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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Fleur shrugged philosophically. "That may be just as well if you're living in a dorm," she decided. "Sometimes you just really want the walls to be opaque all the time. Hmm." She pressed her fingers thoughtfully to her lips for a moment. "There's a lot of damage to the plants around here, but underground there might still be enough living root system for me to work with. Maybe you could talk to the ranger and see if he's got any answers for us, and I'll see if I can scope out the underground?" She sat down crosslegged on the ashy ground, pressing her hands flat to the dirt, and closed her eyes. There was a brief rustle in the trees around them, possibly just a breeze, but otherwise it looked more like she was meditating than using her powers.
  2. Fleur chuckled at the impromptu display of powers, shaking her head. "That's quite a bit you can do already!" she pointed out. "When I started out as a hero, oh, maybe six years ago now, all I was doing was growing plants really fast and hiding behind my friends when fights broke out. I learned on the job and developed my powers through trial and error. I'm sure you'll learn a lot at school and through experience, but really, it's not the powers you have so much as what you do with them. And to tell the truth," she added confidentially, "I've always envied the fliers a little bit. Such a fun power at any speed!" She looked towards the mangled tower, her brow furrowed. "I don't suppose your light could show you whether there's anything under the ground here?"
  3. "Claremont's an excellent school," Fleur told Cerulean, "I'm sure you'll learn a lot there, and get a lot of experience. They've turned out some fantastic heroes." Their voices were pitched low enough not to carry, for all the ranger seemed fairly preoccupied anyway. "We can check on the gas lines, but I very much doubt there's anything in this area. If there were, I imagine they'd already be disabled because of the fire, but Wharton State Forest has been a nature preserve for as long as Freedom City's been around. I can't imagine anyone getting permission to dig here. And if some of the ground has to go, we can always put it back later." She took a few steps across the clearing and touched another fallen log, which obediently fell apart to mulch. Moments later, new green shoots were growing from the remains, unfurling little leaves and stretching for the sun. "What kind of powers do you have, if you don't mind my asking? I see the lovely blue light you've got going there."
  4. "I think we should be able to do something with that," Fleur told Cerulean reassuringly. "If you can vaporize the metals, I can use some special plants to absorb the vapors and then dispose of them in a safer dimension where they won't cause any damage. We'll need some masks though," she added with a look to the ranger, "and ideally everyone else cleared out from the area where we'll be working. Will that be a problem?" While the ranger checked in on that, she turned back to Cerulean. "Please, call me Fleur," she invited casually. pushing back her hood to reveal braided green hair crowned with yellow flowers. "Phew, it's warm here. Makes me wish I had some weather control," she confided with a grin. "Have you been a hero in Freedom City long?"
  5. Fleur picked her way easily through ashes and fallen branches that disintegrated into humus beneath her feet, the foliage that was still alive seeming to move naturally out of her path. She was in her usual green costume and brown cowl today, but had foregone her mask due to the heat of the smouldering embers. "We'll do whatever we can," she promised the ranger. "I don't think there's anything to be done for the tower, but if we can't clear out the metal remains, I've got a friend who should be able to help you out." She paused at the base of the tower, keeping a healthy few yards away from the still-glowing wreckage. She looked over at her fellow hero. "I'm Fleur de Joie, by the way," she told the younger heroine with a friendly smile. "I don't think I've had a chance to meet you yet. It's a pleasure."
  6. It was strange, Erin found, to live in a house where everyone was in mourning. She'd done plenty of mourning in her time, but rarely with company, and never with the luxury of spending dedicated time on it. The house didn't seem the same with Travis gone, even if she'd only seen him a few times a day, it was like she'd been aware of his presence without even realizing it. She occupied her time and her mind (she'd taken more time off work, disregarding the weeks she'd already missed) by taking care of all the household chores, from making sure Trevor was eating properly to dusting all the rooms that nobody ever went into. She did the grocery shopping and bought Travis' favorite cereal without thinking about it, then ate the entire box herself before Trevor could notice and feel sad. It was terrible stuff, grainy and fibrous, but she couldn't waste the food. She thought about rearranging one of the kitchens to make it easier to cook in, with four people eating every day, but then left everything exactly the way it was instead. Redbird helped her change the oil in two of the cars that probably might have needed it soon, the woman and the AI working with the efficiency of practiced teamwork and the awkwardness of knowing things had changed and not adjusting. She spent a lot of time with Trevor, which wasn't unusual when they were both home, except they were both home a lot more than usual lately. There wasn't much she could do to help him with the paperwork of the estate (or anyone with much of anything really, though she'd spent a tedious two hours affixing address labels to envelopes for Janet.) She made up a chart, tucked in the corner of her cell phone's memory, and made sure that everybody in the house got food put in front of them three times a day, even if they ignored it or disdained it, and that she coaxed Trevor into bed every twenty hours. The front parlor of the house began to fill up with floral arrangements that quickly began to spill into the sitting room and the library. Travis had earned many admirers in his long, long life. Erin started watering them, reading the directions on the little packets of plant food and carefully maintaining the water levels in each vase. It was good to keep busy. A conversation with Frank got her an appropriate black dress for the day of the funeral, and of course Trevor was always prepared for any formal occasion requiring dark colors. On the day of the funeral, Redbird suited up as a liveried chauffeur, carefully installed in a 1962 Rolls Royce limousine that Travis had often used when he went to parties back in the day. She looked like she wanted to talk to Trevor, or maybe give him a hug, but didn't know what to say.
  7. Stesha made an odd face, like she was trying not to let her feelings be hurt that someone was so appalled by the idea of staying at what was basically her home. "I have an apartment in Freedom City that I only use as a base for working out of most of the time, and sometimes on weekends," she offered to Lucy. "I was thinking maybe some of them could take turns staying there, just like a sort of vacation away from the pastoral life till we can get things set up for them? But I don't know what kind of trouble they might get into, or whether it's even legal. I wouldn't really have time to supervise personally," she admitted with some reluctance. "They'd be all on their own."
  8. Miss Americana regarded Aya with compassionate concern. "It's all right," she assured the space traveler, "take as much time as you need. Sharl, could you get her a glass of water, please?" Her instruments were still whirring and chirping away complacently, but she paid no attention to them, focused on the test subject herself. "I don't want to presume," she began delicately, her voice pitched too softly for her assistant to hear, "but that didn't seem to be a physiological response to your powers. You've been through a very traumatic experience, and it can cause lasting psychological damage. Have you been able to talk with anyone and process what happened?"
  9. Wander had no more words for her troops, trusting them to keep moving forward and shooting on their own without any input from her. She was too busy to talk, anyway. When she'd gotten a little ways ahead of the group in her last near-frenzied attack, it had allowed a regiment of antibodies to form up around her, nearly swallowing her with their sheer numbers as they began to press in on her. That was a terrible mistake on their part. With cold ferocity in her eyes, Wander went into action, kicking, punching, ripping and destroying. She moved far faster than a normal Terran could and not a movement was wasted. Every step brought another enemy death, every movement of arm or hand was another fallen antibody. Wander tore her way methodically through the Antibody lines, her path as clearly visible as a combine harvester clearing a field of wheat.
  10. Wander will battle Regiment 3! Full Power Attack. 1d20+7=15 That's a DC 32 toughness save plus any autofire.
  11. (This page is an archival copy of the "Formatting Tricks" Section of the Newbie Guide, removed on 5/12/15 after it became obsolete with the site upgrade) Formatting Tricks The tireless efforts of our webmaster, Sorus, have provided us with several formatting options not commonly available on phpBB forums. Rather than list them all I will simply point out on the formatting bar, in between the Remove Format Button and the Font pull-down there is a button called Special BBCode which allows one a quicker frame of reference for the formatting tags available. It should also be noted that one can use some of the same macros from Microsoft word whilst editing and can even directly copy Plain Text documents and Word documents with little change done to the text thanks to the current version of IP Board's software. Arial font -- Comic Sans MS font -- Courier New font -- Georgia font -- Lucida Sans Unicode font -- Tahoma font -- Times New Roman font -- Trebuchet MS font -- Verdana font bold italic underline strikethrough normal subscriptsuperscript OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Plan Steal Underpants???Profitalign left center align right
  12. Electra


    Vignettes Every few months the Refs at FC PbP offers the community a chance to write a small vignette. This helps enhance the community, flex our writing muscles, gives a chance to think more deeply about our characters, and earns the player an extra power point for the month. Below are summaries of all prior vignettes, along with links to the thread where the vignette was first offered (and which in turn contains links to the individual character vignettes themselves). List of Vignettes 2007 December 2007 Should auld acquaintance be forgot A Vignette detailing how heroes or villains spent the last few minutes/seconds of 2007. 2008 July 2008 What Price Freedom? A vignette about characters ,taking place on July 4th (game time, showing some thematic relationship to the concept/idea/virtue of “freedom.” The vignettes don't have to be patriotic necessarily nor are they limited to heroes only; they just have to be about “freedom” in some way. October 2008 Happy Birthday! Freedom City Play by Post turned one year old on October 24th, 2008. In commemoration, a vignette about that takes place on a character's birthday. Stories about how the character would spend their birthday, and how they view the passing of time, aging/maturing, or their own mortality (or lack thereof). 2009 February 2009 Bloody Valentine's Ah, February. A time for Groundhogs and Valentines, for Presidents Days and Fat Tuesdays. And, for 2009, for the terrors of Friday the 13th!!! A vignette that has some thematic relationship to the concept/idea of either “bad luck” or “horror.” Stories ideally describing the most horrific things characters have either experienced or imagined, or the most horrific thing they have performed (this latter part is obviously aimed at villains, since heroes shouldn't do horrific things), or about the unluckiest day the character ever experienced (which could include their Origin Story!). June 2009 FC PbP's Musical Episode The Maestro has enacted his most diabolical scheme ever! Acting in concert with Medea, the Conductor of Crime has found a way to force people… to sing! And not just sing, but to sing about themselves and their secrets! The duo plans to use their newfound knowledge to blackmail certain wealthy and influential members of the city. Daedalus, Johnny Rocket, Seven and Sonic will stop them… but not before a large pulse of the mind-manipulating melody goes off, hitting several PCs throughout the city. October 2009 The Masks We Wear Superheroes and supervillains are identified by their distinct costumes. For some, the costumes – such as battlesuits or magical garments – are the true source of their astounding powers. For others, the outfit has no intrinsic powers, but it's the symbolism in it and in the person who wears it that give it a kind of power. Costumes with masks can be even more iconic, due to the mystery associated with it. But we all wear masks, in one form or another. In fact, we all wear several masks in the course of a day – you put on one face when dealing with your spouse in the morning, another when dealing with a supervisor at work, yet another when relaxing with friends. Most all of these masks contain elements of the real you, but only the ones you want certain groups to see. Changing your posture, your walk, your tone of voice and manner of speech, can all be used to alter your identity – to a degree – without masks or makeup. A vignette about characters' costumes/masks, or about the 'masks' they wear when interacting with others. Why do they wear what they wear? Was it something they made, or was it handed to them? Is it meant to evoke certain images (of animals, or a certain profession, or an ideal)? Is it worn to conceal their identity so villains cannot target loved ones for retribution? Or to conceal oneself from some past misdeed for which they're striving to atone? 2010 January 2010 New Year's Resolutions A new year has dawned, bringing with it new opportunities, a fresh start. Will characters make any New Year's Resolutions, pledging to improve some aspect of their life? And if so, how serious will they be in holding to it? Will it be nebulous (“lose weight”) or precise (“lose one pound a week”)? Will your resolution be made known to others, in order to gain support in achieving it? Or do they keep it to themselves, a secret vow regarding some aspect of themselves that they would rather keep hidden (“give up bizarre internet pornography”)? A vignette about a character's New Year's Resolutions. April 2010 All Fool's Day Ah, April. It's got World Health Day, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. Passover and Easter. Tax Day, and 4:20. And All Fool's Day! A vignette about a pranks characters have pulled, or pranks pulled on them, or even their reaction to a prank they saw pulled on someone else. June 2010 House of L Revisited The reality-bending powers of Richard Milhous Lucas created the House of L timeline: a world where the Silver Age never ended in Freedom City. The world never really moved past the shiny optimism of the early 1960s, even keeping the same fashion choices. The Centurion survived the Terminus Invasion here It's a better world in many ways, a place of happiness, peace, and order. But it's also a deeply troubled world trapped in the mindset of an old man happier decades past, one where the revolutions of race, gender, and sexuality never really came to fruition. It's a place, in short, very much like the comics of the High Silver Age, leavened with just enough of the Bronze that minority characters actually exist. This vignette covers what happened to characters in that universe. A world with a bright side as shiny as its underbelly is grim? The Silver Age isn't friendly to all character concepts, but Rick's not a murderer: the people are there, some simply very different. House of Lucas Wander (Wander-L) is a cheerful, boisterous acrobat with super-strength, while Geckoman-L was adopted by the Raven and became his successor. Tell their story in that other world, give us a day in their life: give us a 'crossover' with the universe of House of L. September 2010 Gruevasion For the third time, the Grue have invaded Freedom City. They have attacked the very infrastructure of the city and seeded their agents into every organization. They stir up unrest and chaos where ever they go, before they step out as enemies proper. Will the third time be the charm for the insidious alien invaders?! Not if our heroes have anything to say about it! And that's precisely what this Vignette is about! This Vignette is all about how the cities heroes stepped up to the plate and helped kick the alien invaders right back into space. Grue sleeper agents are keeping the heroes occupied and spreading them thin combating various threats throughout the city. They're also slowing the evacuation process anyway they can. Atlas is a Grue/human hybrid is being controlled by the fiendish Grue Meta-Mind to attack his former friends and allies. But this is all a diversion from the Grue's true sinister plot: the destruction of the entire Earth! Amidst all this chaos the Grue Armada descends from the deep regions of space and begins laying siege to the city, unleashing their super-weapon: the aptly named Planet Cracker. The heroes have to stop the weapon in time to save the Earth, but also keep the Grue forces in check to ensure that there is a city left to save, and they have to free Atlas from the sinister alien control. October 2010: Unbalanced Unbalanced A war has been waged in the shadows. On one side, Hades, Greek God of the Underworld, bound to Tartarus by Zeus' decree after a failed attempt at invading Freedom City. On the other, Baron Samedi, loa of death and corruption. Both seek to conquer not only all of Creation, but also all of the dead. Each thinks they're the most powerful death-god, the one who'll be standing at the end, and their petty squabbling has gone on for millennia. But now Hades has changed his game, and is in a position to get everything he's ever wanted. Their war spilled out into the streets. Gang warfare between those allied, knowingly or not, with the Labyrinth and those under Samedi's sway is peaking. Zombies (and worse) roam the alleys. Ghosts and wraiths are appearing, as the fading walls between worlds are weakened further by the divine feud. How did the heroes deal with it? November 2010 Meet Up Freedom City is full of superheroes, but they do not always travel in the same circles, even though some could easily do so. This is for OOC reasons: we do not allow players to have more than one of their characters at a time in any given thread (as that would throw a wrench into the end-of-month post counting). For this vignette, players were allowed to write what it would be like if their own characters met. December 2010 PSA/Vignette Revisitation The hectic month of December offered two choices for its vignette, to help those that the holidays keep so busy: Heroes either took part in a public service announcement (on the television, by radio, even by poster or magazine), or Characters revisited any of the previous vignettes, providing the opportunity to expand upon previous stories these characters weren't around for. 2011 February 2011 First Time Wuv…twue wuv…. In the spirit of Saint Valentine's Day, this vignette prompted explored a character's first time in love (or even first times with a specific partner) - be they first times falling in love, first times admitting love, first kisses, or first sexual experiences. Within the PG-13 board ratings, of course…. April 2011: Time Warp Time Warp Tears in the very fabric of spacetime are appearing, not just over Freedom City but across the globe! Some are spitting things out from different times, some are sucking in people and sending them to the past or future! What's causing them? Is this a prelude to some invasion? The result of an out-of-control experiment in some Hanover or ASTRO Labs workshop? Will the heroes get their taxes in on time?! June 2011 Legends of Freedom The heroes of the present fling a light into the future, inspiring heroism to come. July 2011 Ia! Ia! Archeville Fhtagn! The monstrous Other side of the supergenius Viktor Archeville emerges in full, rendering his better half nearly powerless. Thus unleashed, Archeville attempts to take over the world with the tainted Atlanteans known as Deep Ones, Grue modified to possess many of the powers held by the Interceptors called Metaceptors, and the arising of the true monster that has lain hidden in Archeville's family line causes outbreaks of madness and riots across the globe! September 2011 The Gorgon Comes On the heels of the chaos of Archeville, the silencing paralysis of order comes in the form of The Gorgon, an immense creature built by the Preservers, ancient sowers and uplifters of life throughout the galaxy. She comes in the form of an immense woman's head ringed with gigantic serpents, with the intent of coating the Earth and all on it, in it and under it with nanites that shall freeze it in indestructible stasis. While some take to the sky, space or other worlds in search of answers to the looming question, many others must remain on the ground and try to either soothe the panicked citizenry who know all too well how fragile their situation is, or evacuate them to worlds the Gorgon is not. December 2011 Player's Choice Another chance to revisit any previous vignette, taking the opportunity to play with a story in which characters weren't around for or stories that weren't submitted by the previous deadline. 2012 March 2012 Hot Zone A madman has unleashed a mutagen throughout Freedom City, granting everyone superpowers, or making existing superpowers go haywire. Worse, the mutagen will burn out a person's body in about two months. To contain the spread, the government quarantines the city, so it's up to the local heroes to both contain the newly empowered citizens (many of whom have gone mad with power) and cure them before their bodies burn out! June 2012 NPC Limelight/Player's Choice A chance for important support characters to shine, or for characters to revisit old vignettes (especially the PC Meet-Up). July 2012 The Crucible As either part of a plot by some sort of criminal mastermind (August Roman is always a safe bet) or just a string of really bad luck, the heroes of Freedom City end up experiencing trials throughout the month that take them to the limit. Of course, the hero rises again, bruised, battered, but not broken. 2013 January 2013 Day of Wrath On January 15, 2013 at 9 AM EST, a wave of violence sweeps through the heroes and villains of Freedom City, without regard for who and what they might once have been before. Some seem to go mad, laughing manically as they fall on their enemies alike like a rabid wolf gone among the sheep, driving some of Freedom City's worst to take shelter from the best gone evil. Some stalk their enemies with cruel, predatory intent. Their acts are showy and terrifying, sending the civilians in the street running in fear from their erstwhile protectors and criminals alike. Though deaths are largely limited to villains and criminals, the deeds are frightening enough, and deliberately, _mockingly_ public enough to strike at the very heart of Freedom City's trust in its heroes. As heroes and villains alike go mad, the heroes of Freedom must rally like never before to defend themselves, their families, and their cities from this unexpected attack. The 'wrathful', as the press has dubbed them, will happily tell anyone what they're doing: Freedom City has tolerated scum and villainy for too long, and now they're going to destroy the enemies of Freedom whatever it takes, and whoever they happen to be. It looks as though judgement day has come… November 2013 A Day/Night in the Life Most superheroes have a cause. A focus. A reason for getting out of bed at night, putting on strange clothing, and beating up malefactors. Many tales have been told of their “big, sweeping” stories and not the night-to-night work, the same way your typical episode of Law and Order is less about a random mugging (and that's it) and more about mob ties, hate crimes, and/or strange sexual escapades. But what does a hero do on a “quiet” night. What sort of minor issues they deal with in the course of their duties which aren't necessarily salacious enough to draw in other heroes, but which still need to be resolved. After all, a hero's duties start with one injustice, no matter how small. 2014 January 2014 Camelot City It's Fantasy Freedom, with a twist! For January 6, 2014, Freedom City was reflected in a fantasy mirror, as a city in a world of Arthurian myth and legend, where mighty knights and brave wizards battle foul fiends and twisted mystics in an effort to bring truth and justice to a lawless land. Heroes recast as a fantasy version of themselves. This version of Fantasy Freedom is closer to Thomas Malory's than Marion Zimmer Bradley's, a land with a really and truly holy Church that fights demons that just might be hanging around to try and steal souls, and where some medieval ideas are closer to truth than others. June 2014 A Day/Night in the Life A vignette detailing a hero's exploits from somebody else's vantage point. They could be heroic, they could be a victim, they could be a bystander. Anyway you slice it, this is their story to tell. August/September 2014 WHAT I DID ON MY SUMMER VACATION/BACK TO SCHOOL The end of August and the beginning of September mark a very special time of year for citizens of Freedom City. Summer is ending and fall is beginning, vacation is wrapping up and the school year is beginning! This vignette details just exactly what went on during those wild summer nights, or those less wild back to school mornings. 2015 January 2015 Big Leagues While the adult heroes of Freedom City spread out across the globe to combat the Incursion, the students of Claremont Academy are left to watch over their fair metropolis! When villains attempt to take advantage of the situation it will be up to these teen titans to rise to occasion! Against foes that give even the Freedom League and other seasoned veterans difficulty can they prevail? Can they even survive?! It may take a holiday miracle!
  13. Important Site Events 2007: October: 25: FCPbP opens for business 28: First adventure thread opens (Bad, Bad Boys and Their Dirty Money) 31: First appearance of superheroine Velocity, who will later become unstuck in time and space for several years, then join the Freedom League Auxiliary. (Trick or Treat) 2008: February: 16: Tech Genius and superhero Dr. Archeville makes his first appearance in Freedom City. He will later go on to found the technology company ArcheTech. (A New Day, A New Way) September 13: First appearance of teen superhero Geckoman, on his way to Claremont Academy. (A Windy Day at Jordan International Airport) Geckoman and a handful of fellow new students arrive at Claremont Academy. This is the first real appearance of Claremont Academy as more than an incidental location. (Welcome To Claremont Academy)
  14. Stesha looked to Mara, then grinned when the other heroine inclined her head in a "go ahead" gesture. "Don't worry, it's just for a little bit," she told Nassor, kneeling and putting a hand on his arm. With her other hand, she reached up and touched the flowers in her hair, and suddenly they were moving while standing still, long tunnels of green raced around them while the smell of warm grass filled the air. A second later, they were kneeling in the green grass of Sanctuary, in an open space larger than a football field, bounded by privet hedges easily fifteen feet high while an improbable transparent crystalline ceiling arched high overhead. She stood and extended a hand to help him up. "This is a safe place," she told him. "There's food and some reading material on the shelves over by the south wall, and a set of privies off in the southwest corner. If you're really interested in digging, you might be able to get through the hedge in a couple of hours, but there are sixty-foot long bees outside who aren't fond of strangers, so I wouldn't advise that. There's also pretty much nowhere to go. With luck, everything will go smoothly and I'll be back to pick you up in just a few hours anyway," she concluded cheerfully.
  15. "Nicholson is a very special school," Paige told Emma with a smile, gently taking hold of the girl's shoulders to keep her from drifting too far. "Some of the kindergarteners there can fly, or will be able to fly someday. When you go to school there, you will learn how to fly better, fly in ways that are safer and more controlled, so you never run into things and hurt yourself. You will also learn reading and writing, and do art and music and recess and lunchtime, all kinds of fun things. And you'll meet other special children like you, who have their own unique talents. Heaven can wait, kiddo, there's all kinds of stuff for you to be doing on Earth!" She looked past Emma to Jean. "I wanted to ask if there were any questions about the school that a parent might be able to answer. I know you've had meetings with the principal and Emma's teacher, but sometimes parents have a different perspective."
  16. With another small harumph, Holly spritzed her wrists with perfume and rubbed them together before departing the bathroom with her painted face tilted high enough to put her pug nose in the air. She looked more than a little comical, but somehow managed to move with great gravitas as she headed for the pizza and took a large slice for herself. Seating herself opposite Errant at the table, she began eating in small, quick bites and staring at him, obviously waiting for something. Waiting, her mind nearly shouted into his brain, for an apology for rude behavior. The first piece of pizza was disappearing at a prodigious rate.
  17. Hologram will attempt to Stun Silver Scream before she can cook up more mischief. DC 20 will save.
  18. "That's the spirit," Paige told Holly with a laugh, dropping the cut vegetables into a large wooden bowl and tossing them with a pair of wooden hand-claws. "I'm sure she'll like you when she gets to know you. Just be yourself and don't be shy if she takes a few minutes to warm up to you. Now put the condiments and the salad dressings in the basket and bring them outside while I finish the salad." Despite a marked lack of super-speed, within just a few minutes the Cline ladies were exiting the house into the backyard, laden with more goodies for the picnic table already set with a weather-resistant cloth and the unbreakable outdoor-use dishes. "We'll be ready in just another few minutes," she reported, "and looks like you're almost done too. Starlight, another ginger ale for you? Richard, another horrifying concoction you like to call soda?" Holly, obviously taking her mom's advice to heart, gave Starlight an extra-big smile as she plopped down her load of condiments on the table. "You should try Dad's horrifying concoction," she told the guest, "it's sooooooo sweet."
  19. Gina did a double-take as she studied the patterns of energy unfolding in the computer. This wasn't electrical energy at all, she realized, it was the sort of necrotic psychic energy present in entities like Ghost Girl and Dead Head. This Joseph was neither AI nor programmed relic, he was some kind of literal ghost in the machine. "I'm a programmer," she told him carefully, "and a technopath. I have the power to enter computers with my mind and interact with them directly. My colleague Terrifica and I were called in to help figure out why your computer system has been behaving so strangely. Until we got here and dug into the records, we didn't know about you, or understand what had been done to you. Do you know what's keeping you trapped in here? Why can't you leave?"
  20. Just then, Miss Americana knocked lightly and entered the room, a tablet that looked like a sheet of glass in her hands and a robot whirring at her heels. "All right, that's a couple of preliminary scans done, just to give us your baseline physiology," she explained to Aya. "Can you tell me a little bit more about the energy field you've been manifesting? When did you first notice it, and was it after a notable injury or period of trauma? What sorts of effects have you observed with it? Do you have any physiological reactions to using it, increased fatigue, hunger, shortness of breath, altered states of consciousness?" Her voice was friendly and encouraging but totally even, this was the sort of thing she obviously dealt with frequently on a planet full of metahumans.
  21. She wrapped her arms around him, curling her body over his as though the grief were a physical force she could shield him against. Crying was good, she knew, important, much healthier than the frozen numbness that came with not crying, but it still broke Erin's heart to see Trevor in pain. He'd held her through so many nightmares and bad memories and hard moments over the years, always so steady, always so strong when she was falling apart. She hadn't realized until now what that must have cost him, now that she was trying to give him the same stability. Once again she wished for the right words to say, but when they didn't appear, she whispered nonsense instead, murmuring soothing nothing into his ear and holding him as tears trickled down her own face.
  22. All right, Hologram! Free Action: Command Antibody 3 to attack Antibody 2. Standard Action: Attempt to snag Antibody 4 with Enhanced Mind Control. DC 22 Will save
  23. "But it's all right!" Stesha hastened to assure Lucy. "I'm sure they'll make the transition to Freedom City without any problem. They've met all the heroes who live here, and the bees as well, and everything's gone just fine. Freedom City has a lot of metahumans, and I'm sure it has other things that will be very unfamiliar, but a modern urban setting in most timelines is probably going to be a lot less unfamiliar than what we're dealing with here on Sanctuary. Becca, for instance," she gave the woman an encouraging smile, "is a top-notch administrative assistant who types eighty words per minute and is good with computers. She'd be a real asset to an office in Freedom City, but those skills just aren't as applicable here."
  24. Wander laughed right back. "You ever heard of a cell phone, champ? I can run ten times faster than your car can drive, all while having a chat with any number of associates of mine. Your guns can't hurt me, and if I can't grab you myself, I'll just point you out to somebody who can. You think you're the first insubstantial villain we've faced down? I was dealing with losers like you before I could buy lottery tickets." Just to test the theory, though, she suddenly raced forward, fast enough to blur in the dim light, and attempted to take out the bunch of goons with a broad sweep of her silver bat.
  25. "That was you?" Stesha exclaimed to Nassor, her face full of dawning outrage. "You were one of the ones who tried to steal Eden? With the home invasion and the stabbing and the attempted kidnapping? And you didn't think to mention that before asking me to bring Jill out here, today of all days? And I thought you were nice!" She took one step towards the surrendered villain, and there was a sudden sharp smell of cut grass in the air from no identifiable source. With an audible breath, Stesha reined herself in. "If you set one foot wrong," she warned him in a low voice, "you will have a very long tour of a very unpleasant dimension I know."
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