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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Tona kept one eye on the artwork while still moving too fast to take any of it in as more than a blur; Sam had given her a few lessons in moving through a crowd, but the young hunter was simply too fixated on lines of sight and camouflage to blend into a crowd. It was obvious something was happening up ahead of them, but there was no way to know what it was -- until the wall a few feet in front of the girls exploded and a man in a red and white bodysuit came tumbling through it. He crashed into a planetary diorama and lay there for a moment, before gathering himself up and marching up to the hole in the wall. "Give it up, you crumbling bag of dust and bile," he shouted at an unseen adversary. "There's no way you can beat the Golden Glove!" He glanced at the girls and motioned them back. "Stay out of the way, ladies, this could get dangerous." Indeed it seemed like it could be, as a mummy -- a bandage-wrapped corpse straight out of a Hammer horror film -- lurched out of the hole, knocking aside drywall and support beams like they were, well, so much dry wrapping. "You seek a challenge you cannot overcome," the mummy intoned. "Stand aside, or you shall be destroyed."
  2. Warp and Blue Jay First challenger is For reference,
  3. "I have a very good nose," Changeling said, "and eyes in the back of my head. Don't worry, you were pretty good." She paused. "Until the part where I lost you. Sorry, I don't think I can give you a very high grade on this exercise." Tona looked at Sam, glanced down at her bandages, and squeezed the other girl's hand. "I can... live with that."
  4. Tona squeezed Kat's hand in response and began to breathe a little easier. "I guess we can work on this together," she said. "I don't think they would notice if we turn in the same paper. Do you?" Tona's eyes slid off her fellow Claremont student as something caught her attention in the background. A number of uniformed security officers were walking past, at a gait designed not to look like they were hurrying. The young archer was an experienced hunter and tracker, though, and noticed all of them converging on the same place. She touched Kat's arm and nodded past the other girl's shoulder. "Trouble," she said, and began walking towards the line of security officers.
  5. Jay stood up at the railing again and sighted on the head engineer once again. She drew back, paused -- and had a line of fire trace across her cheek. Jay gasped and fell back, slapping her free hand against her cheek and coming away with her palm bloody. She looked down at her bow, only to find that the line had snapped clean through! She started swearing in three languages as she glanced back up at Gazer -- just in time to lock eyes with him and remember not to do so. She clamped her eyes shut and turned away, already digging for a fresh bowstring.
  6. Blue Jay's ranged attack check w/ +5 Power Attack, vs Gazer's Def. DC 25 + Autofire Tou (1d20+10=12) ... F--- you too, IC. Gazer Beam 'em! To Jay this time, 'cause she actually has flesh. Blue Jay's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+12=22) Nope!
  7. Changeling frowned a touch. "I've never seen that blonde girl before in my life," she said. "In all honesty I didn't really notice her; maybe she was hiding intentionally, but I wasn't watching what happened to the bag, anyway." Tona frowned. "So you were just waiting for us to get bored of waiting for you?" Changeling looked to the side and coughed. "Well, not really. See, I can change my appearance when I want to, so..." Her hair changed in a wave, going from blonde to raven-black, and her facial features changed to something sharper and harder. Tona stared at her for a minute, then blushed fiercely. "Wait, did you... outside the coffee shop, did you sort of... I mean, when Sam and I were standing together and someone bumped into us, and we..." Changeling shrugged. "It wasn't exactly professional, but you two looked so cute together!"
  8. "I hate the Terminus," Tona said, speaking slowly and carefully. "I don't hate people from the Terminus." She smiled, just slightly. "Otherwise I'd hate myself and my family, and I don't. I'd do anything to save them." She sighed and looked down at her hands, then over at Kat. "I don't know everything that my double did, but it wasn't me. So... let's start over, okay?" She held out her hand to the other girl. "Hi. I'm Tona."
  9. Looks like a scene from the next Persona game. Unfortunately KD is far too old to be a jRPG protagonist. But he could be a mid-boss!
  10. Any train of thought Tona had was derailed, detonated, melted down into scrap iron, and fashioned into tank traps to catch other lines of imagination at the mention of the Terminus. She grew more silent than normal, becoming almost entirely still before simply saying, "... Yes." She didn't make any noise, barely even breathed for an entire minute, until she finally glanced down at her feet. "I was... born there. I spent most of my life there. And now I'm here."
  11. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Harmattan Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Physicist turns a natural talent for aeromancy into super-speed. Alternate Identity: Russel Dawson Identity: Secret Birthplace: Orlando, Florida Occupation: Crime scene technician Affiliations: Freedom City Police Department, Criminal Analysis (on-Scene Technician) Family: Andrew Dawson (father), Bethany Dawson (mother), Heather Dawson (older sister), Ryan Dawson (younger brother) Description: Age: 32 (DoB: June 1981) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African Height: 5' 7" Weight: 120 lbs Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Russel Dawson is a thin man, not quite of average height, with a round face and pronounced bone structure. His fingers are unusually long and they're usually moving, always twitching or fidgeting with something. He's usually neat and tidy, and his wardrobe runs towards pressed slacks and oxford shirts. His hair he prefers to grow long, and at any time it could be merely curling around his ears or down to his collarline. His glasses are small, square-rimmed, and frameless. As Harmattan he dresses in a pale blue full-body suit, including padded soles and gloves, with white circles up his trunk and leading off onto his arms. His legs have white pouches running up them. His head is normally uncovered, and he wears blue-rimmed sports goggles to keep the wind out of his face. Power Descriptions: Russel has a natural, instinctual command over air magics. This normally manifests as increased speed and reaction time, but he can also use it to summon a temporary storm to cover an area, or even blow enemies off their feet. History: Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Complications: Secret Russel works to make sure that no one can connect him to Harmattan. Prejudice He's black and he's gay. Plenty of folks have reasons to hate him before they even know him. Farsighted It's hard for Russel to make out objects very close to him. In his civilian disguise he wears glasses, but Harmattan's goggles are off the shelf and this can cause issues if he doesn't want to reveal his identity. Conflict of Interest Russel's a CAST, and while he doesn't investigate crime directly he sometimes worries about using the information he receives on to the job when fighting crime after hours. Hazards of the Job As part of CAST, Russel works odd hours and can be called in at almost any time to look at something gruesome and disturbing. Abilities: 0 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 0 + 0 = 0PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Grapple: +0 Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +0 (+1 Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+0 Wis, +0) Skills: 0R = 0PP Feats: 4PP Defensive Roll 3 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 3 + 3 + 23 = 29PP All powers have the magic descriptor Speed 3 (50 MPH) [3PP] Super-Senses 3 (Magic Awareness [Mental]) [3PP] Wind Speed Array 10 (20PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3) [23PP] BE: Speed 10 (Stacks for Speed 13, 500 000 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [insubstantial]) + Insubstantial 2 (Extra: Linked [+0] [speed]) AP: Strike 10 (Extra: Autofire [10]) (Thousand Punch) AP: Strike 10 (Extra: Penetrating [10]) (Shaped Air Blade) AP: Trip 10 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Flaw: Range/Touch) (Wind Storm) Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) (NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post.) Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (39) - Drawbacks (0) = 18/150 Power Points
  12. Smythe's Reflex save, vs DC 19. (1d20+6=18) Nope. Smythe's Will save, vs DC 19. (1d20+8=28) Yup.
  13. Smythe watched slack-jawed as the red-headed interloper burned a hole into the bottom of her boat and she began to ship water. "You... you... You idiot girl!" She fired at Kit and the younger girl nimbly dodged the darts. "That was my ticket back to SHADOW, back to my love's good graces. How dare you wreck my chance!?" She charged and grabbed Kit, and they both went over the side and into the water.<br /><br />Standing back on the shore, Blue Jay, Crimson Tiger, and Blodeuwodd could only watch Kit and Smythe's conversation. But when the women hit the water Jay was off like a shot, dashing to the edge of the sea and jumping in, making a beeline for where the pair were thrashing about.
  14. Raveled

    The Talk

    Jessica clenched her teeth and started walking just a little bit faster, moving her arms more rapidly and gesturing more sharply. And she didn't take Baxter's arm again. "Okay then. Sure. Just let the armor sit in a bin somewhere, or have the League's scientists tear it apart." She took a deep breath. "So what are you going to do, then, if you're not going to try and, you know, save the world anymore?"
  15. Tona opened one fist and took Sam's hand, squeezing almost painfully but not saying a word. After a couple of minutes she took a deep breath and raised her eye to meet Sam's. "But I did look really, really cool, didn't I?" "You really did." Both girls looked to the door, where Changeling was standing. "It's all on YouTube and everything. Of course not many people would recognize a petite redhead and an angry brunette, but I've got sharp eyes." She looked at Sam. "And you were right about leaving my bag behind to lose you two."
  16. Tona squirmed under the line of questioning. "Well, I was... She was trying to escape, and... I mean she still had Changeling's bag, and...!" Tona sighed and slumped. "Okay, so I screwed up. Big time. But I couldn't just... I couldn't let her get away. She was so close close and she was going to get away!" She clenched her fists, not sure how to verbalize her hunter's instinct to chase and pounce, not to let a target run off scot-free.
  17. Tona shrugged. "There's a place called the Doom Room, which can become almost any sort of place you want. It's used for combat training, so we don't have to go to all sorts of exotic, out of the way locals to train." She sighed. "But Next-Gen's in there right now. They're doing some kind of underwater exercise, and they have it booked for the next couple of hours. So we can't get in to look at it right now."
  18. Tona scratched her uninjured arm. "I was trying to catch the teleporter," she said. "When she went underneath the bridge I tried to swing after her. I remember Mr. Archer saying that teleporters have a hard time getting away if you can get in close to them, so I got in as close as I could." She sighed. "But then when I was under the bridge and wrapped all around her," And boy did she ever blush red when she said that, "I couldn't get out the way of the knife. Eventually I decided that it was better to let her get away than, well, gut me." She coughed. "Um. Thanks for not letting me, you know, fall."
  19. Fleur's animated forest made short work of the engineering crew, and Blue Jay felt a little safer engaging the head mechanic again. She sent another volley of arrows down at him, and while they tore at his gold suit he didn't seem too badly hurt by the barrage. Gazer, for his part, turned his monocular gaze on the green-haired plant-controller. However before his power could find a hold in her one of her leafy bodyguards stepped in. Gazer's eye bored into the bark, but it seemed that his abilities only worked on flesh, not chlorophyll.
  20. Initiatives 28 Blue Jay -- Uninjured -- HPx1 24 Gazer -- Uninjured -- GM 19 Fleur -- Uninjured -- HPx4 19 Tree! 1 -- Uninjured -- Minion 19 Tree! 2 -- Uninjured -- Minion 19 Tree! 3 -- Uninjured -- Minion 19 Tree! 4 -- Uninjured -- Minion 19 Tree! 5 -- Uninjured -- Minion 17 Goldshirts 1 -- Out -- Minion Blue Jay For lack of anything better, Jay will simply attack Gazer. Blue Jay's ranged attack, vs Gazer's Def. DC 20 + Autofire Tou (1d20+15=30) That gives the full +5 DC, so DC 25 Tou. Gazer's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+10=29) Fiddle you too, Gazer! Gazer Will try to petrify Fleur this time. Except she has tree minions, so they Interpose! Gazer's ranged attack check vs. Tree's Def. DC 20 Ref & Fort. (1d20+9=28) Tempted to stunt Improved Crit and make all those rolls DC 25, but there's no point. One tree man needs to make a DC 20 Ref save to look away, and if he fails a DC 20 Fort save or be petrified.
  21. Raveled

    The Talk

    Jessica bit her lip. She didn't want to start an arguement with Baxter, since technically they had only met a few minutes ago, but she also didn't feel like she could leave it lay. "Should ypou be doing that, Bax?" she asked him. "I know that the Curator's double did some terrible things in the Bee-Keeper's name, but..." She felt tension knotting in her gut again, and part of her was screaming that this was a terrible idea, but she couldn't back out of the conversation noe. "So did Barry Bowles, kind of. I know he didn't kill anyone," And certainly didn't incinerate them with robo-bees, she did not add, "but you knew it would always be an up-hill struggle to get people to accept the Bee-Keeper as a hero. This is a pretty big set-back, but the people in the know already know that you weren't really responsible for what happened. In a few days the League will put out a statement andveveryone will know the truth."
  22. Tona's mouth went dry for a moment, as all the ways this situation could go horribly awry flashed through her mind like a grim chorus line. It hadn't been that long ago that Cerys had been forced to kill someone that looked a lot like her, and the air between them was still uneasy. Nevertheless, there wasn't any point in avoiding her; the school wasn't that big, and they would have to confront the issue eventually. "Oui," she said. "Although, I should tell you that the most exciting part of the school is already being used." She glanced longingly towards the administration building, and wondered when three hours would be up.
  23. Insofar as War-Earth is Warcraft, this is Dwarves vs. Night Elves; technology and beards vs. nature and not-beards. Blue Jay (and co?) gets sucked into War-Earth and ends up in the middle of the conflict, on the Elf side. Maybe she's attacked by the Dwarves and rescued by the Elves, maybe she does the rescuing, maybe she just feels closer to the Elves than the Dwarves. So Jay helps the Elves a little bit, impressions of her youth as a guerilla fighter. Eventually she comes to believe that the Elves are in the wrong, that they're little pointy-eared fascists who simply want to wipe out the Dwarves for being different. She tries to meet with the Dwarves, only to be captured and taken to their stronghold. Not to put too much of the plot forward, but suffice to say there's dissent among the Dwarves for what's happening, and Tona manages to resolve the conflict with a minimum of death and tragedy. Then goes home. Outstanding issues; I see a figure called the Sagittarius among the elves whose role Jay can temporarily assume, for future character development. However, would this make the story too Mighty Whitey, even considering it's fantasy races? After all, we have an outsider to the culture dropping in, assimilating almost immediately, assuming a high position in this society, fixing the big, obvious problem, and then goes home to live the rest of her life.
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