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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Singularity "Intervention" (Please note, this NPC vignette is not done for points, just for fun. The idea got stuck in my head) Jessie folded her hands tightly in her lap as she sat at the long formica-coated table, glancing periodically at the faces arrayed around her. Friendly faces all, sometimes too smiley, sometimes falsely happy, but all of them were here to help her. She knew that. She had to believe that, or she would rapidly start running out of things to believe. But when they started talking about things like supervised release and college attendance, it became substantially harder to rely on their benevolence. “I don't... I don't think I'm ready,” she mumbled in the direction of her lap when there was a brief break in the discussion of plan-based outcomes. “Oh Jessie, of course you are!” Dr. Garza the occupational therapist told her bracingly. “You've passed all your life-skills classes, you've completed all your mandated therapy, and you've gotten your GED. You've been with us for twenty-six months now, which is a little longer than average for an in-house stay at Project Freedom, but you've come a very long way. It's time to move you to the next phase of your rehabilitation.” “But I haven't got anywhere to go,” Jessie mumbled, still not quite meeting anybody's eyes. “Aquaria has been talking about the two of you becoming roommates outside of Project Freedom, isn't that something you're interested in?” Harriet Wainwright asked her kindly. “The two of you have gotten along so well, I believe you could both help each other adjust to life in a wider world.” Jessie nodded jerkily, then shook her head. “I, we... there's no money,” she admitted. “We can't get a place.” “Oh, don't worry about that!” Miss Wainwright assured her. “Your counterpart has set up a trust fund for you to draw on that will help you to get started, even go to school if you want to. Apparently she's made some very wise investments for such a young woman, and with the budgeting skills you've learned, you should be able to make it last all the way through a degree program.” Jessie just stared at them, dumbfounded for a moment, casting about for more of the many, many good reasons she should not be unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Suddenly, though, music began playing as though piped through loudspeakers into the room, and everyone else in the room was all at once grinning and bopping from side to side along with the music. She shrank back warily in her seat as they began to sing, all in unison. Oh here's to you, Singularity, Freedom loves you more than you can know, Whoa-whoa-whoa, Get better please, Singularity, Almost time for you to go away, Hey-hey-hey! Hey-hey-hey We've found out all about you and we've put it in our files, We fixed your mind so you could fix yourself! Look inside you, all you see is peaceful fields of white Nothing really hurts even though you don't have a home. So here's to you, Singularity, Find yourself a place that you can go, Whoa-whoa-whoa, God bless you please, Singularity, There's nothing here for you if you should stay, Hey-hey-hey, hey-hey-hey! Hide those little fears away where your mind never goes, With those stolen memories you can't forsake, It's a little secret, Singularity's last stand, Just make sure to forget all you did! Koo-koo-ca-choo, Singularity, Don't you know there's so much you don't know? Whoa-whoa-whoa! But don't you see, Singularity, It's time to go, we can brook no delay, Hey-hey-hey, hey-hey-hey! You can have a new place by next Sunday afternoon, We really see no need for more debate. Wander's found a place for you, You don't need to choose, Simply no way here for you to lose! Goodbye to you, Singularity, We all love you so we'll make you go, Whoa-whoa-whoa, Do as you please, Singularity, But try not to throw all our lives away, Hey-hey-hey, hey-hey-hey! The music trailed away, and suddenly it was as though everyone was released from thrall. The counselors looked at each other, cleared their throats, smoothed their hair. Finally Miss Wainwright asked, “Did we miss a memo about the Maestro being released from prison?” (Music Source: Mrs. Robinson by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle, from the album Bookends, 1968)
  2. "We do understand," Fleur told both travelers, raising a hand for peace. "We've faced Talos before on our world, and we understand something of his strategies and motivation. I'm sure that several decades of timeline deviation has made changes, but I'm hopeful that if he's presented with an alternative that creates a benefit for his people, he'll take it without grasping for more. And if he does try anything," she continued simply, "well, we have no reason to fear him. He cannot hold us or kill us. You saw what I did in the forest to the dead trees, do you think he or anyone else would risk having the same thing happen to every plant and plant-based material in your city? But that's not what we're about," she insisted. "We'd like to help. At this point in your history, it matters less who pushed the button and more who is going to start the healing. We can't stop you fighting, but we can give you the start of your bandages. And you're welcome to come along if you like," she told Cerulean, "I'll write a note for your school, we could call it a field trip."
  3. "Absolutely," Miss A confirmed with a grin that was nearly predatory. "I want to see what makes these guys tick. Nae-dae," she asked, "we're going to have to get in pretty damn close to that swarm for this to work. Can you get us within oh, 1.05 light seconds of that swarm without them annihilating us? I can work at that range, and Dragonfly, if you can't get out that far, maybe you can link up with me and we'll go together." Her face betrayed a slight discomfort at the mental closeness such a gestalt would bring, but there was a lot of work to be done, and two minds would definitely be better than one. "With our friends potshotting the Communion ships, we're probably safer here."
  4. "Oh, I can send you both home, no problem," Fleur assured them with a wave of her hand. "I don't need a dimensional box machine to travel between universes. It'll be helpful if Dragonfly can get some information out of the machine about where you come from, but either way I can probably get you both home within a couple of tries. And like I said, we can't fix your world, but if you want I'll get into my little radiation suit and go home with you for a bit, and see what I can do to clean up the soil and water you're using to feed your cities. And I'm not sure if it's going to be possible, but there may be a way for us to help you find a suitable world to get raw materials from, and a way for all of you to get there without having to fight each other. Would easing the pressure for resources make things better for all of you?"
  5. Paige laughed as she scooped another burger onto her own plate, carefully avoiding the hot-sauced versions. "Eating as a recreational activity is a time-honored tradition among heroes who don't need to eat. I think you'll like the pie we've got for dessert. Not everybody here needs to eat five thousand calories a day," and here she gave an affectionate glare to her husband and son, "but nothing wrong with a little indulgence. We've got a bocce ball set we can put up afterwards to work off some dinner, if you'd like to stick around for that. Do you play any sports?" she asked Sam.
  6. Arcturus Powers & AbilitiesMarcus Irons is, for all intents and purposes, a normal human with a significant amount of magical ability. His primary powers are derived from a runic symbol on his right shoulder blade–the Beast Rune, which significantly alters his natural physiology and allows him to transform an animal form. Though he usually takes the form of a bear, the Beast Rune has been shown to allow Marcus to access other animal forms in times of need. Marcus is a “Physical Adept”, meaning that his magic is primarily bent towards physical offensive capabilities. He does, however, have significant potential for natural elements and manipulating elemental forces. Typically, this simply comes in the form of very minor cantrips and striking with runic magic augmentations to his hands. He is capable of longer ranged elemental attacks, though they take far more effort, and often require Marcus to have access to the element needed. DescriptionIN COSTUME: Arcturus often wears what looks like a blue and gold wrestling singlet and an enchanted mask that slightly alters his physical features, making him more difficult to recognize. The mask actually augments the Beast Rune's effects on Marcus in a way that causes his voice to deepen several octaves, and it makes his canines and incisors look somewhat overgrown–more like very short tusks than teeth. In his bear form, the singlet remains in tact, but the mask disappears, becoming a part of his physical form. OUT OF COSTUME: Marcus tends to wear very loose clothing, and with good reason. He tends to favor sports jerseys, khakis, and white sneakers. Personality & MotivationMarcus is surprisingly mature for his age, often coming off as stand-offish, humorless, and far more serious than necessary. He's actually notoriously big-hearted and loyal to the people who actually earn his trust, and something of a pacifist at heart–contrary to the look and overall aggressive nature of the Beast Rune on his back. It's certainly not that he isn't capable; on the contrary, it's knowing that he could potentially lose control and seriously hurt someone that keeps him from doing anyone serious, crippling harm. Seeking largely to guard against the stigma of his parents' pasts, Marcus makes it a point to know as much as he can about both the magical and physical world and how they interact with one another. Equipment and DevicesAs an artificer, Marcus is capable of creating several different items. In the field, he typically uses his knowledge of runic magic to enchant existing items, repurposing them into something (hopefully) useful. Known Magic '''Gelus Grando / Ice Shards'''Effortless water, break thy silence… Marcus invokes the Frost Rune and slams his fist into his palm, reciting the spell's incantation. Drawing both hands back, he takes a backhanded swing at his target, sending a volley of ice shards at it. The shards fly in a tight enough pattern that they're unlikely to hit more than one target, but they move at a ridiculously high velocity as they fly through the air. Mechanics:'Blast 9 ('Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating; Flaws: Requires Will check [DC19], Limited [Cold weather or near water]')' [10PP, ice, Frost Rune, magic] '''Terra Pugnum / Stone Fist'''Soul of stalwart earth, stand and be counted… Marcus invokes the Earth Rune, his right palm parallel to the ground. As he recites the incantation, he clenches his open hand into a fist, forming a massive hand of earth and stone near his target that attempts to grab them. Mechanics:'Telekinesis 10 ('Str 50, Heavy Load 12.8 tons; Extras: Damaging; Flaws: Requires Will Check [DC20], Limited [Near earth or stone]')' [10PP, earth, Earth Rune, magic] '''Tempestus Incendia / Chain Lightning'''From heaven to earth, let thunder fill the void… Marcus invokes the Storm Rune, his right arm raised with his index and middle fingers pointed upward. After the incantation, he points at a target and a lightning bolt rips through the sky at a target. The spell is able to chain from one target to another.Mechanics: 'Blast 10 ('PFs: Indirect 1, Split Attack 4; Flaws: Requires Will Check [DC20], Limited [Outdoors]')' [10PP, lightning, Storm Rune, magic] Out of Character Notes from the CreatorThe concept of Arcturus began with one of AvengerAssembled's builds. The idea of a character born of two 'villainous' parents was intriguing. I don't think I quite pulled it off the way that his build did, but the character has somewhat evolved since creation. His father was a magical experiment gone wrong. His mother was a mage tasked with retrieving him once he escaped. From there, they both 'reformed', though his mother has since disappeared to parts unknown. Thus, I had two angles to work with: inherent magical power and an inner beast that fed on aggression. Essentially, Marcus Irons and Arcturus are two sides of the same coin, and the only thing keeping the Beast Rune from doing what it does best–destroying EVERYTHING in its path–is Marcus's conscience. Heroism wins! Random Questions'Why the willpower check on the Magic powers?' The nature of the Beast Rune is all about dominance. Because of that, Marcus is in a constant fight with it to keep it's aggressive control at bay. With so much of his concentration going towards simply maintaining his own mental order, using his magic, which requires thought and planning because of its environmental dependency, becomes a lot more difficult. As such, I felt like that was best reflected through requiring the Will check–something that isn't augmented through his powers and a check that he could conceivably fail at DC18 or higher. Even if I were to put this in a permanent array, his magic would STILL be both Distracting and Tiring (and the difficulty for a Rank 12 power would be DC22.
  7. ArchesternArchestern (2005-2011) was a private space station designed, built and operated by super-genius Dr. Archeville as part of ArcheTech Industries. It was a private laboratory and research facility in geosynchronous orbit over Earth, launched in 2005 with help from the Freedom League, most notably the heroes Dark Star and Ace Danger, with the cooperation of UNISON. Archestern operated as an orbital research facility until 2011, when it was weaponized during the events of ArchEvil and was eventually partially destroyed, then decommissioned and abandoned. LocationArchestern (“Arche-Star”) is parked in geosynchronous orbit (approximately 22,000 miles above sea level) over South America (mainly Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil). However, it is possible for ArcheStern to move, albeit at a very slow pace. Appearance, ExteriorArchestern presents a profile similar to an eight-pointed star. It has a large central area that's disk shaped, and radiating from it to the eight points of the compass are wedge-shaped “rays.” The central disk is referred to as the Core; the eight arms are the North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest wings. Appearance, InteriorThe 'Core' contains most of the station's key facilities, including gravity generation systems, the security room, and the bridge. The gravity generator (a masterwork resulting from Dr. Archeville's extensive research into gravitics) allows the station to maintain Earth-normal gravity (1.0G) without having to be spun; controls in the Core can vary the gravity throughout the station (or only in selected parts of the station) from 0.0 to 4.0G. From the security room, all internal and external cameras can be monitored, electronic locks controlled, and personnel communicated with. The bridge is where Doktor Archeville and crew operate the controls that fly the station; though it normally remains in a stationary orbit, it is possible to move it as a very slow pace. The bridge also contain the controls for Archestern's communications equipment and sensors. The 'North Wing' contains Dr. Archeville's personal quarters, his dining hall and kitchen, and his laboratories. His large, luxurious room occupies the tip of the wing and has large “windows” made of transparent Archeneum that allow him to gaze out on the magnificence of space. The laboratories aren't as extensive as those in Schloss Wissenschaft or Archeville's Hanover Home due to a lack of room aboard the station, but there's more than enough to keep Archeville occupied. This is where he does most of his work on astronomy, astrophysics, and related subjects, since it's much easier to view the universe without an atmosphere getting in the way. The 'East Wing' contains quarters and living spaces for Archestern's crew and guests. The lounges are small and focus almost entirely on video entertainment; there isn't room for things like billiard tables. The 'South Wing' of Archestern primarily contains the unglamorous but absolutely necessary systems required to keep the space station running: the power generator (a binary cold fusion system, supplemented by numerous solar panels on the sunward side of the station); the heating plant and ventilation equipment; and the main life support systems. (Smaller backup life support systems are in the Core and each Wing except the West Wing, capable of sustaining life in that particular section but not elsewhere.) Additionally, the South Wing features Archestern's teleportation platform. The 'West Wing' contain the landing/launch bay at its “tip,” and the rest of the wing consists of hangars and repair bays for space vehicles. The 'Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest Wings' contain laboratories and workstations ArcheTech uses (and rents out to other companies), to take advantage of the low- and zero-gravity environments which are ideal for manufacturing some types of electronic components and chemicals, the clearer view of the universe for astronomy and astrophysics work, and the top-down view of the Earth for meteorological research. MiscellaneousArchestern mounts a telescope even better than the Hubble Space Telescope]. (Hubble has roughly x8,000 magnification, Archestern's has x10,000.) Archestern typically carries 60 man-years worth of food and other supplies. Archestern is based in large part on Zerstorenstern (“Destroyer-Star”), Doctor Destroyer's orbital headquarters, as presented in The Book of the Destroyer, a supplement for the 'Champions' RPG.
  8. Aliments AvinirAliments Avinir is a French Restaurant in Downtown Freedom, the Riverside district, that opened in May 2011 to excellent reviews. It is known for its excellent food and reasonable prices (well within reach of most working folk). Its has a good selection of wines, all from the French region, although none are ostentatiously priced. It has quickly established a reputation as a great place to go for reasonably priced high quality French cuisine. It's Chefs and waiters / waitresses are largely, but not all, French, and all can speak the language. It has quite a “family” feel, and the whole restaurant very much appreciates the whole “French” culture. Speaking French there will win you a lot of friends, whereas being uncouth and uncultured will get you rude service at best, a spit on your food if you are unlucky, and a kick into the street at worst. It is presided over by the cordial, robust Monsieur Verdoux, a man in his fifties who has some wealth and has set up his restaurant after coming to Freedom City the year previously. His wife works with him in the restaurant. His son is a doctor at Freedom City (the reason he moved to this country). Aliments Avenir is a favourite restaurant of “Big Al” Driogano. Monsieur Verdoux has no love for the Mob, but cannot refuse his custom. The restaurant is also a favourite of Rene deSaens and King of Suits who are both fellow Frenchmen and friends of Monsieur Verdoux (after saving the Don from an attack by the Silencer in Aliments Avenir)
  9. 1480 King Boulevard 1480 King Boulevard is a five-story apartment building, a blocky cube dressed in pale gray stone a few blocks north-northeast of Freedom City University. It was built in the 1950s as off-campus student housing, with thirty-one rail car style units per floor. In 1973 it was sold to the current owners, who converted it into a regular apartment building and combined every two units into one, by the simple expedient of knocking down some interior walls and bricking up some doorways. The 'extra' unit on every floor was converted into a communal sitting room, encouraging the tenants to mingle more than in some other buildings. The basement is fully finished; when the building was originally constructed, it was thought this would become a common area for the student tenants. When the structure was remodeled, this became yet another vacant room that could be rented by the half-day. For the last few months, though, it's been the physical location of Cross' Roads. Notable Tenants Robin Morrigan Isla Cross
  10. Well, the idea at this point is that she casts a spell on the broom to make it fly, that the broom is attuned to be good for flying, but without the spell it's just a cleaning implement. Once she's spelled it, however, she could potentially throw somebody else on it and make it go. Someone who just came upon it in her room or whatever, they could use it for sweeping but nothing more.
  11. She's a teenage witch who only knows a handful of spells! She has a smart familiar (sheet forthcoming)! What does she need? Power Level: 10 (150 PP) Trade-Offs: None Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 4 = 18 PP Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24 PP Attack: +6 (+10 The Sun) Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Initiative: +2 Grapple: +6 Knockback: -5/-1 Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 10 = 18 PP Toughness: +10/+2 (+2 CON, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+2 CON, +4) Reflex: +6 (+2 DEX, +4) Will: +10 (+0 WIS, +10) Skills: 48r = 12 PP Bluff 8 (+10) Concentration 8 (+8) Diplomacy 6 (+8) Disguise 0 (+2/+22) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+11) Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 6 (+9) Notice 6 (+6) Sense Motive 6 (+6) Feats: 10 PP Attack Specialization (Blast) 2 Dodge Focus 4 Luck Quick Change Ritualist Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: 10 + 11 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 11 + 21= 68 PP Comprehend 5 (The Tower, speak to and understand animals, speak, read, and understand any one language at a time) [10PP] Device 2 (Broom, Flaw: Hard to Lose, PFs: Restricted 2 [Raina]) [10PP] Enhanced Flight 3 (to Flight 4 (100 MPH/1000 FPM) (Extra: Affects Others, PF: Moving Feint) [10DP] Flight 1 (The Chariot, 10 MPH/100 FPM, Extra: Affects Others) [3PP] Immunity 1 (environmental heat) [1PP] Protection 8 (The Empress) [8 PP] Super-Senses 4 (The Magician, Magic Awareness 3 (visual, Enhancement: Analytical) [4PP] The Moon Array 5 (10 PP, PF: Alternate Powers 1) [11PP] Concealment 4 (all visual), PFs: Close Range, Selective) {10/10} AP: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, PFs: Covers Scent, Precise) {10/10} The Sun Array (20 PP, PF: Alternate Powers 1) [21PP] Blast 10 (fire, and lots of it) {20/20} AP: Move Object 10 (Extra: Range [Perception], Flaw: Limited [Fire]) {20/20} Abilities (18) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (12) + Feats (10) + Powers (68) - Disadvantages (0) = 150 PP
  12. "Yeah, definitely," Erin told him, folding her empty plate in half and putting it in the trash can by the door. "I asked Redbird to go home and bring back one of the regular cars so we don't have to keep driving around in the limo. I'd have asked for her to bring the bike, but..." She gestured ruefully to her long black skirt. "Even in a Frank creation, I'd rather save that for an emergency. Or a city where nobody knows us, like in Dakana." She smiled just a little. "Come on, she'll be around back." Erin stepped out of the room and assessed the situation for possible complications, then waved Trevor out and towards the church's rear exit, looking a bit like a Secret Service agent guarding her principle. Luckily, what guests were still on hand for the luncheon hadn't wandered this far from the fellowship hall, and they made their escape unmolested, with Redbird waiting for them at the curb. She'd brought along a nondescript Pontiac Bonneville from the late 70s, one of the newer cars in the Manor's collection, black of course, and entirely nondescript. "So where would you like to go?" Erin asked Trevor when they were safely in the backseat.
  13. The 100 Club Any Player who has ever made 100 or more in-character posts with the same character in a single month is said to be a member of “the 100 Club.” This 'unofficial' club was started by Quotemyname in March of 2009, though he was not the first player to reach 100 IC posts with a single character in a month. The 100 Club Alderwitch Angrydurf Aoiroo AvengerAssembled Azuth65 Breella Cyroa Electra Fox Gizmo Lone Star Quotemyname Raveled Thunder King The 200 Club An even rarer subset of the 100 Club, is the '200' Club. There is no point reward or other incentive for achieving 200 posts in a single month for a given character, but Dr. Archeville has promised to provide the phone number of a competent therapist to players insane enough to reach this milestone. Alderwitch Electra
  14. "Well, it's their home," Fleur told Cerulean with simple certainty. "Even if it's ruined, even if it has problems, it's home and you want to fix it if you can." She turned to the robot and his cyborg nemesis. "We can't really take sides in your conflict, that would be irresponsible of us. We don't have a good picture of what's going on, and to try and get a picture and fix things for you would be both overwhelmingly time-consuming and uncomfortably paternalistic. It also doesn't sound like we can give you back the device you're arguing about, not without risking a lot of innocent lives here and in your universe. But we may still be able to give you both some help. Vigil, how did you get here to this universe? Was it by using something like the device we've got here?"
  15. "No, no," Fleur hastily explained, "not another alternate world. This is an alternate world, Sanctuary is, when it comes to Earth Prime, and there are other worlds that also have relationships with Prime. We could use those worlds as precedent for setting up some kind of building or household in Freedom City on Prime that's like an embassy, where you could live even before you have legal identities because you are recognized citizens of Sanctuary." She looked to Lucy for confirmation that she was explaining this right. "The problem is, my home in Freedom City is a two bedroom apartment in a big apartment complex, which is sort of hard to set up as being sovereign territory. But Lucy knows a place in Freedom City that is already an embassy with those same rules, just from a different world. She knows the person who runs it, and if he recognizes you, you could stay there, in Freedom City on Prime, while we're trying to get everything sorted. It seems like it could work," she added, her tone cautiously hopeful.
  16. "ALIENS, huh?" Miss A repeated with a half-smile. "I suppose everyone's an alien to someone on a team like that. It sounds like it could be really valuable, especially while so many areas are vulnerable right now." She looked momentarily towards the ceiling, where several scanning instruments were obligingly lowering themselves on crane arms to scan and record the gauntlets. She herself turned her attention to Aya's arm, running her scanner over it from an inch or two away. "I can definitely see where your innate power is starting to wear on the power transfer circuits in your equipment," she said with a nod. "They're not designed to carry that sort of energy, and you're going to start seeing more faults and shorts, if not outright failures. I think we might be able to redesign some of the components to make them more compatible."
  17. Fleur kept one eye on the proceedings surrounding the dimensional transport box, mainly in the hopes that nobody would get accidentally teleported, but kept most of her attention on the two robots. "I admire your dedication to law and order," she told Vigil, "but the fact that you say "tried, judged and executed in the same phrase like it's a done deal leads me to suspect that your notions of due process might not be too similar to ours. But if you killed people," she turned to Artoo, "that's a pretty big transgression in our book as well. And it sounds like your machine here may have some pretty severe design flaws even apart from the "setting everything near it on fire" problem." She rested her chin on her fist and looked at both of them. "Tell me more about your world," she invited. "What's it like? What does it need most before it can be okay again? How many humans and robots and sentient things are still alive, even?"
  18. Shaking her head with a slightly bemused smile, Fleur touched the flowers in her hair and left him to his nap, teleporting back to the sidewalk outside the school. "He'll be fine there till everything is less hectic," she reported to Mara and Chris as she caught up to them. "I left him in my civilian shelter, he's already settling in. Do you think I should do the same thing to their dad? I mean, I can understand wanting to be around for your grandchild to be born, but I don't think we can trust that guy. And I think he's upsetting Erik and Ellie." She cocked her head thoughtfully. "Do you think I could put him and Nassor together in the shelter, or would they fight?"
  19. Wander fought, and fought, and fought, and finally there came a lull in the fight where no new enemies were immediately presenting themselves. She wiped her face with an equally filthy sleeve and stared around her like someone waking from a dream, only to find she'd fought her way around nearly back to where her squad was fighting. They were doing well, and had taken out everything close to them, leaving the remaining mass of antibodies to attempt to regroup. A strange whistling, shrieking roar caught her attention and she looked back to see the mole-slug-antibody monster coming up rapidly behind them. They were winning the fight, but it was taking too much time. "Squad Four!" she called out, getting their attention momentarily. "I'm really proud of all of you! You're great fighters and you're helping to save the universe. I hope you all live to enjoy it. Now there's no time to lose! Keep moving forward, follow Corona and Eclipse, and don't you dare look back!" With that she was gone, dropping into a crouch for a moment, then springing into the air as though rocket propelled, only to catch hold of Redbird's handles at the last moment as the Night Cycle swooped overhead. She looped around the handlebars to change her direction and momentum, then shot straight for what might possibly be the mole-slug's head, her bat held in front of her like a jousting pole. At the last second she changed her attitude and dropped feet-first on its crown, smashing it ferociously with blows nearly too fast to see.
  20. It's mole-slug time, woooo! Okay, Wander is going to talk to her manz as a free action. She is then going to perform a very showy acrobatic bluff maneuver to attempt to capture the attention and confusion of the mole slug (DC 27 with skill mastery) as her move action, and for her standard action will launch a charging power attack against it. That will drop her defense to 10 for the next round, put her attack at +9, and increase her damage by +5. First roll is just terrible! Spending an HP to roll again. Second roll is exactly the same, but it comes out to 24. Spending a second HP to do a second attack. It is a big fat fail, because Orokos is a POS dice roller and I hate it forever. So that is one toughness save at DC 32 plus any autofire.
  21. "I can get you one, Dragonfly, but I think if Cerulean just stands close to you, you might not need it," Fleur suggested with a grin. "Her light is special, apparently it helps counter illusions as well. She pegged our robots here right away. So, do you know Artoo?" she asked curiously. "Or a version of him from another reality?" She moved back towards the table, looking between the two bots with curiosity. "I hadn't even thought about the fact that you might have counterparts here in this world. That's such an interesting idea! Tell me, Vigil, if we were to send Artoo Threepio back with you, what would happen then? What was this device supposed to be for?"
  22. "Dragonfly!" Fleur exclaimed happily, rising from her seat when the engineer arrived. "It's so nice to see you, thank you so much for coming over! This is Cerulean," she continued with a proud gesture towards the young heroine at the table. "She's from the school. She and I were working to clean up that mess in Wharton Forest when all of this crazy stuff started up. Cerulean, this is Dragonfly, she's the smartest person I know when it comes to dimensional transport, and a lot of other things as well." With a glance towards the table, she continued, "And this is Vigil and Artoo Threepio," she continued, without so much as a grin for the bizarre name. "They're on opposite sides of their post-apocalyptic robot war in a universe where someone pushed the nuclear button a few decades ago. I was hoping you could take a look at Artoo's device here, see how and if it's going to work when he activates it again. The last thing we need is any more fires." Fleur picked up the box and offered it to Dragonfly.
  23. "A multi-pronged attack and defense is always a good strategy," Miss Americana agreed over the comm system, her voice still a little too cheerful for the severity of the situation. "Looks like some of my shipmates here just bailed out to start another prong of the attack more directly. If you guys can get over to the Horizon, that's this ship, maybe we can close in and either remote interface with the Gorgon and the Nanites, or get ourselves onto one of those ships. And I wanted to talk to you about my luggage, Dragonfly, but that can wait till we get together. Have you got a teleporter, or do we need a physical rendezvous?"
  24. "Terra?" Fleur repeated, sounding a little confused as she looked from one robot to the other. "Are you a robot who isn't native to your Earth, or is that what everyone calls the planet in your world?" She was interrupted momentarily by her communicator buzzing, she checked it and nodded. "Our science expert will be here in just a moment to have a look at the device and make sure there's nothing dangerous or volatile that all of us should be worried about." She looked over to Vigil then, giving him a neutral smile. "I'm sure we have enough time to hear your side of events before she gets here, if you'd like to share with us."
  25. "Thanks, Gabe." Fleur found her feet and moved to one side of the room as the door opened up, her vines racing across the floor, around and over the feet of antibodies as they spread to line one side of the room. "Stay away from the portal," she called urgently to her allies, "I'm going to block it off, but it'll be lethal to you as well." As the first of the climbing vines reached the ceiling, a dimensional portal sprang into being, cutting off the first portal and the antibodies it was discharging from the majority of the room. On the otherside of the portal was blackness and silence, flecked by distant starts. It did not look at all inviting.
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