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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Interesting concept. Kind of reminds me of some of the later Flashes; cop skills with super-speed. The backstory seems solid, but combined with the powers there are some issues that jump out at me. Like, are all Tichrons immortal? If not, why is Indigo? Why did a human family on Earth adopt this strange blue alien? How did he become aware of a conflict on a primitive world so far away from his own? I would strongly recommend building this character up to their PL 10 combat caps. Currently he is PL 9 defensively and PL 5 offensively. Having literally no Fort save is going to bite you in the ass, painfully and often. I know that blaster pistols are listed as Equipment in the core book, but it's unlikely that it will be allowed. Energy pistols are just too far in the tech scale to be a common item like that. There's a lot of one-rank skills listed there. It might save points in the long run to pick up Eidetic Memory or Jack of All Trades and invest those points elsewhere. Impervious is an Extra, not a Feat. What that means is, you have to pay a point for every rank of Impervious, above and beyond what you're already paying for the Protection.
  2. Raveled

    The Talk

    Jessica held Baxter's hand as they walked towards the entrance of the mall. "Mostly just hung out. Visited museums. Watched movies. Talked about things. I kept wondering if he'd ever ask me home to meet your folks or whatever, but he never did." She ran a hand through her hair, laughing briefly at the idea. "That's probably for the best, huh? Um. How are you managing, at home?" She felt uneasy asking, but she had to know. "My friend's girlfriend got taken with everyone else, and I know they've been spending a lot of time together. Though they spend a lot of time together anyway, so I'm not sure if that's a side-effect of anything."
  3. Tona was taken aback by the idea of riding the massive creature, but after a moment she decided it wasn't nearly as bad as riding in Mali's car. At least there was no way that a living thing, no matter how large, could go faster than the insane forty miles per hour people seemed to prefer in Earth-Prime! She did take the time to stow her bow before hopping up. Valut took a little more encouragement. "Are you... are you sure we won't fall off?" Beeatrizz fanned her wings sharply at the idea. "WE WOULD NEVER DROP A FRIEND OF THE FLEUR! ZZZZETZZZZA'ZZZZ FRIENDZZZ ARE FRIENDZZZZ OF THE HIVE!" The woman paled, but she finally climbed aboard, holding onto Tona tightly. "Please don't fall," she whispered. "Please don't fall, please don't fall..."
  4. Tona put her arms around Sam, holding the other girl close. "I vote for Sam's," she said simply. She nuzzled against Sam's shoulder. "Sorry I've been such a downer tonight," she whispered. "We can... we can talk about it later, if you want?" She wasn't sure if this was the right time to open up to Sam, but if not now then when?
  5. The plants erupted from the ground and in the space of a breath the more muscular pirate was completely encased in greenery. He struggled and pulled, but there simply wasn't anyway for him to gain enough leverage to break free. The serpent pirate hissed at the writhing vines and leaves and fled the clearing; Tona loosed arrows after it, but the reptile darted between trees agily and none found their mark. The archer stepped out of cover, eyes fixed on where the snake had disappeared. "Merde," she spat. She turned on the squat man, now a low pile of vegetation. "I guess we'll just have to question him about where they came fr--" All of a sudden she froze, and looked to the sky as a low droning filled the air. In moments the sky was filled with gigantic, hovering, fuzzy yellow-and-black bodies.The wave passed in an instant, except for the one who peeled off and made a beeline to Stesha and the clearing. It let out a roar of fire and then came to a hovering halt overhead -- a bee the size of a bus, giving the distinct impression of smiling smugly. Valut cringed away from it, not sure what she should be most scared of. And then the bee spoke, and it was obvious what was scariest. "THE HIVE COMEZZZ!" it roared, its voice even louder than its wings. "WE FLY FOR THE FLEUR, TO PUZZZH BACK THE INVADERZZZ!"
  6. Could've sworn I had them up here, but for the record. and Demon's Reflex save, vs DC 28. Snare (1d20+5=12) Okay, he is completely immobilized and helpless. For the record the Blast would have hit anyway, this guy's Defense is atrocious. Of course that means his Toughness is sky-high. Demon's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+14=23) Daze + Bruise. I'll take this moment to have Tona shoot, as well. Tona's ranged attack, vs Snake Pirate's flat-footed Def. DC 20 Tou + Autofire (1d20+15=26) Thank god for flat-footed. Full autofire, so DC 25 Tou. Snake Pirate's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+8=26) Well, damn,
  7. GM Tona didn't bother to answer, merely bringing her bow to full draw and sighting on the snake. The pair rounded on Stesha as she entered the clearing, each of them coming up from a different direction, the snake putting its hand on its sword. "We don't care whossse world thisss isss, little green girl. We are the piratesss of Captain Kraken! We plunder whole worldsss, what makesss you think this will be any different?" The wide-set creature circled to Stesha's opposite side. "C'mon," he growled. "Start something. It's been too long since I've broken something that bleeds and screams." Valut watched the exchange, trembling, clearly terrified for Fleur and for herself.
  8. "Um." Valut glanced around the clearing as twin red spots burned on her cheeks. "They kind of already ate the animals they grabbed before. But they brought a pregnant goat into the hydroponic garden just this morning, is that one of yours?" Tona's head whipped around to stare at a point in the foliage. She was silent for a moment, and then simply said "Incoming" before melting back into the forest. Valut shooed Fleur back under cover, before turning to watch the trees. A few minutes later two figures appeared, crashing through the underbrush. One was a squat, wide-set man with orange skin and a ragged cape that was currently covered in brambles, and the other was a snake the size of a man, bearing a curved sword and a tricorn hat. The snake slithered up to Valut. "Where have you been," it demanded. "The Captain wantsss everyone back on-board. The sssenorsss have picked up sssomething approaching the ssship." Valut stepped back, fear written in her face. "I, I, I, I was just trying to find some more, some more seeds. If we don't get more seedlings, then we --" "Then we'll run out of leaves and fruits," the brute growled as he glared at her. "And have to find real things to eat. Gee, I wonder what we'll choose first." He bared his jagged teeth in a predatory smile and Valut shot a terrified glance towards where Fleur and Blue Jay were hiding.
  9. Ironclad laughed. "Yeah, I can put up the Science Sign. Gee, that'd look weird, though -- a wolf head with dragonfly wings and jets, all imposed on a honeycomb?" She sighed and looked down at the laser assembly in her hands. "You're right, though, Fenris. These guys are going to try something like this again, and if we respond instead of a random sampling, we can at least bring some knowledge of what they can do to the fight. Will be a lot more effective than just hoping we're around when it happens."
  10. The blonde woman sighed dramatically. "Oh, thank the stars and fuzzy creatures. I'm Valut. I'm sorry to have interrupted your, uh, planet, but the scanners didn't pick up anyone nearby." "We didn't come from nearby." Tona stepped out of the forest. She kept her bow carefully pointed away from the alien. "We came from very far away, following a trail left from something that was stealing animals." Valut's brow furrowed for a moment, then she stamped her foot. "Oh, damn damn damn! The Captain promised me that he'd stop the others raiding!" She glanced between the two other women. "I'm sorry. I'm a botanist, and I'm supposed to be growing enough food for the crew. But some of them don't like eating just salads, so they're going out to hunt. I'm sorry, I didn't realize they were going into your village!"
  11. The thread for dice and rolls in regards to
  12. February 14th, 2013 Hunter Museum of Natural History, Freedom City Noon Tona Baudin wandered through the halls of the Hunter Museum, looking up at the bones of long-dead animals or posed scenes out of prehistory. Fossilized ferns were lined up next to stone arrowheads and a slim piece of wood with the plaque "One-Note Flute" in front of it. Tona was more used to nature than most, heck she was a lot more comfortable in the natural world than in the artificial one most people inhabited, but this wasn't her natural world. She was used to living animals and green, growing things; not dust and rocks and approximations. But here she was, trying to find something to write about, because the Curator had abducted her before exams and Claremont wasn't about to let a test taken by a robotic duplicate go on someone's permanent record. Apparently. The young woman sighed and hitched at the straps of her bag, where her bow and costume rested. Even here she was ever ready, though goodness knows what kind of villain would attack a museum in the middle of the day. She walked out of the prehistory exhibit and began wandering towards agriculture. Ever since her visit to Sanctuary she'd been growing more interested in how many people a piece of land could support, so maybe she could write about the history of farming, or something. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into another girl! Tona fell on her ass, blushing at her own clumsiness. "Merde. I'm sorry, I just wasn't watching where I was -- Katherine Shade? Is that you?"
  13. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Power Level: 8 (120/120PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Alternate Identity: Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Affiliations: Family: Ulysses Description: Age: 32 (DoB: September 1986) Gender: Male Ethnicity: European Height: 5' 8" Weight: 140 lbs/200 lbs Eyes: Hair: Power Descriptions: History: Personality & Motivation: (Describe here) Powers & Tactics: Complications: Abilities: -2 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 4 = 12PP Strength: 26/8 (+8/-1) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 26/12 (+8/+1) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +4 Melee, +4 Ranged, +8 Unarmed Grapple: +3 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4/-1 Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 6 = 10PP Toughness: +8/+1 (+8/+1 Con) Fortitude: +10/+3 (+8/+1 Con, +2) Reflex: +5 (+3 Dex, +2) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) Skills: 32R = 8PP Diplomacy 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+5)Skill Mastery Language 2 (Arabic, English [Native], Latin) Notice 9 (+9) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 9 (+9)Skill Mastery Feats: 13PP All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Fascinate (Diplomacy) Improved Initiative Luck 2 Power Attack Second Chance (Concentrate) Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Knowledge [Civics], Notice, Stealth) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 8 + 38 + 3 = 49PP All powers have the Magic and Truenaming Descriptors Drawbacks: (-3) = -3PP Normal Identity (Needs to speak) [-3] DC Block (see below)Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (16) + Feats (13) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (3) = 135/150 Power Points
  14. GM Smythe's super-Max was giving the man superhuman endurance and strength; but nothing could let him stand up to the assault of Blodeuwodd and Crimson Tiger forever. Dyrnwn crashed on the man's back and he fell to his knees, pawing weakly at the air as he tried to grasp at either woman. Finally though, he fell face-down on the warehouse floor, moaning gently. Underneath the warehouse, Smythe jumped on the boat and quickly started the engine, keeping the speed slow so as not to run into a wooden piling. She was smart enough not to give Blue Jay a clear shot, though, maneuvering between the pillars and making sure any arrows fired would have a torturous path to find her.
  15. Raveled

    The Talk

    Jessica laughed. "Animatronic dinosaurs. That's a new one on me!" As the engine roared to life she worked the shift smoothly, applying just the right pressure to the gas pedal; it didn't quite peel out of the parking lot, but there was the definite sense that the vehicle wanted to. Jessica enjoyed the power in the machine, too, or maybe it was just the fact that Baxter hadn't rejected her out of hand, that this whole thing hadn't crashed and burned. "And... yeah. I like movies. I like to watch movies." She slid in and out of traffic easily, using every opportunity presented in the couple of blocks she had to utilize the car's power and handling. All too soon though they were pulling into a parking spot in Millennium Mall's parking garage. Jessica climbed out of the vehicle and tossed the peacoat inside, over her chair. Underneath the coat she was wearing a navy blue skirt that came to her knees and a grass-green blouse that was open at the collar. She wondered if Baxter would bring his bookbag along.
  16. Ah, so Nora wasn't actually a vampire! So what cured her wasn't a vampire cure, but instead a cure for whatever blood-drinking deadness she had. Well now I feel rather silly.
  17. Berserker's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+10=13) And he's down for the count. :clap: Blod just went, so Smythe is up next and then Tiger.
  18. Raveled

    The Talk

    Jessica felt the knot in her gut loosen as Baxter didn't go screaming off into the hills, or push her away and say that he never wanted to see her again or similar. She was surprised that he wanted to go someplace with her right away, though, and bought time by getting into her car and settling in, mentally reviewing what was close by. "Well," she said finally, "we could always go to Millennium Mall." She looked over at Baxter and shrugged. "Or we could go to the Hunter Museum. That should be open by now."
  19. GM The blonde woman had just managed to catch the beetle, but Stesha's sudden appearance startled her into releasing it again. She started talking in her alien language again, paused, and dug through her bag. She pulled out something that looked like nothing so much as a postage stamp and stuck it to her throat. "¿Habla usted este idioma? Was ist mit diesem ein? Est hoc linguae tuae congruens? What about here, is this it?" She kept moving her finger around the postage stamp, making minute adjustments. "How in the stars is anyone supposed to live on a planet without a single language, anyway? It's madness!"
  20. Ironclad Starlight Blue Jay GM ?p=185309
  21. Tona got her first look at the Claremont campus after the destruction wrought by her duplicate, and was rooted to the ground. The administration building was a gutted core, there were debris strewn about all over the place, and there were blackened patches of earth where fires had no doubt burned the immaculate lawn. She could barely move her feet to take her through the portal, and once she was there all she could do was hug herself and stare open-mouthed. All of this... was she responsible for it? Had this been the job of her duplicate, to behead the Claremont Academy? To take the best place for young people to train to become heroes, and kill its heart and brain? If that was the case, she didn't know how she would be able to stay -- in this city, or in this world.
  22. Blue Jay was woken roughly when the ship was passing Jupiter, and had just enough time to grab a quick shower before the Nightdragon was settling down. The bow was stored again, and the mask tucked away, and she looked like just another tired teenager with a backpack. She watched the emotional reunions, and it just made the cold pit in her stomach grow. Redbird's comments about how 'effective' her double had been just made her dread returning to Claremont even more, but she knew that she couldn't put it off. She sighed and tugged at Quickstep's arm. "Come on," she said. "Time to get back to school."
  23. Tona's mouth went dry at the question. Her normal lie was 'Maine,' which wasn't exactly untrue; it just left out the much more important question of which dimension she grew up in. This time, though... she didn't want to lie to Stesha. This place really was almost exactly like home. It was like a dream come true, and she didn't want to antagonize its owner. The question was taken out of her hands when the quiet of the forest was pushed out by a lilting song. It wasn't in any language Tona or Stesha recognized, but there was a definitely a melody and a rhythm to it. Tona slid forward, her movements suddenly liquid and predatory; she nocked an arrow but didn't draw it, preferring to use her agility to move noiselessly through the undergrowth. In a few minutes she came to a break in the forest and settled into the shadows. In the clearing was a woman with short blonde hair, wearing a red dress with a gold shawl wrapping around it. She was singing in a strange, alien language as she examined the bushes and trees closely. Occasionally she would prune off a leaf or a branch and drop it into a clear jar, and then put the jar in a brown satchel. At one point an iridescent beetle buzzed across the clearing and she chased after it, eyes only on the insect.
  24. "Stesha. Right. Well if I ever have a reason to put my mask on, you should call me Blue Jay. Though I don't know why I should worry about anyone here knowing who I am back home." She knelt down and checked the base of a bush, coming up with a soggy white cylinder that looked uncannily like a cigarette butt. "Littering," she said conversationally, then shredded the cylinder and brushed her hands clean. "So you just... find people that need a home, and bring them to Sanctuary? Like, anyone?"
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