwing up her face as she realized the double entendre there. "What I mean is, if you're nudging him in a direction you think is good for both of you, that's not a bad thing, that's what people do when they're together. You've got your own lives, yeah, but you've also got your life together, so you've got, like, an obligation to help guide things along there. It's not unethical unless you're using tricks or coercion or force, and I know you wouldn't do that."
  14. Erin reached out tentatively and squeezed Alex's hand, uncomfortable as always with casual touch, but wanting to offer comfort. "That really sucks," she offered succintly. "Alex... why are you letting him do this to you? I know you guys love each other, but it's not right that he's doing this and you're letting him. If you're in a relationship and you could be together, shouldn't you, you know, be together? I know you want him to spread his wings and find his way and all that, but can't he do a lot of that with you? Or at least without leaving you just hanging around and lonely? It just seems, I dunno. It seems so one-sided that he should get to make all the decisions on when you guys are ready for this or that or the other thing."
  15. Erin made a sympathetic face. "That's gotta make it tough, yeah. Are you guys still, like, dating officially and all that, or is this some kind of more nebulous part of The Plan?" Erin had never been entirely clear on the intricacies of Alex's Five-Or-Ten-Year-Plan, which seemed to sometimes involve her and Mike seeing other people, but she suspected it had to have been in a non-dating phase while he was at the Academy, at least. She wondered if Mike was still maintaining his insistence upon avoiding more than moving in together, but it seemed impolite to ask at the moment. She'd save it for a time when she really needed to distract Alex from something.
  16. "No sizable, definitely not sizable," Erin clarified as hastily as she could. She didn't know exactly what Alex would consider sizable, but it scared her nearly as much as considering Mark's idea of sizable. "Small and simple! Like maybe out in the backyard with a trellis and wisteria and folding chairs." Erin didn't even really know what wisteria looked like, just that it went on trellises. It was close enough. "Um, maybe we'll look at the binders later, then. Cause patrol now." She bounded off again, raced up the side of a building, and perched like a gargoyle on the edge of a gutter, hoping for a fight. Nobody seemed to be obliging in this neighborhood. "So how's Mike doing?"
  17. Hunter Manor was quiet that evening, stately as ever in the waning summer light, with the sort of dignity that belied its crimefighting secret identity. The peace was marred momentarily by a rush of black inkblots appearing from nowhere, swirling into a vortex, and then disappearing, leaving behind three people on the front porch. Erin smoothed her hair as the last dots disappeared, finally used to the weird method of transport after all these years. "Come on," she urged the others. "Not likely anybody's going to notice you here, but why take chances?" She opened the front door wide and walked in, automatically checking to make sure all was well. The doors opened onto a handsome foyer, slightly dusty, with the air of a place that was pretty well cared for, but could use a housekeeper once a week. "Hey Trevor, you home?" she called into the house. "Mark and Mike are here, Mike needs a place to hide out!"
  18. "Two binders?" Erin's voice was tinged with wonder and dread. "Like... are we talking little mini school-report size binders, or big massive three-ring jobs with tabs and stuff?" She suspected she already knew, given Alex's penchant for organizing, but hope springs eternal. "Um, it's great that you're doing all this, I really appreciate it. But I still haven't really had a chance to sit down with Trevor and talk about a date, you know? It's kind of all theoretical until then." She looked Alex over, cocking her head to accomodate the odd angle. "Um, you didn't bring them with you on patrol, did you?"
  19. "Nah, you'll take all the fun out of it," Erin told her with a grin, then began running again. She kept her pace to an easy jog, ten miles an hour or so, pausing every now and then to have another look around. "Very glamorous, this superheroic life," she told Alex after a few more minutes. "But it's really good practice for being a security guard. A little bit of crazy action, and a lot of waiting around for stuff to happen. But I'll take this any day over another big invasion or disaster. How you doing?"
  20. "Just looking for trouble, mostly," Erin told her. "Things have been quiet lately, ever since the Communion business, but there's always somebody willing to try something. Some nights I don't find anything, then I just count it as exercise." She leapt up to a nearby rooftop, trusting Alex to pace her, then took a look and a listen around. "And you know how it goes. Some nights stranded motorists, some nights car accidents, domestic disputes... really I guess it's not that different that Mike's daydreams of being a cop."
  21. Erin pursed her lips to hide a laugh as she studied Alex's getup. "It sure is," she agreed. "I honestly hadn't expected you to own anything so somber. If you don't think you'll be too hot with all that on, we can head out." She was wearing her regular uniform, of course, form-fitting black and purple with her shining silver bat holstered at her hip. She almost never needed a weapon on these patrols, but it was always good to have along. "You all ready?"
  22. Raina/Sparkler is waiting for her second approval, but she will be starting as a sophomore. She has no roommate yet, but is seeking someone straightlaced and rule-following to bother with her terrible behavior.
  23. Sidekick: Merlin the Monkey Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Name: Merlin Species: Capuchin Monkey Height: 1'6" (plus 18 inches of tail) Weight: 5 lbs Age: Unknown, 3-4 years Abilities: 8 + 6 + 4 + 12 + 4 + 4 = 34PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 18 + 18 = 36PP Initiative +3 Attack +9 Base (+11 w/Shrinking) Grapple: +3 vs. Medium Defense +12 (+9 Base, +3 Dodge Focus, +4 flat-footed) Knockback: -1/+2 Saves: 6 + 5 + 6 = 17PP Toughness +8 (+2 Con, +6 Defensive Roll) Fortitude +8 (+2 Con, +6) Reflex +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 96 r = 23PP Acrobatics 8 (+11) Computers 12 (+18) Skill Mastery Craft [Electronic] 12 (+18) Skill Mastery Craft [Mechanical] 12 (+18) Skill Mastery Gather Information 4 (+6) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 8 (+14) Knowledge [Technology] 12 (+18) Skill Mastery Notice 4 (+6) Search 4 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Stealth 8 (+11/+19) Feats: 12PP Defensive Roll 3 Dodge Focus 3 Evasion 2 Inventor Online Research Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Knowledge [Technology]) Uncanny Dodge (Olfactory) Powers: 2 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 24PP Comprehend 2 (Speak to and Understand Animals, Flaw: Limited [Simians]) [2PP] Leaping 1 (x2) [1PP} Shrinking 8 (Tiny, +2 ATK/DEF, -8 Grapple, +8 Stealth, -4 Intimidation, 1-2 ft tall, 1-8 lbs, 2.5 ft space, Reach 0 Ft, Carrying Capacity ½, Feats: Innate, Normal Movement, Normal Toughness) [11PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1PP] Strike 3 (Monkey Fangs, Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty) [5PP] Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) [2PP] Super-Senses 2 (Acute Scent, Low-Light Vision) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Monkey Fangs Touch DC 18 Toughness Damage Abilities 38 + Combat 36 + Saves 17 + Skills 23 (92 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 24 – Drawbacks 0 = Total 150PP
  24. Sparkler Power Level: 10 [12] (236/250PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 14 In Brief: A young pyrokinetic witch whose comfortable world was shattered by the revelation of her parents' horrific crimes. She is determined never to be taken advantage of by anyone again. Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Catchphrase: None Alternate Identity: Raina Sanderson Identity: Secret Birthplace: Angel Mounds, Indiana Occupation: High School Student Affiliations: None Family: Eric Sanderson (father), Rochelle (Miller) Sanderson (mother), Maxwell Miller (grandfather), Margaret Miller (grandmother) Description: Age: 21 (DoB: 08/28/1999) Apparent Age: 16, unless she wants to look older Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10 Weight: 135 Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Aside from being unusually tall for her age, Raina in the wild doesn't have a lot of distinguishing features. She can use makeup to make herself look considerably older and more attractive, when the right tools are available. She has honey-blonde hair that she currently wears shoulder length, and her clothes are an odd mixture of Walmart shapeless specials and a few designer pieces. Power Descriptions: Sparkler's powers are all of the Magic descriptor, and when she uses them, she is obviously casting spells with words and hand gestures. (Some of them are more subtle than others.) Some of her spells require props or components, which she carries with her in her purse or in a pouch on her uniform. Fire being controlled by her power tends to burn unnatural colors, sickly yellow or bright red mostly, but will revert to normal color when she releases control. History: Growing up, Raina always believed she was special. Not only was she an only child, she was one of the very few children at all in her tiny hometown of Angel Mounds, Indiana, so there wasn't much competition for adult attention. And not only that, but her parents were Very Important People, which made her that much specialer by proxy. Dad was the mayor of Angel Mounds, and had been since long before Raina was born (surprisingly long, though she didn't notice that till it was too late), while Mom was the most beautiful woman in Spencer County, and one of the most socially active. Their big house was always full of people and parties, and even before she was old enough to stay up past nine pm, Raina had a polished set of social manners and a wardrobe large enough to need an entire second bedroom. She went to an exclusive private school in Evanston and got excellent grades, partially because she was smart and partially because her family were Important Donors. Grownups fawned over her, other children wanted to be her friends. But that wasn't why Raina believed she was special. Raina always knew she was special because of the magic. Down beneath the ballroom and the formal dining room and all the fancy landscaping, there was another wing to the Sanderson home, one that was shrouded in grown-up mystery and thus endlessly fascinating. After the fancy parties were over, Dad and Mom and some of their good friends would slip down to those rooms and not come out till morning, usually looking exhausted, dirt-smeared and very pleased with themselves. Raina was only seven years old the first time she palmed a key from her mother's wardrobe and made her way down the secret stairs to find rooms filled with old, stinky books, weird jars of herbs and animal parts and different kinds of stones, and big iron cauldrons hanging over cold firepits, waiting to be used. She understood right away what it was all for, of course. She wasn't stupid. She'd already read the first Harry Potter book! Everybody knew that magic was real, but now it was really-real, and it was inside her own house. Having parents who were a witch and wizard (they preferred “practitioners,” but Raina knew better) wasn't always all it was cracked up to be. She'd barely been in the basement five minutes before her mother and father were racing down the stairs, looking scarier than Raina had ever seen them before, their faces hard and mean and ready for a fight. She hid behind one of the cauldrons, but not before her dad caught sight of her. He rolled his eyes, the scary look dissolving away as he caught Raina by the arm and swung her up into the air like she was a little kid, making her giggle helplessly. “We've got an intruder all right,” he told Raina's mom, “and she's a menace! A menace!” Both parents laughed, and then Dad tickled Raina until she nearly wet her pants and completely forgot that she'd been scared. After that, though, she had to explain how she'd gotten down there, which had led to the dreadful punishment of an entire weekend not being able to ride her pony or go out and play among the many strange mounds that gave her little town its name. But it was all worth it when her parents decided she was ready to learn magic herself. It was almost better than getting a letter from Hogwarts (even if she continued to hold out secret hope for several more years.) Dad explained to her that she would not be ready for “initiation into the mysteries” until she was sixteen, but there were things she could learn beforehand. They taught her useful little bits of magic to make life easier and more fun. A translation spell made foreign language classes a breeze, while a lockpick spell made pranks on classmates so much more satisfying. Learning to fly when she was fourteen was, of course, amazing, even if she could only do it while invisible. But her favorite, favorite spell of all was the fire control. Sure, it made lighting the ritual candles easy, which was what it was for, but it could do so much more. One too many mishaps with the curtains got her a stern injunction to only practice that spell outdoors, but that did nothing to dampen Raina's enthusiasm. As she got older, Raina started noticing her parents getting busier and busier. Her father often went on trips for days at a time, while her mother was frequently away from dawn till dusk, with people over at night as well, downstairs in the ritual rooms and never letting her so much as watch. Raina might have worried that something bad was happening with them, except that they were so embarrassingly affectionate with each other when they were both home. She was fairly certain she was scarred for life just by watching a couple of their reunions after her dad had been away for a long weekend. And it wasn't as though she were a neglected child. There were summer camp trips that were more like resorts, vacations with friends, new clothes, shoes and hair for every new season. She knew there were bad things in the world. At school they talked about how the unsolved murder rate in the city was at an all-time high, and the teachers warned them not to go places on their own. People told stories about weird lights in the sky sometimes, and places near the river where plants died and animals wouldn't set foot. A lot of those places seemed to be near Angel Mounds, which had some of the only undisturbed forest left in the area. But none of that stuff really had any impact on Raina, so she pretty much ignored it. Life was good for Raina at fourteen, but it was also somewhat lonely. Her friends from school lived in Evanston, and there were no kids her age nearby. When her parents were busy, she had nothing but the internet, which bored her. When she pestered her mother one too many times about it, Mom had snapped at her to get a familiar already, but not that damned smelly pony, and shut her out of her bedroom. Raina pouted, but went down to the basement and did her homework. She learned about familiars, learned how to create the bond, and had only to decide what animal she wanted. Black cats were definitely out, what could be more boring and obvious? Though she might have done it just to spite her mother, the pony was just too big (and kind of stupid, even though she still loved him). Birds were too noisy, dogs too obnoxious, snakes and lizards too icky. She was stuck for ideas until one day at school when her one vegan friend all but burst into tears while giving an oral report about the local research facility and their animal testing experiments. She gulped and sniffled her way through horror stories about fuzzy little mice and sweet bunny rabbits and even tiny little baby monkeys, and suddenly Raina had an idea. Breaking into the research facility was hardly Raina's first foray into breaking and entering, but it was the first time she'd done it for more than practice or harmless pranking. Silent and invisible, she'd snuck through the facility till she'd found the animal testing labs, quiet and dark in the nighttime. She'd turned on the lights, had a look around, barfed into a trash can, then gotten down to business. As promised, among the cages of other animals was one small capuchin monkey, scared to death and with some kind of paint smeared over his fur, but otherwise apparently unharmed. He had a clever face, Raina decided. “You wanna get out of here?” she asked him, and he indicated that yes indeed, he would very much like to get out of this place. She opened his cage, and all the other cages for good measure, and after a heart-pounding and really entertaining chase through the corridors, got her new prize safely out of captivity and home with her. She gave him a bath, named him Merlin, and performed the familiar spell, greatly pleased with her own cunning and daring. Merlin took to being a familiar extremely well. Like, extremely well. Like, all familiars got some measure of their human companion's intelligence, but sometimes Raina wondered if the monkey might not be just a little bit smarter than her. He was certainly smart in different ways. When she had to leave him home and go to school, she taught him how to use the computer and the internet to keep himself entertained. By the end of the second week, he'd started ordering parts off Amazon and building himself a new computer system because hers was too old and slow for video games. After a couple of months, he was winning tournaments and using a voice synthesizer to randomly swear at other players in order to throw off suspicion. He loved Raina, and the feeling was mutual, but she'd really kind of hoped to have a little more in common with her familiar. She might have been better off with something a little dumber. But then he showed her how he'd hacked into the files at her school and changed the faculty page of her least favorite teacher to include a number of extremely unflattering descriptions he must have learned while gaming, and Raina was sure she'd made the exact right choice. Her parents had been surprisingly unperturbed by the story of how she'd gotten her new friend, and even when Raina took him into town or the city with her, nobody ever asked a single question. Freshman year of high school kept Raina super-busy. She was at a new school, every bit as elite and exclusive as the last, but she was suddenly having more trouble than she'd ever had before. For one thing, she was getting tall. Like, really tall. Unfortunately, freakishly tall, especially compared to the tiny little freshman boys in her class. She was developing proportionately, at least, so she got some hips and breasts to go with the monstrous tallness, but that was only slight consolation. Merlin, ever pragmatic, pointed out that with her birthday being what it was, she was already older than most of the other kids in her class. She might as well hang out with older students. Some YouTube tutorials and a lot of shopping acquired her makeup and clothes to meet the challenge, and with her family's money and a few words from her mom into the right ears (Raina suspected), she was soon back on top again. She got herself a boyfriend who was a junior and had a nice car, arranged her lunch table to suit herself, and shamelessly exploited her familiar to keep herself from failing math. All of this, though, was really just killing time. She was going to be sixteen next year, and sixteen was Old Enough. When she was sixteen, she would be inducted into the true mysteries of magic. She would know exactly what her parents and their friends did down in the basement when she wasn't allowed. She would finally get a taste of real power! Raina's entire world came crashing down three weeks before Christmas. One night she was awakened from sleep by her mother shaking her roughly and telling her to get to the basement and hide, and not to say anything to anybody or make a single noise. Raina would've whined on general principle, but the look of fear on her mother's face wasn't something she'd ever seen before. Barefoot and in her nightgown, Merlin on her shoulder, she'd raced into the basement, where Dad and a half-dozen of her parents' closest friends were dressed in black robes, dark stuff smeared all over their faces. They seemed scared too, even after Mom had rejoined them and they'd all begun chanting around the largest cauldron. Raina didn't recognize any of the words, but she could feel the weight of magic in the air. It didn't feel good and comfortable and exciting the way magic usually felt, though. It felt... evil. Were they under attack? Were her parents trying to fight off some huge evil force bearing down on them? She thought about trying to help, but then the walls began to shake, and terror handily overwhelmed any heroic impulse. Cuddling Merlin like a stuffed animal, she hid her face against her knees and cowered behind the bookshelves while the chanting increased and the walls shuddered and the air grew almost too heavy with magic to breathe. She didn't even notice when the superheroes started to appear, not until the fighting started. It wasn't a very long fight. The practitioners in Mom and Dad's coven were intellectuals, not hand-to-hand fighters, and they obviously hadn't expected to be teleported in on. Raina didn't understand what was going on, but she saw that people were attacking her parents, so she rushed to help, wielding underpowered fireballs for all she was worth, not even remembering she was still in her pajamas. She was subdued almost instantly, frozen in place and hoisted into the air, Merlin still clinging to her neck and just as immobilized. Within ten minutes, the entire coven was under arrest, Raina included, and being dragged off to... she didn't even know where. She'd never been more indignant and frightened in her entire life. What right had anybody to do this to her and her family? Indignation had dissolved into hysteria when a man in green and gold had tried to take Merlin away from her, and he'd finally been allowed to stay when she was put into an empty interrogation room. Raina had thought to ask for a lawyer, or at least a grownup, but when the superheroes came to talk to her, it was more like an intervention than an interrogation. They wanted to know about the plot to end the world, but in the face of her genuine bafflement and fear, they realized quickly she had no idea what was going on. So they told her. It wasn't an easy story to believe. Raina's parents weren't evil! They were wealthy and powerful and well-connected, people liked them! They donated to charities all over the county! But that money, according to the heroes, was blood money, acquired through dark rituals and horrifying exploitation. Half the civic leaders of Evanston, and a few of Indiana, were trapped under the magical influence of the coven, willing to give them anything they wanted. Huge spells had been in place for decades to cloak and shield the practitioners of Angel Mounds while they used black magic to build their fortunes and eradicate their enemies. People who had crossed the Sandersons and their friends had been ending up missing for decades, with nobody willing to talk about it. Raina remembered hearing whispers like that, but who would believe something like that? It was crazy! The coven had used forbidden rituals to suck the lives out of animals, patches of land, even people, creating magically and psychically dead spaces near Angel Mounds, which was itself a deep well of dark power. They had kidnapped more than a dozen people in Evanston, brought them to the ritual space underneath the mansion, and ritually murdered them in an attempt to turn themselves into powerful lower beings. At that point, Raina had needed a little break from all the explaining, and had taken it with her head between her knees and a woman in white encouraging her to breathe a little more slowly. Raina hadn't wanted to believe any of it, but there was evidence, so much evidence. And there were things she'd seen, things she had noticed and just hadn't ever really paid attention to. But how could her parents be evil? In the end, it hadn't mattered what Raina believed. With barely a moment for goodbyes, her parents and their friends were all bundled off to Blackstone Prison in Freedom City to await trial for a shockingly long list of charges. Raina hadn't been arrested and wasn't going with them, but she had nowhere to go. The mansion and all its contents were seized by the police and the superheroes. Raina had been allowed to pack one suitcase of her clothes and diaries and photos, after letting an agent dig through all of it to make sure she wasn't hiding evidence. She didn't even get to keep Merlin's computer. Everything else was just gone, even the pony. And so was all the money. Broke and alone, Raina suddenly found herself enmeshed in a system she had no influence over whatsoever, subject to the whims of people she didn't know, but was supposed to trust to look out for her best interests. But why the hell would she do that, when the people she trusted most had (maybe, surely not) done such horrible things? As the shock wore off she became more defiant, more angry, but it didn't have any more effect than if she'd been pliable. She was shipped off to grandparents she'd only met twice, her mother's parents, who disapproved of magic, money, anything fun, and most especially Raina herself. Moving in with her grandparents meant not only switching schools but switching states, moving to Ohio and settling in a town far more isolated than Angel Mounds had ever been. It was far enough away that none of her friends would visit (not that it seemed likely anyway, after all that had happened), but close enough that the news had been saturated with coverage of the superbattle and the arrest of the evil demon-consorting coven. Raina quickly found herself a miserable outcast at school, with no way to fix things this time even if she'd had the energy. Home was no better; they treated Merlin like an animal and Raina like a delinquent, as though if she were given the least iota of freedom, she'd start trying to summon demons and murder people as well. Frustration and anger boiled inside Raina, and she welcomed it because it was a lot better than being afraid and lonely all the time. She began to strain against the rules, sneaking out of the house, getting into fights at school. She set one particularly obnoxious sophomore's brand new car on fire with a wave of her hand, though she'd make sure to do it when it couldn't be pinned on her. Her grades for the year were abysmal, barely passing, but she didn't care. Her grandparents threatened to put her in foster care, but it didn't seem like that could be any worse. When the representative from Claremont Academy showed up, it seemed too good to be true, but Raina jumped on it anyway. Maybe it was a scam, and maybe this was just another group trying to take advantage of her, but at least it meant getting the hell out of Ohio and into a city big enough to get lost in. One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to ever trust anything an adult said to her ever again. Personality & Motivation: Raina grew up sheltered and more than a little spoiled, but she was a people-pleaser at heart, happiest in the center of an adoring crowd. She also had a tendency to take things at face value and believe that people had her best interests in mind. All of that bit her very hard on the ass, and now she's in a rebound phase. She is defensive and untrusting, rebellious for the sake of rebelling, unwilling to believe that anybody might have an uncomplicated desire to help her in any way. She wants to learn hero work to distance herself from the crimes of her parents, both in order to silence the people who say she's a villain by nature, and to extend a middle finger to the parents who betrayed her trust. Until she truly believes she can trust someone again, she's going to continue fighting authority just to let herself feel in control. Powers & Tactics: Planning is not Sparkler's strong suit; she's never had any training and had very little fighting experience. When she is pushed into combat, she will try and stay at a safe distance, preferably invisible, and launch fireballs at opponents until they fall down or go away. She currently has little capacity for teamwork, since there's nobody she'd trust to watch her back. Complications: Stray Cat Sitting On A Fence: Raina sits between two worlds, the villainous legacy of her parents and the heroic aspirations of Claremont Academy. Neither is very accepting of her at the moment, villains see her as a quisling and heroes see her as a bad seed. Ain't Got Enough Dough to Pay the Rent: All of Raina's family assets were frozen and seized when her parents were arrested, leaving her to cope with a much different style of living. Right now she has no income and no savings, not much to her name beyond the clothes on her bck and her monkey. Strut Right By With My Tail In The Air: Raina is much too proud to ask for help in pretty much any circumstances, which includes trying to beg for friendship from people who are socially better positioned than she. This pride often manifests as aloofness and can be offputting, as well as keeping her from getting help when it would be really useful. Get Shoes Thrown At Me By A Mean Old Man: Raina's relationship with her family is pretty terrible right now. Her parents are in prison and she can only see them once or twice a month, even if she wants to. Her grandparents basically hate her, and have pawned her off on Claremont with great relief. Of course, if she were to get kicked out of Claremont... Howling in the Moonlight on a Hot Summer Night: Raina is currently in what might be charitably described as a rebellious phase. Nobody, in her opinion, can be trusted to look after her except herself, so she will make all her own decisions whether or not the rules say she can. In many ways, this makes her even easier to manipulate. Got Cat Class, Got Cat Style: Unfortunately for someone who grew up in the Midwest, Raina hates cold weather. Hates being cold, hates feeling cold. It makes her fingers numb and messes up her powers, sometimes it feels like it even makes her fire less effective. She enjoys warmth and shuns cold whenever possible. Wish I could Be As Carefree and Wild: Raina's main offensive power is throwing fireballs, which looks awesome and can be very effective, but it's also a little unpredictable. When she's doing something big with fire, especially if she's stunting with it, the chances of burning herself (or singeing off her hair and eyebrows) goes way up. This has not yet stopped her from playing with matches. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 14 = 28PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 24 (+7) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Base, +10 The Sun, +12 Sick Ninja Moves Grapple: +6 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5/-1 Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 10 = 18PP Toughness: +10/+2 (+2 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +10 (+0 Wis, +10) Skills: 88R = 22PP Bluff 17 (+24) SM Concentration 8 (+8) Diplomacy 10 (+17) SM Disable Device 0 (+3/+15) The Fool Disguise 0 (+5/+25) The Moon Intimidate 10 (+17) SM Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11) Knowledge (Theology/Philosophy) 6 (+9) Notice 6 (+6) Sense Motive 15 (+16) Stealth 8 (+10) SM Feats: 43PP Attack Specialization (Fire Blast) 2 Challenge (Fast Taunt) Dodge Focus 4 Luck Quick Change Ritualist Sidekick 30 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Visual) Enhanced Feats Second Chance (Disable Device) The Fool Powers: 10 + 7 + 10 + 4 + 12 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 11 + 34 = 101PP Comprehend 5 ("The Tower"; Speak to and Understand Animals; Speak, Read and Comprehend Any One Language At a Time) [10PP] Damage 2 ("Sick Ninja Moves", Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical, Innate) [7PP] Device 2 (Broom, Flaw: Hard to Lose, Feats: Restricted 2 [Raina]) [10PP] Enhanced Flight 3 (to Flight 7; 1,000mph/10,000fpm; Extra: Affects Others, Feats: Moving Feint) [10DP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Second Chance [Disable Device]) [1] + Enhanced Skills 12 (Disable Device 12 [+15]) [3] "The Fool" [4PP] Flight 4 ("The Chariot"; 100mph/1,000fpm; Extra: Affects Others) [12PP] Immunity 1 (Environmental Heat) [1PP] Protection 8 (The Empress) [8PP] Super-Senses 4 ("The Magician"; Magic Awareness 3, Visual, Enhancement: Analytical) [4PP] The Moon Array 5 (10PP, Sneakiness; Feats: Alternate Powers 1) [11PP] Base Power: Concealment 4 (All Visual, Feats: Close Range, Selective) {10/10} Alternate Power: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) {10/10} The Sun Array 15 (30PP, Fire; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Alternate Power 2) [34PP] Base Power: Blast 10 ("Fire, and lots of it!"; Extra: Autofire) {30/30} Alternate Power: Damage 10 ("Disco Inferno"; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 50-ft. radius], Selective Attack} {30/30} Alternate Power: Move Object 10 ("hands of flame"; Extra: Damaging) {30/30} DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Sick Ninja Moves Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Fire Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (22) + Feats (43) + Powers (101) - Drawbacks (0) = 236/249 Power Points
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