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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin made a noise that was half-laugh, half-hmph. "Yeah, it's a pigsty alright," she told him, looking at the few articles of clothing out of place, the tossed pillows and bedspread that spoke of restless nights. "You remember how many years I lived with Alex the Technicolor Tornado? You've got a lot to learn about being untidy, grasshopper. Here, lay down." Scooting over to kneel on the edge of the bed, she coaxed him to lay down on his stomach and continued the massage, careful not to push too hard as she worked the knots from his back. After a few long moments of silence, she spoke in a voice that was almost too soft to hear. "I couldn't even remember to eat the first few days after my mom," she admitted. "Didn't realize what the drugs had done to me and that I didn't really need to, but Megan did. I had to make a chart, eat so many times a day, sleep, wash, change clothes. Nothing seemed real for awhile, so none of it mattered very much. But it got... more real, I guess, eventually. Less disconnected. Eventually it didn't hurt quite so bad all the time." She leaned down and kissed the nape of his neck, rested her forehead there for a second and sighed. "You should sleep," she urged. "You can eat when you wake up. I'll stay here with you."
  2. Wander startled at Monsoon's sudden pronouncement, her face twisting into an extremely pained expression. She'd been counting on them coming through the window into a dark warehouse to create confusion and uncertainty, the fact that they were two women heroes to possibly make the bad guys underestimate them. That was no longer on the table. "Nice of you to tell them how many of us there are and who exactly they're dealing with!" she hissed to Nina. Nina was obviously patrolling with Mark way too much. "Get to the truck and make sure they don't get away in it. Slash the tires if you want, but try not to get everything wet!" "Surrender now," she called out, drawing her bat and twirling it expertly, trying to salvage the situation. "You're going to jail either way, you get to decide what condition you'll be in when you're handcuffed."
  3. SanctuarySanctuary is the colloquial name given to the alternate-Earth dimension Earth-D-Self-7(extinct) where heroine Fleur de Joie keeps her headquarters. A formerly populated Earth, a global climate disaster caused by human mismanagement and war wiped out the population and rendered the surface only marginally inhabitable. Fleur de Joie is currently in the process of rehabilitating the surface, starting with the approximate location of Freedom City and working her way out. Sanctuary can be reached by anyone with the power to travel dimensionally to alternate Earths. Geography of Sanctuary<BR>[http://freedomplaybypost.com/maps/sanctuary/ Map of Sanctuary] <BR><BR> The rehabilitated and reclaimed land of Sanctuary where the majority of action takes place consists of a badge-shaped pentagon about fifty miles across at its widest point, stretching from the outskirts of Philadelphia to Bayville, NJ at the east and west, then Upper Freehold and the southern border of Wharton Forest at the North and South. <BR><BR> The original and most-developed portion of Sanctuary began as a rough circle in the western suburbs of Freedom City and expanded to a rectangular area comprising most of what was Wharton State Forest. This area contains most of Sanctuary's landmarks and the majority of its inhabitants. Fleur's personal home is on the southeastern side of the rectangle, in what used to be the western edge of urban Freedom City. Slightly to the northwest is the holding area she created for refugees from Prime who might be transported over during a crisis. A few miles north of Fleur's home is Beedom City, the massive hive where the giant bees have made their home. The northernmost corner of the rectangle holds the village where the people native to Sanctuary now live under the protection and with the assistance of Fleur and her friends.<BR> <BR> Outside the original boundaries of Sanctuary lie large tracts of purpose-developed land. To the northwest is a large rectangular plot rehabilitated for farmland and food production. The monastery founded by Gabriel is located to the western side of this plot, while the village butts up against the southeastern edge. The agricultural plot is not fully utilized, but is dotted with fields, pastures and orchards that provide food and education for the population. Off to the northeast and north of the original plot are the Bee Meadows, a very large open area given over to meadows and massive, specially created flowers for the giant bees. The bees can often be seen roaming for miles over the meadows as they harvest nectar. The Bee Meadows are also a frequent home of Gaian Knights movable floating castle. <BR><BR> South and East of Freedom City, Sanctuary stops and ruins take over once more. The shoreline and areas near it have proven resistant to rehabilitation due to the heavily polluted ocean, and anything north or east of the heavily-polluted Wading River is still in ruins. The damage, most likely from a large concussive superweapon, that leveled downtown Freedom City also sent part of Bayview into the bay, forming a partial earth dam that both choked and protected the South River. The river still exists, albeit in greatly reduced form, and had proven responsive to Fleur's cleanup efforts. Streams flowing from it provide the water to the bee colony and to Fleur's home base. In a similar way, the damaged ruins of Philadelphia to the northwest have slowed Fleur's efforts to further expand her cleanup work. <BR><BR> Locations in Sanctuary Fleur's HomeFleur de Joie's home base sits in the middle of Midtown, corresponding exactly with the location of Stesha Madison's apartment on Earth Prime. It is a single-story cottage-like dwelling made almost entirely of plants, save for interior features and crystalline windows created for her by Supercape. The cottage sits in the middle of what appears to be a clearing in the middle of old growth forest, though all of it was created by her in the past eighteen months. Other plant buildings, mostly early attempts at the cottage, dot the clearing as well and are used mainly for storage. The buildings are connected by a path of grass, which becomes a path of crushed white gravel edged with seashells as one approaches the neatly-landscaped cottage. Behind the cottage sits a small shed with a tall metal tripod rising above it. The top of the tripod holds a windmill and solar panels, the shed holds the generator that powers Fleur's home and the nearby civilian holding area. Inside, the cottage is cozy and homey, though far from large. The main room is both living room and kitchen, with a kitchenette counter along one wall containing an improvised sink, a microwave, a coffee maker, and a mini-refrigerator. A small kitchen table sits against the adjacent wall, typically set with two chairs, though a brand-new high chair already sits in the corner awaiting use. Much of the room is taken up by a comfortable sitting area in the center of the room, a comfortable sofa flanked by two recliners, all gathered around a coffee table. In the winter, a space heater sits on the fourth side of the table, where a fireplace would be in a different cottage. The composition of the house is very apparent, with natural grass floors and walls that change color with the season. At the back of the main room, a hallway leads into the rest of the home. A small bathroom contains fixtures designed for low-impact wilderness living, while opposite that is the master bedroom, a very simple affair with a queen-size bed,a dresser, a television with DVD player (that only plays DVDs, of course), and a bedside table with lamp. A simple wooden cradle beside the bed is the most recent addition to the room. The newest room in the house, freshly grown-in next to the bathroom, is the furnished nursery at the back of the house. The entire house is the size of a medium-sized apartment. Civilian Holding AreaThe Civilian Holding Area is designed to facilitate Fleur de Joie's ability to remove civilians from dangerous situations on Prime without having to bring them to her home or leave them wandering unescorted on Sanctuary. Roughly the size of a football field and bounded on all sides by twelve-foot-high plant matter walls, the most striking feature of the holding area is its faceted clear crystalline roof. Designed and created by Supercape, the roof shines like a jewel and allows sun into the holding area while keeping off the rain. Inside the holding area, Fleur has placed signs welcoming displaced civilians and instructing them to wait to be returned to Prime. She's also stocked emergency food and medical supplies, in case the rescued civilians are injured or need to spend more than a few hours in holding. The holding area sits approximately a half mile from Fleur's home, in what would be the Theatre District on Prime. Beedom City DesignationThe official designation for Sanctuary is Earth D-Self-7(extinct). The designation, which uses Freedom League Standard Notation, indicates the planet's status: 'Earth:' This planet is a parallel Earth, and English is or was a dominant language. 'D:' This planet's environment is unpleasant and unhealthy, but capable of supporting life. 'Self:' This planet is a victim of self-inflicted disaster, not natural disaster or attack '7:' This universe is the seventh the League has explored with similar features 'Extinct:' This parallel Earth once harbored a Primelike population, but the entire population has since been wiped out.
  4. "Well... that's new," Wander commented dryly, cocking her head as she studied the door the van had driven through. "What'll the criminals think up next?" She leapt down from the roof and approached the doors, being careful to keep an eye out for any more activity from the criminals. She placed her hand flat against the door but it was solid, metal, exactly how a garage door was supposed to feel. "Looks like we'll have to find our own way in." She looked around and spotted a small window high on the wall, more a glorified vent than anything to look out, but wide enough to accommodate a couple female bodies without much excess body fat. Bouncing on her heels, where each bounce lifted her five feet in the air, Wander punched through the glass of the window and cleared the shards, shaking blood and glass of her hand even as the small bits of torn skin knit themselves together. "Need a boost?" she asked Monsoon.
  5. ~She's not afraid of you, pumpkin,~ Paige soothed her daughter mentally as she laid out the salad spinner and a head of arugula for Holly to work on over the sink. ~She doesn't understand much about psychic powers, or about what we can do or how we act. But I don't think that's what's bothering her. I think she has some issues of her own that don't have anything to do with any of us, but that she thinks about when she sees you. It's not your fault, or hers. It just is.~ Holly sighed and picked up the lettuce, pulling off leaves and tossing them in the spinner. ~So it's one of those things like when somebody projects a thought by accident and it's something you didn't want to know, but you just try and ignore it?~ ~Just like that,~ Paige confirmed, approval in her mental voice. She set out a cutting board and began chopping carrots into rather uneven discs. She should've put Will on salad duty as well. ~I'm sure when she gets to know you, she's going to like you just fine.~
  6. "Ugh, rude much?" Holly shouted through the door, opening it up just to slam it shut again for effect. Some of Elias' sparkle appeared to be wearing off for the young girl. "He just broke, like, three house rules in ten seconds," she informed Thaelia. "Even Will can only do that when he's using super-speed." She folded her arms and pursed her lips, extending a lipstick to Thaelia to enlist her help in applying it. Holly did not seem to think that moderation was a virtue, at least not when it came to a chance at her mother's makeup counter. "We aren't allowed to eavesdrop, we especially aren't allowed to use powers to eavesdrop, and we never walk into the bathroom when somebody has the door closed, cause gross. I guess even older, handsome boys are still just boys," she observed philosophically, heaving a sigh that was world-weary beyond her years.
  7. "I guess that's true," Erin admitted. "And sometimes family is more what you make of it. The people who care about you, instead of who's related to you. My teammates are more family to me than the people in Seattle who are my biological relatives. If one of them were to die I would feel... well, I'd feel horrible because they're young and shouldn't have died, and because it brings up all kinds of old issues, but I wouldn't feel the same-" She hesitated, trying to put it into words. "The sad emptiness I feel because Travis is gone. He wasn't my responsibility and I didn't need him to take care of me, so when I think about him I just feel so damn sorry he's not here anymore." It wasn't clear whether she was talking to Nina at all there, or just talking, but after a moment she looked back at the hydrokinetic. "You got a weird hand dealt to you as far as your family. But you can make new family."
  8. "The people who hurt you are long gone, Joseph," Gina told him soothingly. "They left years ago, they can't get at you anymore, even if any of them are still alive. Nobody is going to hurt you, nobody wants to trap you anymore. I'm very good with computers, and I have colleagues who are also very good at any number of amazing things. We'll find a way to help you. I promise, we won't leave you trapped here any longer." Gina generally had no trouble with small enclosed spaces, rather the opposite really, but the idea of living in this dark and tangled prison, cut off from the world, was enough to trigger claustrophobia in a shudder down her imaginary spine. "Can you affect the architecture in here, Joseph?" she asked him. "Can you let me in?"
  9. "I think if I even had coffee, you'd have to pry me out of the booth with a stick and roll me to the sidewalk," Stesha admitted with a chuckle. "And herself is about to fall asleep in her bowl." Indeed, Ammy was looking blissfully sleepy, licking her spoon and blinking her eyes hard as she picked at the last third of her dessert. "It was very nice to meet you, and your restaurant is fantastic. I'm sure we'll be coming back here soon." She thought for a moment. "On the other hand, could I get a dozen pieces of that cornbread packed up to go? I have to run a town council meeting tonight and taking along some food might make things go a little smoother. Especially really excellent food." She put her own spoon down in her empty dish with a sigh that was all pleasure.
  10. Miss Americana nodded and picked up the card. "I will do that, I never know from day to day what sort of oddities will come up and an outside consultant will be needed. Thank you for coming in, it's been educational on both sides." The news that Dr. Archeville had employed the Interceptors was surprising, but it did fill in several important gaps in her personal understanding of what had happened. The wider implications would require further thought. "I hope if you ever have need of our help, you won't hesitate to call either. And if you or any of your friends happen to have other mementos of Doktor Archeville of similar vintage in your possession, you might consider at least bringing them in for examination. It's better to be safe than sorry. And take care out there," she added with a friendly smile, her first of the entire meeting.
  11. Paige was starting to wonder if this had been such a good idea, especially with Scarab apparently determined to remain completely incognito, but it was too late to back out now. She mustered a bright television-worthy smile and entered the house, making sure the door stayed open long enough for all your companions. "That's an innovative solution!" she commented, glancing toward the ceiling. "I remember when my son first started coming into his super-speed, we had to put cut-up pool noodles on every corner and edge and counter in the house for a year. Children are amazing, they have no fear about their powers, but they leave us with our hearts in our throats half the time, right?" She shared a look of commiseration with Jean, hoping to form a rapport with at least one person in the house. "My son Will is seventeen now, he's starting to grow out of it. My daughter Holly is ten, she's in the third grade at Nicholson. I understand Emma is ready for kindergarten?"
  12. It was the work of only a moment to dig out one of the quaint old wooden breakfast trays that someone, probably Margery, had tucked into one of the cabinets decades ago and toss all the lunch preparations onto it. Balancing it on one arm with the deft skill of a veteran waitress, Erin kept the other arm around Trevor as they headed for their bedroom. "Trevor's home," she called to his folks as they passed the parlor, "but we're getting lunch and rest now." Her tone clearly brooked no argument, and she didn't wait for a response before gently nudging Trevor down the hallway and into the bedroom. She locked the door behind them, unsure whether Ted and Janet's odd formal politeness with family would outweigh the narcissism that would disregard personal privacy. Better to be safe than sorry. Unfolding the legs of the tray, she set it down on the bedside table and sat down herself, pulling Trevor with her. "You haven't been taking care of yourself," she observed as she began to rub his shoulders. "Trying to take care of everything else first?"
  13. "That's boring," Holly said, and for a moment it was unclear if she meant the eyeshadow or Thaelia's philosophy. She leaned over the counter and found a compact full of a dozen eyeshadows in different shades, most of which had seen little use. Paige, it seemed, generally went for a subtle color palette with her cosmetics. Holly had no such compunctions, selecting the darkest purple eyeshadow and applying it herself, quite liberally, from the edge of her eyelid to just below her eyebrow. She had some concept of shading, lightening the color as she went up, but the effect was still rather startling. "I can't use the eyeliner," she admitted with some disgust, "it makes me all teary. Mom says when I'm older." She huffed at the indignity, then began adding blusher to her cheekbones. "Would you get in trouble if you punched the girl who lied to you about Elias?"
  14. "Go, go, go!" Wander called, looping back once to round up her squad and make sure they were all moving forward, roughly together. "We're gaining ground, that monster thing isn't very fast, just keep going and it'll never catch us!" she encouraged. In moments, though, the next wave of Antibodies was bearing down, standing between them and their goal, between them and safety outside the gorge. Without a scream, without a yell, Wander melted back into the fray, her passage marked by the shrieks of dying antibodies and a rapidly growing swath of empty space with no enemies in it. She'd targeted the biggest ones first, the ones that seemed like they might be the leaders, leaving the rest of the wave confused, separated, and far less effective. "Guns now!" Wander encouraged. "Take them out before they regroup!" She raced up the nearest wall, out of the troops' line of enthusiastic fire.
  15. Stesha chuckled. "Well I had to call them something, and Mayberry seemed nice and wholesome. I suspect that at some point they'll want to rename it something more meaningful to them, or maybe branch out into new villages they name themselves, but I didn't just want to call them Villages One, Two and Three. Homewood didn't have a name until the other two came along, it was just "the village," but that obviously wasn't going to work anymore." She leaned forward in his grip to point out some of their crop fields, wheat and quinoa and barley and corn, all growing next to each other with no concern for how strange it was. "I was told in the strongest possible terms that we should not introduce cats if we could help it," she told Asad as they swooped over the forest that stood between the villages. "Cats are highly invasive, highly efficient predators, and they wipe out pretty much all the bird and mammal species they can find. If we want birds to rebound, we need to avoid the cats. Which is too bad, because I like cats, but they suggested all kinds of other rodent-control measures if it starts to be a problem." She looked back at him when he asked about the clinics. "Not connected to the schools, not really. We don't have any kind of higher education around here, aside from some informal apprenticeship deals," she explained, "once kids get past high school age or so, they start working with the adults. I want some of them to be able to go to college eventually, that's the best way to learn the kind of engineering and medicine and history and political science that will make society here robust, but first things have got to come first. Any doctors or nurses who come here have plenty of willing students, and I've got some training with the doctor at the monastery. They're already learning a lot. When I'm on the planet it's one thing, if somebody gets hurt I can heal them. But I'm not always here, and they need to be able to at least stabilize people and keep them alive long enough for me to get home or for someone to teleport the injured person to a hospital. So something, at least, in every village. As they went over a small rise, she abruptly brightened, pointing to a meadow full of flowers that, on closer inspection, ranged from the size of spread tarpaulins to the size of football fields. "Oh here, see, this is the Bee Meadow!"
  16. Erin shook her head. "The tip was pretty vague, but I suspect garden-variety thieves, maybe with a few extra technological doo-dads. There's a lot of valuable tech stored in warehouses in Hanover, prototypes and extra equipment for the big labs and consulting firms, but they protect it pretty well with layers of extra security. If there's anything worth having in that warehouse, they're probably gonna need a few extra tricks to get at it. Or it could be a bad tip and a waste of our time, but that's how it goes." She shrugged vaguely. "One of my extradimensional doubles had a kid by the time she was my age," she commented, voice calm but a little hollow. "I thought about how terrible that would be, how I wouldn't have been able to do all the things I do now. But if I had in this timeline, Travis would've had a chance to meet his great-grandchild." She pursed her lips and was quiet a moment. "If we do ever have kids now, and experience says that's a real good probability, they won't have any living grands or great-grands who really give a damn about them."
  17. "That is an amazing attitude to have about everything that happened," Stesha told her, real admiration in her voice. "You lost so much, but you still concentrate on all the things you gained as well. And now you can help so many people in a new time, that's wonderful." The trio got into the short line for their food, and conversation was briefly suspended while Stesha greeted all the kitchen staff and made sure supplies were in order for the rest of the week. Each woman got a plate of baked macaroni and cheese, a salad that looked to be kale and basil with tomatoes, a slice of brown bread with butter, and a bowl of mixed fresh fruit. Stesha led the way to one of the nearby tables, where a group of adults were all clustered together over their lunches, looking rather more ill-at-ease than most of the diners. She gave them her brightest smile, one that was maybe just a bit forced around the edges. "Albert, Christine, Steve, Devin, Becca, Monica, this is Lucy and Erica. Lucy is the attorney I was telling you about, the one who's going to try and help you get started on Earth Prime. Can we sit down?"
  18. "Okay, thanks," Stesha replied, hanging up her phone and tucking it away again in her jacket pocket. She looked over to Nassor, still patiently waiting on the ground. "She'll be out in a minute to speak with you. You've been very much a gentleman so far, I'd appreciate it a lot if you continued that. She has a lot on her mind today." Stesha looked up at the sudden impact noise of shoes on concrete, then gave Chris an encouraging wave. "It's all right," she assured him, "Jill is on her way out so she can speak with him. Did you already deal with the guy up on the roof? It sounded like Jill already knew who he was when I told her about him."
  19. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about an in-game Event. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Event Name) (Give a brief summary of the event, including the approximate dates when it took place IC, major plot developments during and springing from the event, and characters who were most crucially involved.) Narrative (Tell the story of the event from an IC perspective. Don't bother dividing events by threads, just explain what happened and when in a way that someone can read it and get a good idea of what happened without reading through every thread of the event) Characters (Make an unordered list of all the characters involved, including a separate list for Notable NPCs if there were enough of them to warrant it. If this was a sitewide event with too many characters to list, indicate that instead and note if any superteams or organized groups were involved.) Timeline (Unlike other timelines, an Event Timeline is usually not best done with unordered lists, but rather with paragraphs with the thread title and link as the heading. Give the thread name and link, then take a few sentences to describe what happened in that particular thread, including characters involved, major developments, and whether it crossed over with any other thread. Try to list threads in order, and indicate if they happened simultaneously to other threads.) Aftermath (Most Events have consequences that stretch on beyond the conclusion of the Event itself. Describe the aftermath of the Event including significant plotlines that open or close, character relationships that were impacted, objects and places of significance damaged or destroyed, or anything else appropriate.)
  20. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a specific location in the Multiverse, which is to say any place located outside the universe designated as Earth Prime, where Freedom City: Play by Post is based.. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Place Name) (Give a brief summary of the place here, including its Freedom League Standard Notation designation if it is an alternate universe, a short description of what it is like and how it is different from Earth Prime or its closest Earth Prime counterpart, and why it is significant in the Freedom City: Play by Post universe. If the place is of special significance to one or more PCs, note that here.) Location and Appearance (Give a more detailed description of your place. If it is an alternate universe, describe its differences from Earth Prime, points of earliest timeline divergence if applicable, and any fixed ways of accessing the universe, portals, etc. If it is a place on an alternate universe, describe the universe it is located in, then describe the location, inside and out.) Significance (Explain why this place is an important place in Freedom City: Play by Post, in an IC manner. What are its connections to Earth Prime, and how do people travel between there and here? Does a PC hail from here, or did some major event happen here? Is something happening in this universe that should be addressed by the heroes of Earth Prime? Give information that tells why a character would go to this place, or why a thread might be set there.) People (Many locations have PCs or NPCs associated with them who might be encountered on a visit to this place. Make an unordered list to tell about the people whom one might encounter at this place. If your place is an alternate universe, describe the population and their general attitudes and ideas that might be different from Earth Prime) History (Describe important events that have happened in this place. This can be just a paragraph for some locations, in other locations a timeline might be appropriate (see the Character Page template for information on making timelines)
  21. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a specific location in Interstellar Space, which is to say, not on Earth Prime, but in the Earth Prime universe. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Place Name) (Give a brief summary of the place here, including a general location in Known or Unknown Space, a short description of what it is like, and why it is significant in the Freedom City: Play by Post universe. If the place is of special significance to one or more PCs, note that here.) Location and Appearance (Give a more detailed description of where your place is located, whose territory of space, what constellation or galaxy, what solar system, whichever is applicable, and whether it is near any other notable places. If your place is a planet, discuss its population centers and land distribution, its climate and technological development. If it is a space station or other constructed location, describe its layout and technological development.) Significance (Explain why this place is an important place in Freedom City: Play by Post, in an IC manner. Does it have connections to Freedom City and Earth Prime, or is it more tied to the activities of spacegoing heroes? Does a hero come from this place, or did some major event happen here? Give information that tells why a character would go to this place, or why a thread might be set there.) People (Many locations have PCs or NPCs associated with them who might be encountered on a visit to this place. Make an unordered list to tell about the people whom one might encounter at this place. If your place is a planet, city or space station, describe the population.) History (Describe important events that have happened in this place. This can be just a paragraph for some locations, in other locations a timeline might be appropriate (see the Character Page template for information on making timelines)
  22. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a specific location on Earth Prime. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Place Name) (Give a brief summary of the place here. Where on Earth is it, a little bit about what it's like, how it is related to and significant to Freedom City: Play by Post If it is a place with special significance to a certain character or characters, note that here.) Location and Appearance (Give a more detailed description of where your place is located, what state or country, whether it is near any other notable places. If it is a city or country, describe its population and climate, its local hero population, its level of affluence and technological development. For a country, describe its capitol city and perhaps something about its power structure, for a city, include information about its neighborhoods and city politics. If your place is a specific building, describe its appearance inside and out.) Significance (Explain why this place is of particular importance in Freedom City: Play by Post, in an IC manner. Does a hero or villain hail from here? Is it a particular hotbed of metahuman activity? Did some important event take place here? Give information that tells why a character would go to this place, or why a thread might be set there.) People (Many locations have PCs or NPCs associated with them who might be encountered on a visit to this place. Make an unordered list to tell about the people whom one might encounter at this place.) History (Describe important events that have happened in this place. This can be just a paragraph for some locations, in other locations a timeline might be appropriate (see the Character Page template for information on making timelines)
  23. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a specific location in Freedom City. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Place Name) (Give a brief summary of the place here, what neighborhood it is in, a brief thumbnail idea of what it looks like and why it is important. If it is a place with special significance to a certain character or characters, note that here.) Location and Appearance (Give a more detailed description of where your place is located, what part of the city, what neighborhood, whether it is near any other notable places. Describe the area around your place, if applicable. Describe the place itself, outside and in. How big is it, what shape, what color, what condition? What does it look like inside, is it lavish or plain, new and modern, comfortably worn down, or old and abused?) Significance (Explain why this place is an important place in Freedom City: Play by Post, in an IC manner. Is it your hero's home or place of business, is it the headquarters for a secret society or a super-team? Give information that tells why a character would go to this place, or why a thread might be set there.) People (Many locations have PCs or NPCs associated with them who might be encountered on a visit to this place. Make an unordered list to tell about the people whom one might encounter at this place.) History (Describe important events that have happened in this place. This can be just a paragraph for some locations, in other locations a timeline might be appropriate (see the Character Page template for information on making timelines)
  24. Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a PC or NPC character. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter. (Character Name) (Brief Summary of Character here, who they are, where they operate, what they are like) History (Character History Information. This can be an expanded version of the backstory given on the character sheet, information on what the character has done since coming to Freedom City, or anything else relevant.) Costume and Appearance (What your character looks like, in civilian and heroic identity. Details about face, hair, height, build, types of clothing they are likely to wear. Description of their costume, design, color, mask if applicable, visible weapons or gadgets, special features.) Powers (Information about character powers. Cool origin of powers, descriptors, especially interesting power stunts, potential weaknesses.) Allies (Friends and teammates of your character, special relationships, family members) (Sidekick, HQ, Etc) (Create additional paragraphs for special features your character has. If they have a headquarters, describe it, how it is equipped, where it is located, how the hero came to have it. If they have a sidekick, the sidekick may warrant their own page, or simply a paragraph about them on the hero's page. You can also make sections for favored devices, your character's profession, or anything else you want to talk about.) Timeline (The timeline is a useful reference to all the threads your character has been in. The easiest way to make a timeline is to start with the year your character began, in the season they were introduced, and list all their threads in that season using the unordered-list button (buttons instead of numbers.) For every full year your character has been in play, start a new year in the timeline, with seasons listed Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Fall running till the Winter Solstice or all the way till the New Year. Make a link to the thread for easy later reference, and add a blurb describing what happened in that thread. The blurb can be as short or as long as is necessary to convey the important things that happened, or at least to give an idea.) Example: 2009 ​Summer The Sweet Science: Erin and Mike help Coach Jones test out some new gym equipment and prepare for their upcoming placement tests.Placement Test: Wander: Mr. Archer, the gym teacher, gives Erin her combat assessment in the Doom Room holosimulator. After priming her adrenaline response with physical challenges and perceived threats to life and limb, he tells her to fight four simulated opponents using her normal fighting style. She frightens off one opponent, kills the next two messily, and nearly knocks herself unconscious fighting the last one before Mr. Archer ends the test. Both of them are badly shaken by the testing and what it reveals about Erin's readiness to fight for the side of good.What Dreams May Come: Rattled by the combat assessment, Erin falls asleep and has a nightmare, inadvertently pulling her psychic roommate Alex along for the ride. Alex gets a look at the horrors of Erin's past and does her best to help, bringing the pair closer together.Fall Beautiful City: Erin and Alex work together in the Doom Room for the first time, where Alex acquits herself well despite Erin's overprotective instincts. They are rewarded by additional homework from Mr. Archer.The Morning Of: James and Erin play video games in the early morning hours of October 31. James mentions he's been having odd power spikes, and cagily mentions he has to deal with family business that evening. Erin shares that she's been confined to quarters for the evening to prevent accidents with partygoers. As he says goodbye, James tosses Erin the keys to his car, saying he won't be needing them. Erin misses the ominous overtone, too excited about the chance to go driving.2010 Winter Money for Nothing: Over Christmas Break, Alex cooks up a plan to play the stock market and build up a college fund for Zoe. She hires Erin to keep an eye on the stocks at night, and helps her out by making her a stock-owning employee of the new company and dumping a basic course in the stock market into her head. Erin is not sure about any of this working, but needs money for cat food and wants to help out anyway.
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